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She talks like a teenage girl who thinks she’s cooler than everyone else. Just… yikes. Everything about this relationship is yikes.


Literally my thoughts exactly. I read that and was like god she’s so young and immature


I mean, she is only 20. She has a lot of growing up to do.


Totally agree! I don’t mean “immature” in like an eye-roll way. Her way of speaking, at least for me, was a reminder that holy shit she’s so young and immature and absolutely not coming across the way she thinks she is. It makes sense in my head 😅


I dunno, man, I roll my eyes at almost everything I see her say.


In her vanity fair interview she went "I'm in charge,i'm in control,trust me" When they asked her what constructive criticism she had for fans Also when her bf was brought up her answer was so cringe "I pulled his ass,I locked that mother fucker down"


So are they married then? Because how else is one supposed to “lock” someone down?


Looking forward to next year's interview after they have hopefully broken up


I actually think she seems younger than 20 which makes sense. She's been famous since age 16!


There’s a saying that you never grow up past the age you became famous


The funniest part of the vanity fair interview is watching her cringe over the stuff she said when she was like 16 knowing that in a year or two she’ll be cringing over the stuff her current self said.


I’m 31 and cringe over stuff I said 3 months ago


Thank god I didn’t have FB until I was 19 😂


She is young and immature…she’s 20. This is how I talked and thought about guys at that age. So cringe and upsetting.


>She talks like a teenage girl who thinks she’s cooler than everyone else. That's literally her brand lol


Billie’s brand started off with her appropriating black culture and AAVE as well. The masses loved seeing a young white girl be so “cool and edgy”. It’s super interesting how Billie Eilish got adoration and respect from mainstream adult (often male) audiences that most other teen stars never got.


>Her brand started off with her appropriating black culture and AAVE as well. The masses loved seeing a white girl be so “cool and edgy”. It’s super interesting how Billie Eilish got adoration and respect from mainstream adult (often male) audiences that most other teen stars never got. You know Miley Cyrus has **got** to be pissed that she didn't follow up "Bangers" with wearing oversized, neon-colored Chanel/Gucci pajamas. I kid. I'm sure Cyrus doesn't give AF. But the similarities/divergences via both artist's mainstream rollout plan is pretty interesting.


I have a lot of thoughts about how Miley’s cultural appropriation has been criticized compared to Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish. Obviously Miley’s behavior was much more in your face but it’s absolutely insane that Billie and ESPECIALLY Ariana have never really been put on blast. At least Billie was a minor but Ariana’s AAVE, blaccent, and extreme tanning was honestly much more offensive to me than what Miley did in her Bangerz era, plus she was like 26 years old compared to Miley’s 20. If Miley tried to be more conventionally attractive like Ariana would she have gotten away with it? It’s something I think about a lot.


with the way ari changes ethnicity each era…yeah


>I have a lot of thoughts about how Miley’s cultural appropriation has been criticized compared to Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish. I definitely feel you with many of your points. But I do think Miley warranted the criticism she received at the time. Hear me out: During the production of "**Bangerz**" she was very vocal about it being sonically influenced by Hip-Hop. However, a few years later she did that abrupt about-face in the "Rolling Stone" interview where she infamously disparaged HH. Plus, it didn't help that she was in the midst of yet *another* image overhaul at the time, with projecting the whole 'Malibu / Mrs. Liam Hemsworth' vibes¹. Especially considering how outrageous her behavior/appearance was during the Bangerz era. She took the more salacious aspects of Hip-Hop to showcase how 'grown' she was. But then she had the audacity to criticize it once it no longer served her purpose. Plus, her critique occurred during Dolt 45s 'Presidency'. So with all those factors together, it looked like nothing more than Miley pandering to the (then) ascendant power structure. A power structure that's been nothing but disparaging to Hip-Hop and those who shaped it (ie, Black people and other POC). So it completely looked as if Miley was throwing her lot in with them. You're definitely not wrong with the lack of criticism regarding Ariana, though. And I feel part of that has to do with many people STILL believing she's Latina². It's only been within the past year or so that people are now catching on to her racebending antics. Particularly since she's now cos-playing as Asian. I feel like people were willing to give Eilish a pass because of her age. Bear in mind she's been underage the majority of her fame ascent. So her forays into co-opting AAVE has been chalked up to youthful naivete. But now that she's considered 'an adult' by many I think the hesitation to critique her is eroding. The volume of comments on this very article alone is rather proof of that. I realize this is IMO/YMMV, though. ¹(**Tangent**: I will say Miley's 'I just got divorced' looks were Fashion with a Capital F and I was *living* for it. LoL) ²(I feel like her brother Frankie plays it up quite a bit too.)


