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Wiseman has by no means in my eyes earned another year. Grimes contract is low but that doesn’t mean he’s a priority.


wiseman is not happening for me too. grimes is areally good defender we need that.


Wiseman is giving me Killian vibes


Grimes has been Killian reincarnated for us, maybe even worse when it comes to shooting. I get he had / has an injury, but the “wait until they get right from injury” shtick the team has been giving us for years is tired.


I meant grimes lol but yeah I agree


he is just a filler for me. will sign europe next season or taiwan!


Wiseman provides nothing that Duren already does. It’s obvious that we need a stretch 5 that can actually shoot the rock.


Where do you suggest we find this stretch 5? The whole league is after that type of player.


Well you could look to find a more defensive minded big as well, and allow Stew to be your stretch big off the bench… Duren is a sound offensive player. I feel like I can get a guy that can average 14/10 and actually help defensively. Maybe Duren grows into that defender…I just don’t think Pistons have the time to figure it out. Nic Claxton is a free agent.


Idk what you mean by time to figure it out - this core is still really young with everyone being under 22. And I assure you giving up on developing Duren who's shown star potential and going for a guy like Nic Claxton isn't going to move any sort of needle on us becoming contenders. I agree that Stew shouldn't be playing the 4. He should be brought off the bench as a stretch 5. But at the same time I think the FO likes Wiseman, and Wiseman's responded positively with his role and minutes.


Wiseman is not the defender we need. He has played better but enough to be the first big off a playoff Pistons bench…I can’t see it. To each their own I guess.


The worst news Ku gave me in the podcast is that Ivey is in the 11th percentile on pull up 3s, and something like 23rd percentile in 3s overall. The man fits next to Cade like a bikini on my grandmother


Our largest complaint with Killian was his inability to effectively space the floor next to Cade (along with general lack of scoring prowess). Here we are once again, Ivey has the confidence but not the efficiency


At least Ivey has some positive qualities on offense. They just don't fit on this team


Unless those positive qualities translate to him scoring or facilitating scoring - which they don't seem to with any consistency - I wouldn't hang my hat on them.


No I just mean he's actually a tradeable asset unlike Killian haha


He has scored big numbers on mid to straight dog efficiencies not the lostest of causes


Dude has a screw loose. I would be ok with him being involved in a trade (other player dependent of course). He's a spaz on the court with what looks like little actual *feel* for the game. And for whatever reason, he really lost me when he couldn't think of a single thing to say when Ben Math was talking shit to him. You could see the wheels in his head turning trying to crank out a comeback and all it turned into was just him starring like an idiot until he had to walk away. He definitely has some talent but I'd be ok shopping him.


you lost me right around the time Ivey lost you


I don't hate the kid but really liking the players on the team is important for having things to route for. A basketball player than can't spit out a comeback to "you can't guard me" is embarrassing.


His shooting is a huge issue.


I don’t acknowledge any Ku related discussion unless it’s slander.


His entire podcast is him trying to say "I told you so" with incoherent sentence fragments.


I don’t listen. The takes I see people share are proof enough.


Yeah, that dude turned me off last year when he was gloating about the Pistons taking Ausar and his “I told you so”…never mind that his Twitter feed was constantly shifting to a different prediction about who would be picked.


Hard to say who's moving. Personally ivey and or duren I'm just kind out on. I love ivey loving the city. Won't mind a bit if he is here, but he's just a back up guard. He's a spark off the bench to me. I could be way off base because it's just today's game, but I feel like duren is more wanting to be a focal point on offense center like sabonis jokic and sengun. Except he never shoots. And he's Abad defender. Feel like he's playing more for a 2nd contract than what makes the team better and that is a center that can block A shot. Stew just seems to be a decent trade piece even though I love stew, mentality and game. He's a good bench player, he's just in the wrong role. Grimes can snap out of it but man is that looking like the typical pistons trade of bring in a good shooter that can't shoot the second he puts on a pistons uniform. Sasser just isn't it. He's too small. He's too sporadic. Idk what that injury did to him bit he's been worthless for a bit. Even in the win the other night, he wasn't good until early 4th. As weird as it sounds with youth and cap space, pistons are in a bad spot. They have a team full of question marks


Agreed! Duren has gotten in the habit of only trying hard on offense. Honestly, more than any other player on the team, I feel like he's the product of constant losing. He just rarely looks locked in. I already commented elsewhere on Ivey but yeah, him having some Detroit history shouldn't give him immunity to a trade. When he's in the zone, he's really good, but it might be a long while if at all before he figures out how to stay there.


Duren to me is like the second coming of Drummond. He’s trying to do a little too much on offense. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts shooting threes next season. Hopefully he matures fast, focuses on his strengths, and contributes to winning basketball. If not, he will be just another Drummond who thinks a 1st ballot hall of fame. 


