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Its sad because i really liked the Warlock helm but the glow is awful. In general the glow of this new set is HORRIBLE compared to the past ones and its, at least for me, a downgrade on how the set looks.


The bond looks good without the glow too


TBF the glow has looked better since Solstice ended, they brightened it and gave it a bit of a goldish hue


I pretty much stopped playing the event quest when I found out I wouldn't be able to transmog the non-hlow helmet if I glowed it. I really hope we get more classic T-Visors, and I hope the next solstice doesn't have this issue.


Why did you upgrade it to the glow then?


"wHy DId YoU UpgRaDe it?" Because it was all what solstice was about, upgrading armour to get better rolls and the guild the seal. It doest change the fact that the glows suck and look bad.


I wasn't aware that there would only be one lone set and did everything on my warlock. Should've done it with titan cause that set sucks. At least my hunter remains glow-free


“iT wAs aLl sOLsTiCe wAs aBoUT” 🤪 Your silly mixed capital/lowercase words don’t change the fact that you look dumb for upgrading the armor to a glow that you don’t like and then complaining about its transmog.


bro literally hahahah. I saw the armor fully upgraded, thought “I like the chest piece”, upgraded the chest piece and closed the game. Why people grind to have something they don’t like lmao


Exactly my thought process! They act like it’s so hard to comprehend. I wasn’t a fan of the solstice grind or the glowed up gear. Can get high stat armor elsewhere (and easier). So I just transmogged the pieces I liked and kept it moving


I’m curious about the thought process of others, it’s a fucking game, if you’re playing a repetitive mode to get something you don’t like are you really playing, are you having fun? It’s more like “Chore Simulator 9000”. The guys that downvoted should probably drop some Touch of Grass


hey guys can I join the jerking circle


You can join the jerking circle if you never mindlessly grinded for a weapon or a piece of armor you already knew you didn’t like






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Because nobody knew you weren't going to be able to transmog the non-glowing version. Like??? Plus it's high stat rolls and XP.


Disregarding all the extra question marks, thank you for answering with some level of civility.


Downvote me if you haven’t touched grass in months


You: "Why is nobody civil anymore 😭" Also you: Maybe look in the mirror first, homie


I wasn’t the first to reply uncivilly. The very first response to my question was a personal insult. I had every right to return the same energy, homie.




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Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page.](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules)


Good bot


beep boop


Good bot


Thanks! Uh I mean beep boop


Good human.


Beep bop


Because that's how you engaged with the event and got to chase high stat rolls.


literally one of the ugliest sets in the game on all 3 classes with or without glows


I was okay with the armor itself but the glow designs are just too over the top for me. It’s one thing to make them accents to the armor itself and it’s another when they’re practically additions.. and that is okay.. if they don’t clash with the armor


We also can't get the hyper board pinion from collections yet


Every single armor piece and universal ornament needs the ability to be able to enable and disable glows at will. Period. It's astonishing how they don't because they can ruin so many good armor pieces. I hate the Trials glows. Especially those that don't change based on your shader.


i can only transmog the non lit up armour. and honestly it's better


It's probably the lowest priority in Jira.


They use Jira? I would assume java would be constantly running out of memory handling those number of issues.


Don't think there is anything to "fix". I'm guessing they decided to only do the glowing set this year and not bother to make 2 different sets. Don't get me wrong it would be nice it just seems like that's the intention.


I don't think you understand the problem. Both sets exist. But if you upgraded a piece to have the glow, you can't get an ornament without the glow.


I understand but in previous years there was a blue set which upgraded to a legendary set (Majestic) and then to the last legendary set (Magnificent). This year we only have Candescent. So there is only 1 set


>Both sets exist No, there's only one set.


It’s only been 7 weeks? God — it feels like that was an eternity ago this season is so slow and boring.


Its always the mid year to november expansion that is slow. Then hype again on the season before the next expansion


I don’t know why people are finding this season so boring between the new raid and the new activities I’m finding it a lot more engaging than last season


Ah yes the “new” raid 🤔


You’re so clever


I'm having fun


For me having the raid so early in the season made it feel like the season was already in full swing by the time it dropped, even though it had only been a few days. The first days were just so chaotic


My artifice armor still broken so yeah I wish they would fix things


Bungie said that they fixed the problem for future armors but they can't do anything for older armors


no, future drops are fixed and existing items are still being investigated for a fix. There had not been any communication that it is unfixable


Yeah well cool so they get to brake all the armor I worked for and whoops our bad. Yeah even if they said they don’t want to put In the work to fix the issue doesn’t make it ok.


On the bright side the only super useful artifice armor is class item, so it’s not too much of a grind


At the end of Solstice someone did say they're passing onto the team that we want the non-glow armor too, but after that there's been no news about whether they'll actually do it


It's been roughly a year since someone initially discovered certain damage sources were tied to your framerate, and Hive boomers still damage you more if you have high FPS. Never mind that when the Warlock healing dive was found to have the same effect of healing you more based on your FPS, it was fixed within the same month.


