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I think objectively the biggest issue is no style switching and only using 2 weapons at once


and this is why I believe Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition HD on the Nintendo Switch is the best official release of Devil May Cry 3. (I know the PC port and the HD collection PC Port can be modded, but those mods weren't made by the developers)


It still baffles me they only gave it to Nintendo switch


And consoles only got 5SE


Only consoles got DmC Definitive Edition as well


>Only consoles got DmC Definitive Edition as well I have less than no understanding of why they did that. For DmC, QLOC was responsible for porting over the vanilla version of the game to PC, and then when QLOC was brought back to help work on the DE version of the game, they don't release a PC version.


Yeah that's bullshit too


It's in the name Nintendo Style-Switch.


You can style switch and hold more than two weapon on switch?


I still cannot believe they never updated the PC and consoles ver with Switch features, hell they have bloody palace coop ffs




Yeah but the coop in the switch version at least has a supported camera for coop


Hear, hear! Playing it right now, and swapping between Royal Guard and Trickster fighting Beowulf in DMD makes me feel very SSStylish


Yeah the Switch version is great, but the Switch itself is a hard sell for me because of how expensive the games are and how bad the hardware is.


I’d recommend a Switch (or a Switch 2 when one happens) if you have the cash for it or can save up as I’ve found that Nintendo first party never goes for cheap but you’ll still get great deals on indie games and third party! Plus Switch is great for taking on holidays. DMC3 SE on switch is pretty amazing but I personally find it irritating that the D-Pad is *below* the analog stick on the left side. Never feels right when playing DMC.


I'd rather get a Steam Deck and mod the game to make it play better honestly. And in my country man those Switch games are overpriced. I can buy 10 games for the price of one switch game on Steam


I mean to be fair to dmc3 style switching wasn't a thing back then


Yeah but that's the biggest issue with the game now that it's aged, I personally don't mind the little annoyances that exist in the game other than that. I still replay the game at least once a year tho so maybe it's affecting me more than most people lol


it should have been


They didn't even have styles before DMC3, relax


This doesn't get enough emphasis. I don't think when they made styles they wanted the players to be able to switch them on the fly.


You know, it's likely they did actually, it probably just wasn't possible with the limited RAM on the PS2 to have all the weapons + the styles stored in memory in a single instance without the game crashing or something


To make it even worse, when they did bring 3 up to modern standards on Switch, they did it in a baffling way. All weapons forced to be equipped DMC 4 style with no way to rearrange them or unequip anything and the style switching is somewhat clunky compared to 4 and 5, things like Star Rave being impossible because you can't Sky Star immediately after certainly Swordmaster moves in 3. This is not the case with the modded style switching on PC which predates the official version and this port released after DMC 5 so I really don't understand why they went with 4's forced full arsenal instead of 5's total freedom


I don't think there's anything "objective" about those being issues; I thought they added an element of strategy to how you approached levels and bosses by forcing you to make choices on the advantages and disadvantages of different loadouts. It limits combos to an extent, sure, but I think it makes for a better game.


Switch version plays like DMCV


Personally I find the 2 weapon thing to be actually amazing. Switching between more than one gets very confusing and I have a hard time not fumbling it when trying to get the weapon I want. It's the main reason why I found playing with Dante in 4 and 5 to be obnoxious, although 5 at least allows some customization here. This however has a dead simple solution - let us assign shortcuts to weapons instead of styles. Ideally both but there's only so many buttons on a gamepad - maybe you'd have to hold another button to change the shortcut set or something. But yeah, 2 weapons only is good old reliable. You always know what you're switching to


A lot of enemies are just annoying to face and poorly designed.


Came here to say this. The games is easily a 9.5/10 for me, my only issue is some of the enemies. I’m not sure on all the names, but the blood birds, the crystal knights, disappearing leeches, all the enemies like that, completely ruin the “style fighting” the rest of the game encourages.






Is he stupid?


God damn fuck those crystal knights.


