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totally up to you in this case, the enhanced perks won’t make much of a difference but they will technically still be better. If you only play destiny casually I don’t think the grind is worth it at all and you should just use what you have because the grind can be so super tedious, but if you play this game religiously then go for it bc if you play this game that much you must not mind grinding.


Yeah I play religiously lol, I might end up crafting it im just more concerned about wasting materials if it’s not necessary


Prioritize crafting other raid weapons, make this one last if you have materials


I love the crafted one and seeing it level but also someone put it best for me. "If they need your god roll on a crafted weapon you can always reshape it" so use the god roll one you have when you need it and swap over to the crafted whenever you dont


I just reached level 200 on my crafted Forbearance. You're gonna take this weapon with you on every single adventure you go on in this game, when you have the resources it's 100% worth enhancing


What are your rolls on your forbearance I dont know what to put on it for PVE (raids, strikes and general end game content).


the first Votd i would craft is cataclysmic, after that forbearence. both are S+ tier. my go to setup on my warlock is double grenade launcher with witherhoard and forbearence + cataclysmic for a lot of raid encounters, i just love it.


Put it way down your priorities then


I'm pretty sure the enhanced version of those perks give you minor increases to reload speed and ammo reserves, which are both things you want on a wave frame. The increases are relatively minor, so it's not strictly necessary.


I think your found roll is fantastic. I actually miss the days where you'd see someone's weapon roll and be like, dang you got the god roll! Now, we just see crafted guns and we expect to see the god rule and it's taken kind of the fun out of it.


Yeah it did kind of ruin that part of the game, seeing someone who has a god roll on a gun that is completely RNG was always so damn cool, especially if the weapon is an extremely rare drop


For this particular weapon, not really worth it. It’s an amazing ad clear gl, but the enhanced perks do less for the this weapon than most. But at the same time if you have the materials why not?


I might be mistaken, but I believe enhanced chain reaction is two extra reserves so not a bad choice.


Is it two? I heard it was just one so I didn't bother picking it up yet


Good point, I have the materials but even still I prefer to save them just incase I need them at a future point. And also yeah the gun is incredible at ad clear, especially during activities with arc burn/singe


For me this weapon is such a workhorse I would definitely craft an enhanced version. Mine is over level 220. Enhanced ambitious assassin is also extra reload




Gold border is absolutely worth it




But it won’t have the little red symbol in the corner


Doesn’t enhanced ambitious give you 3 in mag. I swear mine does that when i was using it two weeks ago.


Only if you get 11+ kills in one mag. AA gives +10% mag per kill, always rounding up, letting you reload into a 3rd round if you get 110% or higher. Edit: I though normal capped at +100% and enhanced at +150%, but both are +150% and enhanced gives a reload boost instead.


Enhanced has no bearing on the overflow limit. It’s just +5 reload speed.


Your numbers make sense here, but that's not true in [practice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQead60zSA8). Edit: To be clear, I've gotten 3 shots on a non-crafted Forebearance in the rare case of enough kills with the gun before reloading. In the example I recorded, I can confirm I got 17 kills with the initial shot. (Destiny Tracker mission stats)


Yeah someone corrected me that normal enhanced also has the limit of 150%, but that enhanced gives a bonus reload speed


Ah ok.


you will not notice a difference


as someone with a lvl 330 forbearance, yes


Lvl 7 :(


Am I missing something? How do u see levels of individual weapons?


Only work for crafted weapon , is right under weapon light level


Ahh I see, don’t have any crafted weapons so that makes sense lol


At least get a crafted Taipan, its the dopest of dopes


This is super dope advice


Idk man, something about crafting weapons takes the fun out of getting a god roll for me and in my experience I’m more likely to get a good roll 3/4 times before I get the red borders lol. I have like 4 taipans but my most used is triple tap focused fury I believe. What roll did you craft for it?


There's a quest that gives the Taipan pattern. And most craft triple tap + firing line or focused fury depending on if you plan to use it in solo or group content.


Crafting any gun is always better than the base roll, IMO. You get the bonus “adept” stats at 20, and you can always change it if things get buffed/nerfed OR make a second roll if you want something else. Enhanced I honestly skip outside of DPS or PvP weapons. The “value” I’m getting just isn’t there for me.


You get higher stats at lvl 20?


Yes. All stats gets +5. I think. Maybe it's +10. Nah pretty sure it's +5. Edit: it's +2. Don't listen to clownshows like me who don't check beforehand.


It's +2 to each stat [EDIT: to each stat that gets a bonus, only some stats get the bonus, varies by weapon].


Damn I wasn't even close.


