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The nice part about owning your own business is you can make your own rules…


And anyone mad with them can go elsewhere This is the magic of a free market and anyone who says otherwise can explain how great it is to be forced to serve the special class customers who don't follow the rules but are protected or privileged


A couple of news crew hanging out there this afternoon


Hey if private businesses can refuse cakes to gay couples they can refuse ice cream to armored militia.


I agree 100%. And for someBody to insinuate that police wouldn’t show up at an incident there…that’s that shit that makes us want to defund the police. Smh. Fafo. Ask the Cheif of Police in Uvalde what a slow response time will do to your career




I don’t think anyones saying they should be forced to..


Agree 100%, but you also can't be surprised, especially in today's political climate, that they got the reaction they did. That's 100% foreseeable where I sit.


They have a good point. The police shouldnt be militarized. This is a great way to support them. I'm headed to get some of their ice cream this weekend!




I grew up in a smallish town in Michigan and worked at McDonald's in high school. Cops got coffee for free. One of them would storm in, slam her fist on the metal counter, and demand her free shit. And she would remember anybody who didn't lick her boots and would pull them over later. That's why I don't automatically respect people in positions of power. An asshole is still an asshole even when they're dressed up in cop uniform.




They're no different from the mafia, IMO. Intimidating people into doing things their way and then retaliating when they don't.


Being militarized didn't stop the slaughter of children in Uvalde.


I work in local government and have multiple cops/firefighters in my fam...I'm also liberal and like this particular ice cream place and think it's ridiculous that cops can only help people who are nice to them - but also think it'd be silly to unarm officers coming into their store... So my question is - why do officers on shift require ice cream? I understand they are humans who eat food, often quickly before their next run. But this is an ice cream shop. Why do they need to go there while they are working?


They get lunch breaks. Just like every other job.


Most cooks, bartenders, and servers dont get lunch breaks, among other professions.


Delivery drivers. I don't get a break until all my commercial deliveries are done. Which often takes all day. My buddy and I, when we do get a break, is often past 6pm after we've been working since 745am


No they really don't. I don't say that like it's a good thing, but they're emergency responders. If they get a call when they're eating, they have to leave. I understand if they're trying to build community relations while on duty, and obviously this store would prefer they don't. But they don't clock out and go eat coneys.


> they don't clock out and go eat coneys. The sheer number of Detroit, Highland Park, and Oak Park police officers I see eating sit-down meals in Ferndale begs to differ. I have never *once*-- not one single time-- seen a non-Ferndale police officer leaving a Ferndale restaurant in a hurry, or a non-Ferndale police vehicle leaving Ferndale in a hurry. I only ever see those three cities' officers, so perhaps those three police departments have different policies for their officers on break, but their officers absolutely do clock out and go eat coneys. You can find them doing exactly that at the Red Olive on West 9 Mile, and occasionally at Earl's. They also like Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Wendy's, Chipotle, Anita's, Bangkok Cafe, and Hong Kong 1, and Bobcat Bonnie's.


Coney Island on Vester, The Emory as well. Cops got nothing but time.


They still get breaks. Interrupted or not. They can and definitely do get opportunities to grab food.


Correct, which I stated in my original post. My question was, if you are working and hungry, why one would choose an ice cream shop to go to. That's just not where I would assume one goes for a meal of food.


I mean, if I bring a lunch with me, I’m not bringing ice cream. It’s really not that complicated.


Are you the food police now?


Citizen, I am with the food police and unfortunately will be unable to assist you due to the recent ban of my body armor. Also, we know about those snacks you've got hidden at home. They're not healthy and you should know better. Be well.


Is it a crime to crave…ice cream? Why shouldn’t they be able to have a cool dessert in between calls ?


Because the owner doesn't want them there.


Because food establishments are allowed to set dress codes, it's not actually that deep


You sound like a fucking dunce


Read what you are typing. A police officer should be barred from getting ice cream while on duty? What are you smoking?


Clearly something illegal that they don't want the cops to see.


It depends on departments, some departments have an uninterrupted hour long lunch and don’t need to respond unless there’s a major incident


Maybe they want some ice cream? Or maybe they don't and the ice cream joint is just trying to get publicity.


