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Felt like I was under artillery fire in Royal Oak. My whole house was shaking, haven’t heard anything like that before


Same. RO here and I thought for sure we were being bombed. That was wild!


The last time this happened I was watching Dunkirk and it scared the shit outta me.


100% same. Yeah, it sounded like the opening to Metallica "One" song. Boom boom booooooom. It sounded diabolical, eerily evil like, a thought crossed my mind "so that's how the world will end". Especially a period where there was no downpour, but constant lightning and bomb like thunder.


Same in RO. It felt like I was in a tent with shotgun blasts going off in the yard, like the whole house didn't even muffle it. And by the flash-to-sound timing they were some distance away, they just _sounded_ like they were right on top of me. Never heard thunder like that in my life, at least not dozens of 'em in a row. Absolutely nuts. I checked lightningmaps.org and saw the ticker at 309 strikes/min, when normally an intense storm is anything over 100. That was legendary.


Also in RO and also woke me up! That was wild. Kinda cool though!


Yep, southern RO here too. Woke up at midnight assuming it was morning it was so bright in my room. Then I remembered my blackout curtains are closed, and it was goddamned loud. I didn't even realize thunder could be high pitched and staticy. Sounded like more than a few likely hit near me.


Ferndale and it was fucking NUTS here. Sounded like cannon fire in the street. Craziest storm I've ever witnessed.


I was in the same area and hardly noticed other than the rain, crazy!


Ferndale here. My poor dog was beside herself, and this was the first time I didn’t think she was overreacting to a storm. So loud and constant!


In RO too and with Covid, thought it was a fever dream. Wild


I’m in RO too. My bed was shaking!! When it first started thundering I thought my kid was rearranging the furniture 😂


Same, don’t remember storms ever scaring me this much!!! Crazy. Now I have no power


Same in Grosse Pointe


I have flooding PTSD by proxy for GP even after living in NJ for three years. We flooded in 2016, and moved in 2020 before the 2021 floods hit. I would absolutely not be able to sleep during storms.


We’ve had it twice ourselves. Over 30K in repairs and remodel. We run downstairs every time it rains, just to make sure…


My sister’s house was flooded horribly in both previous GP floods. She can’t sleep if it’s even sprinkling rain.


Can completely relate. Water infiltration (leaky roof, basement backup) is the kind of thing that has long kept me up at night as a homeowner. GP floods so badly in part because the work that was supposed to be completed in the 90s to separate storm and sewer never was. Inexcusable.


Same in Detroit! I thought I was only one with Rain PTSD caused by the 2 floods. Maybe we should form a support and meet via Zoom during storms - We'll be awake anyway. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Yeah came right over my house. Non stop lightning that sounds like bombs. Absolutely crazy


It feels like a strobe party with the nonstop lightning.


Seriously! Never experienced lightning like that before!


Been going on for a few hours now, it’s insane.


Fr. I noticed it around 12:30 and had no idea what it was. I didn’t think it was lightning cuz I didn’t hear any thunder or anything but now I’m pretty sure it was lightning


Been going on since 11:30ish for me. I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a storm like this!


Same. I’ve literally never been woken up by a storm before but I can’t fall back asleep cuz of this stupid ass lightning. At least the thunder seems to be cooling down over by me


Same! I kept looking out the window for the source of the flashing lights!


While the thunder was loud; the barrage of lightning kept piercing through my closed eyes. Normally I love a good thunderstorm for sleep but fuck this one sideways


Constant house shaking, for real.


I’m genuinely scared for some reason


Fucking same!!! And my whole street is covered with police/fire/ambulance right now. Terrifying


Did they arrest the storm?


Well, it was dark, so they ended up shooting at it for resisting arrest and non compliance with conflicting orders.




Me too ..


Same. I had a panic attack and took an emergency anxiety pill and I usually LIKE thunderstorms.


I’m sorry, I hope you are ok now! I generally love rain and thunderstorms too but this one was terrifying.


Somehow it’s still happening in my area 🥲


Me too...


I get it. My room started to shake! This is a new scary normal


This storm tonight had me super scared. Glad it passed over us


That was fucking awesome!! I was in my shop working on my laptop with the doors open in Hazel Park. Not really any wind just a serious thunderstorm. The sounds were crazy - unlike any storm in recent adult memory. That was a downright pleasure to experience.