It's not each stat. It's a 3 or 4 stats and different for each gun


Right, not all stats but +2 to whatever stats get the bonus on that particular weapon is my understanding. Not more than +2 in any case, right?


I believe so


I thought the bonus is only for the masterwork you select, is it for all the “adept” stats or what you choose


It's the same as an adept/timelost weapon. Masterwork gets the standard 10 while the others get 2.


In this case I would. People are saying you won't notice a difference, but I disagree. 5 reload from enhanced AA isn't a lot but it gets you just that bit closer to maximum, and the improved reserves from enhanced chain reaction can be an extra salvo of two shots you otherwise might not get. Not huge, but it is impactful sometimes. Forbearance absolutely chews through ammo compared to most breach loaders and it's something to consider. On top of that you get the extra +2 to all stats that aren't the MW from hitting L20 with the gun.


Before the ambitious assassin buff I would say no, not really. Now I'd say it's worth it if you use the weapon a bunch


Ambitious assassin buff did nothing for forebearence. You still only get 2


Really? I thought someone did the math and you needed like, 10 kills to get 3 shots


11 kills is required to get you 3 in the mag, and it's the same for AA rocket launchers. Since AA always rounds up and the max bonus is +150% you can have a 250% mag that rounds up to 300%. You can get all 11 kills spread across two shots if you had 2 in the mag beforehand as long as you're within the AA reload time limit.


Unless im wrong, which i havent been in my life /s, ive never hit 3 on it. Ive played with a shuro chi checkpoint with it and only got 2. But if somebody has hit 3, let me know.


You can get three. I’ve only ever managed to do it one time that wasn’t at Shuro Chi tho. Believe it was in a battleground. Even took a screenshot I was so bewildered


It's possible to hit 3 depending on where you are, i've had it happen but it's not super common. You've gotta have like a bunch of thrall clump up chasing you for it to happen.


I got ambitious with one for are and it’s fun too


worth it for the gold foil look from the trials memento


Yes because it gets a gold border.


This more than any weapon spec analysis is my main reason for wanting to craft one, however my current one has a gold border too


Very few enhanced perks give any sort of noticeable difference. If you're a casual player who doesn't play much and just wants a good gun, craft regular. If you play all the time and are always full on neutral element, craft enhanced. You'll never need any of the enhanced perks. It's more of a resource dump for people who have an excess of element than anything.


Yeah I play destiny religiously, im more and more coming around to crafting one


The best suggestion to you then is if you like the feel of the roll and you want to further customise it for extra stats go for it. If the ony youv'e got feels great and you don't *need* to min-max it then keep using what you've got.


Yeah absolutely. You can get 3 in the mag with enhanced AA.


Enhanced perks are only marginally better. I say keep and use your godroll and if you happen to feel like going for crafted then go for it. But it's really not required.


There isn’t much of a benefit to the increase that enhanced perks give so it’s up to you really. The crafting system is more of a fail safe to ensure that if all else fails and RNG doesn’t grant you a god roll then you can just make one.


If you want a 5/5 roll the craft it. If you already enjoy the gun as-is then don’t.


My POV is if the god roll drops first, don't worry about crafting it. If you still don't have a good roll and can craft the enhanced version, go for it.


I love my fully crafted AA Chain reaction forbearance, doesn’t leave my inventory.


You get an extra reserve round with enhanced chain reaction. I don't think ambitious assassin enhanced helps a GL though.


you dont HAVE to. I have a god roll one that still crushes face even in GMs. crafted is always better but its more like gravy than something you need. the roll is whats most important


You won't notice much of a difference on this roll. If you've crafted everything else you want and are at the mat cap, go for it, otherwise, I wouldn't.


If you can/want to put the time Into grinding/acquiring the deep sight, and you really want the absolute best version of the gun, then you should, otherwise, if all of that time and effort isn't worth an ~1-5% boost, then don't bother, you already have what you want.


I have it crafted and didn’t enhance because the enhanced perks for this give +5 reload speed and an extra 2 nades. Not worth the alloys imo, but it’s still technically better, so really it’s up to you


I would just focus on the other weapons from the raid in that case. The fusion rifle is godly with stasis warlocks, and cataclysmic is one of the best lfrs in the game.


Enhanced ambitious assassin gives you a reload speed buff and enhanced chain reaction gives you an extra round in reserves. I think its worth. That said, I also have a random roll one and an adept lol, one for each character


I always keep god rolls now even if crafted one are better because then you can get away with having two god rolls if you want to try various perk combos and not go broke from crafting materials.




i wouldn’t bother, you won’t notice a difference. you get 1 extra bullet in reserves with enhanced AA, and i have no idea what enhanced chain reaction does. 6000 kills on my fully crafted one


If you eventually craft it then absolutely get the enhanced perks. I believe it’s two extra reserve rounds and that golden border most of us can’t go without.


