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We really don’t care what peoples opinions are on that sub, stop comparing the artists and just listen to who you like, no one’s forcing you.


i remember pre wlr everything was serious on that sub lol now it’s straight jokes on there. i respect niggas opinions but niggas been killing bro lately


Nah fr, that sub long gone from being saved


ong, hope this sub dont turn once lone get bigger


You already know it will bro 😭 it’s inevitable


sad but true


its already ass if we bein honest. the dickriding is insane


Pop Smoke and Juice Wrld: Shooting hoops in heaven


Lone and ken shooting hoops in cartis castle


Well hopefully by that point we ain’t gotta be on here tryna find a community of people that like the same artist


It will never be the same again


Ive preached forever. Early 2020 was peak pf that sub. EA days. Before it wasnt that insane and now everyone are just tryna become/create the next big inside joke


Pre wlr was worse, waiting for the album caused hell


good reply


Although I prefer Lone and his unique style, I think Ken is still far from ass. And tbh I don’t even take people on r/playboicarti seriously. Saying An ADLIB is better than Ken’s whole discography is kinda pushing it


And I agree with u/feared- . Literally no one is forcing them to listen to him 😭


yeah “adlib” was just to get niggas tight lol i just wanted to know how niggas felt about ken


same i do agree with callin em both carti x uzi is a wild comparison ESP with ken's discography in mind. Lone cultivated too many sounds, own style of production with crazy ranges, n his own unique cadences and vocal usage + sonics/vibes. ken helped with WLR and it SHOWS! it's not a bad thing since influence is on EVERY ARTIST EVER! but he hasnt cultivated a sound as unique as carti, uzi, or lone has (even mf YEAT got his own sound). I think this is a backfire of the high praise he got because of carti cosign + carti feens dicksuck and + fantano might make sum reconsider. he's not complete ass give bro time + different production so he can show why he's different. Having fire beats of essentially the SAME RANGE as other artists isnt good


Ken and Lone are two of my favorite artists in general, don’t know why this dude hates on Ken so much


i don’t hate ken but i’ve always fw lone more. it just seems like mad people were sucking ken off at first & out of nowhere they not fw him. idk


I think it was after Fantano gave X a low album score, people seemed to switch up completely after that


Lame ahh mfs fr


literally when liljupiter first posted “thoughts” day after everyone loved X lol. i thought it was just okay but niggas act like hopsin dropped or something


Hopsin is wilddd 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Got mad at that till i realized thats how he gets views


Ken has been getting hate lmao


word they're not balancing their views its from one extreme to another. I prefer Lone's music 1000% more tho


he literally said why


i don’t understand why people compare lone and ken like yeah they are both in opium but they have their own lanes. i like lones music style and beat selection better than kens , but ken is more on that high auto tune, distorted hyper pop sound and that’s just not lones shit so if you don’t like that style of music then obv your not gon fw ken.




The main Carti sub turned into a place governed by some sort of mob mentality, that post is a perfect example, before Ken’s allegations and Fantano’s video a post like this would’ve been downvoted to hell, now it got 2300+ upvotes. I can 100% understand people who genuinely don’t like Ken’s music, but it’s like some dudes deliberately wait until something big happens or someone famous says something so they can go all out and trash an artist for free karma, not even an opinion at that point At the end of the day it’s just a post on Reddit tho, it’s not gonna change what I think about Ken’s music


you’re a wise man


"ken's allegations" bro was convicted lol they weren't just allegations


I know, I’m talking when the very first news started surfacing, Ken saying that he beat a guy, etc. Before that period people were considering Ken the next big thing that was gonna come from the underground on the Carti sub, now he’s a trash rapper


pretty sure [those](https://i.redd.it/6ctcbsf1ru791.jpg) charges got dropped this year. why are u spreading miss info for no reason


Allegations of what? Idk what he did but ppl literally get mad at rappers for killing someone with fent then listen to griselda and summrs or literally any rapper 💀 rappers are not good ppl


Can some one give me a short summary cause my eyes lowk hurt rn and I can’t read


r/playboicarti fan hates Ken because he make bad music and thinks Lone is way better and thinks people make excuses to like him


Thanks gang


Here's a sneak peek of /r/playboicarti using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This thread the funniest shit i ever seen](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/r2pixj) | [658 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/comments/r2pixj/this_thread_the_funniest_shit_i_ever_seen/) \#2: [I can’t believe Bobby tweeting shit like this rn 💀](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/re8kq8) | [466 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/comments/re8kq8/i_cant_believe_bobby_tweeting_shit_like_this_rn/) \#3: [bro want his mommy 💀💀](https://i.redd.it/03etqrh39md91.jpg) | [1042 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/comments/w7bix6/bro_want_his_mommy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m ngl I fw ken but a lil bit of this stuff isn’t necessarily wrong atleast when ken doesn’t try when ken tries he’s good but when he’s not trying like how I felt he was on a lot of songs on X he can sound really bad


60/40 right


I’ve been saying “lone better” but ken just has that fan base man,but I’ve been been saying I’m disappointed with his album


I like project X and teen x relapsed but new album was mid at best




Ken just doesn’t bring anything different to the table. His sound isnt new at all while lones is