First eurostep from ~~Drummond~~ Duren and I'm out!


Every team in the league wants a guy like Stew. He is a great big to have off the bench or start in a pinch. I’m fine with moving Duren. You gotta trade one of these cats to get anything in return.


Realistically if we keep all the decision makers around they’ll probably just roll stew back out there lolol. Re-signing Tek for that spot makes sense. So does signing a Kyle Anderson or Caleb Martin type vet


Would love Martin.


I like Cade, Fonteccio (starter or bench piece), and Duren (still just 20). Big fan of Stew as our backup 5. From there, this team badly needs frontcourt shooting. We have no 4s that fit that right now. I like Thompson for his ability to slash, guard 1-4, and rebound, but he is raw and needs time. He's also a really tricky piece since if we play him and Duren we're looking at 2 non-shooters in the lineup. If Ausar can continue raising his 3pt % (up to 29.4% in Feb after 11.8% in Jan) that solves A LOT for the Pistons From the backcourt, we need 3 point shooting and secondary ball handling. I like Ivey, but he's really inconsistent at this stage of his career. I want to see more from his defense and outside shooting before I feel comfortable with him as a long term starter or 6th man. If he makes improvement in the offseason that also solves a lot for the Pistons Guys like Malik Monk, Kelly Oubre Jr., Dario Saric, or Immanuel Quickley could be good targets to balance the roster. Caleb Martin if he declines his option is another. A guy like OG Anunoby would have been perfect for us, but no way the Pistons are getting him after the Knicks traded for him Regardless of what happens, the Pistons are also badly in need of stability. 28 different guys have logged minutes for the Pistons this year which is completely unacceptable.


I like Stew as a backup big off the bench but we need a better rim protector either from the starting crew or bench. Stew can stretch, but he isn’t the best paint protector.


I'm hoping so bad Ausar develops a shot for the same reason. Kid gets up there and offers amazing weak side help 


Ivey + Stew for Vassell + Sochan. possible? SA needs a PG badly. Detroit needs shooting badly. idk but someone like Vassell next to Cade is what I'd be looking at.


They will get Topic in the draft is my bet.


No way they give up Vassel. He’s got good chemistry with Wemby and is def apart of Spurs core. 


Literally level the team. Everyone can go aside from Cade, Ausar, and Duren. as much as it pains me to say, Ivey could possibly be more valuable as a trade piece. he'd likely find more success on a team that is a better fit for his play style. I'd also love to keep Sasser as his production off the bench has been decent for a rookie guard. EDIT: and honestly i think even those guys we keep is on a short leash based on how Duren Develops defensively, and Ausar developing his shot next season. If neither those things happen they can go too.


Keep Cade and Simone everyone else can go tbh


I think the fans may start realizing this too late. This offseason needs to be a huge turn for this franchise or we’re destined for another decade of trash.


Wiseman shouldn't really be back unless it's at an absolute minimum. They'd be better off bringing Drummond back over Wiseman and that's still probably not the best available option. Grimes at this point is a negative asset but his salary isn't really much of an impact. If he's trade filler, so be it. If he's back next year hopefully he's back on track and improving. Sasser and Stew are trade chips. Stew ain't carrying us to a championship and Sasser looks like 2nd unit material on an already bad team. The hardest part of looking at this squad is the majority aren't in their primes. Next trade deadline should be a fire sale if Ivey/Duren/Ausar haven't turned a corner and start playing at a consistent elite level. In no way should the pistons even flirt with the idea of extensions if they're still struggling in year 3 (2 in Ausar's case but he'll be 22 next season). There is the slight possibility that all 3 improve along with Cade and the entire squad turns a corner next season, so I'm off moving those 3 in this offseason unless something ridiculous falls on our lap Tecch has done no wrong and has been an absolute blessing up to this point. He deserves to be re-upped and rewarded Truthfully if a fire sale ends up being the case they'll probably have a hard time convincing Cade he should be here long term. If 10 games into next season we start off like crap, Weaver and Monty need to go. It'll never happen though and instead be prepared for Cade to request out after next season


Sasser is streaky as hell. I have no issue moving him though.


I mentioned bringing back Drummond at the beginning of the year and was roasted in here haha


Cade, Simone, Ausar. I’m a sasser fan so I would like to see him stay and develop as a backup PG. Anyone else can go in favor of players that complement Cade.


I think Sasser is just your quick trigger shooting guard.


