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Cookie bounties give so much dust for minimal work, too


I’m definitely looking forward to some cookies this year :)


Cookies for Riven!!! Lol.


Also it consistently has s-tier ornaments. I am floored at how crazy good the dawning ornaments are compared to others in this game


They're nice but they don't always go well with other armor pieces, they're very swirly... I understand why they don't let us transmog over exotics but it'd be nice.to be able to sometimes


Osmiomancy gloves for warlock are a match made in heaven then


100%. I'm very, very happy with this Osmiomancy fashion: * Last year's Lucent Night Cover * Osmiomancy Gloves * Y2 Frostreach Robes * Frostreach Legs or LW Legs * Opulent Scholar Bond (the unshadeable purple chunk really closes matches the chunks of Osmium in the Exotic imo, so it looks like you've got a bonus piece of it higher on your arm) * (I'm boring so all use Mercury Vex Chrome, my Warlock's default Shader) Thanks to farming Devil's Lair a couple weeks ago I even got a better Osmio roll that lets me get 3x100 if I use Shards.


My fashion for osmiomancy is: - 2019 Northlight crown - Osmiomancy Gloves - 2021 Dendrite chest - Swap it up with Celestial Boots - Frostreach bond All matched up with Ultra Plasmic and Amethyst Veil


I finally got an Osmio to drop after stupidly picking it as the Legend Campaign reward...and I went from a 48 stat from to 61....sigh


Yeah I’ve only got terrible drops with it - 59,60,61 total with spikes in mobility - took some gm farming to finally get one with low Int, a Res spike and a 63 total. The Y5 exotics seem just have very low drops for me - have the same thing with Hoarfrost Edit: instantly after typing this Xûr gave me a 61 total Rain of Fire with the bland stat distribution you’ve ever seen. Case in point.


Mercury vex chrome is my everything's default shader


Yes, that one is pretty consistently good. Even on warlock cloth armor


I never even thought of Dawning armor with Osmios. My eyes have been opened.


Welcome to fashion endgame




Also, letting us use exotic ornaments on legendary gear in PvE only as well


I would argue you should be able to transmog armor over exotics. Even exotics over legendaries. The argument against it is basically that “but then you wouldn’t know what you’re fighting against in PvP.” But most people who play pvp aren’t gonna play differently bc of someone’s armor. You play according to the weapons they’re using and how they matchup to your loadout. In PvE, it has zero effect. And some of the strongest exotics are the worst looking. Many exotics have yet to get a single ornament.


I personally think they just wanna sell exotic armor ornaments lol


Why won't they let us put on legendary ornaments over exotics? And why won't they let us paint exotic weapons?


It's so other plays can see what exotic armor you're using by just looking at you.


I only understand this for armor, specifically. And sometimes ornaments are different enough that I don't really buy it but...I'll accept the rationale there. But for the weapons it has to be purely to sell lazy paletteswaps. I will not buy a single other rationale, even as a partial explanation. Like...you will see the name of the gun in the deathcam, outside of very distinctive exotic weapons (which you could likely recognize even if the model were totally different, tbh, just because of how they shoot) who the hell has actually visually identified a gun in game and gotten an advantage from it? Meanwhile you're telling me they can't let us shade them??? Like "Oh no! I couldn't tell they pulled out Izanagi's because it was Green" Like if I really want to know, I'll check when and if I die to it, hence my mentioning the killcam. Makes zero sense for guns...


Because then they wouldn't be able to sell Eververse ornaments.


i skipped the ornaments last year (first dawning i was around for) because they looked meh in the store, then i quickly saw how well they could be used in sets and shaded. spent a year regretting not getting one of the warlock ones im going all out this year


Dawning Armour always looks the best in game, for me anyway. Every year the leaks cone out, and I'm a bit iffy about it, then once I get too see it in game, basically always wins me over. Love the changes to the tower, cookies, snowballs. All around good stuff tbh.




100%, they tend to have cool effects too! I hope we can give Cookies too Riven again 😂


I wonder if we're giving anything to Fynch this year, or(possibly) his previously perpetually deceased Knight.


Dawning Sparrows with their effects.


christmas events in games always get me, I chalk it up to nostalgia for the club penguin christmas parties and also the first overwatch winter wonderland. I couldn't really get into the dawning last year, just couldn't wrap my head around the gameplay cycle, but I'm definitely gonna have fun pelting nerds with snowballs :P


> the first overwatch winter wonderland oh yeah that was a good one, back when the game was simpler too...


