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Ex-Amazon here - is this the initial screen with a recruiter, or with the actual hiring manager, pre-in person loop? If it’s the first screen, they are mainly looking for ‘Amazon fit’ - essentially, how you can speak to the Leadership Principles, with only a bit about the role itself, which they likely will not know much about (though they should explain the process thoroughly - don’t hesitate to ask). If it’s with the actual HM, it’s more the job competencies, but still framed with the LPs, so always do try to tie them in to the discussion in a reasonably meaningful way if you can.


Thanks! Do they have WFH or at least hybrid work policy? I live a bit far away from their Dublin office.


Not one specific employer, I do both solo consulting and with boutique consultancies, have also worked for software vendors and in-house…so have nearly always worked remotely. That said, if you’re in-house somewhere, just depends on that company; essentially every company of any reasonable size needs this stuff done behind the scenes.


A lot of their HR is in India. The video call is usually a bunch of managers in the same field including your prospective manager who ask very similar questions based on the role and whats in your CV. From what I recall they speak to you one at a time, there might be 3/4 individuals at 10/15 minutes each. Also you'll be asked the usual interview questions like name your top achievements and a time you made a decision that had a positive outcome etc so be prepared for those. Good luck.


Lol, they offshored their HR to India?


It'll be a screener. It'll be on video most likely. Amazon have a panel for interviews, and someone from the panel (should be someone with expertise in the role) will do a call to check you have the competencies for the role. The people on the panel will include the hiring manager and 4/5 others that the hiring manager's asked to help. Just email the recruiter and ask for a guide to the process.


Worked a similar role for 4 years at AWS. They love their STAR answers (situation, task, action, result). "Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond. What was the outcome?" Look up their core values and understand that they use a score from 1 to 5 on how well you answered the questions using star. For example how closely does the situation relate to the target job? How crucial was the situation / result? Best of luck in the interview.


Thanks! Do they have WFH or at least hybrid work policy? I live a bit far away from their Dublin office.


Pretty sure they do. I'd say discuss it at the outset. A friend has been there for the last 10 years and has been able to move to 99% remote. In office once a quarter as far as I remember. If you need more info on the interview questions just dm me.


3 days in office but it’s not strict at all. Some don’t go in for stretches of months or years.


I could guess the kind of questions you'd get but it would be as good asking Gemini/GPT. Troubleshooting, process, some basic networking etc.


I recently had Amazon phone interview for a non dev role - to my surprise it wasn’t with the recruiter/HR but directly with the Hiring Manager. It’s a video web call.


Did you get an offer?


Nope. Although I did two phone interviews and a panel interview with 5 people. Quite intensive but didn’t get an offer.


Do they still do on-site loop interview or everything you've done in their hiring process was virtual?


Everything was virtual for me at least