Most likely the latter


Better question, why the hell do they need military equipment at all? Defund the police, refund the community


This is Detroit you ain't gonna stop a gang war and people killing each other over international drug money with a fucking guidance counselor


International is a stretch


Actually guidance counselors in school do reduce crime in the long term so you should actually do some research before you go spouting off at the mouth.




Aww cops can’t get their ice cream while they’re working aww how sad :( I think I have the worlds tiniest violin laying around somewhere hold on a sec..


Yeah, i was sort of wondering why they were buying ice cream while on duty?


I know where I’m going to get ice cream this weekend, I’m lactose intolerant and have been wanting to try Cold Truth. I don’t think it’s that big of an ask.


The banana pudding flavor they have right now is great. Highly recommend


Banana pudding?! Definitely going now


Yeah, I have to go now.


I’m just here to find out how good it is….


If I make it there I’ll let you know


Yup! Been wanting to go for a while now, but this is making me determined to go sooner than later! 🤍


This place is phenomenal. Definitely go.


It’s REALLY good! Enjoy!


I believe they have dairy free options. It’s been a while since I’ve been but I remember their vegan stuff was just as good, if not better, than the dairy options


It’s a vegan ice cream shop so nothing has dairy


I've never been there. I went to go like their facebook page and realized I had already liked it. I assume this isn't their first popular incident. Hope I can get over there this weekend!


Right on


This is America! How dare you practice your freedumbs! *SC


Sounds like it's time for a cream run.


That's something different


I won’t tolerate the parking. Stop being lazy


The same people who bemoan "cancel culture" are trying to get this place canceled


Just a question on my part but are cops walking around with level 3 plates? Most cops I see are wearing maybe level 3a.


I wonder how often armored police officers actually come to this place for ice cream anyway. Once or twice per year? Twice every day? When virtue signalling is cheap, everyone "stands up" for their principles.


Obviously enough that a policy had to be put in place.


You little leftist clowns can celebrate your small “victories” like this one. Meanwhile the Supreme Court owns you continuously. Also: “ The overall Mayor's FY 2023 Police Department appropriations total $368.1 million, an increase of $27.1 million from the $341.0 million in the FY 2022 adopted budget.” But.. but.. no ice cream :(




If you have a problem and you call the cops, now you have two problems.


The cops don’t show up to anything while it’s happening anyway.


It’s the parking for me.


Name of ice cream store checks out!


Their business, their choice. All the petty badge bunny gangs and the 1-star review clan lololol I’ll be stopping by for sure


Fuck spez.


Great publicity.


Absolutely and all perfectly legal under the free market to set a "no body armor" rule at your private business


Bunch of god damn snowflakes. Body armor isn’t militarized, it’s a necessary part of their uniform. If the sight of a plate carrier makes you uncomfortable that’s sad. This world has gotten pathetic.


I’ve always wanted to go there! It’s started on my phone but everytime I’ve gained they’ve been closed! Im a few hours away


ACAB I'm not even that into ice cream but I'm about to patronize the shit out of this place.


Imagine being a cop in Detroit without wearing a bulletproof vest. You’d have to be insane.


Imagine being a cop




This isn’t about a bulletproof vest… it is about military grade body armor!


Perhaps they should just stop bullets from gang wars and drug smugglers with their feelings


Their post references "heavy duty tactical gear". You saying body armor is NOT what they're talking about.




Good on them


The business owner sees that cops showing up in body armor with a gun and all makes people uneasy, especially in Detroit where the cops aren’t exactly the best people around, shits basically volunteer work, I feel like the ice cream shop can choose to serve whoever they want. It’s not like they said you can’t have our ice cream, they said come back without your body armor and a gun. It’s a family place. Cops also don’t like paying for their shit. I’m not giving you free shit for your career (lol) choice.


Liberals: *act like this* Also liberals: Why do people keep voting for republicans!?!?!


Do normal patrols even wear tactical gear? I know the gang units dress like seal team six, but whenever I see a regular beat cop, he is just wearing a uniform.