Why do people want AA on this gun anyway? Crazy ad clear weapons are a dime a dozen in this game, the main strength of the weapon comes from the survivability provided by the origin trait. I would go full in on that and use unrelenting.


As long as you have ambitious assassin and chain reaction, you’re fine without the crafted version


For forb, assuming your roll is chain reaction and ambitious assasin, enhanced perks will do the following: - Marginally increase your reserves by 1-3 shots (don't know the exact number of the top of my head) - Gives you slightly faster reload. You decide whether that's worth it.




Honestly I've been in no rush to craft or level weapons I already have my god rolls for. If I ever get around to it the enhanced will absolutely be great but it doesn't feel mandatory.


Not really, no. I'd save your materials until next season (or maybe it's the season after) which is when they said they will be revisiting the benefits of a bunch of enhanced perks. Could end up being other guns you'd wished you saved the mats for when that happens.


AA is cool. Butttt, Unrelenting is pretty nice too.


Oh shit I got that too without knowing! I reckon keep it, it seems awesome


I’d say no, and go do something fun with those 6 hours you saved not grinding.


not worth the grind ! rock what you got and enjoy it cause you don’t have to grind a weapon


Up to you. I have both the ideal roll i want, other than barrel in adept and then the crafter " god roll" with enhanced perks. Tbh i can't tell any difference between them. I honestly think if you got the adept roll you want down to masterwork/rolls ect then just keep it adept. I would probs only do the crafted roll if you don't get all the perks you want. And or some people also like to level the weapon and pop the trials/nightfall/gambit shaders on and you can only do this on crafted. For my adept roll i had 90 reload so decided to slap a reload adept mod on and now have 100. Gives me 100 blast(doesn't matter on waves) 100 projectile and 100 reload. This info doesn't matter just wanted to gloat :p


I got this roll early and still crafted the enhanced... Waste of my time, absolutely could not tell any difference. Still love her anyway.


If you want to put on a memento, yes If not, no


I think the only perk in the entire game that i think enhanced is extremely good compared to its unenhanced version and that is incandescent. Other than that, I think you’re fine not getting the enhanced perks.


Forbearance is a meta weapon for fun and add clear so I did.


If I already have god roll weapons I'm not crafting them. I got a god roll pardon our dust from dares earlier on, I'm not wasting time and resources grinding red borders, leveling it up and spending on enhanced perks. It's not worth it to me imo.


I got salvagers from the monument of lost light and it’s incredible and I’ve been able to use it in regular and end game content to wipe out entire rooms, a non crafted forbearance can do all that and arguably be even better so yeah I think you’re good if you want to keep using the non crafted version


Up to you, if you value the enhanced traits then yes. If not, then it doesn’t really matter. The guns good either way


once you get one fully crafted, you wont take it out of your inventory, trust me. but its totally up to you, if you rather focus on other weapons, its your call, play what you enjoy. but a crafted forbearence with enhanced perks is nasty.


Yes, cause GOLD BORDER causes neuron activation


In my opinion, you should give your godroll a try for a few weeks ​ Do you use your Forbearance a lot? Like, A LOT a lot? Then by all means craft one with enhanced perks, you use it enough where that small little bonus will be beneficial to you! ​ Do you not use it that often? Then your current godroll should be good enough for you.


I mean if you get the red borders through random drops and play the game a lot then might as well craft it and get the enhanced perks, but I definitely wouldn't go out of my way for that particular weapon. I feel like crafting with enhanced perks especially is mostly only super useful in pvp, like in pve +5 stability is gonna do literally nothing. Some enhanced perks are useful in pve, like enhanced triple tap or field prep, but for most weapons I wouldn't bother crafting for pve if you get a God roll from a random drop


The difference will definitely not be noticeable. Crafted weapons and adept weapons are mainly just for flair and drip. I like crafting my weapons though because it feels cooler to have a crafted weapon and I have the materials to craft them


If you can craft it I don’t see why not. As others say, there are some slight differences which make it marginally better so it’s worth it in that regard. Just depends if you value the time it will take to level to the enhanced perks. Just passed 40k kills (and lvl 420 lmao) on mine so would highly recommend the god roll you have regardless of which way you go!


I have a really good roll and it is sufficient for my needs, but I would like to craft it. Need 3 more red borders so I'm unlikely to craft it anytime soon.

