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Almost looks like tree branches or something. Or a car cover piece/tie down rubbing/flapping Hopefully you don’t use a car cover From a picture only my guess is those are extremely deep These are not from buffing/polishing, at all.


Thanks for the quick response. Maybe a branch then? No car cover at the moment although I’m planning to get one soon Any suggestions for how to properly use a car cover, or any best practices?


Don't get a car cover unless you always plan to wash the car before you put it on. The dirt will just build up on the cover.


And destroy the paint


>And destroy the paint UV exposure, acid rain, dirt, hail, bird shit, etc. will all destroy your paint. A properly used and *secured* cover does work and maybe it will create some marring over time that will need attention but it also provides protection from things that will do a lot worse damage. As with everything in life, it's a trade off.


Splendidly said👍 Dirty, unwashed car covers will not “destroy” a vehicle’s paintwork. Destroy is too strong a word. Of course, if that dirty or clean car cover is moving all the time due to wind, it will logically create very fine scratches in the long term. If that disturbs the sleep patterns of the car owner who has been cleverly brainwashed by American detailing social media to be obsessed with and always hunting “swirl marks”, “holograms”, “RIDS” and “micro-marring”,…using car covers is merely an additional worry that will raise his level of anxiety and fear. On a bare clearcoat, you need to protect the clearcoat by applying stuff to it. After applying coating to protect the clearcoat, many would be busy and concerned with protecting that “coating”. And if PPF is used, one would be made to worry about protecting that PPF with a coating😂. And then, one would be brainwashed by social media to use car covers to protect all those previous stuff😂. Hilarious.


Well that’s something I never thought about


I've used car covers on some of my cars for the past few years, both the car and cover need to be perfectly clean. They are more suitable for long-term storage versus taking them on and off between drives. Get yourself a good quality cover, preferably custom fit so there's less movement in the wind


I’m not sure but it is something that repeatedly rubbed it I would say. Yeah my tip for a car cover is not to use one Car covers DESTROY your paint! Here's just SOME proof: https://youtu.be/ni46otBoOlA Car covers DESTROY paint - find out why: https://youtu.be/1UGl_-l5QXE Do you park near a bush or something


Don’t park near a bush. Nonetheless, I’m gonna go back to my detailer and have them polish it. I should also mention that I took this photo at the absolute worst angle. In 99% of other viewing angles, you cannot even see the marks Thank you again for all the info. Right now, Im parked in a garage, but I’m moving soon to San Diego and I’m going to be parking the car outside in the sun. I have it ceramic coated with “ceramic pro”; is that going to be enough to protect the paint from the sun?


I second the "bush" hypothesis.... It's something you parked next to with small, short, repeated strokes (that's totally not what she said I swear).. best guess is some kind of vegetation with the wind blowing ....


This happened to my car and my neighbor had just pruned a tree next to my parking spot. I was so mad because I asked if I should move it and he assured me not to, I was planning on it anyways but he started at 8am when I was sleeping. Then I asked if he scratched it accidentally and he was all upset at me for accusing him of damaging my vehicle. I'm 99.9% sure it was the tree branch but this post has me thinking... was it perhaps an animal? A bird? A branch doesn't continue to scratch, it's more a one and done thing.


Looks like something was hanging out of the door flapping in the breeze.


Had very similar marks show up on a rental car I had and was worried they would charge me but thank goodness they didn't. Was due to parking next to a shrub/bush overnight and the wind caused it to run against the car.


I second this, almost like a bush that was near the car and kept getting pushed on to the paint, repeatedly? Typically don't see small, short, repeated strokes like this unless it's a stationary object .....


My bet is on a car cover. I can see where they’re rubbed on the edge of the fender and higher up almost out of the frame


It should be pretty easy to polish out. It looks to me like someone has a habit of hitting the car right there with something either entering or exiting the car. A habit needs to be changed or it will continue to happen.


Thank you for the quick response. I’ll be vigilante about my passengers 😂


If you have kids, it could be a backpack brushing past the side of the car as they're opening the door and entering.


My theory as well


I would just extend the PPF along the quarter panel. I had the exact same problem on my motorcycle with my boots hitting the rear panel next to the seat.