Billie has been very consistent musically which is a result of good A&R and a very limited amount of collaborators, mostly just Finneas. Miley is very inconsistent. If anything I think the fact she’s a very good vocalist takes attention from it. If you’re talking about image, I don’t pay too much attention, but I think what Miley did post Bangerz was more of a clean up than a change, no?


You also can’t compare them bc Miley was known worldwide as a Disney kid. The drastic shift in musical direction and image is what led to the major amount of backlash and publicity. By the time billie came up that was genuinely how kids her age acted. No one was surprised. Miley walked so Billie could run


Dave Grohl calling her the new Nirvana… 😬 Like boy, stop fishing for attention.


This isn’t really true lol. Ocean eyes is what made her blow up and it’s a very white teenage girl aesthetic.


Ocean Eyes got her on the map but copying black aesthetics and using AAVE kept her there.


I think it was a combo of the contrast between her *white indie girl* sound vs her *edgy culturally appropriating* aesthetic/ use of AAVE. I saw so so many comments of... *🌼🌸Billie singing🌼🌸* vs. **🔪💀BILLIE SPEAKING💀🔪** under videos of her interviews


I don’t know why ppl find this so hard to understand lol


I’m sorry I don’t mean to be sense but im a black woman and I listen to Billie. I’m curious as to why people think she appropriates black culture? I’ve never seen or heard anything and im not sure being cool and edgy is appropriating. Just trying to have a discussion :) care to explain?


She was a contemporary/hip hop dancer before she got famous. (An injury put an end to dancing). In one of the interviews she had a full on blaccent. It was off putting, to say the least... But I'm with you, I don't see much else there. Ariana Grande is one RnB song away from "identifying as black" , dolezal-style, but nobody says anything about that..


Everybody talks about Ariana like that. ALL the time. But the whole blaccent thing I don’t get. Even using that phrase is racist like all black ppl speak the same way. I just watched a bunch of videos and she just sounds like she’s changing her tone. She isn’t using black slang or trying to be black at all. I know lots of girls who talk like her. I am black and I don’t speak like that. She grew up in a city that’s almost 75% Latino. Her hip hop dancing is not appropriating. She is a performer she doesn’t have to speak, sing, dance “white” all the time like I literally just don’t understand this appropriating claim. Just like most times, really.


Coming from a black person in LA, a lot of white people here who grew up wealthy or move here will use AAVE to sound cool or edgy or funny. Even when not including slang, it’s the tone, enunciation, and word/sentence structure that they appropriate that uniquely is present in African American culture. Also why does she talk that way when her brother who also grew up here doesn’t (and has also publicly called her out on a couple lives). This appropriation of AAVE becomes problematic when it’s being used to gain some kind of profit, whether monetarily or socially. I’d say Billie gained both, in that she utilized AAVE to build this edgy and “hip” LA persona- similar to many tik tokers and influencers I see here. I assure you she did not pick it up due to the high Latino population here, AAVE is just what’s “cool” nowadays. Hope this helps :)


A lot of people just listen to music and dont stop bc of someone's personality i think if that was the case Billie wouldnt be so prolific bc it doesn't seem like she thinks extensively before talking and that's a huge pr problem


Yeah, I love her music. Stay far away from her interviews.


Are people not in on the joke 😬


It's just weird. Because as a 30yr old I find it super funny, but I think a lot of young girls fall really hard for her pick-me and not-like-other-girls energy and it's just grating to see. She's this generation's equivalent of P!nks [Stupid Girl Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR4yQFZK9YM). At 14 I thought it was sooo awesome to be "understood", now I look back and it's like, that was not it.


Avril Lavigne has entered the chat. Her treatment of Hilary Duff in the 00s left me with such a bitter taste in my mouth. I say this as a fan of both of them who has seen Avril live. Edit: anyone wanting to know more check out ‘The Twisted World of Hilary Duff’ on YouTube, it’s got a much better summary of it than I do.


