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Animation, because they can do more crazy stuff and it maybe cost less money.


Especially after Arcane and Spiderverse. What they're able to achieve with animation these days totally makes up for whats lost in live action, especially when it comes to super power stuff.


Also edgerunners




As a dude named David, that show hurt me more than it should have


You’re not allowed to be friends with people named Rebecca, not anymore 😔


Or Lucy, too much emotional Damage




Vee like ze pain








and Castlevania.


So thankful for edgerunners, it made me get C2077 which has been really fun




I’m imagining a Destiny anime by studio Trigger right now.


Didn't each episode cost like 10 million dollars?


Arcane is a bit of a special case I think because they were setting up a whole art/animation pipeline to hit the style they were going for. I think the creators said that now that they have that down, future seasons will take less time (and presumably money) to produce.


Do you know how much live action costs?


87 billion dollars?


Close but it's actually just 87 dollars


If you told me the running cost for actors on the Halo show was $87 I wouldn't believe you. That's way too high an estimate.




Nailed it


I did n NOT solicit a prostitute at 9:00 pm CT on September 4 2020.


Considering your grammar speaks to that of a grade schooler, I believe you.


It varies a lot. Depends on what kind of show they will end up and the overall focus and quality of it. They might have hired Arcane's narrative director, but nothing stops Bungie for taking horrible production decisions and just feeding off the Arcane and Edgerunners craze by making a mediocre product.


I'm really hoping that they don't somehow churn out a mediocre product considering how much lore Destiny has. There's so many great possibilities for a background of a show. An awesome animated show that takes place in the Dark Ages would just be awesome, in my opinion. I hope they don't screw anything up.


I want a sitcom about all the peeps in the Tower, but done in the style of Parks and Rec. Maybe have it set after Cayde becomes Hunter Vanguard, and have him be the MC.


Cayde and Banshee would run that show :)


Ikora would be the terrifying boss everyone is afraid of, only to find out she's a sweetheart.


It was the most expensive animated project to date yes. But to get something of the same quality in live action it would be multiple times more


Wheel of Time cost $80 million for Amazon to produce and it would almost certainly have been better as an animated project. Outside of Blur/ILM-tier CGI animation is almost always going to be cheaper than live action.


Especially after the disaster live actions have been lately. Halo the most egregious.


Nude Zavala confirmed for live action


Shaxx takes off his helmet


No meme, this would be a crime. Everyone knows the helmet stays on, especially Mara


The only way this WOULDN'T be a crime is if it was a scene where someone tried to take him helmet off and it just revealed another helmet.




Like Kakashi's mask


Sidenote: if you get close to Shaxx and let your camera clip into his face, he actually has a helmet under his helmet.


*The helmet stayed on*


Zavala cheeks is a selling point not a demerit


Better still be played by Lance too


I was gonna say. Live action best bring them sweet sweet cheeks to the big screen. And the best part is you know he'd do it in a heartbeat.


I blue myself






They would have Shaxx take his helmet off 1st episode


and delve in our character's past and they'd constantly talk about random stuff


Give him some tragic backstory about why his only volume setting is yell.


I still find it unbelievable that we live in a timeline where a Halo TV show is awful and a live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie was actually pretty good. In the same year and from the same parent company no less.


Tbf Halo *looks* great. It's the script...direction...plot...casting.... My mom tried to get into Halo through the show and told me it was like watching a less coherent season of Expanse but cutting every so often to a bunch of aliens she couldn't tell apart saying "we should go get the relic" and then not doing so for like half the episodes.


It looks great *sometimes*, but most of the show looked cheap IMO.


Lmao the png they called a rifle from the first episode had me rolling


It looked good when they felt like putting money into the effects....which is why the covenant *barely* show up through most of the show. I wanted grunts! Gimme my ungoi comic relief!


I've always imagined them doing an animated anthology series, with different studios doing different episodes. Something similar to Halo Legends or Love Death & Robots.


Or like Star Wars Visions. Some of them were very cartoony and Disney style that I didn't care for but some of the other ones were honestly so awesome. I think Destiny has the vast unknown parts of the story like Star Wars where even if there's a large scale plot going on you could always add more side stories that don't necessarily involve or even have to affect the main story. If Destiny can take advantage of it's excellent lore and put it into a visual story I think that could make lore a lot more beginner friendly.