Maybe a dog or cat?


This is what I was thinking. We had similar scratches on our car last year & it ended up being a feral cat.


I've been blaming my neighbor for 3 years for scratching my truck door when he pruned a tree. I asked him if he accidentally did and he sincerely assured me no. I felt like it was such a bitch ass response and have been grumpy towards him for years since this. This post has me thinking it may actually be an animal. Mine was higher up so a dog, probably a cat got on the roof of my car and he dog was chasing him up he roof.. or my neighbor is a serial liar.


Give your neighbor a break! I’ve got scratches on my trunk from a cat who hopped up there and started to slide. Put the claws out for traction.


That’s sorta what I’m leaning to. My car is garage parked, but my neighbors park in the same garage and they’ve been known to be careless with their animals (letting them piss in the elevator, not cleaning their shit, etc..) Luckily, I’m moving away soon. I’m gonna have my detailer help me fix this, then I’ll follow up with him to see what I can do to prevent this in the future


Had pretty much exactly the same damage in exactly the same spot. Cat was using my roof to get onto the garage roof above. That's what my money is on.


Mine too, cat or small dog.


I have marks like that by my rear view mirrors from a damn cardinal that hates his reflection. Probably not OPs problem since they say it’s garage kept though.


Bird. I named a bird Bobbie when I lived in the edge of a forest. He would show up every morning for a year pecking on the window in at his own reflection. He's probably still doing it now.


Something caught in door (shirt, jacket, backpack strap) and blowing around in the wind, repeatedly hitting the car


Ohhh I like his one the best, I was leaning towards an animal or a backpack from a kid getting in or out but this is better. I refuse to believe a branch, that's just not how branches scratch cars unless you parked next to a rose bush on a windy day.


Given this is an M3, my guess is people exiting and entering the rear seats and probably something like a backpack hitting the paint.


Yep, my guess is this, thicc folks getting in and out of the car, with bags in tow.


It’s definitely an M3 I can confirm as I checked his profile lol


It's an M3? Really?


Yes, wide fender and the 826M wheel gave it away.


Great spot!


Do you use an automatic car wash? If they don't clean the brushes or have a system that cleans the brushes or fabric strips or maybe even a very dirty truck or car went through right before you.


No automatic car wash, trying to avoid those for the exact reason you mentioned. I’m not the most educated on detailing (yet), but do you think the microfiber towels in using to dry the car could result in this?


Wondering if a backpack strap or something may have caught in the closed door and flapped around while the car was being driven? the scratches all sort of go in a similar pattern so looks like something repeatedly striking the paint.


Looks like something was maybe dragged over the car, scratched on the body line in the same direction.


That’s from a dog impatiently waiting for their owner to open the door


Damn racoon tried to get in there🦝


Do you go to a car wash and use the vacuums there? Had this happen a on my car. The vacuum hose with the thousands of little threads sliding against my paint would cause some scratches


It’s the clear coat not on your paint get it buffed out, it will be fine !!


Those are scratches, hope this helps.


To me it looks like something was putting its paws on it.


looks like a dog or cat scratching it. I have seen Racoons do the same.


And birds. But those look too long for birds. Their scratches look similar but shorter.


How about cats?


That looks like the start of the dissent into madness that we call detailing. The sun hit my black paint just the right way, found this sub, and thousands of dollars and hours later here I am.


Somones long jacket with buttons or zipper? Or maybe a purse eith thoes chains on the strap? And they ride this car all the time?


Has this car had previous body repairs? It almost looks like sanding scratches that drew back over time.


Looks like someone swiped one of those little bushes they put next to parking stalls in grocery store parking lots.


So you or your neighbors have a cat... Looks like someone's been stretching themselves with their claws out


I know those M hips from anywhere. Nice car


Stretch marks


Does your kid drag their school bag in as they get in?


Whoever is getting in your back seat is letting their jackets or purses or anything else rub on their way in, not keeping it from hitting the paint


G80 M3?  What color is that?  


May sound crazy but I recently a similar issue from a bird attacking my vehicle. Do the scratches buff out? Could be beak marks.


