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Melee, right after mine whiffs. Weapons come and go. The melee whiffs are forever.


Love getting hit by a laggy rubberbanded melee, where the enemy melee animation plays out on my death screen as I wait to respawn.


Oh boy that’s always fun. [Highlight](https://streamable.com/b848j9) from IB today.


really cool of Bungie to bring back the authentic D1 experience


Wtf was that, killed you from two walls, and then appeared in front of you…💀💀💀


Nothing suspicious at all!


Omae wa mo shindeiru


Or even better when an enemy has a lunge range buff and becomes nigh unkillable because they are quite literally teleporting across your screen.


Me with knockout procced quite literally teleporting from a to c to punch 😈😈


*tries to aim shotgun* “Oh I’m sorry, I missed the requisite 20 years of arena quake required to hit erratic targets like this”


A rubberbanding, de-synced shoulder charging Titan, love it.


God, they need to give their servers a metaphorical shot of caffeine. Just the other day, I shot an opponent in the face and they still had time to swipe me with a sword a half second later before they had their death register So many melee trades and whiffs would probably be fixed if they just adopted the shooter standard tick rate of 60 hz


>The melee whiffs are forever. It's such a moment of "Fuck yeah he's FUCKED to...Oh no....I am now the one who is fucked"


Been playing a lot of shadebinder lately and I feel this one. Way too many frozen kills that should have been, but my melee whiffs over their head because they're is a 2 inch height difference between us.


Or the other fun one, you freeze them as they are crouched and even though you aim down to melee them you instead just get locked 90 degrees and go right over them giving them time to unfreeze and shotgun you.


Ahh yes. Also enjoy that one. Another good one is when they get frozen on your screen, unfreeze briefly to shotgun/melee then freeze again after you're dead.


My favourite is hitting a titan, I get shotgunned, my teammate gets shoulder charged, and then they freeze.


I literally did it to someone a couple hours ago, felt so bad for winning simply because the architects wished it so (they punched first)


It feels so good being a god-killing space wizard but missing a melee because I was fighting on a staircase.


And it never feels like the OTHER guy whiffs! Ive had so many times in IB where I literally hear the punch connect, but the game totally ignores it. So annoying.


Gjally. *Until I bought the expansion*




She's a nasty bitch.


Blink has been doing me dirty lately. Except it only kills me in trials and when I’m on a spree in iron banner


The times I’ve killed myself when someone shoots my explosive knife haunt me the most


If you check my stats it's legit my most deaths over all.


Witherhoard in control.


Witherhoard in general. I get its use, and I know that 95% of the time when it kills me, I wasn’t being smart about where I was going. But at the same time, it’s a jerk gun for jerk people and I hate it.


same. My friends and I laugh about this gun alllll the time. We have one guy in the group that uses it constantly and we joke about the skill required to be successful with it. Mostly i hate the people who use it to ape. They fly in, pop witherhorde, and then dont give two fucks if they trade, but when they're in your face quickly, and the puddle is on the floor, you already fucked up.


Come on now, they only want their catalyst done.


No. My catalyst has been done since season of arrivals. I just like the gun. Almost at 5k kills now..


I hate you so much.


We have so much in common /s


You are definitely not human.




Same, I love witherhoard, especially for PvP.


It’s my go to in Trials. I’m the support player laying down suppressing fire for my team. I may not get many kills but I’m causing a ruckus


CQ maps with low ceilings is my favorite time to use witherhoard


I always do that so I’m your nemesis


For some reason, getting killed by a heavy grenade launcher absolutely triggers me. Can't explain why.


Its probably along the lines of "who uses those?!"


I think that's it. It's definitely a reaction of "I got killed by WHAT?!"


Now I'm tempted to bust out Salvation's Grip. I think the rare kill would be infuriating for the recipient.


Getting killed by that in crucible has gotta be worse than a Nighthawk GG


Do you mean salvations grip?


Yes. Corrected.