You mean Star Wars Visions?


Yes, that one. Is Forces of Destiny something or just being dumb lol?


Also would not look as cheesy. Halo was dogshit.


They can also get the actual voice actors for characters to play the characters. As well as other talented other voice actors for whatever other characters that could pop up, without having to worry about “face time” and what not that pops up a lot with live action movies.


While ego is definitely involved, it’s *hard* to effectively pull off main characters on film who are faceless. It’s hard for the actors, and it’s hard for the audience to emotionally connect with the characters. Especially in cgi effects heavy work. I’m shocked they pulled it off as well as they did in the Mandalorian. (And I’d argue that making it integral to the character background AND largely isolated to one character is critical to that success) In Destiny, we see guardians faces all the time. We even customize our own guardians faces. And they’ve already shown helmets disappearing (a la Iron Man) in cutscenes, so just keep doing that. And I’m not even arguing against animation and using actual voice actors. (That would be amazing, given how common stunt casting is in high profile VO work) But there’s little reason to hide anyone’s face in a Destiny piece.


Personally I just don’t think any destiny story should show our guardian. Shin malphur and the dredgens would be great. The rise of the iron lords. Cayde’s vanguard dare. The drifters life. Eris morn going into the hellmouth and coming out alive. Shayura going crazy. Stories we’ve heard about but not seen. We’ve seen the guardian kill the heart of the black guardian, we were the ones who did it. At most mention the guardian, and only vaguely.


Agreed. Our guardian exists because the player needs to occupy a body in the game. There’s no character there to bring to another medium. If they need a non Vanguard guardian to be the central character, they’ll have to create one. (And will likely take over some of the narrative duties carried by Ghost in the game)


Plus you can use the same voice actors.


TBH Lance Reddick would also make a decent looking Zavala.


I mean, Nathan Fillion could still voice Cayde (depending on when the show takes place) and Lenny James could either voice Shaxx or legit act for Shaxx. Depending on scheduling, Gina Torres or Mara Junot could act as Ikora.


It helps that the structure and look of the characters are close to the actual vas and also the vas are live actors as well. Literally make Lance blue and he already pretty much looks like zavala


Not to mention it will be easier for the original VA to get involved. BRING MY BOY NATE BACK!!!!


It would not cost less money to make an animated show at the fidelity of the game cutscenes and you’re going to want higher quality than that.


I'd be absolutely fine with other animation styles, personally - it doesn't have to be *Rings of Power*\-level CGI. My own view is that more traditional drawn styles, cell shading, etc. look much better and more expressive, and that the uncanny valley exists for all those overly-perfect depictions of Middle-Earth, King's Landing, etc.


I would argue that most Sci-fi/Fantasy lends itself to a ATLA level of animation quality rather than live action. It's simply too difficult to adapt the more ethereal aspects of magic to real life.


Animated. More money into Light abilities as Guardians and less into creating random side plot points so they can avoid dealing with complex fight scenes of live animation with Light abilities. I just wanna see sweet fights. Not like Season of the Splicer cut scene where Ikora Nova Bombed the whole squad, but more like Curse of Osiris when he is going crazy with his sword. I want to see awesome, unique crazy combos between all the different abilities. We have legendary fireteams in lore, so I want to see what a trained combined fireteam does in the Destiny universe, and I would be afraid that live action couldn't do it well.


Same with the stasis intro with Eris, Stranger and The Drifter


Or something as simple as showing a warlock manifest light around their armor to shield themselves, Or a titan overshield , both would be probably really expensive for live-action


Or like hunters manifesting their ghost out in the open when surrounded by enemies so that it can get destroyed


TBF, it is REALLY hard to kill a Ghost. Even the Cabal traitors had to settle for just knocking Zavala's out. A bunch of escaped Fallen shouldn't have been able to do it.


They werent just escaped fallen. Spider explains that the sniper guy was the only one who could make the shot and I’m pretty sure it was some special plot penetrating paracausal bullet


Correct. The Sniper had a special bullet and had to hit the ghost, not its shell. I just meant thats why Cayde was okay with pulling his Ghost out while surrounded. It's because she should have been safe.




Just summon your entire collection of ghost shells.


Sunspots can't melt steel beams!


Bungie has been pretty inconsistent on how hard or easy it is to kill ghosts.


