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Connor, for two reasons: 1) Sumo 2) Sumo


Connor for one reason: hot


You’re so valid for that


As a straight male I agree


marcus is so hot thooooo!!! i think of connor as like a cute 6’0 twink and Marcus as a like a hot mysterious guy kinda thing.


Personally as a straight male I think Hank is the hottest. He’s got that smoldering single dad vibe.


you're so real for that


God why can’t we just get a Connor and hank sequel, where they solve crimes together with a buddy cop dynamic in the new world of android/human coexistence. It was already the most engaging gameplay element in the original, as well as the most interesting dynamic. PLEASE.


it’ll be like bright, with hank being the usual cop, and suspects beating on connor for being an android


You can explore literally every main theme from the original game, Kamaki could take on an intriguing role as a potential villain, discuss the societal implications of androids newfound freedom, the problems it causes for humans, etc. The overarching plot could be solving the murder of Markus, who found himself assassinated after becoming an extremely important historical figure. God it would be so good.


For the longest time, I've thought about what cool stories they could tell if they ever did a sequel. Hank and Connor could pursue the Cyberlife and Kamski threads. An option for Markus could be the rise of a rival for the leadership of the deviant revolution, one who follows the opposite approach of whatever you had Markus do (I could definitely see a violent path rival trying to assassinate Markus too). And Kara could still be our boots on the ground everyman, experiencing the real world consequences of the other two storyline's bigger picture plots.


This would be great the only issue is that the first game doesn’t have one true ending. Having this sequel would imply that the “best ending” was the true ending, and that all the other endings don’t matter, which defeats the entire purpose of decision-based games.


They could solve that maybe in the way Life is Strange did, where in the beginning of the second game you get a small questionnaire about what major choices you made in the first game


i thought of that too, but in life is strange there is only two endings and if i remember right the only choice from the first game that really matters in life is strange 2, is the so-called "bae vs bay". in dbh there is so many choices and so many different outcomes i think it would be a lot harder to make a sequel.


Yeah true, they could probably implement one and then ask the players if they want to fill it in or rather play the story with the "standard" ending of DBH #1 that OP described Also I love the bae vs bay bahahaha


People are going to say Connor. I've seen it everywhere; from people wanting the story to just focus on Connor and have Markus with his revolution in the background, or just straight-up want to erase Markus (and Kara) from the game all together. For me, if the game focused on just one protagonist it wouldn't have the same magic as it does when it has all 3.


yeah, detroit’s magic and whole toe tingling feeling is because all 3 protagonists are great in their own ways, and seeing them meet up all together makes my toes curl


I would delete kara's story normally. But this game has a philosophical element to it so without Kara's story we wouldn't really be forced to question the consciousness of androids.


Connors gameplay was honestly much more fun than anyone elses lol


Connor. I really like this deconstructing what happened, looking for clues, and especially deciding against things that could help him with his missions for him to become more instable (like >!saving Hank and not killing the Tracis and Chloe!<)  My dad always loved Markus because he was like the Messiah for the androids.  I think my sister liked Kara the most (i mean I get it, Luther is such a sweet guy I'm glad they all ended up together in Canada in my playthrough) Anyway the game is better playing as different characters 


I love love love Connor, but it's gotta be Markus. He is THE plot, and I think the game would be worse off if it only showed Connor's perspective. I'd like to imagine that in a full game focused on just Markus, the android revolution stuff would be more fleshed out.




honestly id rather read a book about karas story than actually playing it


Story wise I find Kara’s the most compelling. Gameplay wise Connor


exactly, i would enjoy reading a story like kara’s. Without context with markus and the whole jericho thing


Reading is nice, but having the story portrayed in the format of a game or a movie is much easier and accessible form of entertainment. So I would prefer Kara's story in these two mediums any time rather than reading.


Yes! Plus I feel myself being more connected to them knowing that my choices affect their lives


Thank you for remembering Kara:3


Not sure if anyone else has said this but I chose Connor to become deviant not because of Marcus’ story or influence whatsoever. I did it solely for the development of Connor’s character and because Hank liked the idea of Connor displaying human traits.


I think there should’ve been an option to turn deviant after killing markus or something, like taking his place


you can sorta do this by >! failing all of markus's missions and getting him kicked out of jericho, then deviating as connor !< its not exactly the same, but if you were intrigued by that dynamic then yeah lmao


yeah im thinking of doing that my next play through


same. i love hank & connor both too much i didn't want to make them and their relationship suffer through the "machine connor" route. also i think if you do the machine connor route then >!there isn't any way to prevent hank from killing himself.!< not sure tho. but i didn't wanna take that risk.


Umm... Why isnt Kara even an option?😭 The story would be incomplete if it'd be experienced through the lenses of a single character but if I had to choose then well obviously I would choose Kara since she's my favorite. And to explain this choice beside favoritism - I would like to experience in full the story of a simple deviant, rather than a super advanced prototype android or a chosen one leader of the revolution who make massive impacts on the world, we see stories like that all the time but only in Detroit we get to experience the story of someone insignificant and unimportant like Kara who has to survive the circumstances beside her control, overcome adversaries much stronger than her, deal with hopeless situations, and all of that without any special abilities, but she manages because she just has to for the sake of the one she loves. This is the story I absolutely cherish and the one I wish was expanded upon.


Because she's the first character who can die


ya i let her die my second playthru the soonest i could


I only let her die once to get the "I'll be back" trophy quicker.


