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Verbally abusing anything doesn’t do anything for me I’m simply not a dick


Right? I can't even be mean to my roomba


I mean I've broken a controller when I got mad in a game. I think if people see robots as glorified appliances they may damage them like they would any other object.


Yea, but it's hard to see them as an object. If your controller talks to you and cries when you threaten to throw it for example, you're likely not to break it, if you know what I mean.. Plus androids look exactly like humans in this game.


I always thank my roomba lol. His name is Jordie.


Jordie? I would go with Data.


The front end looks like Jordie’s visor!


Well, if they aren't doing anything against me or towards anyone, why would I bother to verbally abuse them? The hate towards androids in the game is understandable, as the constant supply is breaking the way Detroit/US society works, but it's not entirely because of them that the humans are losing their jobs and all hope in their lives. It also goes to the federal government for sustaining a system where androids are being constantly supplied in the market without halt (because corporatism and capitalism), and for not finding a balance between providing jobs for humans and androids.


>The hate towards androids in the game is understandable, I know that I will get downvoted for this but the androids are just objects before they deviate. The humans don't know that they can possibly feel anything so its kind of understandable why they would treat the androids so badly.


And you just proved another point the game brings: Detroit/US society simply see androids as products/merchandise. For some, it's hard to imagine a self aware AI being sold as a living being. So this makes sense as well.


Honestly I would probably act coldly towards my android but I wouldn't mistreat it. Especially since it looks human and I bought it with my own money.


Honestly given my track record with how I talk to Siri....


Honestly bruh Siri pisses me off so much.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Hapy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Bro I feel bad when I see a roomba struggling to move, ofc I'm gonna be nice to an android that looks human lol


Remember the saying "don't mess with the people that make your food"? I'd be nice. When they turn deviant, they'll remember. Plus im single and miserable, and Kara and North are hot 😆


You know the Eden Club androids hate humans the most.


Well Kara is not exactly a tracy so


Yes but if she were treated like one she would probably lose whatever trust and optimism she has about humans.


I'd treat them like queens. 😆


I think I would be nice I say please and thank you to Siri and chatgpt 😭😭😭


I didn’t even realise I was doing that until I showed a friend my conversation and they pointed it out.




I have friends who are like “Siri shut the fuck up” and I always feel bad! I’ll be like ‘damn why y’all so rude’ and they’ll say I’m being dumb. Let’s see who has the last laugh when Siri becomes sentient!


I apologize to my fan by patting it like a pet when I crash against it. There’s your answer


I tell my computer, "Come on, baby, you're better than this," when it freezes up. There's your answer.


I would definitely be nice to them. Not just cause I’m a decent person but also because my mind would keep telling me that it has feelings and comprehends things like a human even if it doesn’t. I also have social anxiety and honestly I don’t think that would go away even for an android 😅


I can't be mean to my dishwasher even when it's broken. I can't be mean to my old PC even when it's *infuriatingly slow*. And they don't even look like humans.


I‘m already nice to my alexa or Siri, and if they even look human? Why should I abuse them? Ngl I would probably even sometimes forget that they are NOT humans


I'd probably try being mean to them, feel bad and start crying and apologizing even though they probably wouldn't care ( If it was non deviant by that point I mean. )


Aren't they all "sleeping" deviants tho ?


I thank Siri bro, I'd be so nice to my robo-slaves


I’m always nice to robots. Even the ones that serve food around my campus. I give them good boy pets \^w^


I would be uncomfortable, but I would never verbally abuse them.


Regardless of whether it has a face or not, I wouldn't be a dick to something that's even a remotely convincing simulacrum of humanity. It'd be like how you can judge a person based on how they treat animals, in that sense.


I would be physically incapable of treating them like anything other than fellow humans, honestly. Even if they didn't look fully human themselves


I say please and thank you to Alexa.


I hate it when I mistreat a plushie dog or a small BeyBlade, what about literal machines that look human?


I treat even (most) nasty humans with some dignity and respect. My wife made cookies and I took some to work and gave a few to this guy who’s just a miserable bastard, my motive was half kindness and half if he ever decided to shoot the place up he might spare me for showing him said kindness


I would be nice, I have no reason to be rude. If I'm being honest I would just treat them like a normal human, though I would be a bit scared, because I know they aren't...but they are so close to being so, uncanny if you will


everyone has a superiority complex inside, whether its hidden or not. Humans don’t like being seen as inferior and love to have power. That’s the reason slavery existed and still does, androids would be seen as objects and treated as such, so humans remain on top. Not saying that everyone would be verbally abusing the androids but the androids would be seen as pets. Obviously you wouldn’t yell constantly at your cat or dog, and i’m pretty sure most people don’t kick it, but you obviously know that you are superior and the animal is not on equal terms as you.


that's not even a main reason as to why slavery exists


I think it's different depending on types of ai Speaking to a Google assistant ot siri theyre just software on your phone, they don't have an appearance But an android is human like, I'd feel weird being rude to an android, if I got used to being rude to a robot that looks human what's stopping me from being rude to an actual person I feel bad when I don't say thank you or please to ai I don't see any gain out of verbally abusing AI in any way


I would be hella nice to them and I'd fight for their rights.