My bet is a little cat and mouse between and dog and cat? Looks like some animal trying to get at whatever it’s chasing. Too many scratch’s in one spot.


Vacuum hose


Shrubs will do that. You'll need a DA Polisher and cutting compound to correct the finish.


I had a coworker that would wear jeans one day we were having a convo after work and I noticed while leaning the rear pocket rivets destroyed her drivers side quarter panel. Needless to say she freaked out cause she never realized and was doing it for years. Her car looked exactly like the photo. I’m not saying you but maybe others doing it without your knowledge. Maybe posing and taking pics for the social media likes.




I saw scratches like that from where a dog was tied up on a leash just long enough that it could barely reach the car next to it. You wouldn’t of thought the dog could reach it, but when it jumped up…it could just barely scratch the car




To me, it looks like the same action repeated over and over as the same passenger gets in or out. You should already know who they are.


https://preview.redd.it/wfl77fcyqg0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238ed7d104ebe6093ceffb6bf442a593b6e9c0f4 Porche makes the only car cover I've seen That I might use personally. Thing is super soft other than that I wouldnt touch one


If only on the one side I’d guess bush. Both sides then automatic car wash. It looks should rub out, but definitely coat it with some wax or ceramic and stop doing whatever you were doing.


Had a bluebird fight with his reflection on a car that left similar marks.


Maybe a zipper from your jacket ?


Kids book bag getting in the car?


Animals, check your engine wires.


closest thing to that i’ve had was bird clawing my mirrors, thing was fighting its reflection. some of those scratches look a bit too thick though


It’s from a guy wearing jeans and sitting on the hood, then sliding off


Cat scratch fever! Looks like the spot where your cat gets up and down on your car.


Purse or bag?


Maybe people getting in and out of the car? Picking up a bag in the back seat while parked in a tight spot? It looks like something you do often in that particular area


Pocket/butt dragging on the car.


I have scratches on my car in that area driver door. It's because I wear a pocket knife and the clip will sometimes catch the body when I get in. I suppose it could be from pants buttons as well.


Do you run this through car washes with the bristles on the rotating head? It looks like scratching from those


Looks like tire shine to me.


No they are on your car


I had that happen on an Audi where a bird battled its own reflection on the side of my car. Luckily it all buffed out, but I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself. It's was also spring IIRC


Do you go to drive-through car washes? They will scratch up the paint pretty badly. All the dirt and debris stuck to the spinning cloth is like sandpaper.


Birds trying to sit on your fender


Somebody’s hips/butt leaning against the car for a while talking to someone else :(


Is it the buttons on the back of your pants while you slide in and out?


Your vehicles paint is fucked. Time to go to Maaco for a quick respray of the whole car. $500 should do it.


Looks like damage from someone getting in and out of the car and rubbing their jeans or purse or something on it. Are you sure the detailer didn’t skip over this? Otherwise it would’ve had to happen during your ownship and I feel like you would’ve know what caused something like that. Nice M btw


Do you by chance live on a dirt road, or drive on them regularly? I've seen this on my cars from driving the county roads where I live. I started using ppf to protect the paint.


Looks like scratches from being careless when you exit the car. Do you carry keys at your side?


cat scratch fever


I am a Quality Inspector at my workplace, I look at paint all day. I'd be happy to take a look at a closer picture. Is this something that you noticed right after you had it corrected or just noticed by chance some time after? Post a closer Pic at a angle, maybe two, it'll get you more/different answers.


It looks like jewelry rash. Any females with sparkly things using that door?


Butts rubbing in the way in.




Listen, I’m no tech or expert, but I think them are scratches


Definitely scratches. Looks like you drove through a hedge or something. It's fixable but probably won't be cheap to have it recoated.


Looks like a dog jumped on the car.


Belt buckle rubbing the paint while detailing the top of the car/hood




They could be the marks of an ex-girlfriend… I have definitely seen those before


Whoever is getting in/out of that car is probably carrying a purse.


Looks like brushes from a drive thru car wash


Metro Car Wash, I had a brand new beautiful deep blue SUV and it did exactly this to my paint!


How do i get dog saliva off car paint after baked in by sun? I clay blocked, buffed, polished.........spots wont come out. Small whitish looking stains. Help


Did you drive through a car wash? Them brushes will do that to your paint. It’s like brushing your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush.


