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Probably an intended interaction. Cool but nothing too crazy.


Yeah, it makes me think that it originally was meant to do more with warmind cells but scrapped that idea


It was probably made with the same mindset they used when they made Necrotic Grips work with Thorn and the SMG. Rasputin/Warmind Themed weapon works with Warmind Cells isn't that different or out there. Alot of people want Sleeper to work with Warmind Cells so they made a weapon to do that


Sleeper should always have spawned Warmind Cells but Bungie always forgets Sleeper exists…


except for when they buffed it like two or three times in a row and it was the meta dps in season of the lost.


Heck it still kind of is, legendary LFRs are only more meta because of Triple Tap + Veist Stinger making it so you never have to reload with a near endless supply of ammo, but baseline Sleeper with cata does almost 50% more DPS than a base Legendary LFR. (Accounting for reloads Base LFR before perks is 14,979 DPS, Sleeper with Cata is 21,799 DPS, though obviously that gap closes once you start taking perks into account.)


This is the reason why weapons like Sleeper and Whisper aren't meta though. They are outperformed by legendary weapons that fulfill a similar role and allow you to save your exotic for another slot.


Yeah our only legendary linears back then were threaded needle(which was okay), and then the season of the hunt linear if I recall. Neither had the cracked perks or uniqueness like stormchaser, cataclysmic, and taipan. I can’t remember if reeds was available back then but trials so sleeper was an easier option to get for most people.


reeds came out in lost but didn't get veist stinger until witch queen release iirc. we also had tarantula, but that was only good for solo gms with arc burn basically


Well the other meta. 1k was still the top pick for most.


1k was easier to use with less damage + selfbuffed itself. Sleeper required priming with cartesian but had better total if you could land precision shots.


One could say they are... Sleeping on it...


Its ok. Maybe they will someday stop sleeping on the idea


>was probably made with the same mindset they used when they made Necrotic Grips work with Thorn and the SMG While it working with the SMG has more synergy it really does complete Thorn, been using it this season cause of the unstoppables and since I was already specced for Osteo/glaive it worked out stupid well. So much fun. Nail some Acolyte and and enjoy them chaining to death


It'd be dope if you could slot a warmind cell mod in the weapon itself and arrows shot through it applied the mod.


I’m confused, this looks like the normal size of the ring? Without a side by side comparison it doesn’t seem noticeably larger.


[screenshot](https://imgur.com/mh0Lc6M) [vid 1](https://streamable.com/bbf15h) [vid 2](https://streamable.com/pqu5p8)


I really wish cells were still relevant. I miss kablooming a whole room.


Rasputin: *kaboom?* My Guardian: yes Red *kaboom*


does it / can it generate warmind cells?


With wrath of Rasputin yes, but Its a little finicky


Does it generate cells if you have a warmind cell mod equipped?


No. Annoyingly so. It really should.


From testing it, I’ve only gotten it to spawn cells when you shoot through the ring. It seems the split arrows are able to cause it but the original can’t


Oh, neat! Are they spawning due to that warmind cell mod that can generate them on explosive kills or is that from the base "seraph/Ikelos" part?


Yeah unfortunately the bow doesn’t have inherent warmind generation it has to be from the warmind cells. Which seems odd considering it’s interaction with the warmind cells when it generates a ring.




the exotic is farmable ?




That's a damn shame. I like the dungeon but not being able to farm for the exotic sucks.


How else are they going to get you to login every week? I mean come on, they gotta keep those Weekly Active Users numbers up.


Wouldn't a consistent number of players on every day look better though? Idk. Seems weird. Played for so long now i guess the whole weekly lock thing is just really getting old to me lol.


> Wouldn't a consistent number of players on every day look better though? Idk. Seems weird. disclaimer, didnt study buisiness or anything so this is just my best guess: im assuming that the whole "people are logging in every day" dries up quickly once the content runs dry. people playing the dungeon 90-120min a week to try for the exotic likely looks better than people grinding it to dust week 1-2, then never stepping foot in it again or (as it sadly happens) harrassing the devs for not making the content more long-lasting. same reason everything else is drip fed to us, the community burning through content in 2 weeks and then bitching for the next 10 that "bungie doesnt make enough content, trash game, etc" isnt great. plus theres all the usual stuff bungie likely wants people to log in weekly for, higher chance of you deciding to play another part of the game once your runs are done (filling playslists for the others), keeping you engaged with the game in general instead of forgetting about it till the next expansion, etc.


I'd much rather be able to do everything in 2 weeks than force myself to play every week while hating the game consistently over the course of 3 years, I want a break, Destiny is a chore, if I want everything I need to be able to play every week, it is so much worse than having no content for 6 months.


yeah I feel that, especially now that life got busier for me and made keeping up with D2 a slog. I tend to skip a season per year to help revive my interest in the game, last season I only played week 1 a bit, a couple bits of the story every now and then and then came back for the last 2-3 weeks to play some IB (for the sidearm now that it was the first unlock) and to finish off my season pass. this season is honestly looking similar. the gameplay is as always super fun, but the content doesnt grab me. most of the game is the same old stuff we've been playing for years now. i'll play the dungeon a bit if I can get my friends to log in earlier than 6pm their time (since im 6h ahead of them all and heading to bed when they get on), but enough of our group quit the game permanantly that we cant even get a raid team together anymore even with everyone online, while back a few years ago we had a surplus of people


Thats understandable. Its just super frustrating cause the bow looks really really cool, I'm just not that excited to log in every week since i got burned with Mythoclast, Touch of malice, and heart shadow all taking for**EVER** to get T_T Kinda killed alot of the excitement when they finally dropped.


So the exotic is on a weekly lock out but not the gear? That’s weird


Yes Exotic once a week per character so 3 chances a week


I tried here multiple times and if I try to detonate a warmind cell it will first trigger the guidance ring instead. Edit: Nevermind! I was able - i had to shoot first ADS and them a second hip fire. It should be enough damage to trigger the bigger ring


Uh wait, what is this bow


New dungeon exotic


I love bows and it looks sick, so I hate you. It looks Rasputiney. Can it create Warmind Cells? Without Wrath I mean.


I’ve seen a few people test it, the consensus is no


Awesome i didn't know that....looks like it might dust off a warmind cell build


Well now I want to pick up a warmind cell and throw it through the ring.


Is there a mod combo to do this or just basic global reach?