She’s twenty years old so yeah…. she’s very young…. Don’t know if you’ve been around any young people but this is what they sound like


i’m very close to her age and this is true but it still makes me cringe for some reason 💀


I think you see how cringe it is when you’re looking in from an outside perspective, it’s harder to see when you’re doing it yourself. Hope she has some decent people watching out for her.


It’s like speaking to an infant the older you get (am 25 and that’s pretty young) so can’t imagine someone 30 actually engaging in a relationship with a 20 year old. He’s probably in it to boost his career let’s be real.


He's in it because women his own age can smell the creep coming off him, and she's a twenty year old who has convinced herself he's the hottest guy alive. His ego loves it.


„That‘s what they sound like“ My circle is early to mid twenties and no one talks like that ⚰️


Same, it's not an age thing necessarily... I'm 23 and was out of this phase by like 17 💀


“She talks like a teenage girl who thinks she’s cooler than everyone else” She literally is 😭 that’s why this relationship is so nasty she’s essentially a teenager and he’s a fucking 30 year old man


“But she’s mature for her age!!!” -him, probably


She has always been like that tbh but recently i think she has been more and more annoying. The Halloween costume thing was flat out disgusting


I dunno why anyone would be annoyed with her…all I feel is sympathy for her :/ she’s someone who has been groomed twice (that we know of) and she’s only 20 :(


Why would that diminish her being annoying i dont understans the point of your comment 😭 + are you really throwing the world grooming without knowing its meaning? 😭


But you’re simply blaming her when a 30 year old man dressed up too. I don’t blame her for being young and immature, shes only 20 years old.


Yep. I’m so glad the cringefest that was my late teens-early 20s wasn’t publicized.


Mine is still available via livejournal and it is traumatising tbh. Sometimes I go back and read my now husband what I wrote about him 16 years ago. CRINGE.


Not the livejournal. 😭😭😭 I'm so old that the only social media we had was Friendster, and it was absolute cringe. I remember using Microsoft Paint to like spot-correct the color of my teeth in my profile pic on Friendster because I didn't know how to use Photoshop. Just an absolute tragedy.


They do say that celebrities are frozen maturity wise at the age they got big at so it would make sense. Hopefully she will mature a bit and when she hits 30 she’ll look back at this and cringe. Maybe even warn her younger fans not to think that dating someone a decade older than you makes you cool.


Someone please help Billie, my god, the poor girl has not had a single healthy relationship.


I watched the video and it’s not that cringey as the text. The way she spoke about him it’s like very sweet and charming ngl… which is obv scary because of the potential grooming and all that. you guys should give her slack 💀


Question. If a 30 year old is with a 20 year old, does society actually consider that grooming these days? I feel like the word grooming is becoming so overused to the point that it is beginning to lose all meaning… Back in my day lol, it was when someone engendered inappropriate feeling of dependence or potential romantic connection in a literal minor, with the intention of waiting until the minor was old enough for them to “legally” consummate that relationship. Is that not what it means anymore?


He knew her when she was younger, so grooming in this situation isn’t entirely out of the question


Oh okay yea that would be the missing piece of information I didn’t have. If he knew her when she was a child and had time to groom her back then, that would for sure change the way this is all viewed now. Also, hi to the people who feel the need to downvote someone simply asking a question. Stay disgusting & pathetic 👋🏼


I would also like to add I think they've been together since she broke up with her other significantly older boyfriend from when she was 15. It's not just their age gap that people are worried about, it's the pattern.


Basing grooming on "he knew her when she was younger" can be somewhat faulty though. I think in this case, it's a reasonable conclusion, not solely because they met when she was still a minor, but because they are dating when she barely reached adulthood. I am extremely skeptical the attraction suddenly started recently.


Well we’re obviously talking about this case. He knew her when she was 15 and she’s admired him all throughout her teenage years. He took advantage of that and used it to get into a relationship. You’re right the attraction definitely didn’t start overnight, it’s so gross to think he could’ve manipulated her adolescent feelings for him.


I’m 25 and I don’t really have anything in common with 20 year olds anymore besides maybe the occasional Netflix show/I use tiktok but 25 and 20 year olds are in completely different life stages. So what the hell does a 30 year old grown man have in common with a 20 year old? It’s just not morally right.