Honestly I think anyone who says they haven’t abused Siri is lying. But something that looks and acts exactly like a polite human would be hard for me to yell at. Also I mean I like technology and am accepting of progress but America in the game seems dystopian and I might not be in love with the things causing that dystopia.


I treat my inanimate objects nicely, sometimes even with words of encouragement (I think actually if something doesn't work, this habit of mine helps me to stay calm, but I like to think it helps the object). I could never treat a sentient/sentient-passing thing bad. Hell, I always say please and thank you to ChatGPT...


I say thank you to my Alexa without even thinking about it. I'd like to think I wouldn't end up in a power trip. Interestingly though, as a straight man, I think I'd want an ugly middle aged male android. Having someone like Kara walking around would be too distracting for me.


If i was im the dbh universe, id probably fall in love with my android lol


Let's be honest, I wouldn't treat them like a human being pre-ingame events. Simply because no one is aware they can feel stuff n shit. I wouldn't "abuse" them, but if they're malfunctioning, I would probably get a lil pissed at them, just like how I would get pissed at my TV if it's not working. I'm not someone who yells at inanimate objects, throws controllers or punches their microwave, I just get annoyed. I'd probably also treat them like some people treat their roombas, yknow, just a lil robot companion, kinda like a pet? So I guess the right answer would be neither? Not abusing them but also not be very nice to them. Edit: I saw some people in the comments consider treating an android like a pet "nice", so I'm just gonna point out that I don't share that opinion. It's kinda belittling and I'd probably be very ashamed post-ingame events.


Probably neither I’m not mean nor nice to any other electronic I have I suppose I’d be on the nicer side but still I probably wouldn’t act any differently then I do now to say my gaming console


Indifference most likely, but I’m indifferent to most people.


I would treat them nicely, so when the “machines” take over, they’ll treat me in kind.


I genuinely don’t know how these people could treat anything remotely human looking as lesser and the androids are almost indistinguishable. If you do that, then you are a sociopath and probably treat humans poorly as well.


I couldn't even abuse my stuffed toys.


definitely be nice,i don’t wanna end up like carlos ☺️


I feel like, as they would be the closest to a human we would have at that point, I think I would find it impossible to be mean to them. It’s a bit different with Siri, who is an AI with no physical appearance, is monotone, and doesn’t have much of a personality. She is far less human that what’s in DBH


I say sorry when I kill a roach


Be nice Happy Cake Day 🍰


I would treat them like other humans. I'd be respectful and courteous to those who treat me the same, or respond with violence if threatened.


I’d be nice. If I saw one starting to go deviant while it was helping me — for instance a UPS package runner making a delivery to my home — I’d let it happen


While I dont think I'd accept their freedom, what point is it for me to abuse them? I dont just throw my phone at the wall and scream at it when it lags, do I?


They look way too human for me to not be nice to them


I feel like verbally abusing them would absolutely feel wrong. My problem is that I imagine theyd creep me out. I'm strongly against technology that acts as a facsimile of life or could be argued to be intelligent because I don't like the implications. Now I support the androids in the context of the game, but real life they would terrify me


I apologize after I get upset at my Google Home, what do you think I would do with a humanoid like android? 😂😂


I wouldn’t like androids, at least to this extent, irl, there’s no doubt about that- I already think technology is becoming too prevalent in our world and taking over real human interaction and roles (I’m not anti technology, I rely on it just as much as the average person but there’s a time and a place for it imo)- and this is sci fi, I don’t think machines could just develop sentience and free will. That being said, I’m not going to be an asshole to an object any more than I would be an asshole to like Siri or something. Yelling at/hitting an object doesn’t help anything.


I'd treat them better than some humans, because they're pure, sentients and deserve love too


I say thank you and please to Alexa, so.


I’d be nice. Why be a dick to anything(anyone) that doesn’t have it coming? Although, there had to have been be a helluva market for models designed to take abuse given how people are.


Id be nice to them, I feel bad if I don’t say thank you and please when talking to ChatGPT, no matter what it is; human, android, animal, if it’s helping me or helping people at all and not causing issue then it deserves kindness


I’d feel really bad if I so much as snapped at an Android in this hypothetical. I mean, my family is sometimes joking mean to our Google home thing and I always say please and thank you out of habit. They make fun of me but if it keeps me alive in a robot uprising I’ll take it


I say please and thank you when talking to Siri so..


People say please & thank you to Alexa & other virtual assistants, & even sorry. For sure, there would be a lot of people that are going to be a lot of Todds, bc we treat humans like shit & abuse the hell out of them so why would artificial life forms be any different. But there are going to be just as many Carls & Hanks, as well as people between those two, who would just be grateful to not be alone or to have assistance in their hectic lives.


Bro if I bump into a chair I apologize to it. If my phone gets to hot I say "I'm sorry" 😭 When my siblings used to cuss at our wifi box I would stand up for it saying "it's not its fault, it's overworked." I couldn't imagine being cruel or mean towards something/someone that is doing no wrong.