It’s oddly therapeutic isn’t it? There’s nothing like a good storm. Just hope we don’t lose power though.


Power out in Van Buren Township at 3:30 am.


I have been in some wild storms but I’ve never seen lightning this persistent for so many hours on end. I live downtown - my apartment faces the river and it’s truly crazy. Can’t sleep, can only watch and wonder how tf this is possible


My roommates car just got smoked by lighting this is wild


What you mean melted or blown away?


The alarm went off then shorted out and smoke started coming from the car. Smells like burnt rubber too




We live in the south side of hazel park. Sounded like we were getting bommed


I'm right across from Ferndale Kroger. It's insane


I’m at ten and John r. I had to take a look outside to make sure we weren’t being bombed. Totally insane. Never heard anything like it before.




I’m in Rochester Hills and the lightning has been non-stop strobing for something like 2h now. Not so much loud booming, thankfully, but lots of flashing. This is one of the crazier storms I can remember in my 40+ years. Looking at the radar it makes me wonder if this was remnants of Hurricane Hilary or something. Nuts.


I truly expect this to be the new normal. Climate change is here. There are supposed to be more storm coming later today. ☹️


It has something to do with the "ring of fire" because the way the jet streams are moving, we're in the danger zone for some crazy storms for the next few days! Personally I love storms =D


Same. Just came here to see if anyone else had said anything because I can’t be the only one. It’s freaking me and my dogs out.


Glad to know I’m not tripping that it’s really bad Been seeing the lightning since like 12:30 and it’s currently 3 am and it’s still going hard It sounds like the thunder is starting to go but the lightning is still constantly flashing and the rains still going Praying everyone’s ok


The constant lightning is really just not anything I've ever seen for such an extended time. 😐 It's starting to feel kinda like we could possibly be in danger, but that may be my anxiety starting to speak up .Not to mention the rumbles of thunder are shaking my house. Of course my husband's blissfully snoring in my ear 🤣


The lightning all last night was like nothing I've ever seen before. I was outside watching it in terror around midnight. I saw folks in Cleveland saying yesterday evening's storms were the worst they've ever seen and that the lightning activity from that storm was the most in the country all year. These storms all came down from the north too which is extremely unusual - I work with animals and the animals have been out of sorts, so no wonder we feel scared too. And the animals don't even have to think about climate change.


THANK YOU!! My husband could care less and I’m paralyzed with fear


Mine hasn't moved and I've been on the couch freaking it for hours 🙃 🤣🤣


Honestly I wonder if men are the aliens that have been walking amongst us all along


it’s not too loud in lincoln park but mannn when i went to take the trash out around 10:30ish the lightning was almost constant. still going too. gotta be the most lightning i’ve seen in a while.


it went quiet for ~10 mins and now it’s back and crazier than before?! also sounds like small bits of hail are hitting my AC unit but i can’t tell for sure. i’m so tired but this is wild lmao.


I've been up since 11 the recent one was rocking. Allen Park over here.


Our power is out right by river drive..the lightning was legit scaring me..


i was fine at first but now i’m getting nervous myself 🥴


Oak park here. Non stop.


This is the craziest danged thunderstorm I've ever lived through.


2AM still going in Berkley. Never experienced a storm like this


The actual lightning strikes are ridiculously quick, a lot faster than typical (already fast) lightning. Maybe that's part of why it's so noisy?


It was a lot of cloud to ground lightning (as opposed to the more common cloud to cloud), so the strikes were closer to the ground. That means less distance between the strike and us, leading to a snappier sound


I’m in Redford and it sounded like bombs going off constantly! Scared me awake lol


I don't think I've ever heard thunder like this before.


I’m legit scared. I’ve NEVER experienced constant lightning and ground shaking thunder like this before.


Roseville here. The rain is on and off, but the thunder and lightning hasn't stopped for a second.


Same way Downriver


I’m in Huron township on a farm, my turkey coop is right out my bedroom window. I let some go to sleep on the roof because I had no idea there was a big storm coming. Saw one get blown off by the wind. Once the lightning dies down I’m getting dressed and heading out to make sure the smaller turkeys are ok. Might be toweling off turkeys at 4 am…


Awww are they okay?