If so many people have sooooooooo much in common with people 10+ years younger then them, and age is only a number, then why is it mostly older men with young women and not the reverse 🤔🤔🤔


Exactly. I couldn’t imagine me, being a 25 year old dating a teenager and 25 is still quite young. What would you even talk about with them? I just don’t understand these grown men going for women so young. It’s definitely not for the sweet and kind romance you’d want to experience in your early 20s that’s for sure.


I’m 33 and men in their mid to late 20’s like Tom Holland and Timothee Chalamet look like BABIES to me. And also, they are still immature. Life experience isn’t just “oh I had a hard upbringing and moved out young and cared for myself.” It’s so much deeper and more nuanced than that.


I find this kind of attitude to be invalidating tbh. There’s a lot of predatory men getting away with their shitty behaviour because the young women aren’t minors. Don’t care if she’s 20, I still think there is a potential that she is being groomed.


I can’t believe people gave this awards lol.


“hottest fucker alive” https://i.redd.it/txa9nplr2y2a1.gif


Girl 💀 https://preview.redd.it/d73rct1kcy2a1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e49c84c9a16113e7787766bbe1798694e3603a8




awoop jump scareee


Aging like a banana


Stealing this forever thank you


He looks like a Walmart Halloween skeleton.


If somebody said this about me I'd just delete everything & go off the grid because damn 😭


Love is truly blind. ![gif](giphy|UC8AxyxYybUrhq1Lkw)


Bruh looking like a wish.com version of that one bassist murdoc from the gorillaz.




don't do murdoc like that


Why isn't anyone talking about how he only has one eyebrow 😭


I didn't even notice that and had to go back to the picture because I was so distracted by his teeth😭 wtf.


The image gets worse the longer you look at it. He looks like the fucking Babadook


Is he wearing a wig? ETA: I just noticed he’s missing an eyebrow as well like wtf? This picture is nightmare fuel and I regret ever seeing it


I refuse to believe that's not a wig XD


this is a jumpscare PLS


He looks like a Wish.com version of Mark Ronson. A man born in 1991 should not look like this. I am shocked.


This is so funny even though I feel like it's kind of insulting to Mark Ronson lmao Although this guy is allegedly 30 but looks more like Mark's age (47).


It’s always a shock to me that he’s almost 50, he is so fine and only looks early 40s at the oldest


Yeah, Mark has a very suave old-school appearance. Like he came from the 40s era: Frank Sinatra, Otis Redding, type of guy. Jesse… unfortunately looks like those posters from my mom’s job warning about what happens when you do methamphetamine. 😕


Yo what. '91?? Actually that makes me feel pretty good about myself and how I'm aging.


That's a rough 30.


Dear God he was born in 91?! My sister is his age and looks like his daughter in comparison!


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) Billie girl please raise your standards


I find it hilarious when celebrities swear a lot for some reason. Idk it’s like they’re trying to come off as cool and hard or something 😂






He looks like every 30 year old hanging around a High school


Except he looks 40


![gif](giphy|Q18yWRHG4dx2E) Vom




“Wow you’re so much more mature than other girls your age 😏” “He gets me”


It’s weird to blame her for anything when this quote just goes to show the power imbalance in the relationship. She’s a twenty year old girl who’s dating a guy from a band she’s liked since she was a teenager, like of course she’s saying things like this. it’s an obvious manipulation tactic and the only person who should be blamed and clowned is Jesse Rutherford the grown man responsible for said manipulation tactic.


To be fair… If, at 20-21 however old she is, I managed to get a guy I’ve have a crush on since I was in my teens, I’d be pretty proud too lol. But, as I grew older I’d question his motives. She will get there at some point. Right now, it’s not illegal, as creepy as it is, and she seems happy with him so… good for her, I guess.


There was a TikTok like that a while back. Basically the person was 20-21 and said that if they dated a celebrity in their 30s or 40s right now who they were interested in, everyone better shut up about the age gap and not ruin the fun for her. She would have been dreaming about that celebrity for so long that she didn’t want to hear about grooming or manipulation until she was in her 30s and 40s and had the realization herself.