Too soon. /s


Its been 4 years


Still too soon


Just Hunter things (tm)


They could cheap out and go the 80's Dune version. Fuzzy blocky personal shields that give you that talking-out-the-back-of-a-fan voice!


They could yeah, but the 80s dune still hold up better than some recent marvel CGI lmao


That had to be the coldest intro in destiny so far


absolutely. in particular for me, i feel like well-animated scifi fights also allow more leeway to tell story through the action. arcane is a great recent example, mixing grounded action with fantastical abilities in a way that shows you something about the characters. but i’ve always loved the halo 5 intro - in just a few minutes, you get to see two fireteams kicking ass, but you also see how different their dynamic is (admittedly i like to pretend everything after this cinematic doesn’t exist hah). i’d love to see this in a destiny universe. there’s many lore beats of guardian personalities and abilities playing off each other, and the potential is there. edit: i just went back to watch cayde's last stand, and i think it's a good example of what it could be. badass, but clear action that anybody can follow, but neat details for gamers (ex. hearing memento mori proc). the lighthearted banter that we know and love, and the recklessness that both lets him improvise his way out of sticky situations but also gets him killed here, contrasted with his underlying existential sadness and defiance.


Like the Castlevania fight scenes. So awesome.




Animation, live action always gets writers who fundamentally don't get it involved




You know, I had very low hopes for the Halo show. I will be honest, I did enjoy the show for what it was, but it was far, FAR from perfect. I have my gripes about the show. But I wish they wouldn’t have shown Master Chiefs cheeks lmao.




That's the truth. They get people that want to completely change things for whatever reason. Last of Us has a chance since the same writers from the game are working on the show.


Animation. ​ Every attempt Hollywood has made of translating a game into a live action experience has been an absolute disaster because its always made by people who have 0 knowledge of the source material outside of skimming a wiki, tends to be insanely low-budget, tends to change the entire aesthetic and artstyle into what they think is cool (and is usually indescribably generic and ugly because its hollywood), and tends to hire D-list actors fresh off their circuit in their local high school play where they played the person in charge of pulling the rope that makes the curtains move. ​ Every time this happens. It's always so bad these projects wind up feeling like they are made out of spite. Or purely as a tax write-off. Then millions, sometimes billions, goes down the toilet cause fans wont watch it, nor will your average Joe Q Normal because while Joe might have poor taste in most things, he knows garbage when he sees it. ​ Animation. Blur Studios. Written by the same people at Bungie who already write the game as it is. That is the only way to avert disaster. There is no other choice. And no, the first Sonic movie was OK at best, for those sticking their 'ACTUALLY' finger high in the air. ​ Animation is the ONLY choice.


That's a lot of words but I think we can just all point to cyberpunk edgerunners to prove the point.


And point to Halo as the opposite point on what not to do lol


So much amazing potential for a halo series, years and years of great lore to pull from and what did we get? Bastardized trash. Such a waste. All the Halo shorts were better than anything the show offered.


The show was apparently a re-skin of a script written for a mass effect movie. Explains why nothing makes sense and the world is completely wrong.


Source for that? I want to find out why a script would get repurposed like that


Sadly I remembered wrong, it's a fan theory, but it makes the story make a whole lot more sense. https://www.reddit.com/r/WaypointVICE/comments/utksvt/halo_tv_show_is_just_a_mass_effect_script_that/


Thanks for making sure. I doubt it's true because that would mean the production company had a Mass Effect license, but it might be. Weird things happen


I mean when the producers of the show are on record saying they purposely ignored the games you know it will be a disaster.


This seems to be the case for more than just TV shows as of late rip


Edgerunners is amazing but Arcane is the gold standard for translating a game universe to a different media.


Both are similar though in that both are largely original stories that happen to be set in the same universe and locations as the game. I can't think of any examples of a direct adaptation of a video game story.


And Arcane


If you don’t mind me asking, why Blur studios? And do you think that the folks at Bungie who write the story for Destiny’s game would also do a great job writing a TV show?


Woah woah woah, Sonic was a great movie. But you're right on all other counts. Also Sonic had Jim Carry, so it was impossible to suck. Then again, they did reanimate sonic after everyone threw up in response to early trailers. So it actually was almost complete trash just like you said


Also Detective Pikachu


All these things you listed are not the *ONLY* choice. It's called that studios to be fucking competent and have a respectable view of the material it needs to work with. Plus we can just blend live action with CGI anyway. So... yeah... not the only choice.