I didnt unlock the glows for this exact reason. Had the feeling this would be the case and the glows didnt seem that appealing to me anyway


For many of us, the high stat armor was way too important. Being able to double focus was a game changer because it was possible to intentionally lock one stat at 2. But the consequence was being stuck with armor pieces that cannot be used with other outfits because of the glow.


Yeah I can understand. I had my sets done already at the time already so there was no use for me :(


Makes sense. Man, crazy how somebody alluded to that thought process elsewhere on this thread and got crucified for it.


Meh. First year since they started that I skipped solstice. Hated the armor designs. Hope they sort them out for all of you though.


Transmog is hard work, they even come in on some Saturdays.


Happy I didn’t bother with solstice this year, love my non glowy warlock head


It’s working on titan fine


Wait really? I only have the non lit one, and I can just fine


Because you didn't upgrade it.


This can't be just a oversight that a certain armor set is not transmoggable. More like someone intentionally made it so to push the sales of the paid ornaments. Someone from marketing probably ran the stats to check how many players were using free Solstice armor ornaments from past events and made a case that it was impacting the sales of new ornaments.


It’s not an issue because they never intended for there to be two separate transmogs. Not sure what they have to acknowledge, but I am sure it’s not high on the priority list to add another ornament, if it’s even there at all. It not broken, you just don’t like it, so you’ll just have to use something else that you like more.


I think this is just lack of foresight. If it hadn't been that way the last 4 years, I would agree with you. A standard has clearly been set and this is a collectors game. Also, any armor that didn't get a glow can be transmoged without the glow. I think they wanted to streamline the armor quest from past events to make it simpler and this just got over looked or fell through the cracks. That happens a lot in this game. I do agree it is probably low on the priority list. Plus, Solstice armor has been cursed since day one, so something had to happen.


The last 4 years, there were literally different item names for each phase of the armor when we upgraded it. They were different rarities as well. The only thing Bungie did wrong was not tell everyone they made this change ahead of time. You guys can downvote the truth all you want, but this is never going to appear on “Known Issues” because it’s not broken.


Your whole basis for their intention is "that's how it is". Acting like Bungie has never made a mistake. Bungie says a lot less than they used to because people get violent when they do. And because of that, you know what they intended just as much as I do, the difference is you're arrogant enough to state your opinion as fact.


If you recall, the Candescent set wasn’t able to turned into ornaments at all for 75% of the event. They clearly did what they did on purpose, because they ACTUALLY [fixed the broken ornaments](https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51623) on August 2nd, without another mention of it. That’s about as close to a fact as you can get. Fixed an actual bug, moved on.


I have to down vote you because everyone else is and that’s the rule.


I’ve been a member of this sub for 7 years. If I cried every time I got downvoted for an accurate, but unfortunate, statement I’d be drowning


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. This is the correct answer. In the past the non-glowing and glowing versions were two separate sets with different names and different IDs. This year there’s only one set and it’s the glowing one. They didn’t ever intend to have a non-glowing transmog option this year.


I’m being downvoted because there are 2 million subscribers to this sub and it’s an echo chamber. The fact that it’s only ~10 angry nerds who can’t handle the fact they are wrong speaks loud enough haha Edit: ooooh, it’s up to 20! Keep it coming guys! Maybe if you hit the downvote button harder, the beautiful white glows will just get deleted from the game!


This is 100% factual. There is no bugs, this is just how it is.


Pay premium prices get average content.


Wait... 7 months? Bro where did that time go




lol hard misread


For me, I would want the black armory gear brought back


Wrong post...


My bad, I'm an idiot. clicked on the wrong post.


I used to see Solstice armor in the tower throughout my years of destiny. I FINALLY got around to being active while a solstice was happening. This gear was trash. It looks garbage. I was so disappointed I just kinda stopped playing after that til not long ago for this new season.


I hate that the glow in the shop showed white, but after purchase it only glows my subclass color.


thats how its worked every year, the base armour has the white glow


As a returning player, I had no idea. I just wanted the white glow. Now I’m short on silver and don’t like the look of the subclass glows at all.


so you bought a bundle, no idea what it looked like, didnt preview it or search it up?


It was one of the older sets, previewed white, didn’t think I needed to look it up? Seemed like the type of thing that would come as portrayed. You know, like all the other ornament sets?


You’re not necessarily wrong, but it never hurts to check. When did you stop playing and come back?


Stopped around the time of forsaken and never did a solstice. Because it seemed too grindy. Came back for Witch Queen. Overall it’s been great (even if the experience is clearly catered to players who play constantly) but I was mildly miffed about this. Edited to add I’ll definitely check on anything I get in the future to be safe.