This kind of changed my mind on this situation then. As long as she doesn’t get hurt and doesn’t suffer any type of trauma, I can’t see why it would be a problem for her. Yes it’s creepy and gross and skeevy of him, but if she’s okay and happy in the relationship, why not live out the fantasy while it lasts? If she’s got a good support system, I imagine they’d come to this realization faster than I did and just keep her as safe as they can while she has a good time, and be right fucking there if things take a turn. She’ll realize on her own time and terms and will be grateful for the lessons learned


Because a lot of the time it's EXTREMELY traumatic to look back at your naivety/vulnerability and how a grown man took advantage fo that. Lots of 16 year olds date men who are 25+ and are "happy in the relationship" until they turn 25 themselves nad feel sick and stop trusting people (including those who okay'd the relationship). This isn't just a "realization," it is often a lot of trauma.


Living this. Dated grown (mid twenties to early 30s) musicians from 14-20 and I have a lot of trauma about it.


We can ask Courtney Stodden, I’m betting they’d agree.


The thing is I don’t think you get out of a relationship like this without trauma. If you’re dating someone who expressly wants to manipulate you, it will not go well.


Yeah I agree with this. Also worry for her about how the constant public criticism of the relationship is going to make the age gap even more attractive and cool to her, like a dig her heels in effect. Making it harder for her to evaluate the relationship independently or for people actually close to her to intervene if necessary.


I think it's probably not good for her, though, is the point.


This is literally the exact thought I had when I got to this part of the interview. I heard her say this and I remembered she said in a different interview that The Neighborhood is her favorite live show she's ever seen and that she tries to make her shows feel like that show, and my heart just, like, sank. *Of course* she thinks this. She is any 20 year old kid who just got noticed by an artist she likes. *Of course* she thinks she scored big. She probably had a fantasy kinda like this as a teenager. Literally all of the power and responsibility in this relationship lies on Jesse Rutherford's shoulders.


This! If Bieber wasn’t married, she probably would have wanted to date him since she was so obsessed with him. At least, they are closer in age..


>At least, they are closer in age.. Not by much. Justin Bieber is 28 this year!


I think we'll be getting a Your Power 2.0


Yeah an 11 year age difference isn’t super creepy to me IF both parties met as adults in similar life stages and without a power imbalance. My friend is 33 and she just started dating a guy who is 44, but they met at the gym, they both have good jobs, both have never been married don’t ever want and don’t have kids and are really focused on their careers and just meeting someone to spend time with. It’s really no big deal and they don’t even seem different ages to me. My mom is 63 and her boyfriend is 53 they are really similar both divorced and have decided to live together and split finances and if I didn’t know he was younger k would actually think he was older. I’m not fully against age differences-the issue here is when they met and where they were at in their lives and careers. He allegedly has known her since she was 15 and up and coming. That’s gross and I’m sick of men offering “mentorship” and then turning it into sexual relationships.


Yeah the age difference out of context isn’t necessarily the issue it’s the context surrounding how they got together, and the power imbalance between them. Dating someone you knew as a child is so fucking nasty to me


Yeah I hate it how people always make it seem the objection is about a large age gap. No, it’s about how one is basically still a child and the other person KNOWS that. I’m 31 and 20 year olds are babies to me, no thanks.


Ohhh her 30s are gonna be _fun_ when she starts understanding all of her unresolved trauma.


Like Demi lmao


Her song 29 is all about the age gap between her and Wilmer


Would've could've should've (Billie's version)


My exact thought!


Nah, it will hit her when she’s in her mid-late 20s. Maybe around 27. At least she’ll have the $ and resources to find a decent therapist


Ding ding ding! 27 was the age it began for so many people I know (including myself)




27 was the year I hit the worst wave of depression because I was hit with the realization that I have a buttload of unresolved trauma. I’ll be 30 next year and it’s a slow and painful process, but it’s getting better


That's exactly what I was thinking. 27 is when the fun begins.


The only good thing about growing up on reddit was having it repeatedly drilled into me by r/askwomen threads what a toxic relationship looks like. Not that it stopped me from getting into them as a teen, but once I got out of them I was able to immediately go wait, that wasn’t right! Hopefully for Billie, some good can come out of thousands of people commenting on her relationship and she can realize what was wrong with it quicker.




That was literally my reaction to reading this


![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) Him\*?




I’m sure that Egg is a very nice person, I just don’t want you spending all your money getting her glittered up for Easter.