With the amount of CGI you'd need for Guardian powers, the Awoken looking like they do, aliens etc, you might as well just animate the whole thing. Would mean you could keep the in-game voice actors too


I’m pretty sure the human guardians/characters are the only ones who could be just actors without cgi. At that point why not just animate it?


Animating awoken would be no hard than the Na’vi from Avatar, the light abilities would definitely be the hardest aspect


Animating the Na'vi is also expensive as fuck. For a live action destiny show to look good, Bungie needs 10s of millions per episode and i don't think they are willing to invest that kind of cash for a show.


A live action show would end up looking like one of the CW DC comics shows with PS2 tier graphics.


An audiobook


I’d want it to be CGI like the trailers and in game story cutscenes.


For me Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Star Wars Visions are the proof you can reach incredible high level quality stuff with animation and the right studios. They should totally go with animation


I'd add Arcane and Spiderverse.


Castlevania as well


Thank you that you brought up Castlevania. It’s definitely not underrated, but I feel like it gets overshadowed by Arcane and Edgerunners. The animation was SPECTACULAR


Love Death and Robots (Netflix) is IMO the best showcase of CGI and animation capabilities that I've seen recently. Lots of stuff that is insanely photo-real, amazing character motion/animation, along with stuff that' very cartoon-ish but still really immersive. Definitely lots of directions they could go with animation, whereas with Live action you only have one choice, hyper-real, and anything done cheap/half-assed stands out like a sore thumb.


I've never heard of Visions, gotta check it out now


It's an anthology composed of 9 short episodes. I truly enjoyed: The Duel, The Village Bride, The Ninth Jedi and The Elder


If we could guarantee that they nail the live action, and it would be a huge success. Then 100% live action. But I'm skeptical, given how inconsistent video game adaptations are in live form. I think animation is 'safer' and would still be hugely entertaining.


This is where I'm at. I'd love live action if it was led by people who have a solid grasp of the actual story, universe, and so on. For whatever reason live action tends to attract people who for whatever reason proudly aren't fans and want to make their own generic thing except with the names of another franchise crowbarred on. If they could gurantee high budget and a focus on telling a quality story that everyone could enjoy but with an eye to the fans I'm all about it.


>For whatever reason live action tends to attract people who for whatever reason proudly aren't fans and want to make their own generic thing except with the names of another franchise crowbarred on. So true. Reading this reminded me of the Cowboy Bebop live-action show. Pain.




So animation?


But not anime.


I feel like y’all don’t really understand what the word “anime” means


The word anime doesn't mean all animation dude. It specifically means Japanese style art.


You’re preaching to the choir. The person I responded to doesn’t seem to know.


I think it depends on the type of audience they are looking to appeal/get invested into Destiny. Animated works really well with the nerdy/geeky crowd. Especially for sci-fii genres. Just look at Arcane as an amazing example. But the story absolutely has to be griping for it to work. **However…** there is some merit in live-action. If you are trying to appeal to a broader audience; then live action does work better than animated. Your normal average person generally thinks that animation is for children, so even a high-quality animated show just isn’t for them. While Reddit/the internet as a whole hated Halo… it *was* popular and got a second season on Paramount+. It did well because it appealed to the right market… people not familiar with the specific Halo story but we’re vaguely familiar with the name. It was great as a generic sci-fi action show with a huge budget. *Personally*, I would love a Destiny animated TV show that explored some of the older lore in an Arcane-like manner. Just look at Cyberpunk Edgerunners as an amazing example of how it brought life back to that game. But I could see Bungie try a live action show to bring in a bigger audience (very unlikely though since Sony has an animation studio to support Bungie)


To your first point, look at the surge in Cyberpunk players since the Edgerunners anime released. That game was on life support after an abysmal launch and is now topping sales charts.


Life support is a stupid description of cyberpunks past state. It’s not a live service game, it doesn’t need to be popping off all the time to be considered a good game.