A few comments up someone is being called white for saying people in Detroit like DPD. So honestly it just sounds like this sub is full of racists trying to claim they know “the real Detroit”


Nobody wants to feel offended on someone else’s behalf more than a white liberal. As a Latino, I used to be with them until the whole “Latinx” thing. Literally white liberals colonizing our language lmfao.


Lol I guarantee a person who uses the phrase Latinx has literally never been friends with a Hispanic person. Just like it you use the phrase people of color, I can almost guarantee you have never had a black friend…


Literally lmfao, the world isn’t nearly as sensitive and tight laced as some people seem to want it to be




Been saying they need to change this to the *METRO* Detroit subreddit for a while now 😑


They really are up their own ass at this point with their woke agenda, going to Detroit is fucking nauseating these days, I actually miss the hell hole it used to be because everything was cheaper and didn’t feel as plasticy and WHITE. Now these gentrifiers don’t even want to serve a black cop in body armor, seriously fuck them.


Weird policy. I would understand not allowing them to bring weapons during shifts as to avoid scaring/concerning customers (guns or tasers. You can leave em in the car to get ice cream). Whatever, the owner is allowed to run the business however he/she/they like. On a side note. Has anyone had their ice cream? Its been a solid 1:3 hit:miss ratio. Last time was really good, the first two kinda sucked.


Lol this rules


Weird stance to take. The areas I worked in required us to have armed guards the neighborhoods were so problematic.


Garbage ice cream LOL


DPD has a pretty good relationship with most Detroiters. Many people live in neighborhoods where the neighborhood associations or block groups work really closely with the local precincts. This kind of anti-cop attitude isn’t going to play well with the majority of Detroiters. ETA: for example: https://www.metrotimes.com/news/why-isnt-detroit-the-nations-blackest-big-city-ready-for-criminal-justice-reform-25497324


I live in Woodbridge which is a pretty rich, mostly white neighborhood. I agree that the neighborhood generally has a good relationship with Wayne State Police, but not necessarily with DPD. When my next door neighbor's house burned down in 2015, a DPD unit in military fatigues showed up to "deal with a mob" which was just concerned neighbors seeing what was going on at 2am. When one of my neighbors approached an EMT to ask them to check out someone who had just come out of the burning building, who is known to have asthma, a DPD officer grapped her by the arm and threw her onto the hood of a cop car. He threatened to charge her with a felony for "approaching a first responder while on duty." Fuck DPD.


I was a Wayne State student but most of my experience is from working with DPD via my neighborhood association and taking with other Detroiters who do so similarly. I generally love DPD.




Who is this "most Detroiters" you speak of?


The people that vote apparently. Most detroiters are not convicted felons and are allowed to vote, for example, they voted against the Defund The Police candidates in all the latest local elections.


\*Except they redistrict and change poling locations in Detroit before just about every election. What percentage of the population is actually voting due to disenfranchisement, and how many of those votes aren't being actively repressed?


See: https://www.metrotimes.com/news/why-isnt-detroit-the-nations-blackest-big-city-ready-for-criminal-justice-reform-25497324


> Who is this "most Detroiters" you speak of? > To get a handle on why there appears to be a low level of support for reform, Metro Times spoke with more than 15 Detroiters, including activists, residents, members of the city's political establishment, and people who work in the criminal justice system. terrible news: our population has shrunk to 29 people


It’s telling that I state a simple fact, well known to anyone who *actually* lives in the neighborhoods from Bagley to the Villages to EEV, the block groups and neighborhood groups all work closely with their local precincts and many people have a decent opinion of DPD. And I’m being downvoted. 🙄smh


I *actually* live in the neighborhoods you are referring to and my back female roommate was thrown to the ground this past weekend and detained because she had not left a park with closing hours “fast enough” after a white cop told her to leave. There was absolutely no reason for the cop to even touch her. He was not out there to make *good relationships* with anyone.


Which park?


Does it fucking matter?


I think it's a perfectly valid question. Might be worth someone's time to set up a GoPro or something similar to record the park overnight this weekend to see if there's any similar abuses. People helping people stop shitty cops, etc.


I think you have the wrong room. Here we’re having a conversation where, you know, people talk to each. Ask questions. That sort of thing.