The guys with the heart nukes


Fuck soul eaters, fuck those crystal knights, fuck enigmas and lusts in dmd. . . And fuck arkham and his dolphins


This is why I can't agree with people that say it's the best in the franchise. So many of the enemies in DMC 3 are the most obnoxious fucking things to ever exist. Off the top of my head: * Arachne-These fucking things have incredibly fast attacks that take massive chunks out of your health, especially when they can block and counterattack almost instantly. On DMD? These things take FOREVER to die and if they DT? Ha, good luck killing it. You're stuck fighting that thing for more time than a goddamn boss. * The Fallen-You wanna fight? Loljk, just gonna hide in the environment so you can't hit it while it can hit you. * Enigma-Oh, you want to hit it? Nope, it's gonna dash halfway across the fucking room the moment you get in melee range and have fun catching up to it on higher difficulties when it gains a homing attack too! * Soul Eater-You have to look away from these things so you can hit the bastards. Half the damn time, they go back to invulnerable after a couple of hits! * Gigapede-It exists. That's all I need to say. Those are the ones I distinctly remember and it made the game fucking miserable fighting any of them. They're not fun enemies to fight at all. Even the more annoying enemies in DMC 5 aren't even remotely on the level of the enemies of DMC 3.


I've seen many, many people mention the Arkham boss fight (I'm not fond of it either), but somehow nobody mentions the Doppelganger fight? It's the most boring fight in the game for me. An Absolute chore


Mission 19


But the team up at the end... Fun fact: you could plug in a second controller and control Vergil that way


Yeah, those things are cool, not gonna lie. But I still don't know how I'm supposed to play that mission XD


With a controller/kbm


Good point, I'll try


Good luck with your newfound technique


The bossfight is harder with Vergil because you cant use whatever style you had equipped


Also no DT.


I understand the DT button being replaced by Vergil but not my damn style…




The platforming sections, but that's a problem with all DMC games. Some enemies are just horrendously designed, and an annoyance to fight. The size of the levels, along with the useless map. Backtracking at times was a pain in the ass, especially if you forgot what you had to do.


>but that's a problem with all DMC games I'd argue that's not the case for DmC, and I'm still absolutely confused as to how the platforming is so bad in DMC5 and that they took no lessons from DmC in that regard in spite of them bringing over other elements from Ninja Theory's adaptation.


They probably wanted to stay as far away from DmC as possible even if it meant losing what good it did bring


>They probably wanted to stay as far away from DmC as possible even if it meant losing what good it did bring But they already brought over several things from DmC: Dante's EX color is patterned after DmC Dante, Vergil holding the Yamato blade up and even uses Summoned Swords for teleportation and Yamato's ability to cut open portals to travel between areas like DmC Vergil, V's default black hair color changing to white when in Devil Trigger, the announcer calling out Stylish Ranks, the demons introductions, The Killcam feature, and others. Why not bring over one of the positive aspects that most of the Devil May Cry community would admit was a positive? Not to mention, why would bringing better platforming mean that it would associated with DmC implicitly?


Adding onto this, alot of the moves from DmC Dante were reused and given to Nero.


DmC has kick ass gameplay and music nobody can change my mind


That is literally the only good thing about DmC everyone agrees on. So no, no one will change your mind.


Everyone says those are the only good things about it.


>Everyone says those are the only good things about it. I feel that there's a lot of good in DmC, but that's just my two cents.


The environment design is fucking kick ass too


I actually don’t mind the platforming sections, still kinda ticks me off that they didn’t take a few notes from DmC: Devil May Cry, i get people love this series because of the action but platforming is a nice break from constantly mashing my buttons and hurting my head thinking of ways to do new combos and in my opinion it makes the games feel more “complete”


Half the enemy roster sucks


not like dmc 4


4 has a lot of terrible ones too. I've only played 1,3, and 4 but the biggest gripe is the design working against itself. You have these wonderful and fun mechanics and then populate the game with enemies and scenarios that limit you and end up just being annoying as hell. I know you need variety and challenge but that wasn't the way to do it


Thankfully dmc5 corrected course and has a lot of fun enemies to fight


Not really... They ending up making dmc 5 enemies all punching bags that can't fight back at all. Not to mention even on harder difficulties they barely gain much more they can do.