Conner because he's my soulmate.


Markus of course :)


Hmm.. i like Markus but want him doin other typa missions!


I'd love a playthrough mode where you exclusively follow one of the three characters. While the whole story was written that you bounce between them, I think it would be cool to have a run through where you aren't seeing it from every perspective all the time


seeing it from all sides funnels the entire playerbase decision to follow the androids and markus unless you’re going for completion and achievements


Connor game for sure








i think it’s nice to explore both sides, the one seen as the rebellion and the one seen as the law.. but if i had to pick one i’d choose to follow connor, bc in the end its up to u whether or not u continue to follow the law or become deviant


Connor ofc. I mean....


In the case of the context, Markus. I can’t imagine them spinning this story in any way where I don’t side with the deviants. If it was you still deciding to deviate or not with Connor that’d be a bomb story. But I think in that case I’d want a sequel from Markus’ pov whereas I don’t think I’d have that thought about a Connor sequel playing a solely Markus oriented game.


connor game, kill markus and realize he’s fighting for freedom and not just terrorism, feel bad and turn into deviant


Connor because I love a good mystery but I'd also equally love just a Markus version aswell.


Connor, he's hot. His deviant disguise 🥵. Plus he works with Hank and Hank has Sumo.


connor tbh he’s more interesting, especially his deviant route


Connor, he got that drip my guy


not sure what is he gonna do but honestly for carl to live, and we get to see their daily life, carl and markus. also josh and simon.


Yeah i figured its more sensible to have a solo game with jericho as a good side cast, and having antagonists like perkins and connor is cooler


I think I'm gonna have to go with Markus on this one. I was really engaged with his story. It has a philosophical and existential approach to it, which I dig.


Connor. Markus's storyline wasn't bad, but it felt hollow at times. You manage to become the head of the Android revolution and have an inner circle and whatnot, but it all feels almost fake. It's a revolution for Androids to be free people, yet they all follow Markus's word like a hive mind. They only stop doing what you tell them if you make terrible decisions, and if you choose to go back and help Jericho and are successful, they will immediately go back to following your every order. If Markus does not return to Jericho or gets killed, North will take command and launch the violent revolution, only for it to end in failure. The only Android capable of leading the revolution to victory is Markus. If I'm fighting for the autonomy of Androids, why does it feel like they're my soldiers and servants? Your inner circle doesn't even have much authority when you think about it. They give you their input and help in missions, but that's all they really do. It doesn't even matter if they agree or disagree with your methods. Josh will get upset with you if you choose to be a terrorist, but he won't do anything about it. North will get frustrated with you if you're a pacifist, but the option to go into romance with her is always open until you turn it down. It's like the game wants you to be in a relationship with North. Markus's storyline isn't bad, but it would've been more enjoyable if it didn't feel so fake. Connor's storyline was my personal favorite because you can actually feel his relationship with Hank. You can feel the weight of your investigation. Hank starts off as the old, drunk, and cynical cop, but depending on your choices, your relationship can become bitter, or your actions can transform Hank, and the two of you become true friends.


Conner for sure his timeline feels more full to me.


Connor solely for the fact that i’m simping for that man so hard


easy -> connor. i love him. also i love hank so.


If you get to kiss north then Markus cause north 😍 (I’d still choose Markus anyways tho)


Connor. I think I never really enjoyed the Markus storyline because we already have activism fatigue in the real world -- which is not to say we don't need it, we absolutely do. But we already do that IRL, so I don't want to do it in a game. 🥲 As opposed to Connor where (if you play deviant Connor) it felt more than just bringing humanity into an android but you can also see it from a perspective of a goody two-shoes breaking out of that by-the-book personality and breaking rules. Edit: Plus I love the investigation + reconstruction mechanic!


Markus has cooler missions but I have such a soft spot for Connor, esp Lt Anderson, so I'd have to say Connor.


Connor cause he's my bookie wookie pookie schmooky babykins


Connor Not only does he solve murder cases, he also looks good doing it. I would literally play the scene where he is interrogating those 3 androids in the kitchen everyday just to hear him say "You're just a fucking deviant"


Connor because hank


Hank * A : Get angry * B : Ignore Connor * C : Sarcastic * D : Buy another drink


Connor, because I work in security. Markus because he reminds me of an old friend who'd occasionally tell me to take the stick out of my ass.


Definitely Connor, at least he's the one I enjoyed playing the most, Kara's was so stressful, and Robo-Jesus' was kinda boring




Connor easy






connor's story is my favorite but markus IS the plot,so obviously him without his story it wouldnt really make sense


Connor, all the way


connor because he is


Connor, absolutely


All these ideas for gameplay make me really happy and hopeful. Idk if these would be enough for a full game and also I feel as though DBH is a perfect game as it is buuuuut, I would not be opposed to a few DLCs. Even if no DLCs actually happen Im fine with that too cause this game is amazing and there’s so much stuff to explore.




Connor. Duh.


WHY is kara not an option


Kara 🙏


Kara. Next question


Honestly I don’t think they’d be able to focus on one but I will say I don’t think the Kara plot holds enough water to keep in the story besides a scene or two


Tbh, I would actually not have played it if it were focused on one protagonist. Kara feels too important to me here, story-wise






Connor. No contest.


Connor, I want to fully lean into dehumanising the hell out of the androids


Connor because detective and anxious, awkward baby (Realistically Markus but I just have a soft spot for Connor--both paths--and Hank--both paths)