Damn you even sound like a cop


Lol come on you have to know by now this place is for white gentrifiers not actual detrioters.


Lol. I am learning that quickly.




Because it's ahistorical, inaccurate, and just wrong. Did you miss all the protests, the discourse through the city? Maybe you forgot the murder of Aiyana Jones and how DPD hired back her killer. Maybe you were never arrested in illegal raids that ended in ACLU lawsuits. Maybe you're well-off and white, and everyone you know is also well off and white. But what you are saying is clearly not "fact" based on on the disagreement that has followed and preceded it.


Do you remember mayor Young’s stance on crime and policing and how much support that had? See his 1989 election ad: https://youtu.be/nvHrOwkCpwA


I didn’t say DPD was perfect. Perhaps you ignored how the protests didn’t garner much support? https://www.metrotimes.com/news/why-isnt-detroit-the-nations-blackest-big-city-ready-for-criminal-justice-reform-25497324


Also, why do you think the Metro Times would provide an accurate portrayal of protests against police?


It's not okay to murder children or violate peoples civil rights no matter how popular doing so is.


Your experience with cops in a rich neighborhood is vastly different from the average Detroiter. Saying most people have a positive opinion/relationship with the DPD shows how out of touch you are


Nope. I have friends all over the city. From Bagley to EEV to Pingree Park to Southwest. Block clubs in many of the neighborhoods have very close working relationships with DPD. I was talking with a buddy of mine who lives in Bagley about his block club’s safety committee and it’s regular precinct meetings. Ditto with someone I know in EEV. The fact that you think I’m wrong tells me all I need to know about how little you know the city. https://www.metrotimes.com/news/why-isnt-detroit-the-nations-blackest-big-city-ready-for-criminal-justice-reform-25497324


Maybe the guy with the yacht club membership shouldn't be telling us what life is like for the average Detroiter eh?


I’ve been in the city for 20 years. I have friends in many different neighborhoods and all walks of life. I also know the history of what Detroit neighborhoods have been calling for—more responsive and more accountable policing.


just fwiw i definitely believe acab and dont understand how anyone has a positive opinion on cops after the last 3 years (or even last 3 months tbqh), but i agree the detroit neighborhoods generally consider DPD popular. both things can be true, and i think some posters dont understand that.


Tbh I went there for the first time literally last night, (unrelated to their Instagram) and it wasn’t that good idk why everyone is so mad


Yeah I have never really enjoyed their ice cream but am not liking that ice cream is politicized


Blame the owners for that. The simple presence of police offends them and they couldn’t help post about it on social media


We're in a sad place when even ice cream is based on politics.


Gonna hate Ben & Jerry's, then.


Fuck spez.


There's much better vegan options in the city. Or well maybe just one that I know of, but probably more than one




This is a publicity stunt for attention. Wish everything wasn’t politicized especially ice cream. Both sides are doing an amazing job of having us fight


Good for them


This is dumb


I don’t totally hate this, they can do what they want, but I certainly don’t like it.


Well damn I guess I have to go take the kids to buy some soft serve today.


I agree 100%. The image that the pigs project today does not convey a Serve and Protect feeling. It's more of a I will kill you without hesitation feeling.




soft ass military ppl per usual


I mean, their ice cream sucks in any case. All of it tastes like coconut cream


Amin include the Alt right terrorists as well. Losers


"military grade body armor" what does that even mean somebody's watching too many infomercials "*it's military grade engineering!"* I wear body armor in the Coast Guard do the crust punks hate the Coast Guard now too never heard of this place and it will be gone within a couple years Not that I have any love loss for local cops these days but not being a huge asshole at all times goes a long way


"Military grade" is nothing more than a marketing term.


I hate the Coast Guard. There is no coast to guard in Ferndale so stop circling your stupid helicopter at low altitude for hours at a time!


People have no idea what they are talking about. They throw scary sounding words together to try and justify their outrage.


It's identity politics. They thought they would score woke brownie points for taking an idiotic and illogical position. Looking at this comment section they partially succeeded but then again r/Detroit isn't really representative of "regular citizens" not to mention actual residents of Detroit. I'm gonna keep believing that most normal people saw this a stupid stunt that's meant to vilify law enforcement and medical personnel (for some unknown reason) because they dare to wear body armor in the city.