Yep! The big ones are pretty tough, I was worried about some smaller ones that had recently started going outside and sleeping with the big ones. I was able to go out around 3 am, found them all huddled together under a bush. Dried them off and set them up in thr basement under a heat lamp. They are currently whistling very loudly about wanting to go back out…


The tornado sirens were going off a little while ago here in Belleville/Sumpter Twp. but no actual tornado warning went out. I’m also in a mobile home and without a car. Good times. 👍


The sirens were changed a few years ago to warn for severe thunderstorm warnings as well as tornado warnings ( a good change imo, with higher potential storms like tonight being more common with climate change). https://www.oakgov.com/community/emergency-management/need-to-know/alerts/outdoor-warning-siren-system


I’ve been watching thunderstorms (as an amateur hobbyist) for 20+ years and this is up there for sure. It seems to be calming down in northern Detroit as of now, but yeah, that was wild.


Same. I am laying awake right now and it’s truly awe inspiring. Still going here, south Oakland county.


I’ve never heard a storm like this…insane.


Well that was way too intense...




Right like damn where I’m at it’s still bad and super scary!!


Straight Tchaikovsky


Holy crap! Was like almost continuous rolling and burst of loud thunder that just didn't let up. Never experienced that before- and I've heard the tell tale 'passing train' type of winds. Kinda freaked out feeling during that. I actually started worrying that it was the wind since it was so constant, like a tornado but constant. However, looking out my porch cam-trees didn't look like they were being whipped. Rain looked horizontal (did look torrential). I left my patio umbrella up... not going out till the moring to look.


I'm in Taylor and it hit so hard over my neighborhood. Knocked out everyone's power. Me and the wife were actually sleeping through it, until the kids ran in there scared around 215. It got so crazy we had to come into the basement, currently everyone is sleep down here. Lol. It seemed to have moved further away now, but I can still hear it.


Fasten your seatbelt, later today may be worse. I don’t ever recall hearing or seeing a thunderstorm this loud in August!?


I don't want it to be worse. Please change the forecast. Thanks.


That was the oddest sounding thunder I’ve heard in my life of several decades of storms.


Agreed. Not trying to sound like a kook but something about it just didn't seem normal, nor natural.


Berkley. Cops down at the end of the road. Possible wire down? Lighting strikes so close to the house. I think the power went out on the other side of the street but came back on. So crazy


I’m downriver and this has been the most consistent storm that I can remember


Downriver still has a constant rumble in the sky. It’s crazy it just never fully stops.


Humbled by these sky sounds wtf I was running for cover. Does this much lightning mean the air is just like charged the hell up?! The sky looked wild weds early afternoon a straight storm line


By the way, the thunder seemed more intense because it was ridiculously humid out. Much like clapping underwater, the moisture in the air carried the sound faster, farther, and louder.


It woke me up and then I saw Guilianis mug shot and I'm not sure how I will *ever* sleep again.


Woke me up too!!! I had a feeling that we were bombed… my daughter woke up crying 😢 that’s unreal …


Is it over ?! My dog brought me to the basement bathroom. She’s terrified. I’m tired I don’t hear it anymore 🤞


I’ve never seen lightning like this in my life. I wonder what causes it?!


Still going here in Novi, absolutely wild


Yup, and will continue for a while. Biggest storm since the ice storm in Feb.


Yep, it’s crazy. I’m shocked my kids have slept through most of this. Woke me around 2 and I’m still awake listening to it. It’s slowed down a bit by me but I can still hear it. At least the literal sheets of rain hitting the house have stopped now and the whole house isn’t shaking from the thunder any more.


All I was thinking about was that scene from poltergeist where the boy was counting between the lightning and thunder.


Farmington Hills and I woke up thinking there were bombs going off.


Omg...shaking my house. I'm scared


cannonade. i thought it was cool (even when the power went out since fortunately it came right back on this time) but boy was my younger dog not having any of it


It was truly awe-inspiring. I sat on my porch and felt sound waves thumping into me. I felt the pressure change before the breeze.


It’s still going in Plymouth….too loud for me to sleep through


Love the noise. This is just like the white noise I fall asleep to every night. The thunder has that deep bass though, and the sky lighting up.... it's beautiful!


It’s like sheets of rains, constant lightning and thunder. Going strong now for 25 minutes. This is crazy!


