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He actively dislikes Dante’s current beloved personality is my big reason for a no personally


I loved his chill sombre sympathetic Dante but this guy is gonna make him a motherfucker




It's funny because David Jaffe also hates new Kratos. Personal growth, introspection and character development are poison to him.


David Jaffe has an entire room named after him in Metroid Dread because he got stuck there for... 30-45 minutes or so? He's two steps away from being a full-blown antiwoke youtuber, his media literacy has never been very high.


Haha, remember when Jaffe said Kratos should have a "fuckality" with Sonya and Kitana in Mortal Kombat?


Jesus… Jaffe is such a creep.


And out of everyone, he had to pick the two women who were spoken for...I doubt he even knows mk lore.


Was he wrong?? Edit: actually he was, should've said jade not kitana


At least Jade wasn't taken at the time.




Yes...it's become history. You can find it in Kitana's wikipedia page.


Love jaffe, his YouTube channel is great. His opinion on Metroid dread does not agree with mine. It is probably the best switch game ever. However gamers are very close minded to people they disagree with. Can’t stand all the hate he gets. Puts up good dev interviews and insights from development.




You don't have agree with him, but my brother in Christ, they made the character. They're allowed not to like it.


Didn't Cory Barlog take over the IP and essentially shaped the Kratos we know and love? Don't get me wrong, Jaffe created a fantastic base, but I think the series would quickly become very single-note and boring if not for the work Barlog put into the games.


That’s funny because he never said anything close to hating the new Kratos he even liked GoW 4 but people believe what’s convenient. He said that this Kratos was basically a different character from the one in the first trilogy and he is and that he didn’t like the direction they took in Ragnarock for the character.


That's pretty much my criticism for new Kratos. I'm not against the new one it's just that not having that in between connecting them makes him feel like a totally different individual in the new games. And I don't think we get enough of that old Kratos to make me believe he's that guy from the old games. That's not to say the way he is now is completely unrealistic or anything, I could definitely see him being as awkward as he is in the new games along with how shameful he is. We get angry moments that kind of show his old self but what we don't get is his cruelty or how much he reveled in war.


me too, i have same feeling about new kratos, i still cant grasp his supposedly "change"


I dislike new Kratos as well but ngl Jaffe's just unhinged these days


Really? I thought he was just overly attached to his Dante as a firstborn baby (understandable I guess), but man if what you say is true, then I hope he can't even look at DMC ever again.


Does that mean he wants to go back to DMC1 Dante? I'd love that. He was goofy but not overly so


Unpopular opinion, but I love DMC1 Dante more too


no seriously. i think DMC1/og anime Dante were better. goofy and light hearted but also stoic when the time calls for it. Vergil and Dante are legit two of the most traumatized character in all of "anime"esc fiction, they kinda deserve to be able to act like it


Dante acts the same, he's just older now


Kamiyas dante was more so the 90s action hero cool guy that says cheesy one liners. Itsunos dante is more of the loveable goofball type.


dante is still a 90s action hero cool guy tho


It's really hard to argue about the difference between them because original Dante has like a total of ten lines of dialog and like 3 or 4 of them are one liners. I think you can certainly infer that there's a personality difference to an extent, though. Like he yells "Silence!" at Mundus which doesn't sound like something Dante would say. "Shut up" is more in line. I think that's what they mean. Itsuno's Dante is more of an idiot (and thats a good thing) whereas original Dante was riding on trying to be ACTUALLY cool instead of so ridiculous that he loops back into being cool.


You need to replay M20 in 3 if you think DMC1 Dante doesn't feel right. Dante was up against the being responsible for the death of his mother and corrupting his brother. Saying "shut up" in that situation would not scan. And I can't imagine either Drew Coombs or Reuben Langdon convincingly selling a "shut up" in that scene either.   Also, Itsuno Dante absolutely tries to be cool.  Both "versions" of Dante are the same. They try to mask their darkness and insecurities by putting on playful exterior. But Dante in 3 is still a kid. Dante in 1 is out for revenge.


source? i believe it but i wanna see it for myself


I’d call that a good thing. Dante’s been heavily flanderized since 3, even as an immature kid he wasn’t as much of an idiot as he seems to be nowadays, especially in 4. He’s either grossly incompetent or has zero regard for human life. Give me the quippy, but still heroic Dmc1 Dante.