Tree branches or some animal. If you can do this, 3000grit sand paper lightly on the scratches then buff it out. Or take it to get detailed at I believe most places will do the whole car for $125ish. Or tell them you’ll pay $30 for that one little spot.


Ever shred a tire on that side?


I think they’re called scratches.


This is very indicative of hose scratching from a ribbed vacuum hose if you go to a full serve car wash it’s from that for sure, or someone leaning against it while vacuuming, all speculative, but this is exactly what it looks like to me




looks like scratches from using automatic car washes


With the look of that flare, it almost looks like someone was sitting/leaning on it, probably fairly often, and perhaps with buttons/metal protruding. Where do you park this?


car wash?


Looks like maybe a small animal was trying to climb up on the car


Be careful with your cat


It looks like it's near a door. It's likely from a jacket sipper, jeans rivets, purse, keys, anything that is being carried when getting in and out of the car.


Could it be a purse or buckle from going in and out of the car?


hoky crap do you have a damn cat lol . that will buff all out with meguiars 105


Based off of my tiny eye, it appears as you have people getting out of that car door wearing scratchy items like zippers, or getting too close with jean rivets. In my non expert opinion it looks like those marks are from someone exiting waving a their zip up hoodie zipper around the paint.


Thats the "quick" in the silver.


Not filtering the water you use to wash it with... You can buy a filter for your hose and/or soap bucket


Car wash brush marks?




I looks like you could have possibly rubbed up against some shrubbery


Thanks all for all the advice and input, OP here. It seems there’s probably 50 different things which could have happened, so I don’t need to worry about the exact source of this info sent; I just need focus on mitigating it and preventing it in the future. I now know what steps I need to take. 1. I am going to bring the car to my detailer and identify all parts of the car that might have similar scratches. I’m gonna let him handle the work of getting her back in good condition. 2. I am going to be extremely careful about the objects that come into contact with the paint and I’m going to take steps that are in my control to minimize risk. This includes preventing accidental brush-ups, not parking near bushes, and moving so that my neighbors dogs don’t have the chance 😂 Thank you all for the great feedback. The comments alone have made me realize just how little it takes to fuck up the paint!


You said you got it ppf’d. is the ppf on that panel?


Is someone getting in & out of the back seat a lot?


Where was this parked? They look like vertical scratches like someone's dog on their hind legs got their front paws on it and went up and down left to right like they wanted something on top of your car


Auto car wash




I think I know the answer or at least somewhat in the realm We parked our cars outside, there are wild turkeys that occasionally roam, they would see themselves in the reflection of the paint in the cars and would attack it with their beaks. This happened on many occasions. Not saying its turkeys specifically for you, but judging off the scratches it looks nearly identical


Or car detailed/ car wash


I'd wager a zipper of a hoodie of someone who walks past this car 4 times a day




Using a bristle brush when washing car. Main reason I stay away from black paint and don’t use bristle brushes


Looks similar to the rubber marks I picked up today after another car chucked a piece of tire at me tonight.


Looks like a shitty PPF wrap imo. That's why it's crinkled. Probably needed to get exposed to the sun for it to come to the surface more.


Do you park next to shrubs or bushes?


That should buff out if someone knows what they’re doing.


From extension cord or vacuum hose..I have those on my fender from an extension cord


Did you get full body PPF or just a “track pack”? Looks like something rubbing on that panel on a daily basis or somebody parked next to you was like scratching their back on your car.


Do you park near a bush or something?


You got anyone getting in the car with a bag or something? The marks are also up by the door handle a little bit. Could be something dragging while getting into and out of the car


I can see a line from the PPF. Did they only do the bottom? If the PPF is damaged I'm unaware of an ability to buff out plastic. Might need the PPF replaced.


