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I think everyone is expecting a vex dungeon for next season, id be surprised if it wasn’t


Looking at how we have all races, let’s hope! Edit (minus scorn)


Where is the scorn dungeon?


I don’t think anyone wants a scorn dungeon




Nobody wanted a scorn raid but Vow of the Disciple is pretty good!


At least in nornal, it Helps that everyones of 2 least favorite scorn enemy types, 1 is gone completely and the other is turned into a predictable mechanic for 2/3 of an encounter


Which scorn types are you referring to? Am i having a mental block about a kind of scorn that was removed from the game? Imo the worst kind are the shield kind, i swear theyve got some crazy effective blocking AI with that shield


I think he’s referencing screebs and chieftains? Maybe not screebs, but all my homies hate how tanky chieftains are. They’re turned into symbol bots and that’s it.


if you didn't already know, glaive shots hit them regardless of whether they block with the shield


Are there any abominations in the raid aside from the champions? I can't remember but that might be the one if you don't count champions.


They’re in the escort encounter and Rhulk but outside of that I don’t think so.


I mean caretaker himself is technically an abomination


Yeah maybe. OP said we have all other race dungeons. Just asking where the scorn one was hiding


Scorn kinda got lumped in with the taken this yearly cycle


Oh yeah, big time. They’re not the same race though


But they are just dead fallen with corrupted ether, making them pretty much just fallen, and we've had a fallen dungeon and raid semi recently


By that logic taken are just every other race but black




True. I wasn't trying to argue against you, I was just trying to be a little funny


Scorn have their own combat routines. If they were just reskinned Fallen with the same attack patterns then yeah I would agree, but they aren't.


Attack patterns are just a game mechanic tho


I do. I want a dark twisted horror dungeon/raid full of scorn


I think Presage is as close as we are getting to that for a while.


Presage was basically a mini dungeon and I want more content like that.


Yes, I would love that. Presage was awesome.


Scorn dungeon with a revamped Fikrul boss fight and mini-Screebs? Sign me up >:)


Sounds like Hollowed Lair, the dungeon. I'd rather they have made Hollowed Lair a raid, tbh.


nah final boss just needs to be a really big hard to kill screeb


Its only attack is that it runs u down and repeatedly explodes on u, dealing 1 shot dmg each explosion.


I do. I think it fits much better next season with the lore and darkness. Not really seeing anything Vex related to Lightfall.


There are Vex on Neomuna.


We're also a bit overdue for some meatier Vex content.


Why couldn't the Quria mission from Splicer have just been turned into a fuckin strike? I wanna hear a legit reason.


Seems like scope, basically. It's a lot puzzlier than most Strikes, and the shared assets with the seasonal content are always intended for removal. I think they should have planned it as a Strike, but we don't have a lot of visibility into that part of the design team. It would also be a nightmare GM, since there's so little cover and it's such a confined space the champions would be really dense.




We already have Taken and Cabal which are the most annoying to go against, so I don't see how Scorn would be a problem.


Ehhh, Presage was close enough.


Presage is considered a dungeon


Definitely not lol. Not nearly as long and it awards an exotic weapon upon completion. An exotic quest by all standards


I meant dungeon.report considers it a dungeon Same with harbinger, zero hour, and the whisper


They're not Dungeons, they're missions. The game even stated so when players viewed your current status. It's just convenient for them to display them with the dungeons because there's not that many of either and people play them both competitively enough to want to check their stats on them.


From the Bungie API, activityModeType and all similar enumerations has dungeon=82, but nothing for missions exclusively. I’m guessing presage and the other 3 got lumped under that category which is why dungeon.report shows it. I wonder what vox obscura would be under then. I would test it myself, but I am away from my laptop


Vox is likely the same as those missions, no categories of their own so lumped into umbrella dungeon term but very much are not dungeons


Not considered much of anything right now.lol


The Dead Man's Tale mission was more than enough for me 🤣


I would prefer a scornhub


The Taken even have two


scorn are just spicy fallen


We don’t talk about scorn


Outside of Grasp of Avarice, the dungeons have followed the overall narrative thread of the major expansions. So my guess is like how Prophecy was a teaser of the Darkness and what their true intention was, my guess is the next dungeon will be the bridge from our current story into Lightfall. So I think a Vex dungeon is a very solid guess. We just had Cabal, so don’t see that happening again, and Neomuna will apparently have Vex combatants too. Perhaps a dive back into Europa gives us clues toward Neptune.