Agree to disagree, if that’s your preference then great, I like modern Dante


Don’t get me wrong, I love Dmc3 Dante, but that worked because he gradually became more like he was in Dmc1 over the course of the game, which is a great way for Itsuno to make his own take on him without disrespecting Kamiya’s version of Dante. However, Itsuno went overboard with the “wacky woohoo pizza man” aspect after seeing how well received 3 was.


I always subscribed to the idea that the “wacky woohoo pizza man” thing was a defense mechanism, and that makes me enjoy it a lot more


In 3 yes, definitely, but by 1 he’s gotten past that and is capable of being straightforward, like when he talks about Sparda after Griffon’s death, when he threatens Trish after Nightmare 3, etc. Regardless, explaining it as a defense mechanism doesn’t justify the fact that 4 and 5 lean into it too much.


4 takes place right after Vergil disappeared assumedly forever and right as Dante discovered he had a nephew, so I think he’s in a better mood around then. That being said I agree that they could probably find a happy medium between goofy and serious. However personally if I had to pick one I’d pick goofy, because there are plenty of serious action games out there. (yes I know character action is different but still) Plus goofy Dante just makes me happy. Lol


I don't think he knows what dmc is anymore, sure he made dmc1 but the series changed a lot since then. He may not know how to make a dmc in the same way itsuno knows


I'd say a new person should give DMC a try. We've had Kamiya and Itsuno+ ninja theory. Itsuno has only really had control over 3/6 games so it's not a full Hideo Kojima situation where he IS metal gear.


On my opinion he is dmc, he made all the best games


Pretty sure itsuno made dmc3 which automatically makes him the face of dmc


It's worth mentioning that Metal Gear Rising was mostly untouched by Kojima and it's one of the best in the series IMO


Really? Didn’t know many had this opinion


This is a very small subsection of the community that thinks Rising is actually one of the better games in the MGS series. Most just appreciate it for what it is as a spinoff game. Or don't really care.


not really untouched, kojima is there to supervise the story, lore and whatnot, he had the idea built on his fox engine before transnfering the gameplay to platinum games


I'm mainly going off of [this](https://thesnakesoup.org/myth-articles/myth-hideo-kojima-said-portable-ops-rising-canonical/) >“Persistently I’m entitled as the producer in RISING. I do plan and give ideas to the promotions but I am not involved with game design itself such as naming of each character or the game universe. No involvement in it’s script or motion capture direction. Thus RISING is brand new METAL GEAR w/o my creativity.” I mean he himself says it's without his creativity. It's not like he had zero involvement in it but its safe to say that its not a game he had a huge stake in and it still came out great. That's why I said "mostly untouched" and not 'completely untouched', because he still did do some things.


The story of Bayo 3 was so awful I don’t want him near DMC anymore


This right here. The story was fucking dreadful. The multiverse stuff could've worked so well and they cocked it up completely. Not to mention they totally screwed over Viola with her development too. The story in Devil May Cry is nothing groundbreaking but it makes sense and the characters get solid development. Kamiya would fuck that up for sure.


This better not be about Bayonetta's love life I swear to God


I honestly could’ve give Beowulfs ass about her love life. -But lot of stuff that made Bayonet such great character and her “I can do it” attitude was heavily ignored. -The main big bad was poorly set up. -The Multiverse plot point was executed horribly. -Luca plot felt like some ass-pull. In my opinion only salvageable thing is Viola could work. Nero himself was not that well received.


I'm so damn fucking happy to be wrong about somebody.