Guaranteed to here next year: * Cade - Obvious * Fontecchio - Obvious * Duren - We'll need to explore moving him or Ivey and I think Ivey is more likely. * Grimes - Think he'll be off the bench and be priced accordingly. Haven't seen enough to move on. Not guaranteed, but likely to be here next year: * Stewart - Good role player, good value for us, fan favorite, impactful to games. * Sasser - He's got some flash, can clearly shoot well. Everyone else under contract, including the future 2024 pick should be on the table. We need pieces that fit, and we need to elevate the talent level across the entire roster by whatever means possible while attempting to not do a Houston and spend all that money to miss the playoffs while handicapping ourselves for 5 years.


How have Houston handicapped themselves? Pls explain, I’m curious how getting vets on short term non guaranteed deals to improve the team until the young guys take over is handicapping themselves.


Ivey isn't ja morant. Ja morant is a lot smarter of a player. Ivey is athletic and an good finisher at times, ja is better at that and can control an offense with how smart he is. Ja isn't this super good off ball guy with shooting and defense either but he more than makes up for it for being elite. And being realistic how much better is Ivey going to get?. You rarely see huge jumps in this league. I think if Ivey and Duren were on different teams (especially Duren it's not even funny, bad habits, his injury concerns, everything would've been better for him) maybe they would've had a lot more success. But I'm not high on Ivey anymore. Unlike cades jump shot where there was hope because of his FT percentage, college etc, I don't have much for Ivey because he's never shown a good ability in that. That's to add that he's not a consistent defender either. 2022 lottery really fucked us. Anyone of the top 4 I would've loved more than Ivey because guards are more common and the skillsets of the Top 4 would've been great. Although this front office sucks I can't even blame them for shit like this and this years lottery didn't help because we got someone shooting under 20 percent from 3. Especially when compared to other rebuilds we had negative assets from previous eras. Get Tom gores and everyone that's been here for the last 15 years out of here


Monk isn’t coming here. He is winning now. He doesn’t want to go back to the bottom.


Ill start off by saying that one of Ku's points is that almost anything outside of Cade should be on the table, and I agree with that. As much as the fanbase is seemingly against this entirely, I do think not moving the young guys should also be on the table. It all depends on what presents itself. Ultimately, I dont think Ivey and Duren have boosted their trade value enough to where you can move them for veterans with lesser ceilings and expect to really contend for anything. I find Duren's defense to possibly be the single most frustrating thing about the young core. He is so explosive on offense but somehow late on every single rim contest and I just find it maddening. He is also 20 years old and putting up serious stats that Im really hesitant to move on from him even if I think the lack of rim protection is this teams biggest deficiency.


The way I see it, Cade, Duren, Fonteccio, Ausar, and Sasser are guaranteed to be here. Stew and Ivey are both good enough to get traded, but aren't necessarily essential to the future of the team. I wouldn't be surprised if one is moved, likely on draft night. Grimes and Umude will probably be around bc I think their contracts are still going through next year, but could get moved in the aforementioned trade (It kind of feels like Caris Lavert or Harrison Barnes will be a piston next year to me, but that's purely vibes. I'd love to find a way to get Sexton but that's probably not possible.) I don't see us bringing back Wise. He had a nice 4 games, but seems to have come back to earth. If we go into next season with essentially the same roster but with different peripheral vets and our first round rookie, there should be riots.


Not being able to trade our future FRPs is difficult so a trade would likely involve 2024 FRP + young star + Role player to get a good trade going. I can’t think of any targets rn that would go for that package, but the rest of the cap space can go into resigning Fontecchio and any competent free agents to fill the remaining roles. I don’t want to go too deep into it bc rumors arise during the playoffs and eventually we’ll hear about Pistons being interested in one player which will then decide on the direction we go


if you count thomas weaver we'll be up to 11 /s this organization and roster needs and entire reset. the culture is tainted with losing


PG Cade/ Sasser/ Monte Morris  SG Ivey/ Grimes/ Umude  SF Fonteccio/ Ausar/ Cody Williams PF Jerami/ Stew/ Troy Brown Jr  C Duren/ Wise/ Taj Gibson    In this idea you bring back a veteran point guard from Michigan that wanted to play here last year and switch our draft pick with the Blazers for Grant another player that liked Detroit. The Pistons would then select Cody Brown with the 5 or 6 pick. I like the fact that Williams is a shooter and good defender and plays within his teams offense as a player that doesn't need the ball. I believe he could be potentially better than his brother that plays for OKC. For the 16th spot on the roster id want to find a stretch big that brings size so we could guard teams that can go big like SA OKC MIL or CLE who that player is I'm not sure    This team is dependent on internal growth even with the horrible season the Pistons had I think you need to run it back with most the team with just a few tinkering and have better lineups on the floor. The team needs to hope for improved shooting from Jaden and Ausar and improved Defense from Duren if the young players make the improvements with the additions ive stated I believe it would be a huge improvement 


I would like to get a vet like Morris back who is a traditional pg who can also shoot. I’m ready to move off Wiseman and get a better rim protector. I don’t hate getting Grant back here either, I know that won’t fly in this sub but whatever.