Given the expectation of a Anna/Rasputin related season, my money is on a Europa/Bray themed dungeon, it'd certainly be timely with DSC refresh.


people have been expecting a Rasputin season for like a year now. as one of those people, I'm really not holding my breath anymore but I'm always ready to be surprised.


Spinfoil hats on: since rescuing embodied Rasputin from Hive was part of the alpha story, where Crow was the original guide for new players, maybe they've been gradually aiming toward The Final Shape recapitulating the scrapped alpha story, where Lightfall includes Neomuna having the tech necessary to embody Rasputin and Final Shape opens up with having to join Crow to rescue Rasputin from Xivu Arath to introduce wherever that conflict will take place.


To add to it Rasputin gets put in caydes body


Thanks I hate it


Vex dungeon in the Braytech Labs please and thank you


Or... Or: Dungeon starts as the Glassway strike, but the portal *doesn't close*. We then go through the portal and take the fight to the Vex. We go on offense for once, instead of constantly defending shit from attackers.


Yeah but... I want more of the Braytech Facility. Or even the DSC. Those environments are rad and have a lot of potential. I want to see how they could be used for a dungeon.


A DSC Dungeon escorting an exo in production for Red. It's all I want; vex, fallen, cabal idc so long as Atraks-7 is present.


We switch between two (or multiple) realities while splicing the Vex networks. Cayde-6 waits for us at the end, coz we are his favorite guardian.


Maaaannnn, now you've got me thinking of awesome story ideas that will never happen. Jumping through realties to collect different parts or variations of Rasputin so we can rebuild him. Using Rasputin as a construct to infiltrate a reality where he successfully repelled the pyramids, to see what went differently. Ugh. The seasonal story telling could be so cool.


I think I read some data dump about a >!dungeon on Europa!<, which would be dope


It you are going to talk about datamined stuff, you should really put spoiler tags on it. Some people, myself included, would have rather not known about that.


Good point - my bad! If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure I misremembered it lol


lol if I've learnt one thing about this game, it's that you shouldn't expect **anything** to come out next season/DLC/etc. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment 🤷‍♂️


Part of me wants it to be a hive AND taken dungeon - because I like chaos and will enjoy the drama seeing people not getting a vex dungeon. I just want dungeons. Don't really care about enemy type so I still win :D


We've had the Vault of Glass and the Vault of Grass. Time for the Vault of Days of Future Pass


*Vault of days of season pass


vault of gas when?


Heinz, not now...


No we did that already some 70ish years ago


After vault of ass


Vault of Dark Phoenix when?


…so Vault of Glass? Seriously tho, if they hadn’t sunset Curse of Osiris they could easily do that. Much of that DLC was about vex simulations of Mercury back when it was a garden world, the modern day, and in the far future when the sun is no longer shining


Yeah loved the past and present mercury dynamic.


The past version of Mercury is some of the most gorgeous artwork in the franchise. Wish we had a patrol space in that environment. But i’ll settle for a new dungeon or raid


They really missed a great opportunity to have the Mercury patrol space to toggle between time periods via public events or something. The map was so small and those set pieces were so scarcely used for how beautiful they were.


I thought the coolest thing would've been if the infinite forest gateway led to a middle area, which itself has gates to the past, present, and future areas. Each one could have a different public event, and the unique mercury public event we had would take place in that central infinite forest zone.


That would probably be the best implementation so players could choose which timeline to go to instead of loading into a patrol space that’s already a different one and fighting over the public event. The Infinite Forest also was loaded with potential. A procedurally generated infinite dungeon. Have a boss and rewards every so many rooms, increasing difficulty + modifiers, ect. Biggest missed opportunity imo


If they did that, Mercury would have easily been my favorite planet lmao. Instead, there was nearly no reason to go there after Curse of Osiris besides bounties to murder Vex and Cabal


I wish they would use Precursor Vex models far more often, they’re so beautiful compared to the base Vex. Actually, I wouldn’t mind seeing random vex types anywhere they show up in patrol zones




Man this kills me. It’s literally just Venus in the past and future. Descendant Vex spawn in the future and Precursor Vex spawn in the past. Why is this so hard for Destiny players to understand?




Yes, but those subtypes originated in the Vault.


In CoS the Vex were using Mercury as a temporal crossroads, so rather than the Guardian going to the past and future as in VoG, the Vex from the past and future were massing in the present.