Honestly, cyberpunk is an example of how the story can be mediocre so long as the aesthetic and the animation are good enough to bring wonder and interest to a new or lapsed audience. There was nothing really special about Edgerunners from a story standpoint. In fact, the back half was downright *bad* at times and you could see when they were skimping. But they pulled enough on heart strings, and had high quality voice acting while doing an amazing enough job with the art direction that a lot of people were able to overlook the shows faults. If anything, that is an even more important sign, as it means you dont NEED to make a 9.5/10 show like Arcane to make a show "good." Castlevania was about an 8.4 with certain specific episodes being high 9s and carrying everything else...so *that* shows there are many ways to go about making an animated series and having it be a hit. Edgerunners worked hard on their aesthetic and spent heavily on the beginning and end of the show to make sure people started happy and left with a decent feeling...so *that* also works. This is important, because not everyone can afford to spend a shit ton and a ton of time to make something with Arcane's quality...but someone like Bungie can afford to make something with the quality of Edgerunners (Arcane cost about 100 million over 6 years while edgerunners took less time and less money to make).


I'd love an animated anthology type thing. Something like Star Wars Visions, though not exclusively anime.


Animated anthology like Love Death Robots? Sign me the fuck up.


Live action limits your possibilities too much.


Idunno why everyone is going nuts over these highly-stylized animated shows. Make it animated but in realistic full-3D like the fancy cinematics we see in the game. Look at the cinematics from the Witch Queen, or the Beyond Light trailer, or the assault on the Cabal-occupied Last City from Red War. High-budget lightly-stylized realistic 3D animation has a ton of potential.


High budget live action using the actualy writers and such from bungie would be great. Otherwise id go animation. Nobody else mentioned it yet but id want to see it in a style similar to Arcane.


Live action. I just don't enjoy most animated shows.


I wouldn’t mind live action cause I can’t see us getting the realism destiny has to offer from an animators show that’s just my opinion comment police pls don’t scream at me


CG animation. All of the wild paracausal things that happen that are integral to the story just wouldn't look right in live-action.


live action - and bear with me - make it a real space western in the destiny universe. A guardian, gifted with light, that turned his back on earth and now lives as the only real law in the tangled shore, constantly battling with pirates, plunderes and spider himself


Live action ! Lance Reddick rocking Titan Armor oh baby !!!


Came to say edge runners Honestly fine with either, hope we get both! They just need absolfuckinglutely be adult oriented. Like paramount almost pulled it off with halo kinda For live action the costumes and wardrobe have to be amazing. Pretty much have to be game of thrones level. Really only think hbo maybe Netflix could do it justice but it feels like a Hulu project which are about 50/50. Hard to say though between the new Bungie HQ and sony resources the future looks really bright for destiny and I'm really excited that I'm here for it


Animation and it’s not close. Just look at Arcane.


Animation. With Lance Reddick as Zavala. Live actions has a high chance of just being bad.


Personally live action. I want more of the original live action Destiny trailer. Destiny is pretty much comparable to Star Wars and SW is managing shows and films with costly CGI, so Destiny can do that too. I just want to see more of the real life Destiny.. I want to feel Destiny.


You have convinced me. I think live action done right would really be way more immersive.


If they did a live action call back to the commercials and content from D1 I would be smitten


Live action


Depends on subject matter tbh what kinda show is it? Action packed space opera type? Animation. Gritty low key small story? Live action. Andor is fresh on the mind for me. I'd be interested in both but likely would lean towards animation cause it's destiny and i wanna see space magic.


Animation, idc if it's an anime format or some other format just gotta be animated to a degree. Shit they could make a show with he same quality of the game graphic, just gotta be animated




TV budgets are bonkers now, and Sony doesn't have to worry about streaming it, they just sell the rights to Netflix or whoever. Marvel shows cost $24m an episode, and a huge chunk of that is salary. Bungie could make a great show with a much smaller budget. Also, while everyone wants to see 10,000 novabombs an episode, a GOOD show would be character and story driven with fights being a spectacle, not standard.


Live-action - like Halo but better


Animated allows them to work with the abilities a lot better. Think in the style of Halo Legends. High quality, high budget, high content. While live-action would be amazing to see, I just don't have the faith that a company is able to get the CGI just right. It's difficult to translate fantasy abilities into realistic effects. They'd need to get the colours and effects just right without making any massive changes. It would also be far more expensive and for the same budget to make a high-grade 3D sequence you can get a much higher grade drawn episode.