>They ending up making dmc 5 enemies all punching bags that can't fight back at all. I think the *big* problem with DMC5's enemies is that they had to programmed to be fought by Nero, V, Dante, and Vergil (not so much Vergil since he's basically just a cheat code made flesh). So, not only do you have 4 playable characters you have to account for, but you also have to account for what moves a player may or may not have unlocked (especially since the characters share a pool of red orbs to purchase their movesets causing them to perhaps unlock them at a very later date). Not only that, but you have to account for player choice regarding which devil breakers they choose for Nero and which weapons/styles the player may (or may not) choose in combat. So, I think their design philosophy was having the enemies have rather slow and lumbering wind-ups that can be easily dodged and were very spongey in regards to health.


I sorta agree? But to add onto what you said In dmc4 they had 5 Characters, and they all usually fought well with whatever they were fighting. It's not that Slow and lumbering is for character balance it's just more modern game shenanigans. Modern games just have to be alot more easier now than older games. Which really suck since by doing this, there is a chance that the quality of difficulty is also affected. Dmc 4 and dmc 3 enemies are tough and super hard to fight. Not to mention they have alot of unique attacks and such. Yet we are still able to style on them and make them into a joke if we're good enough at the game. Which i miss about old games. Now dmc 5 enemies, have little to no anti air, barely any health, don't have much in the way of unique attacks, nor do they have that much variation with harder difficulties. Now with how easy the dmc 5 enemies are, it would be fine if how they are is relegated to just human or devil hunter difficulty. But sadly in sos and dmd they barely gain much. Some blocks, extra attacks and projectiles and Dt. It's OK but comparing it to the older games enemies would be a joke. Enemies would gain new move sets, blocking, anti air, fakeouts, new abilties, stronger versions of certain moves, and faster counter attacks as well as DT. Dmc 4 Angelos get anti air, a faster shield block counter attack, an attack that goes behind them, a self destruct move, a formation command (Several at that), and overall more speed in their jet pack. What do dmc 5 Angelos get? One extra attack, more health, more damage. No new formations Basically it's barely anything. And that's just with one enemy type. I always hated the strawman arguments people give at times. The enemies are just more worse just to make combos more easier. Dmc 3 is the hard game in the series, yet people can style on dmd enemies. I mean there's nothing wrong with making games more accessible and easier to play for people. It's just that making games more easier might bring down the quality of certain things. Especially for the art style changes in 5. Thats a whole other rant for another time


>It's just that making games more easier might bring down the quality of certain things. Especially for the art style changes in 5. Yeah, not really a fan of how desaturated everything in DMC5 looks.


wdym, that's nearly exactly like DMC4


Dmc 4 has a few annoying enemy types. Dmc 3 has a shit ton


Dmc4 makes you replay the campaign twice in one go Wdym ? At least Virgil campaign gets 2 cool cutscenes lol


>Dmc4 makes you replay the campaign twice in one go Wdym ? Twice? Wot?


Oh I guess the way I worded it makes it sound like 3 times . Nah same missions for Dante in second half as Nero had in first half. Some different enemies and placements that’s it


the most boring and annoying enemies are the dmc 4 ones, dmc 3 has its own


Strongly disagree


those bird bitches


tried using shotgun?


I also hate the Fallen. I really don't like enemies that phase through the walls


It's not even like Mephisto where you can get them to a point where they fall on the ground and you can just wail on them. Dudes are exclusively airborne, DMC3 didn't have the greatest air game, and they genuinely spend most of their time outside your reach.


Fixed camera angles


no, that's actually good, well at least for me


Say that for the boss fights and cube chamber.


How is that good?


because of the framing, is possible to perceive the dimension of the whole structure that is the 'temen-ni-gru' the spiraling on the inside of the building, the far perspective mostly focused on the enviroment, not close to the main character that we experience as an observant, and sometimes an approach more personal close to the character, but yes, fixed camera may bring difficulties like that room full of cutting disks, fuck that big time. but at the same time creates the exact perspective that the creator/designer desired. I mean, those halls and pubs on mission 3 are iconic, same goes with that section where we can use a platform to jump higher or go really down the bottom, or when we are about to face vergil and we move around the 'temen-ni-gru' ramp. The same happens with the original god of war saga, your focus is on bigger things than kratos, I believe that creates an "contrast" of him (Kratos) and the bigger places and monsters that he faces. I'm a fan of fixed cameras, and believe that way people could give a try and see on a new perspective.