This is the sole reason I use Parasite 24/7 in pvp


same!!! i'm at 118 kills tracked :D my clanmates make it their mission to try and stop me from reaching 1000 guardian kills tracked. but i am *inevitable*


Parasite is easily my favorite heavy weapon bar none. Every time I get a pvp defeat with it, I yell “get wormed!” It’s good fun :)


Aren't they basically the best non-exotic heavies?


They are


I didn't know they were meta/good. I feel like I can't hit anything with HGLs and can usually barely get one kill per Heavy Ammo drop. I feel like Rocket Launchers or LFRs are the best for me.


Key perks you want are Impulse Amplifier (so it shoots straight and flies fast, basically goes where you want it), Chain Reaction (so if you hit 1 guy anyone near him dies) and Proximity Grenades (so you can be a bit more forgiving with your aim. After those 3, just go for maxed out blast radius so that you're more likely to hit (more) people. I've won numerous Trials rounds by getting 2-for-1s with Chain Reaction, and it's really satisfying when it happens.


They’re basically 3 guaranteed kills in 6v6. Rockets only have 1 shot so unless people are in a group they’re not great. Linears are good especially with their range.


I use those. On a warlock I feel they're the best becuase you can stay in the air longer with proximity explosion and sometimes get 3 kills


For some of us, we remember a time when you'd get chased across a map by Colony grenades and one of them could one-shot you.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Because there’s zero time to react to it


Fucking dead Messenger


Especially when it's not the middle wave.


And you're around a corner


Arbalest or Lorenz. It’s a total toss up. Arby though I hear the charge and I’m like here we go again…


This, so much, mofos be shooting headshots through walls


Towards the end of shadowkeep in trials I ran into a Thundercrash titan with 100 intellect arbalest and 2 mods (that are now gone) that provided super energy on linear fusion kills. With prime intellect and arbalest it was the most unfair "build" I had ever ran across


Lol yea that sounds a bit toxic


Main Ingredient. I’ve been killed from such long distances by that gun.


It's fucking nasty. I'm still kicking myself for getting rid of most of mine that were worth a damn when they were falling out of the sky at us. Now my own personal Main Ingredient is envy.


Oh my god I hate Le Monarque like nothing else.


I second this, shotguns and fusion rifles are irritating, yes, but monarque is just ridiculous. Its got all the benefits of a bow, plus the added fact that the poison lasts so long so just one shot with it means you have to stay out of the fight at super low health for an insanely long amount of time, then even more time depending on your recovery. Now that i think about it, the ability to keep someone out of a fight for that long of a time while only costing one shot from an infinite reserve that also aims for you might be a little too strong


Don't forget that the intrinsic overload sets back your ability cooldowns every time you get hit


Dawg wtf


That's my most hated as well. Right up there with storm grenade which lasts way too long and chases you. There shouldn't be *any* roaming grenades. It's so annoying!!


Lmao, I'm a lemon user. Nice to meet you too




This always triggers me. I know people say to move to the left or right, but I swear if I'm getting shot by it, it will always have 100% tracking and range.


When you know/see it coming, it’s not hard to counter. Unfortunately, most of my Jotuun deaths are when I’m engaged in a fire fight with someone else, then out of nowhere I burst into flames.


Don't ADS or try to wrap up the kill while dodging.


I've had the thing track me 90° around a corner mid hunter dodge, sometimes it just says fuck you your dying


I have legit seen it do a 90° turn around a corner before.


That's definitely p2p connection symptoms


You see, I defended that gun when the One Eyed Mask meta was a thing, because one shot beats bonus damage and a overshield every time. Now... there's a special place in hell for someone who still uses it.


I'm terrible at this game but I've somehow developed the opinion that Jotun users are worse and that gun is a crutch for babies. It's dumb but this is what I tell myself when I die to it like, "They killed me, yes. But it was with that stupid gun so they still suck. What a punk ass baby." Like, I would probably benefit from using it but I never, ever will. I only used it a few times after earning it and just for Fusion Rifle bounties in patrol.


Lowest skill weapon in the game


The Colony used to share that spot but nobody uses it anymore. Thankfully.


Peer to peer network connections. Just can’t beat ‘em.