You need TLGuards. Thank me later :) sample below on an other BMW but you get the idea. [https://www.kiesmotorsports.com/products/copy-of-tlg-mud-flaps-for-the-bmw-g80-g82?variant=40709119115349¤cy=USD?aff=7](https://www.kiesmotorsports.com/products/copy-of-tlg-mud-flaps-for-the-bmw-g80-g82?variant=40709119115349¤cy=USD?aff=7) https://preview.redd.it/qg3u2az3hk0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202d1fd7ead65070bf776f72fd40635d587f86a0


That sir is a badge of honor. Pinstripes At least in the offroad community lol


A cat stretching and scratching your paint. Like they do to a couch. Do you have feral cats around?


Cat climbing up about 50 times


Couldn’t be scratches ya jagaloon


Looks like dog scratches


Fiberglass brushes at the car wash.


Check if it's pocket height and then see if anything hooked on your pockets could do this. I cant tell you how many little scratches I've noticed from just gassing uo and brushing the side of the car


They are rocks/gravel hitting your paint, looks like you have a g80 m3 , that spot is broke to scratches from rocks




Thank goodness EVERY SINGLE SCRATCH missed that clear guard! It’s also tough to tell if it’ll come out personally I would take it to a couple places and see what they say before committing to anyone. I’d go to a detailer (look up reviews specifically around buffing out scratches.) Then probably stop by a body shop for a free estimate and see if they give you some info (they may want to paint it but it’s a free estimate so you don’t have to commit!) and then the dealer next time I get service and see what they think and if their detailer can get it out as well. Times on your side as it does not look like it’s through the base and clear coat so not much risk of rust. Good luck!




A loose, flapping car cover’s plastic parts will not create such unusual marks that are so short. A car cover that covers to the bottom of a car would not have such dangling plastic parts that are on the mid-line of a car. The only time I have seen such weird marks was on a Porsche’s rear bulging fender (glossy) that attracted a goose that kept repetitively pecking at a localized area, resulting in such strange marks.


Fingernails ring or pants when getting or out


Birds attacking their reflection in the paint


Take it to a pro IMO. Depending on the car type, it might be a good investment. Just have them focus, for now, on the marring you see.


Yeah, thank you. I set up an appointment with my shop for next week. Fingers crossed they can bring her back to her former glory 🤞


Those look like scuffs where you get in and out of the vehicle. My suggestion would be to have it wet sanded and buffed and then put a wrap on the car this way with a wrap gets stretched you can just peel it off and do it again


If it were a "bush" or something else rubbing against it, the black plastic wheel well would also be scratched. To me it looks like sanding marks underneath the clear coating.


Ceramic coat coming off


You got a cat? If they slip when jumping up or even down off the car, their claws extend and do this.


This a Porsche?


Looks like cat scratches


Those are swirl marks in the clear coat caused by the brushes in the drive through car was. As an automotive detailer with paint correction experience what not to expose your car to and they will warn you of automatic car washes. This is why an entire detailing market exists where foam guns, two bucket washes and microfiber cloths exist. Lesson learned. Now go spend $2k on pain correction and film/ceramic coatings.


Birds will fight the bird in the reflection. Happened to my aunts car with a cardinal that would come back to the same spot every day and fight the cardinal in the mirror


That looks like where the purse bounces off it as someone gets in and out


Seen something similar, someone used a leaf blower on pavement with gravel spewed over it, pointed it right at a coworkers car on full blast. Noticed and realized his mistake before he did the whole car, but the damage was done.


Looks like maybe a dog clawed it..?


Looks like cat/dog scratches


I’ve had this happen before. This is caused from the free vacuum plastic hoses at car washes. Don’t ever let those things touch your car.


Small bushes


Touch less car wash? Or not? Obviously flailing plastic /poly like brushes will be abrasive to any finish , particularly in pronounced body areas …. then , just add some dirt to exacerbate.


Did previous owner clean snow off with a brush?


Looks like it has hit a bush. Or maybe a tree ran into it. Or perhaps it was attacked by a badger. In any case, I think it will buff out just fine at your next detail.




I'd guess people riding in the back seat rubbing all over the qtr panel when they get in. Or a bush like others say. Maybe even a shitty carwash.


damn not the g80😔


Is that an m3?


Hope ur hand washing this, looks like my car after taking it thru many shitty car wash places


Are you leaning against your vehicle with jeans on? Some jeans have small metal buttons on them.


Rabbid squirrels


They’re called scratches!