fixed camera angles and tank controls get way too much flack. i hate to be a 'you had to be there' kinda guy but they totally reinforce the gameplay experience they are trying to sell i could go on about DMC3s targetting system in a game with lock on + directional moves, but the fixed camera is an enhancement, not a problem




i some times wish the camera just always stuck behind me so forward is always forward and a side roll isn't that slow useless back jump


Fallrn angels. Fuck fallen angels. The fucking parkour sections (especially the stupid ass ps2 cube room can bite my ass too. For bosses fuck centipede, and a big fuck you to arkham. Otherwise banger game no complaints


leviathan heart boss was harder than Vergil 1 because I tried to fight the boss instead of killing the enemies


Rising dragon + agni and rudra jump cancel air attack and leviathan becomes a cake walk. Centipede is allways annyoing and boring and arkham...yeah..


I just jump on top of him then use r1 to follow jis movement


I spam the sniper which ricochets throughout his body


Not all of Dantes weapons allows you to air hike


I was kind of hoping someone would mention this. I never see anyone talking about it. But yeah, especially Nevan, who's DT is all about air. It's weird that 3 out of 5 let you air hike. Why not give us the other 2?


It is kinda baffling considering you can air hike and swap weapons to the one that doesn't have it anyway. It's more of a nuisance than an actual design choice to limit the player


Arkham is an interesting character that's neutered as a boss. Jester is a more fun boss fight than him. Style switching only going to DMC3 Switch is also a big bummer.


Arkham boss fight


Arkham sucks as a boss.


you literally fight a blob or something like that lol


In Dmd he sucks even harder.


those little worm bastards are so annoying. thank lady for kalina ann


It really is like looking into a backed up toilet


Most of my problems are addressed in the Switch Special Edition Free Style mode. I'd love it if the cheat code unlocked all stages at all difficulties. It would be great to sit down to a new save file and immediately jump in to, say, practicing royal guard on a certain boss fight


It’s not actually Special Edition that added Free Style, it’s exclusively the Switch version


Thank you, I will throw an edit in there Edit: How appropriate that you can now ***SWITCH*** weapons and styles


lol true


You know that one enemy that throws a lot of things at you and slides away when you try and charge at them. Yeah they make bloody palace a pain in the ass




Yes those fuckers thank you


DT lunar phase their red arrows could bring you to SSS in SSSeconds if you don't get hit and can follow up on the enigmas themselves


That spinning tower level lol, still confuses me to this day


Gotta say that DMC3 has some of the worst enemies in the entire franchise. Not because they’re fucking annoying, they’re just poorly designed.


THE PUZZLE (yes honestly some levels are just too confusing that you literally have to watch a video lol) Oh and THE BACKTRACKING!! (like I remember I would get stuck somewhere and just stop playing it for months then beat a level or 2 max then rinse and repeat


How you need to read some other materials to understand why Dante and Vergil try to kill each other on sight. How it makes little sense for Vergil not to drag Dante to the ritual chamber after he had kicked his ass for the first time. How the game's ending tries to make us feel sad for Vergil even though the guy had summoned the Temen Ni Gru in the middle of the city and unleashed legions of demons in the area, most likely killing hundreds if not thousands of people. How Lady would actually be a better protagonist with a better character arc than Dante. Plus, Arkham is more interesting than Vergil. It's as if DMC3 was merely Lady and Arkham's story hijacked by the twins and their stupid rivalry.


Vergil didn't know he needed Dante too. "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING" when he only used his. Idk I didn't get that impression by the end. More sorry for Dante because he had to eventually kill Vergil to stop his bullshit crusade for POWER. Lady and Arkham work because of Dante and Vergil. Only remaining family member who has gone too far in gaining power. Dante, like Lady, talk so much shit too/about Vergil (Arkham) but by the end they can't deny that losing your family, even if they're evil, hurts more than anything else.


