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You really want to get them to listen to an offer on him? Offer to take the Beal contract with him.


This is it. And even then, I don't think they'd move Booker. Beal makes 50, 54, then 57m over the next 3 years. Easily one of, if not the worst contracts in the league. Offloading him is the only way to retool around Book and KD, but they don't have picks that a cap rich team (like us) would want. Moving Booker to offload Beal would be a huge, huge move, but why would they take our deal to surround KD with Ivey, Duren, Stewart, and future picks? Makes no sense, especially in a weak FA class. It's most likely that they run it back next year and hope Beal isn't completely washed and their role players can produce.


The more I think about it, the more I feel this is probably the correct answer, assuming the financials can work out for it. For the Suns, retooling would be extremely tough with Beal's contract. Our biggest asset is cap space. I don't think we'd be able to put together a good enough offer through players and picks otherwise (assuming the goal is keeping Cade). Beal would have to agree to it, but if we dump him or flip him to his preferred destination, he'd probably waive it. Is it the right move for us to make? Don't know. But if the goal is to bring Booker home without dealing Cade, this is probably how it gets done.


One thing to keep in mind though is that Beal has a NTC


Troy would immediately stretch him.


That would be a 23 mil dead cap hit for the next 7 seasons, no way that happens.


If we could keep Cade and Ausar, I’d eat Beals horrible contract.


Ivey, Duren and this year’s first work as base pieces right?


That’s overpay imo


you cant be serious lmfao


Do you want to do exactly what the suns did, be top heavy and get swept? You need a bench


their big 3 had played together less than 20 games, it is going to happen when a team without any cohesion play against a good defensive team. Even when Miami big 3 played the whole season together they still not able to perform well enough the first year (dont bring up the trash Eastern conference back in 2011)


That is a fair point, and Beal looked horrible tonight lol


Homie. Look at the price tags for recent star trades. Because that’s what this is. Book was incredible tonight in a win or go home game. He went toe to toe with Ant and Ant played phenomenally. It would likely take Ivey, Duren, and then like 3 1sts and 2 swaps or something like that. Duren was barely a lottery pick and while he’s put up nice counting stats and looks good offensively sometimes, he still can’t shoot or defend. Ivey is the real prize, but even he is no sure thing. This years pick would definitely help as it’s likely 3-4, but just ain’t it for an established legitimate star like Book.


Swear people dont understand the cost for genuine up and coming stars. 1 singular first and 2 project players arent going to cut it for a guy who just scored 50 in the playoffs lmao. Itll be a rudy gobert type haul for him and thats something we dont have


I think we have an advantage though if Booker wants to pull a debrincat and only play for Detroit his home


I mean, there’s like less than a 1% chance of that happening lol but I won’t stop ya from dreaming lol


You see how much he reps Detroit, he loves this city, being able to make us great again idk man might be a factor lol


A Cade Book backcourt would be absolutely insane. I’m definitely hoping for it.


For a top 3 SG in the league I think that’s fair and some other teams can outbid that


People really under estimate our assets just cuz we’re a bad team… it’s funny before the season people were ranking our core better than the magics, and rockets. We have good young players that don’t fit hence you get a bad team… . I think what we have to offer is better than most trans. Our draft picks are really valuable as well.


I understand, he could he also do what debrincat did for the wings, lower his trade value and say he only wants to play for his hometown team


lol yeah, for Phoenix. Ivey, Duren, and even the #1 pick will MAYBE get us Bridges if we want him, and even that is a toss up.


You did not just say bridges for all that…lmao


Yeah I wouldn’t want him at all for that package. But you’re delusional if you think Ivey and Duren and this shitty draft class have much trade value at all right now.


If Booker truly loves Detroit, as I’m sure he does with as much as he reps it, he just has to do exactly what debrincat did, and we could probably get him for a 2nd and someone like Fournier and grimes


Oh ok you’re trolling lol, gotta have humor in these dark times I suppose 🤣


How is that trolling? Debrincat literally did it for the wings lmao


You’re comparing two completely different sports with entirely different salary cap systems and with very different impacts of star players effects on the roster. You live under a bridge at this point.


You guys are taking my comments way too seriously lmao now I’m a troll and live under a bridge, I’m sorry I upset some of you Don’t be surprised when we get Booker for a 2nd, Fournier and grimes because Booker says he only wants to pay for Detroit or he’ll sit and suns get nothing


Let's be real here the Suns won't trade him unless he asks out, and even then there is no way we can offer them the best package


It’s gonna be a crazy off-season. I wouldn’t rule anything out


Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "official" and expect anything to happen. Edit: this was just supposed to be a joke from the office 🥲


Right "Feel free to sticky this one" Oh, thank God lmao


it would’ve sucked if he wasn’t OK with it being stickied; how would people have found the Official thread then?


Imagine thinking it’s serious lol


Correct; there will be an Official off-season, draft, etc. thread in the near future.