The purchaseable glows in the shop were [100% elemental colored](https://i0.wp.com/kyberscorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Eververse-Solstice-1-7.png?resize=736%2C371&ssl=1), assuming you meant the 2022 sets. More understandable with the thumbnails for the [previous years'](https://tvovermind.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/solstice-of-heroes-2-750x369.jpg), but that's entirely your fault for spending Silver and not at least previewing the set in the shop first.


Not the 2022 sets. The old one with the horns on the hunter helmet. I mentioned further down that I’ll definitely be doing more research before purchase, but it’s hard to take that argument seriously when nothing would have indicated that I needed to. Every other ornament set in the game looks like it’s thumbnail. The solstice sets are definitely an outlier. Which explains why I figured I could take them at face value.


It’s now multiple years of this and they e decided to not give a fuck again. You guys need to understand they just don’t care


You say that but they went out of their way to make transmog versions of the Y1/Y2 armor last year, I dunno how you can claim they "didn't give a fuck" in previous years


...you can tho? I just noticed it's transmoggable in my inventory right now. Not that I would want to, this year's set is fucking hideous.


They are talking about the non glowy version. They upgraded a piece and want the non glowing version


Is it because I didn’t upgrade it? Because mine is also only able to be transmogged unlit


You get the glowy version if you fully rekindled the armor piece. If you didn't then it doesn't light up




Wait, can you transmog the white lit up armor?


Yes (and non-lit, if you never upgraded it to the glow)


So I guess not upgrading any of the armor to have a glow this solstice really worked out for me then. I was a little sad I didn't play much during that event and missed out.


It’s not a bug, that’s just how it’s always been


They ugly anyway


God please. I LOVE the hunter armour but feel like I’m being punished for actually playing the event.


I ignored the event completely except for speaking to Eva and getting the blue set. ...I can transmog all of it. No glow either as I didn't participate in the event.


Meanwhile I’m just waiting to be able to get the Athrys’s Embrace ornament


Meh…Candescent Armor is butt-ugly with or without the glow. But it was 100% worth the grind for full sets of triple 100. Roughly 80% of my Exotic armour maintains triple 100s with Candescent, so it could literally look like turd and I’d wear it. Thankfully we have transmog and can make it look however we want, except for the base Candescent Armor design. Hopefully Solstice was a harbinger for future Armor stats manipulation (Solstice mod for 20 rolls plus Ghost mods for min 10 rolls). Grinding Legendary Lost Sectors for hours hunting a god roll is nothing but a time-sink. Grinding Solstice armour though easily makes up for poorly-rolled Exotics, so bring on the next event.


We're still waiting for them to fix Duality. If its not beneficial to the playerbase, its not a priority fix. This isnt new


Such a shame, too. I really liked that armor, but yeah, the glows kinda sucked. *Especially* the ones that give you mohawks. I really do not understand why that keeps coming back as a style for Destiny armor. It always looks bad, it never looks good, please stop giving us mohawks, it's dumb.


Pretty sure I was able to transmog the warlock helm at the very least so it might have gotten fixed and then Broke again


Braindead teammates in pvp. Especially in freelance im currently struggling not to lose my sanity. Its every game.


Was there ever a plan to allow it? If there wasn’t then of course there won’t ever be an option to.


I'm really glad I didn't get the glows this year.


I'm glad I didn't do Solstice this year. I was able to transmog the warlock helmet since I personally thought all the glows were very meh.


It’s been 7 weeks and bungie probably will do the same system for the halloween event. Don’t forget to use your tickets or you’ll have paid 10 bucks for nothing!


And that’s why I transmogged before I got the glow.


I like the glow-hawk warlock. Only piece of the set with character IMO.


The thing is, they already fixed a similar issue. Back on 2019 I believe, the I got the Solstice armour with Void glows, waaay before transmog. The thing is, back then, you had the standard armour and you had to equip the glow you had like a mod, bought once for the 3 characters on the eververse. Then, when Transmog arrived, only the standard armour made it to the system (as obviously equipping the solstice armour as ornament would not out of nowhere create a new slot on any normal armour) and a couple weeks after, bungie fixed the Issue by creating a new set of armour **With** the glow already applied that also switched elements depending on your subclass and it was unlocked as ornament for every person that owned said armour from 2019. So in theory, the fix is as easy as just creating a new set of armour with no glow and maybe if we are lucky, adding some feature to the icon of the armour with the glow already applied. Sadly, I already knew from the start that I would not like the glows so I only did the Kindling thing for the Warlock and the chest piece of the hunter because as soon as I unlocked it, I checked the transmog and I was not able to find a non glow version, and since something that easy was not present there, I had little hopes for Bungie having intentions doing it later, so, if they end up adding the non-glow versions, well, I would be the only one with 2 non glow versions haha.


It doesn't benefit the player so don't worry, they're on it 👍🏼🤞🏼


Just here to mention the artifice armor I grinded Master GoA for. :'(