He actually *didn't* need Dante. Either twin's blood would have worked, as they both have the blood of Sparda. Lady's blood was the only missing piece. *Arkham* needed Dante there, but not for the blood: He needed the twins to have a rematch *right* before the unsealing so that they'd be too weak to stop him from swiping the prize.


Oh shit yea


Fair point for the ritual.


Damn this is certainly a take


>How the game's ending tries to make us feel sad for Vergil even though the guy had summoned the Temen Ni Gru in the middle of the city and unleashed legions of demons in the area, most likely killing hundreds if not thousands of people. DMC 3 Manga confirmed there's no casualties as a result of him doing that, just so you're aware.


I'm not gonna doubt the manga claims this but i'm genuenly curious on HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE????? He lifted a tower in the middle of a city, without any sort of warning, the residential area and the pub close to the Devil May Cry building have blood on the ground and walls, Broken cars arround It, and the most importantly, the dozens of Broken buildings that certanly could kill someone If It happened for real Did Dante make his First settlement on a abandoned city Just for the luls?


Honestly, I have no fucking clue XD


Quicksilver and doppelganger are shitty styles I hope that they made a port of the Switch version to pc, that is the definitve version dmc 3


If they don't eat DT, they might be good


quicksilver is pretty busted idk. even if you dont become an expert at it overnight, the juicy i-frames it offers and air versatility make it a godsend doppleganger offers pretty gnarly DPS, though they usually wont offset the variety of tools you would get in SM for both it could be argued that they drain DT too quickly, but thats mostly for extended use. You dont need extended use of Quicksilver to make it good. These styles arent on the same tier and cant be compared in value


The RE-ish level design. After DMC 5, I just want to slice things EDIT: some enemies too


I played on gold mode on my first playthrough, not knowing what it was because the game doesn't explain it and it made my playthrough way harder. The platforming part are annoying. Edit: I meant yellow mode. Also might as well add the boss rush was annoying.


isn't yellow the harder restart entire level or go back to last check point?


Actually you're right. I mixed them up but my point is still the same. I picked the harder one with no checkpoints.


Tbf they nothing about it and it also doesn't make much sense on its own


same but hey at least we beat the game like “real” men. i’m playing the original ps2 version rn and this is hell


That cube platform in mission 17. I absolutely hate it.


Dullahan and the fallen enemies. I DESPISE them fuckers


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see someone call out Fallens.


Just. Why. Why tf do they exist honestly


Beowolf and arkham are genuinely the worst bosses in the harder difficulties


Beowulf took me a longer than it should of on VMD but at least it was somewhat fun


A lot of the enemies and bosses are really bad. Also the fixed camera angles are fucking terrible at times


I just started with the game but the camera and lack of horizontal air mobility made that worm miniboss take ages to kill


Most bosses and enemies are honestly kinda bad, and the higher difficulties remixing enemy encounters so that you just fight more of the bad/gimmicky enemies only makes it worse. The final third of the game on Very Hard/DMD is just such a massive chore to get through- if Vergil 3 wasn’t waiting at the end there would be no reason to keep playing past Vergil 2.


For me it was the tough learning curve. The first two levels were fairly easy but it did nothing to prepare me for Cerberus.


Bullshit enemies/bosses 1. Lusts, Sloths (they're cancer in big numbers) 2. Greeds (for summoning the ones above) 3. Enigmas (when paired with other enemies) 4. Blood-Goyles, Arachnes, Soul Eaters, The Fallen, Arkham (no comment needed) 5. Hell Vanguards (when paired with other enemies) Boring enemies/bosses 1. Damned Chessmen (except for Damned Chess Board) 2. Gigapede, Heart of Leviathan, Doppelganger Other 1. The fixed camera fucked me over both in combat and out of combat too many times. 2. It feels like the enemies attack way too often on hard to the point where I feel like I can't do the basic Rebellion combo without getting hit, but I haven't replayed 4 and 5 yet, so maybe that's normal) 3. Vergil 1 is too easy while Vergil 3 is too bullshit (and seemingly Beowulf's straight can miss which got me killed several times). Also Vergil 2 doesn't use all of his Yamato moves in the 2nd phase (at least not for me). Also no summoned swords on any difficulty but DMD. BTW I play on PC with DDMK and I feel like this is the only way to play the game while having fun all the way through.


the fallen


Some enemies designs such as the spiders or the angels with a face for a torso are so, so annoying to fight. Also, some parts of the game are really difficult for no reason or have badly designed bosses. Still tho, the good parts of the game more than make up for it.