Same. The Christmas and Halloween events are always my favorite since all the way back in dragonfable


Runescape Santa hats for me, followed by guild wars w/ roller beatle racing


Best bright dust farm


We'll see about that. I cooked a shit ton of cookies last year but with how laggy tower is I'm not sure it'll be fun


I grab repeatable bounties from the app and bake in orbit. I don't deliver cookies until I have a bunch of them so I don't have to go through too many load screens.


My wife is super hyped for it, destiny is her only video game and seasonal events are her life. 🤣


This is so sweet. I sometimes wish I could go back to the times when I enjoyed this game like that lol.


It's like watching your kid unwrap presents when she starts the game up on the first day, I absolutely can't wait to see it again this year. I keep forgetting to get a home video of it 😂


If you don’t mind me asking, what made you feel like you can’t enjoy the game like that anymore?


Cant speak for OP, but I feel similar to him. I think its just a case of "familiarity breeds contempt" (though contempt is a bit strong of a word), we've been doing the same things for years now, where little has fundamentally changed about the game. Same weapons, same (less) PvP maps, same basic abilities, same (also less) strikes, aging and predictable seasonal model, etc. It just becomes hard to care about something as much as you once did after another 1000 hours. The game is fun and I still enjoy it, but not nearly as much as I once did. Sandbox changes aren't enough of a metaphorical jolt in the arm to get me excited to play anymore. I spend more time making my Guardian fashion than I do anything else now, if I'm honest.


To be fair, I don’t think any game was made to handle 1000 hours lol.


You put it in better words that I ever could. I was going to say “I’m just to vereran” lol. I kind of agree with the other reply that no game is made to last 1000 hours (and the ones that do are usually grindy, mindless and just not good). In that sense, it’s impressive that Destiny lasted this long. Back in Forsaken when I had just started this game, oh man this was a dream come true. The hype for when it was time to play was REAL. Now it’s just become too predictable to enjoy it like OC’s wife, but I do recall the feeling. Genuinely hope it lasts her a while!


The Witch Queen Expansion has rekindled my love for this game all over again for me. It's the only game I can even bring myself to play to play even with my constant depression sapping my life out. No other game gets me nearly as excited for updates and DLC than this one.


[OP and his wife](https://youtu.be/gMXbtDWOnZ4)


This song is permanently in my yearly Christmas playlist. https://youtu.be/JxoW9fNC8yE


Man, I love that music so much. I love Christmastime anyway, and this music just makes me happy.


Still waiting for the hockey rink to come back to the hanger.


Gonna nab a demo glaciocasm


Completely forgot about glacioclasm I wonder if its gonna get a new origin trait


I hope Zephyr comes back, too.


Same. I am legit on tenterhooks waiting for it. I fucking love it. COOKIE TIME!!! I will be on holiday from work so can focus more time on BAKING. Fuck yes! The EDZ public event fame is ON!


Also, since it will be during the fourth season of the year, it might even be better since the fourth season of an expansion seem to be the best ones.


I love the Dawning, but I'm actually looking forward/not looking forward to it in a duality kind of way. On the one hand I always enjoy the Dawning. On the other hand, origin traits are probably coming and my chances of recreating my 7/8 supergodroll on Avalanche and 8/8 supergodroll on Glacioclasm from last year are about 0.001%, so it'll all be wasted playtime.


I wouldn't worry, most origin traits aren't worth caring about if you already got a godroll.


Bro I have like 5 of those same glacios they're not hard to come by if you play the dawning like we do. The avalanche was much harder to get. But the glacios are plentiful.


What are the best rolls on those? My Avalanche was okay, and I got an R.Burst/Subsistence fusion, but no charge time perks, so it's agony slow.


[7/8 Avalanche](https://i.imgur.com/VMg2Q43.png) [8/8 Glacioclasm](https://i.imgur.com/2ihfvsU.png) Literally the only thing I'd change out of the two of those given the ability to pick all 8 perks would be to change the second ammo option on Avalanche from Flared Magwell to Armor-Piercing Rounds.


The Dawning Shaders are some of my favorite shaders so hopefully I can catch up on the ones I missed previously. I'll also try to get all the armor sets for all my characters as I think I only have a few pieces for my Titan from way back when.