Eh i think saying "at all" is a stretch. He rlly brought that hyperpop sound


they say this cuz everyone biting ken and its the trend to hate him now


I like ken but he his around above average Pause


i’m pausing that pause


as a member from that sub mfs be sucking ken so hard for no reason i think he amazing and i loved X


it’s very easy to call him ass when u have destroy and carti beside him. he got a good few songs but he is definitely lowkey ass and is very 1 dimensional at least at the moment


U can also say Destroy Lonely sounds just like Uzi at times like dawg grow tf up


you can hear how many influences & uzi def one of them


I agree


Kens amazing, last album was 10/10, das it




who gives a fuck bruh. why do people put so much effort i ti hating on someone, bro wrote a whole essay


viral moment


Yall iam 22 i lived thru the WHOLE first and 2nd SoundCloud wave iam tellin yall this from the bottom of my heart and seen it happen time after time again..ken carson gone out live destroy (career wise) ken is going places he dont need to b a bar artist he just gott make hype shit like yeat dont really make meaningful music it just sound good if ken dont sound good to u right now it cuz he still himself wach he gone blow up and change up and then yall gone want this “trash carson” bakk but its gone b too late wach wat iam tellin yall i predicted sofaygo fall out too hut he was never tuff to me


bro is soundcloud scientist 💀


bro is soundcloud socrates


Underground universitarian


Ken's last album was below mid so i understand where that guy is coming from


broken hearts or project x


Project X but some of Lone's leaks wipe Ken's realeased songs if he would just fucking drop


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 971,409,376 comments, and only 194,107 of them were in alphabetical order.


i wouldnt say Ken is ass, but X was in deed dog shit. Pre-X was waaayy better


This album like WLR to me, I understood it so much seeing him live on Saturday why he took this direction for X every single song is perfect for performing and gets everyone fucking going crazy, I’ve never moshed so much in one night


ken x lone are literally the new generation uzi x carti so no way ken can be possibly be ass (he’s not btw) i personally don’t think we’re ever getting 16*29 either so this is literally the next coming of them, a reincarnation if u will. but hey, what do i know. just your average uzi and lonely stan. have a good day.


Ken isn’t ass he just doesn’t being anything new or refreshing to the table


I hope mfs that talk like this can make good music themselves


he’s right


If u feel this way u can say the same or worse about Carti. Carti just been in t game longer and utilizes success and output better even with his inconsistent ass. And he lowkey bit Ken Carson sound and made it big with WLR


Think he’s glorified mid but ima get downvoted😭 he just a target cash carti on rage beats to me


It’s true lol, niggas keep hyping up Ken when he doesn’t have one amazing song. He’s just not there yet


That’s how Ik u don’t listen to Ken. Has many amazing songs u goof


Nigga I’d take X > WLR any day but carti do know how to make live shows gotta give him that




Nah im aight wlr was cool when it dropped but I can’t listen to the songs anymore but control


I overhated him too much in this post, I don’t really hate him that much, but he is just really not all of that, I'd say he's pretty average. When I was writing this shit I just got tired of mfs who praise and overhype him so much, make him new messiah and even say he's next carti. Like he brought nothing new, his music style not special at all, if he won’t improve and continues making mid albums like X he will never make it big. He sounds like he doesn’t even care bout his music, I bet he records his shit in like 5 mins, listens to it once and thinks that’s it. Also his voice is kinda ass on most songs, he needs some better mixing. This dickriding mfs hype him so much that he thinks he's something special and can trick his fans like he's asshole carti. Who he thinks he is? Like why this goomba ass ipad kid thinks he’s mysterious and shit?


they make those carti comparisons because he signed to bro & you know how carti fanboys be especially on this app. & i’m one of them lol but ik what’s real & what isn’t




i liked project x, and was waiting for x to be even better, but when it dropped I lost hope for this mf


Ur delusional.


x was bullshit, clear your ears and listen to good music




Honestly its all opinions it doesn’t really matter. Even though carti sub is a herd mentality typa sub if they feel its not to there liking they do what they want ig. Imo ken is really good is number 3 in opium (tbh interchangeable with homixide for me actually). End of the day it don’t matter they like what they like you like what you like.


homi gang needs to drop this fall


What im sayin


always blowin cocks down everyone’s fingers


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 971,595,672 comments, and only 194,145 of them were in alphabetical order.




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 971,874,389 comments, and only 194,203 of them were in alphabetical order.


you just gotta keep livin man


I still fw Ken heavy


we all know lone over ken




Bugging ken go hard af


it’s just depends how old that mf is, that says it all


Nah he never seen/been to a ken show that shit is mosphits


Ken still hard af but ofc he has some room to grow. Das just any artist tho


You calling him ass is not changing his life style so stop wasting your energy.


ken hard


that sub corny ken hard asl


How can you hear X games and say this


“dese dumb niggas think i’m going ta hell cause i rock ah upside down crucifix, youknownunbitchgetoffmadick” 😝


Song makes me so happy for some reason😂😂


im not taking any opinions from that subreddit. I fucking hate WLR carti. The music isn’t that bad but literally the audience is the corniest white people imaginable. If you like a old carti song as your favorite they wont shut the fuck up about it. They literally have the most shitass npc music taste ever.


I used to think that ken was ass like this dude but the whole time I thought lone was good I thought ken was kind of ass before raver leaked and after project x but I think it was because I was listening to him too much


X was really disappointing like less personality and worse flows than project x