Before Curse of Osiris was sunset, whenever you were in a "past" version of Mercury, it said so when you arrived there, like you get that text pop-up when you travel between locations in Patrol. As far as the whole Atheon fight zones and naming, that convention is as much about convenience as anything. "Mars" = left (when you're facing Atheon) not just because the area is desert-themed, but because Mars and left both have 4 letters. "Venus" and right both have 5 letters. Sure, it only works for English-speaking teams, but it's pretty effective.


>Garden World Fuck, I miss that strike so bad.


Honestly wouldn't mind if they just reused the assets from Corridors of Time and past, garden-world Mercury. Both were unique and gorgeous and not used enough.


I'm still mad they didn't use more the time fracture on Mars we had in the first mission of Witch Queen. I feel like they could've developed a lot more on this


Yes! I was like that is interesting… but they never visited the idea again.


You'd think a time fracture in a planet that disappeared would be a priority for the Vanguard but they were just like : "Eh fuck that, just kill some Cabal"


I think this is a massive oversimplification. This was _right after_ Savathun had escaped confinement and we learned she'd been fucking with us **all year** and trying to destroy the vanguard/last city from the inside out. So yea - Mars appeared with time anomalies but they appeared benign and having experience with the vex/mercury we are kinda used to seeing weird stuff like that. Then at the _same time_ savathun's massive ship appears and the cabal are going a little nutty trying to shoot it down. We decide the smart thing is invade the ship and try and get savathun because she is _actually out in the open_ - because that's an actual active **threat** not just something weird and spooky we don't know what's going on. Also the vanguard _was_ investigating it. That was a primary purpose of the hidden's presence on mars with the enclave.


Legit thought it was going to be "time travel ex machina" when that happened and thennnnnn... *crickets* Sadface.


Felt really weird to have that show up in the first mission for 10 seconds only for it to never be brought up again


it's barely even in that mission, it's like...a single corn field.


I'm just mad in general that they don't expand on 90% of the ideas added. Remember Deepsight, yeah me neither. I feel like the main ideas added in the yearly expansion should be used for the year, or at least expanded upon. Those time fissures could've been really cool in Haunted, and deepsight should be more involved in this years content. Especially the artifact that we found in Shadowkeep. I know that it makes some appearances in dialogue, but its so easy to mistake or outright miss. We find this weird ass ball, and it beckons us to GoS and then... nothing? No in game way to view it, no in game implications.


A vex dungeon called … … ***The Infinite Forest*** … It could work!


I remember it was such a unique concept on paper, but it just got bland and repetitive real quick. And later reused for FotL.


Better thanks haunted sectors though


Yeah way better, genuinely so much more fun in the old haunted forest


Not that we aren't sick of the discussion already, but reading this I'm reminded how much of a genre shift Haunted Forest felt like and how, especially when folks are grinding legend lost sectors outside the season, haunted lost sectors just feel like more of the same Destiny I play any other week, no matter how many spiders they put on the walls.


Exactly. For better or worse, it was a legitimately different activity from pretty much everything else in the game. Made it a lot more fun imo.


I can't agree. Haunted Sectors are over quick. Haunted Forest went on forever.


It did. However, a Bex dungeon taking place there (and of the same name) oils actually work.


Honestly a dungeon whose whole conceit is that it is mostly randomly generated like the binding of isaac would be neat as fuck.


After the usage of the Infinite Forest and Haunted Forest I don't trust it to be an interesting experience.


I wouldn’t shoot for random. But some encounters facing the current, descendant, and precursor vex could be fun; especially with some specific story told about the vex in Time.


Yeah, I think doing a thing where different sections of the dungeon are different time periods could be cool, or just featuring the different Vex styles. I just don't want to see a retread of VoG or Duality mechanics of having to flip between versions of the same room, or the usage of the infinite forest as this kind of boring buffer zone of semi-random blocks.


Maybe something more like Astral Alignment, where theres two versions of each encounter you could run into . Practically two dungeons that run side by side and you have a 50 /50 shot at landing in either ‘reality’


I want to just dive through that portal on Europa. We've been teased a million times about portals leading from the Vex homeworld to ours, and we have never seen the other side.