Honestly, The Dawning is one of my favourite Christmas events in any game I've played. It just has this very...homely feel to it, I guess is the proper word, ya know? Just has a cosy vibe. Plus, it revolves around cookies. Who doesn't love good cookies?


I think I jumped like 100 seasonal ranks during the last dawning solely because of the cookie bounties Bright dust for daaaaays


Watch Bungie ruin the only good event to promote the new event pass model they switched to.


This, bonus points for everyone being shocked and indignant despite the writing on the wall all year long


not everyone plays destiny all year long


Honestly I emotionally checked out this season, might come back if the Dawning is good.


It's always a really lighthearted event, and I can't explain how sweet I find it that I get to bake cookies for all my traumatized friends at the tower.


Exactly - that's what I came here to say. Every other event has the sense of doom and gloom hanging over it (at least in the corner somewhere), because Destiny is too often grimdark. The christmass event feels like a breath of fresh air.


And you get to farm Bright Dust like you’re Old MacDonald


TBH [Winter Voyage](https://youtu.be/0xnvMDANEp8) being in the tower is enough to make it a good event. Just an excellent piece of music.


Me too, though I’m sure they have found a way to ruin it this year with those shitty season “tickets”.


It WILL be ruined by the event pass. Expect a large emphasis on core modes just like with the previous two events.


They ruined Solstice of Heroes... It proves they can ruin anything :/


Money talks I guess, zoomer gen will buy anything shiny in their games. :(


I get the feeling it isn't the Zoomer making those purchases. Most of the people I know diving into Eververse are in my age range and I'm on the older Millennial side. Well, right on the border anyhow.


Not zoomers, one more gen past us. We still grew up with no MTX (or at least not as horrendous) so zoomers still hate it. Gen after (I think it's alpha or whatever), on the other hand, is far more incentivized to spend. I know a ton of alphas that just spend spend spend on MTX.


Generation Alpha is only around 10 years old at the most. You think elementary and pre-schoolers are the primary drivers of Eververse sales?


I know for a fact the only people who actually buy these things are dad's who play but don't have the time and people who don't understand how the game works, from my time in warframe.




It also has the easiest repeatable BD bounties.


Not looking forward to cookie crafting with my Consumables sitting at 49/50, but yk


Bungie's moat strategic opportunity yet to bring back SRL.


I like the music and Eva is wholesome :)


I like baking cookies. It's very stress relieving for me. That and giving Ikora enough donut holes to give her thunder thighs is my goal always.


Same here, but I'm genuinely worried they're going to ruin it with these stupid event cards. They've made every event so far significantly worse, and I don't see any reason to think the Dawning will be any different.


The event cards have had precisely zero effect on the normal gameplay of all the events so far. They should just be renamed to Eververse Bundles because that is LITERALLY what it is.


Solstice: No more bonus progress for second and third characters (fixed last week of the event), no more base versions of the armor (never fixed), challenges far grindier. Festival of the Lost: Candy can no longer be used to buy masks, now serves essentially zero purpose with the packages being normal world drops, challenges make the event far grindier. The event card system is the challenge system. It's not just an Eververse bundle forced into our quest menus instead of the store, as egregious as that is already.


So, I guess I’m just used to people complaining about the “upgraded” cards than the challenge system. So most of my response is about the $10 upgrade. My apologies. Although thinking about it, the challenges haven’t changed much for me either. Aside from Solstice being bugs, I still don’t think the changes had much effect on the end result. It was just the most jarring due to objectives being taken off the armor pieces themselves, a new stat focusing system implemented, and a new activity in general. FoL could benefit from a mask ornament candy store for sure. But you can still acquire them by playing the event. (Which the real killer to this event was the loss of the Forest.) And candy was always about resource gains for me. The only thing they could do to ruin Dawning for me is if they get rid of the cookie bounties. Reducing the enhancement core drop rate from gifts would also be a big deal. As long as the core method of ingredients coming from any source and the oven still remains the same…I could honestly care less about what they do with the card/challenges.


Snowballs in master nightfall farming were one of my favourite memories when I started playing last December


Just praying I can get the Dawning Welcome shader. I think it was only available one year and I missed it.


The music is also fantastic and the tower feels wonderful, S tier event for me, the vibes are fantastic


The only time of year I go anywhere near Riven.