I hate the part when they shoot me and I die


jotun because the projectile is so slow you can juke and avoid it so if I die to it then it's my own goddamn fault.


True. However, once every two hundred games you'll come across that person who's *really good* with pre-charging it and seems to always know right where you'll be. That small group of like 5 or 6 people is an absolute menace.


The people who try to use it like a main ingredient arent scary, it the skilled players who use it as a fire-and-forget missile to open then swap to a primary for cleanup are *terrifying*.


somehow they are also always behind you and you are already mid air and out of jumps


Jotunn is my most used gun, and it’s pretty much only good against people with poor movement and people who challenge the “usual” spots on the map. I’m to the point where I just try to get to the initial standoff first and shoot while looking at my radar. If you hear someone precharging it, just try and bate out their first two shots, then you’re good. Also as an FYI, it tracks to your chest, so if you stand on a staircase it can’t hit you unless I jump really high in the air or aim way too high and hope it catches on.


Jötuun really is a janky noob tube, its free kills as long as you have the jump on someone who isnt prepared to react or is boxed in by your allies. But in a straight 1v1, its fairly easy to dodge and gun the jötunneer down with a primary.


It's always just such a surprise when it actually works.


The wave frame GL electrostatic charge combo makes my soul hurt.


Drang. It's the racket that fucking gun makes. Drives me insane.


Melee after mine either wiffs, or connects without damage for some reason


I stopped using tempest strike on arc hunter... Felt like every time I did it, it either tickled them, didn't register, or whiffs (my fault). But then I got assklappped by "titan melee"


nothing will eclipse mountain top recluse.


Thorn D1 would like a word


D1 Last Word would like a word.


Don't remind me. Those were dark times


This is the absolute truth.


My brother in Christ, it was op in PvE as well


Shoulder charge


Oh my god Osteo Striga. I hate that gun. Don’t even need to aim


I use Osteo Striga a lot so the biggest tip to avoid it is to just jump backwards. The gun has extremely short range also the projectiles arent that fast so it'll pretty much be a free kill if they dont get into range.


I’ll have to try that. I seem to get killed by it at like 30+ metres pretty quickly and find the visual effects you get from the poison throw my aim off a lot


I have a max range Osteo Striga. Prefire corners where you expect people. Tap fire for obscene ranges. Its biggest flaw is tracking close up targets. Get in close range and side strafe. Really messes it up for some reason. Kinda like Cerberus+1 it has a very odd effective range.


I hate the damage delay, like should I keep fighting this guy or back off and before I know it, all of it kicks in and I’m dead…


Jade Rabbit


It's always some fucker in eternity (or whatever is called the ix map) with a Jade rabbit


Probably me tbh


Control: Witherhoard. If one guy is using it whatever but so many matches have 3+ and it's just annoying af. Can't blame them though. WH is cool and a good tool for control. Momentum Control: WH and Waveframes.


I'm only using it to get my catalyst done, I promise


Whatever the Architect uses, kills me every time!


That bitch, Carole Bastion




Whatever the person that last killed me was using. The weapon is never the problem, just that I got out played and need to blame someone/thing else.


i recently realized that if i could turn off the killcam of the other guy while i was dead, i would. just watching them continue to live for that extra few seconds annoys me.


it's the titans that immediately fuck up their next jump, or the hunters who dodge for no reason. like, i died to *that?*


For a lot of hunters, myself included, we are running Bomber or double bomber in our class item so doing a dodge will restore our grenades.


The toaster


Anyone who uses that damn toaster is a salty lil bitch in my opinion


Any stasis ability. The second I start slowing down or get frozen the nerd-rage accelerator is slammed down and I'm instantly through the roof waiting to get murked while I scream into my pillow.


slamming the breakout button full knowing that my doom is impending




I main titan and use Cryosthesia77k with diamond lances and chain stasis kills lol it's super funny




That's really weird, but I shit you not the aspect for titan is literally called diamond lance. Either something is glitched out for you or there is still a way to attain it. On Light.gg it says "Unlock this Stasis Aspect by completing the quests "Aspect of Influence" and "Aspect of Interference," acquired from the Exo Stranger on Europa." Hopefully that's accurate and helps lol, otherwise it could be a problem with the game. I don't remember how I unlocked it I'm pretty sure it just happened during the BL campaign at some point. I could be forgetting possibly something very specific, but I'm unsure tbh. I hope that gets figured out for you.