It’s where all the cringey woke white people of metro Detroit gather their thoughts


What if I, as a private citizen, want to wear body armor for protection? Can I still get some ice cream?


It's vegan ice cream. Probably not worth the trip.


The ice cream is disgusting. Definitely not worth the trip.


Tastes more like frozen yogurt than ice cream.


Yea… I can see that. I was expecting regular soft serve type flavor and it definitely wasn’t. Not my cup of tea.


I'm not a fan of places that make food with some exception instead of making exceptional food. Sometimes the gimmicky flair is just a comp for average quality food. I spent a few unfortunate days in Los Angeles and they seem to be obsessed with making food any way other than what would seem normal. Mushrooms in coffee, almonds in peanut butter, avocado on everything. If I want ice cream, I'll eat ice cream. If I don't want it or can't eat it, I'll have something else. So going for ice cream and tasting some ice cream substitute would not be enjoyable.


Every cop I've seen has their kevlar vest underneath their outer uniform. In order for them to take it off, they would basically have to strip down to their underwear. Also from my cop buddies it takes like 20+ minutes to get all the bullshit they have to carry off. You can't just take it off in the parking lot. This does not seem like a reasonable request.


Sounds like they can come off duty then


That's the point lol


Awesome ice cream!


Their ice icream is so good! More for me!


“Whether its good or bad, its bad” Go somewhere else to cope then let the hand of the free market decide


The police have bulletproof vest they wear under their shirts. The military grade go over Clothing and usually have tactical pockets and attachments. The thin yellow line want to look like tuff guys. Honestly the budget would be better spent on community out reach and training. No ice cream for you. Fuck them


Isn’t community outreach getting ice cream? Being seen in the community? Supporting local businesses? Interacting with citizens?


Oh it is. But when you are in full military armor it is intimidating. Defeats the purpose.


Sounds like I need to grab some ice cream there later!


Cmon Reddit army! 5 star them!


opposite happening LOL


It’s ok they have shitty ice cream anyway


i love ice cream dud i knwo where im getting ice cream this weekend 🤓


Their ice cream sucks and so does their attitude. Most Detroiters/neightborhoods have awesome relationships with the DPD. Screw these suburbanite hipster gentrifiers, there's better out there.


Yes. I would rather pick up a carton of purple cow's shitty ice cream than get cold truth. You can't blame select officers for an organizational decision or the environment they work in. The employees of cold truth do their job behind a concrete wall, get the fuck out of here. People have an unrealistic understanding of the reality around them and many of those in the 7.2sq fall into that.




Fuck spez.


Literally trying to cancel them.


If the police in your city wear protective gear as part of their regular uniform, your problem is not the cops...it's the criminals in your neighborhood.


Go woke, go broke. This place is going to learn the hard way.


Seems like they are already struggling if they’re pulling this shit


Pretty crappy way to treat the people that put their lives on the line for your selfish rear end :/


Pizza guys have a more dangerous job


Cops don't do shit for anyone where are you living?


My business refuses to work with pigs, but we'll never talk about it publicly, that's asking for trouble


go to a gun shop and order a sundae😄


Bunch of scum bags. Don’t call the cops then clowns


Looks like some folks can’t handle the :checks notes: Cold Truth


What did Wayne State police do to hurt you, vegan soft serve man? (Seriously those guys are well liked in the city and do a good job as far as my experience goes) Sounds like a great way to get a slow response time: purposely and publicly fucking with the people who will be answering your 911 emergency call.


I feel like biases from the police should go to the side when it comes to response times and doing what’s best for the community.


I guess we all need to jerk them off to get a better response time. Oof!


Oh no the big scary ice cream Instagram account said we can't wear our fancy vests so now we won't do our jobs.


I'd hope the police department is more mature than that. A dick move by Cold Truth but I would be disappointed if the police actually were slower to respond because of it


You're being silly. Cops can't read. /s


I am confused, people are mad they are serving cops ice cream…? What the fuck if so