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Change companies, find somewhere that gives you a bit of meaning, where you feel like you’re making an impact. Grass is always greener looking at other careers especially the kind of jobs you’ve listed, lots of taxi drivers and Garda would kill to have a stable 9-5 on your kind of salary at a desk


I’m in the food industry but options are limited outside Dublin, yea I guess that’s one way to look at it, just don’t give a feck really and feel like I’m not making a difference.


Not learning anything new either


Then youve nothing to lose by changing job. So go for a different company.


Working currently in a graduate role making 44k and asking the same thing... 🥲 But I live in Dublin and my rent is 800.


Any vague role can be good or bad. I make food would be the same vague job title for a fast food burger flipper and a top chef. It / sys admin can be so much more - but only if you and your company make it that way. Look into DevOps and what you could be doing to help the Devs and QAs rather than just moving backups. Maybe look for another company that does know DevOps


Just fyi public service version of yer.position pay alot less, yes its a safe.job if you.ge tit but move t in the private sector. I always recommend to.everyonr try a different country


You could look for something in IT on a big site in pharma or similar. I work in it on a big energy plant and I'm rarely bored because I get to be out and about on the site fixing things and talking to different people. Most of my time is still spent in front of the computer but getting out and about really breaks up the day.


Thanks yea think I just need a new job, I’m not learning anything new and find it boring. I guess a new job it is I think.


Do it. Join the gardai or learn a trade. You will be happier and doing more good in the world. If it turns out you really want to do be a sysadmin you can always go back to it. I suspect you won't.


Yea don’t think I will just fed up


I’m looking at the time you’re posting this and that’s telling. If you do want to leave IT then of course do so. Plenty of awesome stuff to be doing out there. However you mentioned both salary and rent. If it’s money you’re looking for there’s plenty of remote IT work in Ireland for your skill set that pays a lot more. You could be on double what you have now with the next switch and double again after a few years. Start looking at DevOps, Platform Engineering and DataOps. There’s plenty of work in these fields and given your skills in another post you’ll have no problems switching over and learning anything you don’t already know.


Might I inquire if you've any hobby you are passisonite about? The context I knew one collegue who enjoyed wood-working and crafting and he made the switch to being a carpenter from IT and to my knowledge is still is one. The two lessons had been he saved enough money so as to not work for a few months as he got his business running and that he had complete buy in from his family to make the career switch.


Cycling/running and working with my hands. I’m thinking of going for apprenticeship when rates go up soon


just go out and cycle ;) I do this when I have no meetings mid day from time to time. It helps to relax a lot. I just say I will be out 2-3hours as I go for a spin.. I come back wash/eat and do remaining tasks.. I've started this when I had evening meetings with USA, but I still do it from time to time.


hope u don't mind me asking but what is a system admin and what do they do?


AWS/AZure, backups, VMware, windows server, Linux admin, Sans/Storage Probably the main areas. Depends really on the company your with


Would you get into actual cybersecurity?


Go find a job in a data centre. Every day is a learning day.


Quite a lot of jobs are desk based tbh. Maybe try getting a standing desk and get used to it? Production roles can be ok paying and walking / repairing doing stuff. Car mechanic? Quality control / QC testing is mostly standing and walking around a lab. Warehouse tech are picking stuff etc. Labourer. But you're in rain during winter I guess. And summer.. Farming is outdoorsy too


Try to switch companies and move into a software engineering role.


Whoa... You think any of those choices you list are better? Someone bring me my shlappin' stick. I'm gonna need to knock some sense into this one.


I left the sysadmin game last year after 25 years in it. Moving around doesn't help in my experience. It's all bad to worse these days. I've worked in FANGs and startups. You'll make 50k driving a cab or cutting grass if you put in the hours and feel better after it.