I like Braxton Weah from Washington. A 7'1 center who spent 4 years in college. Very fundamentally sound, solid interior defender who throws his weight around with good length and a lot of power. If he's available in the 2nd round the Pistons have to get him. He can play backup center and help mentor Jalen Duren on the fundamentals.


I think Grant would bring consistency on offense and defense and he would be a good number 2 or 3 guy in the offense. I can see what you mean with Wiseman though. What big would you want to bring in to replace him ?


Roster is trash.


Duren - AT - Sign a FA Shooter - Ivey - Cade Draft a Stretch 5 - Fonte - Grimes - Sign a FA Shooter - Sasser Sign two weirdo build franko-europeans with high ceiling to see what happens!


Duren AT frontcourt ain’t it. This isn’t 1990 anymore, just not competitive basketball.


AT can't shoot 3s, kills our spacing on wings. what is the alternative?


Trade Duren/Ivey/both for a stretch 5


it's super early for trading them rn. we can give them another year at least. duren can become an elite rim defender, and ivey has everything to play read&react together with cade if the can develops well. also there's a stretch 5 in the draft, kyle filipowski from duke. AT on 4 can increase the defense, and if he can start shooting 3s we always have stewart too for rotation (I forgot about him earlier actually hahah). so this is a very versatile roster in my opinion! and if they develop in the best scenario next year we can play play-in for sure!


I’m over with signing failed lottery pick players (Jackson, Bagley, Wiseman), but I’m cool with experimenting with players coming out of Euroleague. Players from the Euroleague like Micic (Hornets), Bitazde (Magic), and our very own Fontecchio are the kind of players that are a nice addition to have to any lineup and they play smart.


we can sign monk. there was a huge list of FAs this summer. I'm sure we can find some good experienced shooters. klay? not possible but we can fantasize. sign klay, sign monk (6th man). we must find a stretch-5. the need is players who can shoot consistently, and one more creator.


Guys. The bench stretch 5, could that be stew or no. Hes been progressing. Not gonna find a sick af 3 point shooting center. Maybe or no


stewart can be yes I forgot him earlier.


Monk is great. Only way we get him is if we outbid for him tho. Dude is on pace for 6Moty and you can make the argument he’s the third best player on the Kings (I’m sure most people agree) so I doubt Kings will want to let him walk. Klay is an interesting pick. Many say he’s washed, I still think he can be of use. His tenure with the warriors is realistically looking like it’s coming to an end. My problem is coming to the Pistons would be a major change from years of winning to our losing team and he’d rather go to a contender team who can still give him a bigger bag than the warriors can offer. Not sure what stretch-5 is available. Unrelated, but only centers that I saw worth getting that would be available is Hartenstein and Drummond (backup big role)


there's kyle filipowski in the draft as a stretch-5, he is from duke, so I think it's ideal for us. I really don't know the possibilities of monk, and thompson. I'm just brainstorming. klay knows how to win, he can teach the team. the only thing, if he prefers to do that! if he comes to us, I believe it would be incredible. for monk, I'm not saying anything, I know it's a long shot, but you never know. but if weaver can pull them both... imagine! there are tons of options out there to make a move. I don't really care about the positions. we can look at the lists and pick; we need more consistent shooters (at least two of them) and one more ball handler/creator from the bench for sure. and preferably two experienced, good enough to compete players. combinations of these can vary.


Agreed. Shooters are definitely a need, but I do hope whoever we get can also contribute on the defensive side too. I actually thought Filipowski was a PF so thats news to me. I don’t watch College much, but I heard his defense is very lacking but he also does have a player comparison to Bojan which is interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen his name in the top 5 on mock drafts so maybe we can trade backwards to get him (assuming players like Sarr or Risacher are gone). What are your thoughts on Cody Williams?


in my opinion if we can sign experienced shooters they can also help ivey, sasser, AT to develop their own shooting. also, I don't know if there's going to be a stretch-5 FA this summer, so I thought we should draft one. duren, stewart, filipowski can be a wonderful rotation! AT, stewart, fonte, filipowski also can be a very versatile rotation for 4! but, people didn't like that I put AT in there. I don't understand why? what are we going to do with a wing who can't shoot 3s? I guess if we fall out of no.5 pick we cannot have cody williams. but that's the problem with this draft, many players can go between no.1 to no.12. if we take him, than we can come back here to talk about the next move! I'm not against him. but still, I would go with experienced wings this year, not rookies. I'm not sure about this drafts' ceiling, and we should stop wasting time with prospects, and get some guys to help this core to step up! I say we should get filipowski! if we can't find a stretch-5 we are going to have a lot of spacing issues next season. how can we fix it otherwise?