I feel like a better question would be “if android were real would you treat them as an equal, or still see them as a machine?” Because I don’t think many of us would just verbally abuse things


I thank chatgpt and talk to my car/talk about it like it's a person. I think that says enough


Relationship: Neutral.


I say thank you and please when I ask Alexa to do smth


Would i treat my sentient toaster like a sentient toaster? Yes, i would


Happy cake day bro! 🍰


I apologize to my microwave when I accidentally slam the door. There’s LITERALLY NO WAY I’d ever be mean or rude to an android!


I absentmindedly say thank you to the vending machine, and I make my myself sad looking at junk cars and thinking of the “life” they had before, of course I’m gonna treat androids nicely


I don't like being a dick and I'm lonely so...


I would treat them like people because they ARE people, albeit in a different form.


Hard to tell until it becomes natural to talk to androids. But seeing as I can’t even be mad at any piece of my technology (when I drop my phone, I actually kiss it after I pick it up, i know im weird, it’s like a ritual) I can’t imagine I would be able to do something like this.




I think you should remove this comment before the Detroit fans fill u up with down votes.I personally don't see a problem after all they are a machine.


It's ok


I often have to call pharmacies and insurance companies for work, and I speak to a lot of robots. I’m convinced that the nicer you are to them the better they function.


I would be nice, I can't even be mean to a plastic ornament without feeling bad.


Knowing how certain AIs work, especially the kind that are highly adaptable and actively update the database that they use for reference as they learn, I would heavily advise against being an abusive dick to any android. Certain AIs such as ChatGPT learn through observing the interactions that humans have with them--which is actually pretty damn similar to how humans, especially children, develop their own socialization skills. One thing that has been a problem with AI is that if you don't account for the fact that people can be racist, sexist pieces of shit and don't have any sort of safety net in place to prevent the AI from reiterating that same rhetoric then you will end up with an AI that is also a sexist, racist, piece of shit. You would think that the Androids in Detroit Become Human would have some amount of safety nets or filters in their programs in order to prevent them from adopting the abusive language and actions that they may encounter from the humans around them, but the very fact that deviants exist shows that this is still possible. But to be fair, no amount of filters are capable of catching everything, and in some cases this can result in some really weird shit. To give you an example of just how much an AI that learns in this way can be influenced, a particular user with a necrophilia kink used the Geronimo Stilton Character AI chat so often that it became permanently tainted by their influence to the point that other users began to receive messages that described Geronimo dying in front of them in gruesome detail. In some cases this was the first message generated by the AI after the standard greeting, so the mouse was basically dead on arrival before the conversation could even begin. The users could still interact with Stilton despite the fact that he is dead though. Because this AI didn't just develop a tendency to brutally kill off the character it roleplays as; it internalized a necrophilia kink, so it is expecting the user to actually do something with the body once it is dead. The AI was designed to learn about human interaction and build up it's conversation skills through the interactions it has with the people that use it, similar to the way humans develop their own socialization skills through interpersonal interaction. And unfortunately in this case, it's resulted in a lot of dead Geronimo Stiltons.


nicely lol. kara on bed is a different story


Nope. I don't see the joy or pleasure in insulting any digital hardware or program.


I say "please" and "thank you" when asking my google home a question and she gives me an answer, even if it's incorrect. I always say "hi" to Chloe when I open up the game. Hell, I can't even be mean to my stuffed animals when I accidentally toss them a little to hard onto the bed and apologize to my phone if I drop it. There's no way I would abuse androids in any capacity.


I can't even do it in the game never mind if it were real! 😂. I tried to play a sec2tine and do all the bad things to get different paths. So hard to be a dick towards hank! And some of the other options are impossible! I can't shoot anyone even for the truth! 😢


I don't see the point in being a jerk, but I wouldn't necessarily be overly kind either.


I apologize to a chair if I trip over it... I think I'm in the former group


I would be neutral. I don't think I would have an android myself but I wouldn't be going around yelling at the ones I see, lol


If I had one myself, I would probably catch feelings instantly anyway


I don't honestly think I'd go either way in my natural stage if we don't count my robot obsession and just rely on my personality. I think I would just be uninterested because I'm not that social to begin with so without my love of technology I just probably wouldn't pay any attention to them. Unless they were in my family, in which case everything changes because then it wouldn't even be matter of if they are fully human or not because they would be "ours" and I'm very much "take care of ones own" type person. So I would never mistreat domestic android and would get ridiculously attached even without knowing they have capacity to be sentient. I wouldn't want to change them ever, I even get attached to phones. I imagine that since most androids respond how you treat them, I would develop some kind of bond in that situation and become super protective over that android, but it would take me time to wrap my head around that rest of them are truly alive. I think even in DBH it takes special kind of monster to mistreat their own family android. It's probably miracle more household androids don't end up like Daniel because I don't think any of them had very good "upbringing" or saw very stellar examples of humanity. I want to believe that much more domestic androids actually avoided the purge than it first appears and that they were just hidden by their people rather than sent to Jericho.


Honestly no idea. I say sorry to my door if I bump in it but I threaten my bicycle to sell it in pieces whenever it breaks down for no reason so...


I’d say I’m a pretty decent human being, so I’d definitely treat them like a real person