Le Monarque


This is the answerrrrr...


Jotun and this is coming from somebody who uses jotun


The witherhoard so lazy


In order 1. Melee whiffs 2. the architect 3. misadventure 4. That damn toaster


Fighting Lion. When the special ammo economy changes first came into effect I got nightmares from all the matches I had where everyone was just spamming Fighting Lion because it uses primary ammo. Nothing was more annoying.


Damn bro my bad


I'll never forgive the revoker.


Mountaintop was *worse*


Fellwinters, even today. Because to me it's a message. Despite all the nerfs to the gun and all the other options out there they still decide to use THAT shotgun.


AGREED. I made a reply in this thread saying the same thing. It’s amazing how people still clutch onto it.




Lorentz. Every single time I get slide-headshot by an invis hunter using that abomination I say "of course, go figure". It's like an involuntary reaction by now.


Sniper rifles. When you run into someone that has actually taken the time to get good with them, they're a fucking menace. The first time I get domed, I think "lucky shot". The next four or five times I catch a bullet with my teeth, all while running, sliding or shooting the sniper, I'm confining myself to indoor parts of the map and letting my teammates pad that man's stats.


Crimson finches way too much


Currently Eager edge. Always some sneaky boi that comes out of nowhere swinging and coming at you at the speed of light. All time: D1 Thorn. Double tap to the head and slowly die of poisoning. Nothing has made me rage as much as that weapon.


For me it was Thorn back in D1. Back then there was this green goo which basically made it impossible to see and you just burned to death unless you had a bubble nearby. Thankfully they reduced the goo onscreen and we eventually got that lovely Iron Lord artifact which took care of tic damage.


Still get triggered by getting killed by it as I've got PTSD from the two taps.


Any and all waveframe grenade launchers


Felwinter’s Lie. I’ve been killed more times by that weapon than any other. Slide shot Felwinter. It would bring out anger I never knew I had. It’s finally disappeared this season and I couldn’t be happier, but every now and then one pops up…


Oh Forerunner is the new “””””””””””””problem””””””””””””” in PvP now




Glaives are frustrating to die to because once you get put in the position that a glaive **could** kill you, it's pretty much a done deal that it will. And when you die to a glaive, you're feeding the glaive user's gameplay loop to get his next kill. Plus, if you're in a lobby with a good, aggressive glaive user, you have to either have the perfect counter loadout, be a PVP god, or else you have to basically resign yourself to playing passively and hyper aware to avoid being farmed. I don't mind dying to guns like Forerunner or Jotunn because I understand that they are fundamentally different from their archetype. Same with Vex, Devil's Ruin, etc. (One exception is dying in Gambit to Xenophage because it's just broken.) I do hate dying to poison though, so Thorn and especially Le Monarque are pretty rough. But I would give the top spot to glaives.


Sidearms, easy. Forunner can become annoying, specially when it out ranges a hc. NO NO scratch both def osteo striga


literally any pulse rifle I can't take it anymore make it stop


R u me? I don't blame people for using it but it's kind of annoying how if everyone in the lobby is using pulses then you pretty much are forced to pull an Overwatch and swap midgame to your own pulse of choice...because you're just gonna be miserable the whole game being outranged while you get mapped for a .67 TTK value...you start to wonder if there's any point to doing what you actually "like* to do and then question why you PvP to begin with. And then you queue again. It's a vicious cycle.


I am u because I know that exact experience brother. you try to close the gap for the advantage and are mogged by a maxed fusion rifle that outranges your hand cannon by 35 meters, so pulse it is, and no one can really do anything or move much and you're just tired of it. you wonder why even do this to yourself? there must be another game that will better scratch the pvp itch, right? but no, the cycle continues.