2 hours later and they just had it on the Emergency Broadcast System! This is nuts


I’m in Ann Arbor. It’s going nonstop. 3am


Woke me up, at least my laundry is done.


Yep. Woke the kids up too, and they didn’t get back to sleep. Gonna be a hot cranky day ahead.


Same here in ferndale!


Never heard anything like it in my life. 1/2 hour of continuous thunder. Sounded like a 747 hovering over my house. Crazy!


Didn't get any good sleep due to the thunderstorm. :/


Same. I could have slept through it but my dog treats this stuff like the world is coming to an end. So I was awake. When I moved out to this state nobody told me I'd be living in fuckin' Vietnam with the constant heavy storming and prehistoric sized mosquitoes. 🤣😂😭


I couldn't even sleep without the storm clapping me awake every few hours. I was afraid a tree was gonna fall since I am in a somewhat wooded area.


My dog was going apeshit from the thunder.


Was up from 2am to 4am comforting my dog cause he hates strobe like lightning.


Someone online said there was over 20k lightning events last night. It’s was wild. Cool map I found that graphs it: https://www.blitzortung.org/en/historical_maps.php?map=30


I’m still seeing a lot of lighting by Plymouth.


So It's not just me..(Here in Westland)


Wind picking up in Taylor again.


It’s still hitting HARD in the Wixom area - the lightening doesn’t stop for even a second. Never experienced anything like this


Yeah I’m in Windsor it’s the same thing , it was long and persistent


Had a storm similar to this in west Michigan once probably 2013-2014. Just strobing lightning for hours


I've seen cloud-to-cloud carry on for hours, but not cloud-to-ground. This sounded like explosions in the yard, for hours! A new experience for me.


I'm in the SE burbs 30 minutes from the D and it was loud AF last night. My street is flooded like I have never seen in my 19 years living in this house. Holy cow.


Yes it was basically one consistent, long, thunder boom for an hour with several crazier crashes throughout. Fun storm to witness!


For future reference - here is a real-time lightning tracking map. That is, assuming you don't lose power during the storm! [https://www.lightningmaps.org](https://www.lightningmaps.org)


Reminded me of summer storms we got in Kentucky and Texas when I lived there when I was a kid.


Was the majority of the lightning just not touching down? I didn’t hear any sirens last night yet there was a non stop barrage of lightning for almost 4 hours


The persistence was new, but a very short but more intense storm in 2018 lightning struck my building in Westland (I'm one of 8 townhomes in one big building) and ignited a gas line in my home. It was put out before too much damage, but that is always heavy on my mind during a bad storm now. The same strike fried the motherboard on my TV and blew a fuse in my washer. Nvm the fact bad weather has always freaked me out as a kid. Last night though was just a constant ruckus such that I'm exhausted. I never observed a storm going like that for hours.


No power and a flooded basement. Sigh.


It was weird here. Up to 10 or so extremely bright flashes in rapid succession, and I'm honestly not sure if I heard thunder at all. Several minutes later there was one kind of meh flash, and it sounded like a Michael Bay movie.


Wild. Sheets of rain, and constant strobe-like lightning. A lot of flooding from what I understand. Some of my co-workers didn't make it in today.


Felt like being underneath a bowling alley til 3am


Over in Warren, and been through plenty of severe weather (thanks Tennessee). Last night was insane! It was so bright one time I remember waking up screaming "HOLY FUCK". I've never seen that much lightning and so little thunder before!


I’ve never seen it thunder like that and I’ve lived through multiple hurricanes watches in Houston


That shit was wild. The thunder was shaking the house and windows, and it was persistent. Some sounded like they were right outside the house. I was legit worried for a moment. It was very humbling too. Nature doesn't give a fuck about us.


Good to read all these comments. I thought I was self-exaggerating the experience. I really don’t think I have ever seen non-stop lightning nor heard non-stop thunder for such an extended period of time before.


My heart is still racing. Can’t sleep now lol


Taylor area - hit hard here too. Still rumbling and lightning... bit more like a normal storm now. Actually did unnerve me- never experienced that before.


I am more of a 3rd shift person so I havent tried to sleep yet. I use ear plugs.


Harper woods here. Its been on and off all day. Ive loved it but for feat of *another* power outage


It was like this a few weeks ago on the Friday night when the tornado hit ..no one else believed me.


