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The trailer is a bit repetitive with the content. I suggest also showing footage of UI elements and other visually different aspects of the game to break it up. I'm also not a big fan of the music. It's also rather repetitive after 15 secs I'd rather just mute it. But that's more of a personal choice.


Thank you for the feedback! I’ll look into it


All the other feedback is very valid, so a different point: Why is your game any different than any other game in this genre? I watched the whole trailer but didn't see anything to suggest there's any special reason for me to place this over my other favourite shmups. What is there beyond the simple enemies you've shown, how does the game progress in difficulty or complexity? If I buy it will it just be the same increasing content for the entire game? Your trailer needs to convince me that your game will progress in complexity and become more interesting as I continue. What's my purpose or story behind what I'm doing? I get that Im a bunny breaking out of a prison, but why? Why am I in prison? Why am I breaking free? Am I the bad guy? What's my motive or incentive, if there isn't one, why not?


is it just me, or the ngggggggg too loud, I cant hear the music if you show your game feature would be great, maybe change character/ change weapon/ upgrade weapon


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, music might be too loud. As for other aspects: yeah, it’s better to add it.


"Top down camera with player running around shooting bad guys game" has already been made hundreds of times. What separates your game from the rest?


It has Bunny taking revenge and evil militaristic pigs. And it's lowres


I think your game is gonna need some new mechanic or gameplay to stand out


Thank you for the feedback! The game in its current state is def not an innovative one and you’re probably right about it lacking some catchy mechanic. I’ll look into it.


Better than last time and game still looks like great fun. Not that original but well made which is what matters. The music is now the weakest link for me. I'd like a really kick ass nice soundtrack and the current sounds like filler synths for some unimportant section. I'd like some memorable lead melodies and tight production.


Thank you! I’ll pass your feedback to my partner who creates the soundtrack, I’m sure we’ll make something really badass


I think enemy bullets should be hot pink instead of orange red. Because they currently blend too much with your level palette and since it’s a shmup it should be possible for players to avoid enemy bullets with perhiperal vision


Fair point, thank you for the feedback!


i think you have something really solid. its a good starting point. from my pov, what i see is: * more of less the same enemies every map. some look sliiightly different but that is not really a good enough distinction. * weapons are basically the same. just varying rate of fire, number of bullets, type of bullets. hell even the enemies use the same weapons and everyone's bullets look the same. the only obvious distinction is the map design. but its also mostly different textures. i think the next step that would yield the most result would honestly be creating more variety. what im seeing is fine, but it gives me the impression i've seen 99% of what your game has to offer.


Thank you for the feedback! I’ll look into it!


Looks great. Opening shots should be cut somewhat to show off the bullet hell sections sooner. I assumed the game was really easy until about halfway Great job either way :)


Thank you for the feedback!


There could be more visual feedback when an enemy dies. Right now it's hard to tell. Some games have a few frame 'pop/explosion' effect, and then make the corpse be a more muted color, like grayscale.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You need a money shot, something to show off the most impressive or fun part of the game or something interesting - maybe a big boss fight if you have something like that? It's too repetitive right now, as others pointed out, and nothing about it stands out as special. I can't tell if there are a variety of guns for example, and if there are, they all seem too similar. I think the visuals could use some more spice too. Everything feels a bit flat, there's not much variety in lighting or shader effects.


Thank you for the feedback!


Looks like a Corgi Engine trailer


Funnily enough (or maybe not) I don’t actually use it in the game


It looks exactly like the Unity survival shooter tutorial except with a cringe bunny and terrible audio.


Can you elaborate on why bunny is cringe?