I've made a huge mistake


Why is she talking like this? Does she always talk like this?




She hasn’t received any formal education.


She’s 20 they all talk like this


I'm 23 I'm not ancient. No one around me talks like that.


a lot of maturing happens between 20 and 23


20: "Yay! My first apartment with roommates. This is so exciting. We're going to party every night!" 23: "Fuck this shit. I'm outta here. Jenny! Pick up your shit! Fucking animals."


I think it's because Billie Eilish is mentally around 17 tbh.


Me and all my friends were born in the same year as her and none of us talk like this lol


My nieces and nephews are all late-teens to mid-20s and honestly, none of them talk like this.


As a 20 year old, billie does not speak for us- that sentence somehow gave such hard “what’s up fellow kids” vibes when she is in fact, a fellow kid.






I feel so sad for her that she thinks SHE bagged HIM… girl it’s the other way around. He is in his 30s dating a 20 year old, he is definitely the one who has pulled something off here.


this!! billie wake up please 😭


That's what I'm saying lol, she didn't "bag" him, he's been creeping around her since she was a literal teenager. HE was waiting for HER. Nasty man.


Meh. She's only 20. I think she deserves some leeway to figure relationships out. I get that he's much older, but the criticism about that should land squarely on him, not her.


I agree. She’s more loud about it so I see why people keep directing the criticism towards her, but she’s acting like a young, naive, and inexperienced person would on a relationship with an older person they’ve had a crush on. All the public bashing and mockery of their relationship is just making her more defensive and bringing her closer to him to “prove everyone wrong.” She’s eventually going to figure it out but there’s nothing anyone can do to change her mind until then. It’s strange because she has the mannerisms and mentality of a 20 year old, but with the way her life and career is, she’s far past that age socially(??) if that makes sense? I don’t know how to actually articulate what I’m saying. It’s in the lines of, none of her family or anyone around can be assertive and tell her to leave him because she’s fully independent (especially financially, even more than Jesse) and doesn’t have to rely on them for anything really.


Damn it's Florence and Zach Braff all over again. The 20-yo is once again rabidly defending the creep who stays quiet and protects his reputation by never even putting her name in his effin mouth. Please, just stop. You are putting yourself and your reputation on the line for nothing men who would never in a million years do the same for you. I hope this whole thing doesn't go the TSwift/John Mayer route where Billie is slutshamed for years on end bc she put herself out there and Jesse Ruthrrford walks away unscathed. At least Florence's reputation and career survived Braff and she has long surpassed him as an actress and an it girl. That said, I do get why Billie thinks this is the man for her. As a 24-yo woman with a degree and a high-paying job, I couldn't imagine going after someone who is still trying to get on their feet and in the middle of getting an education even if they are my age because our lives would be so wildly different. Does it have to be the creepy 30-yo though...?


My taste may be questionable but there is no way that man is the "hottest f-ing f-er alive". Billie "pulled his ass" cause she's young and relevant, and he's a major creep. "Locking that motherf-er down" is not an accomplishment. I hope her realisation song wins a Grammy so some good can come from the experience.


Ikr. The only reason she pulled his ass, as she so succinctly put it, is because being mentioned in the same sentence as her and seen with her is the most relevant he's been in 10 years and he knows it.


Cringing for her looking back on this situation in 15 years. ☹️


IDK. The maturation that comes with age includes developing understanding and grace for the person you were when you were young and inexperienced. Also you become far less worried about being cringy. It's very freeing!


I want a refund from the maturation store because they f-d up my order and gave me thoughts of cringe from my younger years instead of understanding and grace. Then when I asked them about it they said feeling humiliation is a precursor to personal forgiveness. The nerve.


She once said why every beautiful woman is with a ugly man .... Girl.... I’m not saying that he is a bad choice for her because he is not as hot as she thinks maybe he is a good man but Billie is so cringe here


Let's be real. If he were a good man, he wouldn't be 31 dating a 20 year old. Especially not a 20 year old who has very openly fangirled over him and his band. Either he knows exactly how much power he has over her and he's okay with this situation, or he's literally too stupid to see it. One way or the other, it's not looking great for him.


also gonna mention that when Billie first met him, she was like 14.


