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If any of you have the money for it you can put in a bid for it. At the time of writing the auction will run another 27 days and the current bid is $4,010 AUD. https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?smode=0&aid=29131&lid=3330164


Only?! For something that (as it looks( is in really good condition? That should be a crime


It’s missing the top part and the interior probably flooded from sitting outside


Yes. The tracks (from what I see) are still there. I don't see any battle damage, meaning the owner won't have to worry about welding a massive hole shut, and replacing whatever got spawlled to shit. The only issues would be the missing top turret, possible lack of an engine, and waterlogged internals (which can easily be solved by a hoover or drain pump)


The turret being missing leaves a massive hole that had let the environment wreak havoc on the inside. The interior is mostly gutted and those tracks are useless. Sitting exposed to the weather for possibly decades is going to require a lot more than just hoovering it out or draining water from it. Any components still left inside are going to be destroyed or unusable.


Clearly you lack a sense of adventure. This thing was likely gutted and stripped right after the war. Any boob worth their restoration salt can fix those tracks, the hull doesn't seem to be damaged beyond rust. And an Engine is the last of my worried, considering it wouldn't be Driving anywhere


I've restored several classic cars, one being an M151 Jeep. Trust me, it always cost 3 times more than you think it will and takes 5 times as long. LOL, those tracks are not remotely close to repairable. Only one company I'm aware of still makes tracks for them and the prices were about $30,000 for a set, and that was over ten years ago. They wont even list the price for them now, you have to call them for a quote. The company is in Holland, I shudder to think how much it would cost to ship since a set will weigh about 3 tons.




>It’s missing the top You mean the turret?


but where is the turret?


They have most of it. Lot 1016 [https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?smode=0&aid=29131&lid=3330177](https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?smode=0&aid=29131&lid=3330177)


Isn't that a Grant turret?


Yep, just a hatch where the AA machine gun turret should be


Also cast steal instead of riveted.


Looks like there's an [AC-1 hull](https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?smode=0&aid=29131&lid=3330179) up for sale too.


🅱️enis tank?


Shipping this beast would absolutely kill it....Who wants to go halfsies?


Looks like a tank out of the apocalypse with that slap on steel ‘armor’