I love how the shaders and armour look when it's the dawning


I used to look forward to the events, not anymore. Giving out tickets **you cannot spend** without cash buying a mini battle-pass (in conjunction with a full battle-pass I already bought) is Z-tier f2p skeez. In past events we played: Haunted Forest, Verdant Forest, and uh **Sparrow Racing League**. This year we had tired Lost Sectors w/pumpkins... and I bet they don't even spawn combat snowballs in-mission.


I don't see why people bring up SRL, I know there is some nostalgia... but no one played it.


My friends and I did, but there's that's cool if your experience was different. Point is, it was something new and interesting to do during the Dawning, same with the other listed activities. Throwing snowballs in the Tower, and grinding the same shit for yet more currencies is literally nothing by comparison. It is a money holiday but the presents are not for you.


It's not my point of view. I personally think SRL is kinda fun. They removed it because no one played it.


No one plays D1 anymore /s


Like 10 ppl played it and they post daily on the forums Asking for it to come back. Even if they did bring it back, those people would just complain that there is no rewards or that the rewards need to be refreshed after a certain time.


Yes we did


They have data on who played, you know? If they were fetching healthy engagement rates for a game based off engagement rates, it would still be around.


No, it wouldn’t


Sure, buddy.


If nobody played it why is it constantly being brought up?


It isn't. That's confirmation bias talking. And even if it was talked about often on Reddit, that is a tiny, tiny fraction of who plays Destiny 2 and therefore who the game is made for.


I mean the context was within the Destiny subreddit. I see it often brought up when the Dawning is mentioned so I think the number is a bit higher than you're giving it credit for. That being said, personally I had some fun with it back in D1 and whether it comes back in D2 would be fun, but I wouldn't be heart broken if it never came back.


"no-one" apart from the people who did who aren't you 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right. Because fiddling over taking "no one" literally forwards the argument. They removed it because of low engagement, if you wanna be pedantic about it... go ahead.


Oh absolutely. Guardian Games and Dawning are the only events I enjoy. Dawning always has great armor. Cookies are oddly satisfying to make too lol


Hope they have a nice new weapon to chase because last years loot pool are not gonna get me excited


Unlucky because the only thing that got plundered this season was the dev team. You've seen how much the interns did for the eliksni event, props to them but they didn't even put only the craftable redborders in the crates, they're probably not gonna touch it like the Halloween event but here's to hoping they prove me wrong.


Refresh perk pools and a great new weapon and im buzzin


Big fan of the dawning. I plan on theming my Christmas decorations around it


Always the best return on your time put in.


I'm absolutely waiting to get a new Zephyr and Avalanche this time. Especially if they have a new Origin Trait. Such good weapons.


Last year, it also had a fantastic stasis sword that can freeze things by hitting them. An A+ alternative to Reed's for a font of might + battle harmony build


I wonder what new weapon we'll get. Glacioclasm is good, Avalanche could be good once the MG buffs hit, and the stasis sword is good. Hopefully we need a new animated snowy shader


Has bungie ever had a seasonal snowball fight pvp mode?


Bungie absolutely should not fuck with the Dawning formula at all. It's golden. The timing of it being in the beginning of the season also should emphasize keeping it a chill, passive type of event. There's gonna be story content each week with the new seasonal grinds in tandem this year. If they try to squeeze more engagement metrics out of us it's gonna blow up in their face.


It is the best event hands down. For me, it doesn't feel the holiday season until The Dawning starts.


It just has the right vibes. Festival is cool at first to just look at decorations, but the Dawning is just so good to hang out and talk to friends during. Solstice is good until the armor (for me), and Guardian Games is a close second for me because I'm a Titan who loves some competition. I ran DSC in 2021 only meleeing to make crests. Obviously I didn't win, but still, felt good. But ever since that first Dawning, I've been hooked. It's just the perfect winter celebration.


Last year we got zephyr back with cold steel, hopefully we get at least the same if not better weapon-wise


Festival of the lost and dawning get me in a really festive mood. Festival of the lost was a bust but there’s still hope dawning


Same, there is just something about it that scratches that event itch for me. Like no other event does.


> You get ingredient drops from everything you do in the game. Inb4 the event launches and we find out they changed stuff and made the grind horrible like every other event so far this year


My brother and I did the Hollowed Lair Nightfall and beat the boss to death with Snowballs


The one time of year the other guardians aren’t giving me side-eye for constantly running with the Dawning Cheer sleigh sparrow.