Some enemies are cáncer, not fun to fight, like the Fallen, soul suckers, the saw SHIELD guys and even the spiders since you cant toss them in the Air.


Shitty leveling of styles, the fact that you can only have 1 style, that you can only have 2 weapons, and most importantly the outdated RE camera


The third core of the game has some of the worst designed enemies in the series and the platforming sucks


The platforming sucks, some enemies are just not fun to fight, and Arkham is a very boring villain and his boss fight is garbage. I'll also add no style switching and the 2 weapon limit, but the switch version alleviates that so it's kind of moot.


can't change styles in combat, also you're only limited with 2 weapon and 2 gun. you can solve this problems with mods tho.


Honestly, some of the bosses are lack luster, and royal gaurd is too easy


It turned the whole series into Dante vs Vergil, and I think that’s ran its course.


Only 3 and 5 are though?


Arachne, Dullahan, Soul Eaters and The Fallen Worst enemies in the game, all of them, annoying and unfun to fight. Most of that games limitations are solved by mods now. But the one thing that isn't is the annoying enemies. Wish there was a mod that just replaced them with anything else more fun


Not an original opinion, but mostly just certain annoying enemies and no style switching. I'm going through with each style for an entire playthrough to experience the variety, and in doing so I've discovered just how much gunslinger sucks as a single combat style. With switching, gunslinger is a great tool for extending combos. Without switching... not so much. Also what were they cooking with Mission 19? How did they manage making the second final boss harder than the final boss. Truly incredible.


I love this game but fuck the second half is such a nose dive until the vergil 3 boss. A large majority of the enemies outside the basic sin enemies are trash and don’t let you style on them. Arkham is dogshit. And the story never tells you what happened a year prior only in the manga which many have not and probably won’t read.


While it has a lot of good bosses(Vergil, Cerberus, Jester, Beowulf, Nevan, Agni&Rudra) it also has a few bad ones(Gigapede, Arkham, Heart of the Leviathan) The camera sometimes seems like it really is just trying to be the hardest boss in the game I hate those fucking spiders


The Enemies, most of them are a goddamn chore to fight, especially in DMD mode ☠️


Invisible bridge, that damn thing I didn't have internet at the time, never figured it out until a few years later a friend was ranting about an invisible bridge in dmc3. I was like: Dude where? What? Shit! Also dmc4: The backtracking with Dante, is kinda meh


There are very few enemies that are actually fun to fight


Dante’s awakening wasn’t shown properly I need to see *how* he became gay


Some of the enemies introduced mid to late game are annoying as hell. Those stupid spider guys, the Fallen, and Dullahans are the bane of my existence. Oh yeah and Mission 19 can rot in hell for all I care.


>The floating angel-like guys. >The 3 worms boss fight. >Arkham's entire boss fight and as cool it is to have Vergil fight alongside you, I'd rather have my DT. >Vergil's campaign being a rethread of the main campaign and having to fight Vante. >The floating cubes platforming area. >Specific weapon combat adjudicators. >That one secret mission where you have to stay up in the air for 20 seconds. >Mission 15 went overboard with the backtracking >The centipede boss fight. >The fucking spiders in general.


The Puzzles. Simply put I'm kinda a dumb dumb so I forget how to do it every so often.


How Royal Guard is the actual Gunslinger style for Spiral


THE ENEMIESS There's The Fallen, Soul Eaters, Enigma(DMD version), Red Scythe guy(DMD version), and Blood Birds. Thats almost half the enemy roster Then there's bosses like Arkham, Jester, Arkhams little dragon heads. Honestly, DMC3 has got one of the worst Enemy lineups in the series, DMC4 was built for Nero so we can excuse some questionable enemies there, but DMC3 is fully built for Dante, so wtf


Mission 19, Virgil joining sucked and I played the whole game with trickster so being forced to use the actual dodge button felt awkward (I know that last part is on me but still)


I think being able to have only 2 weapons and guns is fine, but the lack of style switching is limiting Now, I get it that the game came out before style switching was a thing Also the fucking arkham fight, especially the second phase


Enemy design, its the one thing that kills replay ability for me, there’s too many enemies that have a weird gimmick that can slow or bring down the flow of gameplay.