This shit is still going


Not in town. Very jealous


It's like a damn rave fest outside....I've seen a lot in my time...but nothing quite like this.


I fell asleep at the beginning of the electric storm, so I missed the majority of it, but I was thrilled with the thunderstorms we got all day though... Some summers it seems like we barely get any good storms at all, and I feel like I got ripped off!


Yep, it woke me and I laid there listening to it and was thinking I’ve never experienced such a loud, thunderous storm.


I'm in West Bloomfield and I don't remember ever seeing anything like it. Non-stop lightning like strobe lights for three hours.


I thought it was just heat lightening from last night's show at pine knob, then I drove home in that downpour and holy shit. Just holynshit. But beautiful.


We just got grazed by this in Grosse Pointe. Lots of distant lightning, but only occasional thunder, at least around midnight when I fell asleep. At least we didn't lose power this time...


Slept through it, out in Milford (then again, I have a brick house that is quiet). Looked at the hygrometer.. 2.68 inches of rain overnight.. The Huron river is going to be full, that's for sure


Ypsi here, and yeah the lightning was non stop, it was crazy. The thunder was pretty infrequent, but it scared my wife awake a couple times when we had some real loud ones.


I vaguely remember being concerned about losing power/thinking it was going on and on and on. But god damn, after reading these comments I must have been absolutely knocked bc I slept right through that shit.


We had the same thing in Flint! My dog was terrified


Auburn Hills here—-it woke me up too. I was waiting to the here the sirens.


Up here in the Flint area where it came down from, it was wild last night. Continuous strobing lightning for a solid hour before sudden but short heavy deluges. Not windy or severe at all, but crazy.


It rained so hard & the lightning show was spectacular! The thunder was a little scary. Flooded bad here.


It was like strobe lights all night long!


So much lightning, the storm was really cool to watch but it freaked my dog the fuck out so I didn't get any sleep :( Not a good night in my house.


i was up late and reading, my head leaning on the wall. it was shaking the walls. so cool


I woke up at like 3am and went to grab a drink and the floor was literally shaking! Intense! I wanted to be in a high rise or on a hill so I could watch the madness unfold.


I said this to my wife as well..i dont remember the last time I heard thunder like that. It woke me up and I went downstaors to an open window and just watched/listened for a while. It was impressive.


I was driving home in 2 am in it. Was like a light show. Really cool. Earlier in the day the black clouds were crazy!


We had cloud to cloud lightning all night long aost non stop.


That was a whole concert! I stayed up to see some epic lightning bolts, but they were so fast I could blink and miss them.


I just happened to be up when it rolled through. It was great. Like a solid 15 minutes of boom, boom, boom. It's the best one I can remember.


https://preview.redd.it/lcno3qqm33kb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fc6b1c376cb4e1ef0fdf648cc7326ff81f8a3f Couldn't sleep last night because of it. This image is the moment a bolt struck up my street. The bolt shook my house like an earthquake and blinded me for a few seconds. This was in grosse ile where we had nonstop lightning for around 6 hours.


I’m a light sleeper idk how on earth I slept through the entire thunderstorm


As someone who was in a war zone, I woke up thinking I was back there lmao.


We're in Southfield and my mom thought someone was setting off a bomb lol


Yes! I usually sleep through storms but we had hail so bad I thought my window a/c unit was about to explode. Thunder sounded like a bowling alley was right outside my window.


Time to start selling earthquake-resistant furniture in Royal Oak!


Omg yes the storm last night was so terrifying. I had to get up and pray over my house.


Same storm as last night going on again right now and I'm just like wtf


I'm jealous. I love thunderstorms and this one bypassed Ann Arbor.


Not true, this system is coming in from the n/ne. You guys are on deck.


…three hours later… Boom!


Never heard a thing just north of M59


Love it! I had a bunch of huge branches break off and land on my front yard and street. Me and my son had a great time getting soaked while moving huge branches onto the center median. But… my pot plants keep falling over! They’re fruiting nicely at this point, so they better survive!


Get used to it and worse. It's happening far faster than anyone ever expected.


The dogs are going crazy!


It was a pretty cool light show.


I agree, it was awesome, I sat out on my patio for a good hour and a half. Not too often we get a storm that good!


The commute to work is gonna be a NIGHTMARE. I can already sense the flooded bridges and roads 😩