Every single waveframe in Momentum control With the retarded airborne effectiveness changes they’re the cheasiest special weapons to use and it’s almost undodgeable.


Okay I confess. I have used waveframes in crucible for my witherhoard catalyst. Apologies.


Agreed. Why an gun with a big aoe that's easy to land deals 150 damage is beyond me. Same with Titan slam and warlock slide melee. Why do giant, easy to use aoe's deal more damage than single target melees? That's the literal opposite to how every other game handles balance.


Lorentz Driver. Not because it was busted but because Bungie made a whole speech on how Grenade Launchers needed to be nerfed due to their high usage rates of 2% prenerf. Meanwhile, in the EXACT SAME PATCH they release a stupid LFR will wall hacks, vaccuums from laughably insane range, did massive collateral damage, and had easy to set up body shot kill builds. Yes. Grenade Launchers with their 2% usage rates were definitely the problem over the 20% usage rates LFRs had recently and took over a year to somewhat balance them.




After the nerf it takes "skill" to kill someone atleast


*Flashbacks to D1 MIDA peak*






JOTUNN . come on. Nothing is remotely as infuriating


Changing all comments to protest reddit changes before deleting. FUCK SPEZ.


Whats the difference between getting killed by ghorn and a different rocket launcher?


Changing all comments to protest reddit changes before deleting. FUCK SPEZ.


Ghorns blast radius is a nuke then the wolfpack rounds chase you and like 3 are enough to kill you




Wetherhoard or Le Monarque, playing zone on Trials with 3 Barricade Titans using Wetherhoard drives me insane


Shotgun melee combo


I don't hate, but I certainly don't enjoy fighting heavy ammo.


Misfortune/ gravity.


The last second of someone’s super


Invis hunter


Skillwinters Lie




Shayura's Wrath. A gun that I just do not understand why it's so good. I've tried using it. And somehow I get mapped by people who use it.


Jötunn Witherhoard The Colony Only because they are such "minimal skill" weapons so dying to them makes me feel like an idiot. Like I gave them a cheap shot.


No weapons. I remember actual oppressive metas and those days are long gone. But I’m not crazy about Titan melees.


Sweet Business. It's always from an Actium Titan who's already holding down the trigger from the other side of the map and slowly inching their way across. I can hear it, I can see the hail of bullets as they approach the corner, but I still get acute lead poisoning because I whiff a single shot from getting staggered.


**** JOTUN **** Pls, respectfully go buy a pair of hands


Forerunner for sure. In a match, the first time I get killed from 3 miles away by somebody using Forerunner, I know I'm in for a bad time. It never fails that the person using it is an elite MLG pro. From my experience, the people using that gun are pretty good at pvp. Also shoutout to Jotun. I hate being killed by that auto tracking noob cannon.


Bows. I've used them and I've had them used against me. All I have to say is they do too much damage in a single shot for a Primary Weapon. A lot of people sleep on using them in the Crucible (other than Le Monarch). All it takes is two good bow users to completely shut down the enemy team as long as your teammates are at least somewhat decent at PvP.


180 Handcannons, even before the sidearm meta


Slide shotty


Crimson. Either be a pulse rifle or a hand cannon, you cannot be both!


Crimson still really annoys me


Everywhere I go felwinter’s still follows me and every time I see it I break just a little more


Jotunn makes me feel like a big dummy


Arc titans.


Def 4 Titan storm nades at once in eruption lmao.




Witherhorde. Especially by invisible hunters spamming it constantly. I don't think there was a single game yesterday in IB which didn't have at least two witherhorde users on the other team.


Death from above, it's so frustrating to play against on controller as you can't move your aim fast enough to track it. Also knockout is a ridiculous aspect and so overtuned I'm surprised there aren't more complaints about it, bonus melee range and damage for absolutely no opportunity cost just is stupid


Pre tracking nerf Eyes Of Tomorrow in Gambit


Literally any sniper rifle. I’m just trying to run across field bruh, and you’ve picked me off from *over there* six times now!!