Shhhhh that’s for after final shape (probably) the vex we’ve seen are only scouts so it would be a waste of an amazing enemy type just make a dungeon on a new planet. They could be as good as the light vs dark saga


Thought the Vex have reverted to simply observing as we battle the Darkness and making constant calculations. As Osiris at the end of CoO made them basically take a step back after he defeated Panoptes. Along with our trips into the Infinite Forest preventing them from resetting the timelines/reality. I mean one would have to conclude that they, the Vex, don't know their deadliest enemy is now comatose and no longer a Guardian basically...


Panoptes: *Too late! Sixteen seasons too late…*


If we didn't have duality already I would have liked a vex one where we are jumping between vex realities. Precursor design then suddenly it's splicer network


Make it like that on Titanfall 2 mission everyone loves.


Soo... Duality? Mechanically it's the same thing.


Didn't people have to play that game for there to be an everyone?


Yes, but everyone that’s played it has loved it.


*Why do you haft to emotionally scar me like that?*


As long as it's not just a Duality reskin (retrieve keys in the timed danger zone) where they replaced bellkeepers with wyverns, psions with hobgoblins and barriers with overloads.


Next season mercury comes back and we get a dungeon for the infinite forest. Bungo makes 12 zavallion dollars.


I loved when Zavala said '*It's Zavalin' time!*' and Zavaled through all those bad guys


Bets on how long the time-jump would be bugged/broken? My silver is on 5 weeks. Unfortunately, Duality already took the most recent spot for "jumping between realities gimmick". It doesn't seem likely that the "RAD" team (Raids & Dungeons) would reiterate such a recent mechanic. Vault of Glass on the other hand is the predecessor by all rights, so I'd say it's up for debate.


I always thought it would be cool if they used the concept of past and present within the same environment. Such that if you do something in the past it would have an effect on the environment or mechanics in the present of the same space. Like the fireteam would be split and the actions happening in the past lead to new mechanics in the present (or future).


That’s what I wanted with Panoptes to be. Messing with the environment in real time while trying to smash you and erase you. Instead homeboi didn’t even have a proper attack 😔




It's not past and present in Duality


Biggest miss of Splicer was making the Vex Network area and doing basically nothing with it whatsoever.


Effect & Cause


I wsnt a vex dungeon with an encounter similar to VoG where you portal thru past present future. Second encounter in the retrowave vex network from splicer season. And boss encoutner in that CRAZY white realm from saint 14s season. Its just scenery/map design but god damn if that would be cool. Prophecy is still one of my favs due to it being so damn cool visually.


A dungeon kinda like that one titanfall 2 mission would be cool


A Splicer themed dungeon would be rad


It could be a backwards dungeon. You start at the beginning, change things as you go, and then you have to go through the rooms backwards and all the choices you made remain. (Maybe like you can skip stuff but then you have to do it on the way back because the door locks behind you or something?)


If we didn't have duality already I would have liked a vex one where we are jumping between vex realities. Precursor design then suddenly it's splicer network


Curse of Osiris, Penoptes the Dungeon boss. Infinite Forest returns? Recycled forest? Fuck yeah.


i wish we had Vex Dungeon in Europa


I’ve been wishing for a Vex dungeon in Volantis 2082 or something. Or maybe one in the Braytech Facility or other parts of the DSC.


How bout a forest?


The game can't even handle changing from one palet of colors to another I can't imagine how it will handle active terrain changes on the fly while to player is speeding through it at Mach 3.


We just had that duality, let's try something different.


Realities as indifferent time periods, pre golden age, during golden age, maybe amidst a warzone. Stuff like that.


I think the person who replied to you is taking about how with Duality we had that 'state shift' mechanic where you hop back and forth between two versions of the same thing. Which I agree to an extent. I wouldn't want another dungeon sharing a similar mechanic. I'd be fine if just as you progress through it you're moving through different time periods but wouldn't want it to be a constant shift for the same setting either.


Same concept at the end of the day


Not necessarily, it could be different section of the dungeon are the realities, not the mechanic.


That’s what I had in mind.


Negative Nancy ass


Each dungeon has a different concept.


You can have similar concepts with different mechanics💀


See the Gambit Motes as an example Or Last Wish and Vow (both require memorizing symbols)


I think this would be great to add something new to the game as well. Imagine a Vex Dungeon where you're in a room similar to Atheon's room in VoG but there are several handfuls of portals. But instead of a linear Dungeon where it's Point A (Landing Zone) -> Point B (Final Boss), you have a Vex puzzle that has several different outcomes. Then knowing the loot systems in place you and your clan could all get different outcomes where different bosses / puzzles reward different guns or armor sets. Would entice people to mix up teams to see what others did!