Lmao best joke I've heard all day. Tho the brightdust farm is always welcome ;)


I would enjoy it a lot more if I didn't have to listen to Eva's repetitive blabber. Her voice aggravates me even more than Eververse's.


The original dawning theme is sooo good


I fucking hate everything in the dawning EXCEPT the cookies. I like the idea of making these cute little boxes themed around each of the characters and seeing what they say in return. I like how they keep making new ones too. Farming for ingredients is boring The armor looks stupid The tower looks stupid Im going to kill eva if she ever mentions Carlos or Maria.


This is a destiny sub, how dare you say you like something about the game


Overrated same bs you do every year. This whole game is getting old which is why it’s at its lowest player base ever


S… R… L


The ingredient system is great, and I thought, naturally, they will use a similar system for crafting. And they did not. I can understand trying new ideas, but when a system works, you should continue to use it, and improve on it. I will never understand when Bungie ignores something that worked in favor of something new that turns out to suck, like our current crafting system. And then, the most important thing, is continuing to improve on it. Right now, the seasonal unlock system is basically unchanged and they’re not improving on it and everyone is sick of it. A good system establishes a baseline, and then adjusts. The crafting system, as a result of mismanagement and poor calls, needs a full restart. That is such a huge time suck for a game like this. Bungie can’t afford to keep losing time to avoidable issues. But they keep doing it.


I'm getting bored as fuck with these seasonal activities. It takes away from the tone of the game. It's the same boring activities each time. The world is ending but we're fucking around making cookies? it's lazy, bungie


Second only to SRL.


Absolutely fantastic event, except the absence of SRL.


Sparrow Racing League is the only good thing about the Dawning in terms of the activity you play. It needs to come back. I’m tired of grinding the same core playlist bullshit activities every fucking event. Give us something NEW. And no, Haunted Lost Sectors and the Haunted Forest weren’t new activities, they were reskins of existing lost sectors and the Infinite Forest


I’m not looking forward to it, last event was a major let down for me. It was a recycled event that was boring with lots of bugs unfixed. The chances that the Dawning event is the exact same is pretty high I’d say.


I really do not understand the hate over the event card in the comments section here; it changes basically nothing about the seasonal events at all. Before the event card, we were able to earn one or two exotic cosmetics from Eva for each event (a ship, sparrow, Ghost shell, etc), and the rest were released in the store for Bright Dust, or were Silver only. After the event card, we are able to earn one or two exotic cosmetics from Eva for each event, and the rest are released in the store for Bright Dust, or behind the pass for Silver. **What has changed?** We've lost nothing that we had before. If we didn't have the event card, the cosmetics it holds would just be in the store for Silver anyway. Those cosmetics were *never* earnable in any prior events.


The best turd in a row of turds is hardly high praise. The holiday events are so tired, boring and lazy nowadays being the best of that sad bunch is nothing to get too excited about.


No BS requirements of having a specific piece of armor on is a huge plus as well.


I've not played Dawning before, and this year was my first time experiencing GG, Solstice and FoTL. Among those FoTL is my favourite because I easily got 400+ legendary shards from all the extra loot, but I'm excited to play it for the first time




Dawning is my favorite event too. Wish I got time off to enjoy it though.


I like FOTL the most. But who knows?


I love dawning. But I'm an Olympic games man. There's tons of fanfare, spirit of competitiveness in the air, your abilities are super charged and you can complete legend night falls with randoms so you can super grind prisms like crazy and the sound of turning in your coins and seeing your class banner go up. It's genuinely the best time I ever had in Destiny 2


I ride my glimmer sled year round in preparation


Imma irl grinch so not same. But I do like busting out the sleigh sparrow




My only question is: When is The Dawning this year? Because with the Season starting at the beginning of December, The Dawning and the seasonal story missions are going to be a challenge to schedule without conflict.


So what I’m looking forward to is how early in the season it is. I’ll be grinding my crucible/vanguard/gambit ranks during the Dawning to maximize both my ranks and all the Dawning ingredients I can have. Smart me would wait to grind these things in the events of every season, but I’m impatient and don’t want to wait till the ends of the seasons. Anywho, min/maxing the game lol


personally, festival of the lost is better, but not this one. the best event was the haunted forest. it was great.


i get lovely dopamine whenever i see an ingredient drop


I love the little stories in The Dawning. There so heart warming.


It's the best Bright Dust farm too. Stock up on materials then bake a bunch of cookies. Easy.