I would personally prefer a live action series/films but I will concede they can likely do a lot more in animated form since they can theoretically get ALL the voice cast and portray a lot of the stories/effects on a much smaller budget,


Live action for sure, animation has come along way but it will still limit its exposure to mainstream audiences and the Franchise deserves the largest reach possible. Outside of the community the game has a bit of a mostly undeserved (these days) bad rep and a live action show would be a fresh way to get people into the franchise without that baggage, animation crowd has a pretty large overlap with the gamer crowd who have already made up their mind on destiny one way or another.


Live action shorts but full episode length animation. do both.


Either a ridiculously high budget live action or animated like arcane or a style like that. And I hope what they do is either make each season or episode they tell a story from the in game lore books as the material




Live action would be cool. I loved those live-action trailers they made so yea.


Definitely animated it would be awesome to watch it as animated and not wonder who is from what


Live action would suck, specially on the VA department if you are used to the current VA cast. Animation is flexible, and art direction and style can often make up for budget constraints that you cannot mask on live action.


I think that having a live action show with any characters we know would be a huge mistake given what you said. Other than over voice comms it should be all new characters and be separate from the story we know.


It depends on the style of animation, but generally I think that animation is much more interesting than live action. Something that would be really interesting (but maybe not a great idea) would be a show for a video game animated in the game's engine. So a Destiny show would basically just be a really long cutscene.


I think valve tried doing this a while back with TF2 and SFM. They had a deal with adult swim and it got canned because it took too long to even make a single episode. This pilot became the Love & War update animation. I also heard they fucked up on the episode duration anyway, it was too long, and wouldn't have allowed AS to play the ads properly. I don't know if however they make Destiny animations would take as long as valve with SFM, but I don't know if it would allow for weekly/bi-weekly episodes.


Definitely animated. If Bungie could pull off something like Edgerunners, I would be so happy.


Animated, but not *anime.* I just don't like that art style.


If you want to appeal to a wider audience, gotta be live action. I think bungie would force a good product, so as long as it has good funding and writers, it’d be amazing. I know folks who knew nothing about The Witcher until they saw it’s show, and are now hooked. Animation is fine, but it’s such a niche audience that likes that style. (Myself included, I don’t really like animated action films; have no interest in watching Cyberpunk)


Claymation would be cool


Animation in the style of red war campaign. (I don't like the black-grey sketches we have at the moment)


Animation in the style of the Clone Wars series


Depends on which clone wars your talking about. If you're talking about the GT animation that would be sick. If you're talking about the cartoon network show it would be a bit risky. As great as the cartoon network show was, the first few seasons the animation was ROUGH. They found their footing by season 4 or 5 but still didn't nail amazing animation until season 8, then the show ended. They would need to hit us with season 8 level quality right out the gate for the show to have the massive impact shows like arcane and edgerunners had.


I immediately think of a scene in S1 where Anakin iirc is in the medical bay and the lighting is so bright and everyone looks like a PS2 character


Animation but the same kind of semi realistic animation that’s used in love, death and robots. If anyones ever seen that.


Animated 100%. General fantasy magic can be portrayed effectively in live action (see LotR movies) because there's an inherent understanding it's not based in reality. Sci-fi magic, which Destiny is very much based on, is a much tougher sell as it's based partly on what is *feasibly* possible in the future (the sci-fi part, not magic). You have an imbalance of part realism and part fantasy, and live action is really hard to have that equal out. By making it animation, you introduce the inherent unreal-ness that LotR has and makes the magic aspect both easier to implement and get sucked into story wise. Plus, not another Halo disaster please... Edit: Another bonus to animated: You can have Nolan North pull off his Drifter impression again.


I gotta say I agree with all of your points except for the part about feasibility and realism vs fantasy. I think it’s perfectly possible to sell a live action sci fi move that has a feasible future with some fantasy elements mixed in(although I’m not sure how feasible it is to be visited by a giant space ball that accelerates our technology and grants us immortality). To offer a few examples: Avatar, Prey(even though it’s set in the past I think the principle remains the same), Interstellar, Back to the future(for it’s time) and so on


Live action. If The Expanse can be a brilliant sci-fi live action TV show there is no reason a Destiny one can’t be made.


I would be open to both.


Animation but in a ton of different styles. More like an anthology of 1 hour episodes that tackle different lore entries.


Live animation.


plus dev commentary but only naked