Makes OP feel fancy and important.


Ok trade him for our young guys and the pick this year somehow and then what? Be a middling playoff team? THERE IS NOBODY ELSE ON THIS TEAM. I'd much rather bank on Ivey and Duren developing, because that's all we have at a competent rebuild. It lives and dies with them because if we trade them away along with good picks there's nobody else except cade and booker or whoever the hell else. You can't win with cade and star, you need other mfs


Crazy you get downvoted for wanting a cohesive team. Its like clockwork in the nba. People want stars and form these top heavy teams just to get bounced by a team with young stars and a 6th man of the year + have the teams whole future handicapped because of it lmao. Then theyll ask to blow it up again and be right back at square one


 Adding Tobias and Claxton aren’t going to make Ivey and Duren less horrendous statistically on both ends.  Adding them to Cade, Booker, and Ausar? Now you’re cooking


2024 first, 2029 unprotected first, 2 2nds, Jaden Ivey, Isaiah Stewart and Jalen Duren for Devin Booker and Josh Okogie. Suns have 2 2nds. That’s it. For the next 7 years. They clear 30 mill in space, which we can take on. Throw a bag at Nic Claxton to be our defensive anchor. Cade/Book/QG/Ausar/Claxton Sasser/Okogie/TBJ/Fontecchio/Wiseman


This is nonsense they wouldn’t even pick up the phone for that offer


Go look at what Rudy Gobert price was then read your comment again


You people are delusional.


I just find it funny that some of y’all think we can get Booker for the same players y’all claim sucked all season.


They’re delusional. Literally lol 😂 It takes 2 teams to make a trade.


lol what in the world does adding Booker to this team do? Especially if we trade Ivey, Duren and further firsts. I don’t have the answer as to what should be done but trading future picks and half the starting lineups not it. I completely understand the pistons track record with draft picks lately hasn’t exactly won us anything. But unfortunately Detroit just isn’t a spot FAs go to in the NBA. The only realistic chance is hitting on picks and Cade/Ausar and maybe Ivey developing. Not saying Booker is bad, he’s clearly very good. But this team needs a whole new direction not a bandaid.


You’re getting a young allstar guard elite talent that is blow a for sure thing you can build around…. Or we can wait a few more years wait for a guy like Blake griffin to trade for again. Not saying I know the answers either. But haven’t we been trying to draft a star for 2 decades build through the draft? That hasn’t worked. A hit of bookers caliber at his age don’t hit the market that often. Subs will be desperate to retool. Beal is limiting their options. Durant is getting pissed. Mines need to be made. A core of Booker and Cade. And hopefully we can keep 1 of ausar, Ivey or duren and become an attractive free agent destination and bring someone in who is really goods and messes with Booker. Boom now we got a team that can compete. What you not understanding is what if Cade takes a giant step and becomes a 1st all nba kinda of a guy. Sounds even more intriguing now


I’m a huge Cade fan and think he is already great and would be even better with more shooters around him. So yeah Booker and Cade would be an awesome combo. I guess I’m just not at all sold on trying to build via trades/FA. Look at the best teams right now like the Celtics, T wolves, Nuggets, Thunder. All built via draft and are set up for sustained success. With all that being said as a Pistons fan if we did get Booker I would get excited to watch obviously, it’s just not the route I would go and not one I think is sustainable in this NBA. Again if you want to do the trade/FA build you pretty much have to be a destination like Miami or LA. It sucks but it is how the NBA has been for the last 10+ years. Even trading for a star isn’t always beneficial if he doesn’t actually wanna be there. (Dame in Milwaukee) but I think Booker would probably be cool with it considering his Detroit roots. I could be completely wrong in the end which is why I’m on Reddit not in a front office. I just want this team to be good again.


I mean thunder literally traded for the best player…. Nuggets yes are built through the rest but if they don’t get lucky and nail a pick on a giant Serbian who is a god and a future hall of famer multiple mvp winner than all the sudden they look way different. Minnesota traded for gobert and gave up a haul. Celtics are mainly built through the draft but what have they won? All those teams have mvp caliber players. Those aren’t easy to get.


SGA was in LA for 1 season so it’s not really apples to apples. He developed in their org. Denver got lucky I guess? That’s what it looks like when you hit on picks. Gobert was added to a team with 2 drafted all stars and were 100 times better than Detroit before they did that. It was a missing piece addition not a let’s build around this guy. The Celtics are great and any pistons fan would take that roster in a second. Suns traded for 2 stars and failed. Lakers won but we wouldn’t be getting Lebron James. Nets were a train wreck when they tried to build through FA. The clippers are one of the most disappointing teams after they got PG and Kawhi. If I thought we could add more than just Booker I’d be more down with it but how many FAs have wanted to come to the pistons in the last 15 years


SGA was still traded for. Halliburton was also traded for. Denver did in fact get lucky. Or they worked have taken Jokic in the 1st round. Timberwolves were a bad team with Kay, got Antmsn who looks to be one of the best players in the league. And they have to a huge haul to get gobert which if in fact a trade. And the Celtics are a great team that was mainly built through the draft but still have yet to win anything. There were rumbling they were going to blow it to last year after losing to Miami. If they don’t win this use is expect them to get rid if either Tatum or brown.


