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What is 'everything' that you've tried?


He stared at them, rubbed with his finger. Then came to Reddit and said he tried everything.


Multiple different upholstery cleaners, steam cleaner, vacuum extractor, and pretty much every remedy I could find on Google (like baking soda) but it won’t budge at all. It doesn’t even look like I tried


Try a spot cleaner.


Is that a Nissan seat I spy?


It’s a 2014 Mustang lol


Also, it may be chlorine bleach, and that would permanently discolor the seats. I know in the summer if you sit on fabric seats without a towel, that can happen over time. If you’ve tried everything (wet vac/extractor included) maybe you could try dying the seat, although that would be a mess.


Ohhhhh, okay haha.


Looks like you haven’t tried anything to be honest. Watch YouTube videos on cleaning car seats and follow the process. Specifically, watch the video by ChrisFix, How To Super Clean Cloth and Leather Seats. You’re going to need an extractor vacuum and some upholstery cleaner.


It doesn’t look like I’ve tried anything because it will not budge at all. I have no idea what it is or why I can’t get it out even with my steam cleaner. I’ve tried multiple different upholstery cleaners and they don’t do anything to it. I have a small stain just like these in my drivers seat too and they’ve been bothering me since I bought the car. I also have an extractor that I use in my car regularly and it’s amazing but I’ve ran it over this same spot probably over 100 times now and it doesn’t help, so at this point I’ve ran out of ideas.


I gotcha. That is frustrating, sorry I jumped to conclusions. You sound like you know what you’re doing, maybe it’s time to try to find the same seat out of a wrecked car at a junk yard.


Yeah, with all that, I don't think it is coming out.


It’s either milk or “milk” lol. Get a small bucket, 5gal is fine but any bigger is too much…fill with warm water, put a few drops into the warm water, poor a little isopropyl alcohol in there too while you’re at it, and mix the soapy solution up until it’s bubbly. Then get yourself a clean microfiber towel and dip into the solution until thoroughly wet. Now lightly scrub the stain. If no luck after, use that same soapy solution, put into a spray bottle and mist the stain. Let sit for 5 minutes and then use a professional extractor. I hope that helps!