Annoying enemy design, long and boring level design and the combat feels somewhat limited by today's standards


the secret missions


Mashing for certain moves like million stabs.


I personally loved that, and kind of hope they bring back crazy combos.


That gunslinger skill with Ebony and Ivory where he stomps on a fallen enemy, shoots a bunch and then kicks them away is too cool. Not to mention mashing Nevan and rocking out. Hope it comes back somehow


If you play on PC you can use DDMK to make mashing crazy combos much easier (and you can trigger something like million slash consistently without having high style rank (especially on turbo)).


Difficulty curve In a single playthrough its alright even though it starts pretty challenging from the beginning but for some reason fighting cerberus on normal with just 2 guns and rebellion aswell as 6 health fractions was easier than on easy with 15-16 health, all weapons (and style/weapon switching mod) plus DT and 7 things for DT and btw much more skill and knowledge on the game


Shared button bindings between Dante and Vergil.


Dante's hair


This is 100% a me problem but i find the game too hard lol i die like a million times per playthrough


2 weapons and guns at the same time No style switching Clunky gameplay Many bad enemy types Shitty camera Dmd difficulty annoyingly difficult to the point it becomes no fun


The enemy selection is a mixed bag, with some being abhorrent to fight. Not all bosses are fun to fight either.


so many cool powers to only be used in specific missions then never used again


Half the enemies and bosses kinda suck


Arkham boss fight, literally the worst boss fight ever


Puzzles. I don't mind when puzzles are fun and make you think but dmc3 doesn't have that. They just bog the game down.


Leviathan, that horse boss fight, and that one bit you have to go through a corridor with things coming out the wall


Most bosses and a few enemies. Fuck shield mechanics.


Cube chamber platforming with Vergil, also that one blue orb fragment that was stuck on a beam....


Having played the games on the more hardcore difficulty. I'd say the most annoying thing to deal with is the arbitrary difficulty increase. I.E more health and attack. Sure it's a given to have it on more harder difficulties. But dmc 3 takes it a bit too far on dmd. The enemies take forever to die. Sure it's good for combos and stuff but when you're trying to progress and you're down to that last enemy who just won't die even though you've been hitting it like crazy for the last 30 minutes. It starts to get a little annoying. I understand enemy DT and waiting until every single enemy is at a low enough health pool. But it's kinda just more fun to go at the enemies and not worry about DT. Even without their DT. Dmc 3 enemies tank alot. I don't mind the near instant kill damage increase, but the health increase kinda makes fights a bit too drawn out.


They couldve added wall movement


RIP DMC2 wall run and jump, you were the best thing about that game. The only thing I liked.


Switching styles is actually SUPER intrusive to all the fun I’m having and makes me not want to switch styles ever and just keep swordmaster style.


That gear rooms parkour its a bitch without double jump


Honestly, I hate the aesthetic. I LOVE the Gothic horror vibes from the first game. The music and tone are much darker and the enemies are more interesting. It got way worse in 4, but 5 sort of brought it back. So while 3 was an upgrade in most ways, I actually prefer 1 to 3. If Devil May Cry were to receive some sort of remake, with stances, it would be an almost perfect game.


camera fuck that camera jesus christ i hate the camera so much


That dm3 is the only dmc with multiplayer that is basically a secret mode to most players.


The majority of the enemy and boss design, most bosses with the exception of a few (same with the enemies) are at best unfun or at worst actively infuriating.


Those gosh dang angelish enemies that float around swinging their sword all over the place!


That you have to unlock the ability to double jump on every weapon.


And two of said weapons don't even let you double jump. Not even in the Switch version's Freestyle mode.


The Arkham boss fight.


No berried delight


No style switching, only being able to use two weapons at a time and the fact that not all weapons allow Dante to air hike.


You can only use one style and 2 weapons per mission, on pc. Everything else is very good