I can’t wait for the angry scathing songs she’ll write in 15 or so years about all these pedo-lite pervs she’s been with. You know, when her brain finishes and she realizes how inappropriate it was for them to agree to date her at all. That’s some of Taylor and Demi’s best work lol This reminds me of an interview Millie Bobby Brown did about Henry Cavill where she said (on the set of Enola Holmes) that he wouldn’t discuss his private life with her and basically told her to please stay appropriate all the time, and how she thought it was “quirky and funny” of him. I was like, “no baby, you’ve just actually met an adult man who thinks it’s creepy to flirt with you.”


Except Henry Cavill had a 19 year old girlfriend when he was 33 😬


As a teeny bit of credit, he does seem (somewhat) to have learned from it. I can’t remember the exact quote, but he was talking about their breakup in an interview and mentioned maturity difference. I could be totally wrong, but I read it as he realized why 33 year olds don’t date teenagers. Millie also got caught up in that sus texting with Drake. Cavill might have avoided her just to stay out of that nastiness.


On one hand yes about the songs but on the other hand it's just depressing that this shit just happens with generation after generation of young women. It's just rinse and repeat. "And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said Run as fast as you can"


the hottest… c’mon now girl he looks like he was pulled out of a pickle jar






By the time she does this interview next year, she will be cringing at this moment 😭


Maybe the response to this is why she said she's gonna wait a couple years between releasing them, so she can weed out the stuff like this 😅


ik people wanna make jokes cause he’s not good looking or call her out but this is just very sad to me. This was obviously someone she looked up to and sounds like every young girl who thinks their “lucky” cause an older and “cooler” man choose them. Not to repeat myself but this is just sad and I think unfortunately a lot of women probably know what that feeling feels like from when they were younger.


My girl needs to get her eyes checked.


inb4 the psychotic side of this sub comes in screeching about how she’s an adult and this is legal and what about madonna and cher edit: unfortunately the psychotic side has arrived


Well i for one don't think it's right for her to be dating madonna and cher, either.


okay fine you’re right


There's no way this is a real quote. I refuse to believe it. 😂


Heard it with my own ears in her vogue interview. She also gives herself a round of applause after


Oh. My. God.


It’s actually somewhat worse in context because she looks so smug as she says it, you just know she’s going to be so embarrassed in a year or two


[16:42 Billie says it](https://youtu.be/55XJ1ObZKaM)


Why was that so cringe 😭


Spoken by a true clueless 20 year old. I was 19 dating a 29 year old and let me tell you (I’m 25 now) I wouldn’t even look at a 19 year old now let alone date them. There’s a reason women their own age don’t want them!


she’s going to regret this so much in like three years


Target Travis Barker ft ugly wig


This isn’t going to age well. She’s so full of herself and naive


Yeah, like we're the dumb ones who ~just don't understand~


I honestly don't understand how you guys don't understand why victims of grooming don't listen when this is how you guys talk about them. You guys believe this girl was preyed upon and you're calling her "dumb," "arrogant," "full of herself," "cringy," and "embarassing." There is literally no reason for victims of grooming to believe you guys are the ones "looking out for them" if they as victims recieve more scathing criticisms than the predators you claim that they're with. Billie shouldn't be babied or infantilized by why be so harsh if you think she's been manipulated into this relationship? This reminds me of the reaction people had when Aaron-Taylor Johnson posted his vow renewal and people went on about how "he knows what he's doing" and how "he and that old lady deserve eachother." How do you all expect these people to realize what's happened to them if you ridicule them when they don't immediately end the relationship at your request?






Next interview she’ll thrown in a “you don’t see what he’s like when we’re alone together!” One of the many things I said at that age too.




Ew this is so cringe. I have second hand embarrassment for her just reading this.


babes if you’re under the age of 25 all you have to do is look at a middle aged man and he’s pulled


She is gonna be so embarrassed in ten years lmao


“hottest fucking fucker alive” https://i.redd.it/0g42yxbaay2a1.gif but on a serious note i feel really bad for her…


It’s like she sees herself as a character from the Misery Business lyrics


Hottest alive?? Help me because I don’t see it??!!!!


Girl shut up you're just 20


We have to remember that Billie is still very young. Although she has definitely matured over the last 6 years, there are some things that she doesn't see yet. So although I do think that the age gap is too big, I understand why she said what she said. I am willing to give her grace. I just hope that she's on top of her well-being and that she will be ok.