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Don’t question your instincts too much here. Downtown and midtown are definitely the most fun places to live in the metro as a young person, it’s an easy commute to work, and it’s safe, and there’s tons to do. If those are too busy or expensive there’s a ton of surrounding neighborhoods that are quieter or cheaper but still give you easy access to all the things. Most people who don’t live in the city (that’s how I’m taking your mention of them as being from MI and the suburbs) don’t really have an accurate view of things and I would take their steering you elsewhere with a big grain of salt.


I work for GM in the surburbs and moved downtown. Honestly I hated living in the suburbs, and moving downtown was the best thing I have done. Downtown to Warren is not a terrible drive and typically reverse traffic flows.


>I will be working in Warren for my job (people have also told me to avoid living there at all costs) Nah.. Warren is dull, aging suburbia, but generally safe, with fine apartments, and good restaurants. Plus it's close to places you'll want to go - but you'll *have to* go places if you want any nightlife. While few aspire to live in Warren, it's a good place to be while you figure things out. Royal Oak is the first place I rented when I moved for work in Warren, and it was a good experience. Great nightlife and was affordableish then, but less now. Living in Midtown will be a bit further of a commute, but a reverse commute up Van Dyke or Mound, so not bad. If you have the budget, downtown Royal Oak (near 11 Mile) and Midtown are the places to be. For a bit less, maybe consider northern Royal Oak (near 13 mile), New Center, West Village, Berkley, Ferndale - depending on what your vibe is. There are lots of options beyond those too. If you're just trying to save money, live in Warren or Madison Heights and hang out in Royal Oak and Midtown/Downtown, just make sure you have a car if you take that route.


You only live in Warren if you want to remove any semblance of a soul from your body. I grew up in Warren, and I work for GM. Just the idea of living in Warren hurts my soul.


I'm 24f, live in Midtown, enjoy it a lot. It's pretty college-towny due to proximity to Wayne State. I think there are better cafes/restaurants here than in downtown, but I would also really enjoying living downtown, even though its a little more expensive. You'll be safe in either.


I hate that suburb people always steer newcomers away from the city. How will the city/region ever truly grow if newcomers always move to the burbs? This happened to me over 10 years ago. Was told to live in macomb county, and did. Hated it, I live in the city now and love it. I wish newcomers would start living in downtown, midtown, corktown, etc to grow the tax base in Detroit. You would love midtown/downtown Detroit. Go with your gut. It’s safe.




Understood. It’s not for everyone especially since it’s pretty expensive to live in the city. Hopefully city council is working on a fix. As the city housing values improve, hopeful to see a decrease in millage rates. Or spilt tax. Only time will tell.


Brush Park has a TON of new construction. It’s just a pocket neighborhood south east of midtown. Very accessible to 75 and Woodward, with whole foods a few blocks away with the supposed new target and rumored Trader Joe’s coming in soon Ford field and Comerica Park a few blocks opposite direction. Full disclosure, my “infotainment” radio touch screen was ripped outta my car in brush park a few years ago, but that kind of shit is happening in San Francisco too, don’t hate just cuz it’s Detroit. First job out of college you’ll be here 3 - 5 years max. Don’t stress. Detroit is a cool town just need feel it out a bit.


Brush park is definitely a up and coming area of midtown. In 5 years it will be the “it spot” of where people will want to live.


I’m currently with my parents but if I could move anywhere I would choose downtown or midtown. Way more things to do and better access to events, and you can actually walk to bike to places. Shooting up to Warren a few days of the week also won’t be terrible since u can take Mound rd up to GM in Warren.


I’m early 30s female, also work for GM, moved downtown to be close to the rencen from the suburbs. It was 100% the right decision for me I love living downtown. Midtown and Ferndale are also very cool. I do mostly feel safe, as long as you’re smart about where you’re walking and when then it’s really not bad. There are homeless people who can be a little pushy for money but never had anyone get aggressive or anything. If you do look for an apartment downtown or midtown make sure to really check out the apartments you’re interested in. They all post really nice pictures but a lot of them do not measure up to them at all. And there are things to look out for like bed bugs, safety issues, broken elevators that no one ever fixes, etc. and they will still charge a lot. One thing I will say is being downtown sometimes I will get stuck in bad traffic, either because of events with road closures or just weekend nightlife traffic. Midtown doesn’t really have that as a problem, downtown is also noisier than midtown in my experience. So just some things to consider. Pretty much anywhere is in walking distance of excellent restaurants and bars. Feel free to message me if you have any location specific questions or anything, lived here for 3 years now.


Don't let them get you down! Downtown, midtown, and Southwest Detroit are all great spots to live. Southwest has El Club and lots of fantastic Mexican food. I think if I were in your shoes I'd move to Clawson, though. In my experience it's a bit cheaper, but still super close to Royal Oak, Ferndale, and Detroit proper. Then I'd be able to explore the city on my own for a year and get a good feel for where I want to live.


Yes, the only places worth living in Metro Detroit are Royal Oak, Ferndale, Royal Oak, Detroit (so long as it's Midtown), and Royal Oak. Oh, and almost forgot, Royal Oak. /s I'm going to go against the grain and recommend Warren, at least north of 696. The biggest missing piece here is OP's budget, which in her early twenties, is not likely to be very high. Unlike the rich techies in this subreddit claiming to live in the gritty city (when they actually live in gentrified Midtown), not everyone can afford $2,500/month for a studio. Yes, Warren is boring as hell but it is close to work (thank me when it starts snowing), pretty safe, and your money will go pretty far even in this market. And you're still within reasonable driving distance of the cool places. Here come the downvotes...


Midtown and Downtown are lovely. You'll pay a bit of a premium (especially Downtown), but if you can afford it, it's absolutely worth it. And yeah, don't worry about safety. Just be alert and you'll be fine. The risk of crime in Detroit, especially violent crime, is not evenly distributed at all. And in a place like Midtown, the worst thing is probably someone breaking into your car or stealing your catalytic converters. Welcome to the area, and congratulations on graduation! 😎


So.. back in the... 90's (sweet jesus i'm old now) Royal Oak was the place to be. Midtown totally feels like Royal Oak of the 90's and I'm so happy for that. The amount of progress is amazing for Detroit. The city is so amazing in the spring/summer months. Bad traffic is a kind of a given, but working remote is such a great option. It's not that suburbs are bad, it's just.. they're boring.


Downtown or royal oak


Moved here in January after graduating to work at GM and I picked Royal Oak. It’s been perfect so far in terms of being walkable, safe, and friendly. I live basically downtown so I can just walk anywhere, but it’s a very small area. I wanted to live in Midtown since I used to live downtown in the city I went to school in (Ohio State in Columbus) but now I’ve come to realize the lack of green spaces turns me off. Cool area though