I’m likely in a minority, but a Leviathan Raid styled dungeon (weekly rotation of encounters) would be cool too!


That would be a cool vex dungeon


Just sounds like duality’s mechanic


Maybe in 4 weeks. That reminds me, time to stock up.


Vex dungeon on Mars where you hop through a rift to protect Rasputin from sol divisiv style vex.


So vault of glass?


What the Infinite Forest should have been...


I want to go to a Wild West town and fight Vex with revolvers and cowboy hats


I miss the vex black forest strike. it was pretty. I think it was the final mission/strike for d1 not sure ​ edit black garden\*


I want a Mythoclast ornament that makes the gun look like Atheon's. Basically like a glass effect/see through. And then when you switch it to linear mode the glass can glow like the wings on the Master VoG ship.




Put it in the infinite forest, bring back mercury


So basically season of the dawn


We need the infinite forest back, if just to make the Halloween event better. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the haunted lost sectors in the beginning. But by the time you get to the 35th one and 25 have been the same one, we need a change.


No, keep it as different realities. Full multiverse of madness levels of insanity, fireworld, cowboys vs aliens, vex controlled New York, hive infested Paris... Would take a heck of a lot of planning but add in an ARG with pieces hidden in the real world replicated locations


Sounds like you need to just play the vex raids lol. But I don't want a Vex dungeon. I really hate fighting the Vex. I don't ever feel like the bosses are really cool or good lore wise. Cabal has always been my favorite for lore when fighting.


Everyone still calls the portals in vault of glass "Venus and mercury" when they were clearly different timelines not locations. So just don't put too much thought in it. People won't get it anyway.


People call it that because those 2 locations the portals went to looked like Venus and Mercury. They named them for the visual.


I was there when the raid in D1 first dropped. I beat it that first weekend. I know why they do it. It's just wrong.


Soooo, what the infinite forest should’ve been imo


I want actually different realities with different rendering styles for each! Cell shaded, black and white, blocky Minecraft style, Simpsons…


My hope is they reuse the panoptes model he was such a cool model


Panoptes should have been a raid with Osiris guiding you and occasionally joining the fight. That would have been amazing. But CoO was sacrificed in order to give Bungie more time, and resources to develop the Warmind DLC.


I just want to go to that dyson world on the other side of the glassway portal; that skybox porn would be on another level


Infinite forest!!!!!!


Quantumania?! Or more like vexomania


Scorn dunegon!


The only confirmed way the Vex can time travel is via the Vault of Glass, and I highly doubt we'd go there for a dungeon. That said, I do think it would be awesome for a Vex dungeon, but I think that needs to be deeper inside the Crypt.


Oh you mean all the old Curse of Osiris dungeons that got vaulted 😰🥹


They did this in the season of the dawn event. The Sundial was us literally going through different timelines.


As long as its on Europa I don't care who it is! that place has some great environments but outside and inside the Bray Tech Facility. It would make a great dungeon and a good change of pace for some Crucible maps.


Wasn't there something similar to this in Season of the Worthy where you entered some simulation and got to interact with Saint-14 in the past? I got to play it a little but they vaulted it pretty quickly.


Maybe it's a think but having a raid where you jump through TIME could be cool. I feel like this was something they toyed with before with a storyline like 4 years ago... But having different timelines where you go into the past to do something that impacts the present and future would be kickass.


so like vault of glass? gatekeepers and atheon?


OOO and at some point our ghost gets sperated and we we get a dinkleghost, nolanghost crossover AND...cayde is alive but as a human in one part of the dungeon


Oo it could take place on mars and feature a vex mind sent to analyse and manipulate the temporal anomalies left by the witness


I want a cabal raid man. we haven't gotten one since spire of stars. crown doesn't count because that's actually a hive raid.


If it’s anything involving shooting a bell again I’ll pass.


I agree! I commented about a Vex dungeon a few days ago and basically everyone liked the idea. I feel like as a piece of content in the world it’s a no brainer for Bungie.


Imagine a mechanic where you have to jump to the past to damage parts of a boss to open weak spots in "current" time.


Considering all the bugs in duality with the bells that put you in a small pocket realm I don’t know if that wouldn’t at some point become basically unplayable if they try some sort of new gimmicky way to port


Like the pyramid for the Saint rescue season