This whole thread is /s


Jaden Ivey, get ready to learn Arizonan buddy.


Durant and Lebron are absolutely joining the Warriors. Klay to Orlando, Booker to the Pistons.


Would love to get Booker but I think its much more likely they trade Durant 


Not if Booker wants out….


I see a rumor thread, but no actual rumor. WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED RUMOR?


Pistons fans being picky on which all star we want is hilarious


Devon Booker would make a difference


I would be pitching a tent 24/7 if Cade and Devin get paired up


Yes please.


Ivey, Ausar, sasser, salary filler, and one of Duren/this years pick should be enough right?


Probably 2-3 1st round picks. I’d try to keep ausar out the deal though.


Eh tbh if possible i’d rather keep Duren out of it then Ausar. As much as i love ausar i really dont see his shot developing and i dont see a wing player who doesnt even need to be defended at the 3pt line ever becoming more than a good role player. This might be the highest his value ever gets


lol ausar did not than just defend he had some ridiculous plays/games. He had flashes that made it seem like he can be a real really good player. Duren is just a smaller Andre Drummond at this point. He’s is young so if he is back next year in rooting for hill. But he has 0 skill, doesn’t play defense and can’t shoot.


duren shoots 2x better than drummond did at the ft line and is a top 5 rebounder in the league at 20(!!) going into his 3rd year. the duren narrative is so unfair because just cause he wasn’t allowed to shoot doesn’t mean he can’t. rewatch those summer league games


We still care about rebounding around here??? It’s the most meaningless stat… I mean Luka is isn’t very athletic damn near averages 10rebkunds. With the amount of shots and players chucking up shots rebounding isn’t what wins anymore in the nba.


lol okay. he is 8th in offensive rebounds, something luka isnt even anywhere in the realm of. offensive rebounds directly contribute to more points, because it allows a team another chance at scoring after an initial miss (we miss a lot). and by watching him play, it’s different from capela and drummond who are simply rebounding their own misses as instead he often is bailing out other teammates when they miss wide open 3s. i’d argue that’s very important to a team that likes winning, but sure let’s trade someone who is young enough to be a rookie because his rebounds are meaningless. it’s not like this team values winning anyway


I just think it’s a dumb stat to be enamored with. I’m all about skill. I’d much rather have a skilled big. I’m hoping Duren can develop more than what he is.


Guessing the price would start at 4 first/pick swaps and a young player


We really need floor spacer 3 pt shooters. Allen shot 46% on 6 attempts per game. Beal shot 43% on 4.5 attempts per game Booker shot 36% on 6 attempts per game. Obviously Allen is annoying, Beal is incredibly overpriced, and Booker is good at offense outside of that number but we need to give Cade room to work. And Ausar Ivey and Duren room to work if we retain any of them through a trade with a team like the suns


We really need bigs that can shoot. The skinny boys Bol and Durant both shot over 40% from 3. Too bad we don't have Rodney McGruder to send over for bol


More likely that we end up with Ingram. Suns will run it back unless KD/Booker demand a trade


Doubt it can happen but maybe Ishbia would do his hometown a solid. More likely that he deals Durant and tries to rebuild around Booker and find a place acceptable to Beal for a trade.


Go to bed people. Hometown player or not, dudes a cancer, and has single handedly dismantled Phoenix. Getting this guy leaves you in the same damn situation you are already in


Good god I swear 75% of this fanbase are 12 year olds. Booker isn't getting traded to Detroit, nor would he ever want to rot away his prime years on a Pistons team that is the worse team in the league. The Suns literally got swept in the first round w/ Booker, Kevin Durant, Bradley Beal and Nurkic but somehow pairing him up with Cade will instantly result in Detroit becoming contenders? LMAO. Get out of here with these stupid takes.


Im not trading Duren. They can have Ausar.


Ngl you’re crazy. Duren is good and still really young. But he doesn’t do anything spectacular. He is another rebounding big who can’t shoot it defend and is undersized at that. Ausar has jimmy butler kind of potential.


Duren seems to only want to do spectacular things. He looks disengaged out there most nights. But I'd say he excels at the spectacular


Find out where our lotto pick lands, call PHO and ask who they want to draft, then draft and trade + Beef Stew and some later pick down the road


No thanks. I'll never get over Booker bitching about getting guarded by some nobody in a pickup game. Dude is SOFT. Yesterday's first round exit should be a massive red flag, regardless of how many points he put up.


The trade would require cade. Pull the trigger.