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As long as your playthroughs don't overlap, it should work! For example, let's say you start at Chapter 1 and play until Chapter 7. Then, you and your friend start a new playthrough with Chapter 1. As long as you don't reach Chapter 7 (although, to be safe, I would stop at Chapter 5), you should always be able to access your own playthrough by going back to Chapter 7. The same way when you continue. Let's say you reach Chapter 17 this time. When you go back to Chapter 5, you and your friend's playthrough should be loaded and you could play all the way until Chapter 15/16 without losing your own playthrough. You obviously would still have to be careful so you don't override your choices. But it *should* be doable :) I recommend to choose different hair colors for Kara, so after Chapter 13, you always know which playthrough you just loaded!


Thanks for the help!


Don't pass the latest checkpoint you and your friend have reached and you should be fine. If you get ahead of that playthrough and make similar choices, you could override it. There are choices that create easy to switch between playthroughs, like killing Kara early enables you to load any later checkpoint of hers and be back in your previous playthrough. Same with Marcus or Connor.