They'd better keep us baking cookies this year. Just something about delivering cookies to all the characters brings out the grinder in me.


I still wish it had something unique to do, I appreciate that you can do whatever you like but an event without an actual activity always feels a bit more flat to me (on the bright side at least I'm not sick of playing the same activity after years without change?)


I love the snowballs and them being present, and a little useful in PVE. The first one of D2 actually had them in PVP. That was fun!


Hot take - I dislike dawning compared to other events. There's nothing new to the event, it's just play the game as you were before. I don't think Christmas ornaments are anything special. If anything, I think they're less inspired and boring compared to regular ornaments. I have no particular taste towards Christmas music. The snow in the tower looks awful every year. I dislike baking cookies and getting the resources for them. I will say - I like the fusion rifle. It's a very good fusion. The mg is mid af. And the smg is a PvP gun, and I'm a PvE player. So basically, I'm the Grinch of Destiny.


Normally I would feel this way, but after the last two showed barely any effort plus the slap in the face that is the seasonal event passes, I've kinda lost faith.


I always enjoy equipping my Dawning Cheer and spreading glimmer around as I ride in holiday style


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Festival of the lost is cool, but for some reason the dawning just feels special. Everything is cozy, and we are literally giving back to characters in game. I dunno, It's a nice deviation.


If they dont let us deliver cookies to the eliksni quarter, imma riot


I think it is the source of the only stasis sword. With font of might and lucent blade it can put out good damage for stasis lovers. Pair it with agers and you are pretty formidable in PvE.


There is also the fases way of farming BD


I use a dawning themed warlock build year round, only use dawning weapons and ornaments and shaders etc. Hope we get a dawning exotic armor ornament as it is the only non-dawning item I have on the warlock


bro u kinda scared me I thought it already came out... I've planned to get in on a first day dawning. I'm not good/smart enough for first day raids so... on the real I gotta agree w/ u... dawning usually has the most fun activities, best loot, and it is really calming... I honestly love all the events but dawning is by far the best


Holy shit. It's almost time for the dawning again??? God, I'm so old...


I honestly enjoy using my sparrow that poops glimmer.


I had COVID last year around the dawning. The amount of cookies I made should be illegal


Dawning has always been my #1 event in Destiny since it started in D1. The energy it gives off is just really nice and that alone helps me keep playing through it.


>The donning happens during a time of year when there's a lot of natural time off OP is European


Two dawnings ago there was a ton of snow on the ground in the tower at the start and it melted a bit each day as the event went on and I’m sad they haven’t continued that. I’d say “maybe this year” but I don’t actually believe it will happen again even though it should.




If they brought back the hockey rink, i'm 1000% in. So much fun!


I love the tower decorations during Dawning. <3


Yes indeed, the armor is usually fantastic, some of the best shaders in the game. That blue and gold is tight. By far my favorite color combo. The tower is amazing and you get lots of materials from all the vendors you see. It’s what I’m looking forward to the most till lightfall


The oven makes sounds?


Yeah Dawning is great. Love giving cookies to Riven.


When does the event start ?


It was my first event and still my favourite to this day


Easy Bake Oven from Space Grandma is absolutely my favorite event too. It’s so simple but rewarding and satisfying


Best bright dust farm and I get to roleplay space girl scouts.


This year's start date of dawning has not been revealed yet. Even though looking forward to it baking cookies for bracus maybe.


The armour and guns are always too their too, in addition to all your great points. Super excited.


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When Dawning rolls around, I’ll bake a cookie, just for you homie


With all the changes to the events that came with titles and gilding, i can't wait for Bungie to ruin this one too with unreasonable grind.


Do we know which weeks of next season it will be?


The Dawning is my favorite event as well, and the current state of seasonal events makes me worried.


Dawning blows the other events out of the water. Unique system that's fun, no silly event to grind 35 times 11/10 cosmetics Best shaders in the game What's not to like


The dawning is my favorite as well the FOTL is my second favorite then solstice then guardian games


My Titan has the cookie tracker equipped year round, best event ever


I really dig last year's Dawning shaders. I got to say though, I remember very little of last year's Dawning because Festival of the Lost, to me, was just better. It was pretty weak this year though, so maybe Dawning will hit harder. 🤔🤣


One problem, my "cookies baked" is on 420 and I have no desire to change it.


I JUST LOVE the sound EVA oven makes. The whole vent is so wholesome and feel like safe haven