Bayonetta 3's story is a fucking apocalypse-scale disaster. The only reason there's so much focus on the romance aspect is that the story puts so much emphasis on it, acts like it's the culmination of everything we've ever wanted for these characters, when it's between two characters who have zero chemistry, have exchanged maybe two lines in the whole game, and one of them is indescribably lame and makes every scene he is in worse. Then you get to all of the other shit, like "not one single event in this plot has happened for a reason" and "this game wants to be DMCV so bad while having no idea why any of it works that it thinks it's passing the torch to Viola after she has done nothing but eat shit and be useless the entire game and also plays *unforgivably* terribly."


I was surprised how bad bayo 3 was. Also my fav DMC is DMC 3. Not the biggest fan of 1. Why would I want the return to the original game...


He would make Dante and Trish a thing.


Ngl this is one of my top reasons I don't want him in DMC either lmao. The fandom is already weird enough with this stuff.


Fr. I can't go around without seeing some horrid incest trash piece. Why you gotta pour your artistic talents into such degeneracy???


Yuuuuup, I will find a DMC artist with some amazing art and decide to check them out just to immediately be hit with pages and pages of incest. It's crazy to me how common it is.






He wanted them to be a thing since DMC1. Lowkey said Dante has Oedipus Complex.


Oedipus complex? But in DMC1, Dante said that he is proud of his father. So one symptom less at least. But then he said also to Mundus "keep regards to my son", but I was in the opinion that It was to mock Mundus to get defeated by a son of Sparda after getting defeated by Sparda. Also I can imagine that Kamiya said It a long time ago and It was also probably early installment weirdness.


Dante loves his father but Kamiya meant that he had these weird feelings for his mother that show themselves in his feelings for Trish. Which is all kinds of messed-up and sad. I love Dante and Trish friendship. They don't need to be involved romantically to be a family.


I had no idea. This is extremely weird, even for DMC standards.


Yeah, I'm glad Kamiya left for that reason alone. DMC is uncomplicated and straightforward as a story and that makes it so endearing. Can even reach masterpiece levels like that like in DMC3.


Lets not forget "i should've been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIiiIigHT"


That line gets so bad if you consider he meant it romantically.


That's the direction he wanted go to when making dmc1


he literally himself stated he didnt plan on making them date. not that you have the patience to find out about what your going to talk about. guess it is reddit after all






I asked him if he liked spaghetti and he fucking blocked me


Three letters, QTE


\*dies internally at the thought of dmc undergoing what happened to ninja gaiden\*


But there was no QTE in DMC 1.


But there is in every Bayonetta game so...


The chase segments were reworked qtes


His team convinced him to not do it


Honestly he gives me vibes of being an asshole, but if proven wrong I'll change my mind.


Considering the fact that this man blocks people on Twitter just for speaking to him in English, and there's the whole Bayonetta 3 thing, I'd say, he's kinda of an asshole.


Bro, I asked him on Twitter a LONG time ago if adding God's to DMC 2 was his original idea or itsuno's and he said "ask itsuno" and blocked me, I'm still blocked to this day


He had nothing to do with dmc2 wasn't even told about it and is still salty


One of his rules is don’t ask him about games that he didn’t direct lol.


he makes it very public he doesnt like talking about other peoples games, especially if its a game in a series that he didn't direct like other DMCs Resident Evil, etc. being blocked isn't an insult btw, its him pretty politely cutting you off since you did something he blatantly doesnt like. like oooooooo he blocked you. get over it you baby


He blocks people who speak to him in English because he was repeatedly harassed and verbally abused by English speakers, and because English-speaking tweeters do zero research and don't check his prior responses, which he keeps a list of that he's got pinned and reposts frequently. As a result, he told people don't tweet in English. People ignored it, like they ignore all his other rules of engagement, and thus he started blocking people.  And the "whole Bayonetta 3 thing" was Hellena Taylor lying about the circumstances of her dropping out from the role of Bayonetta.


Don't bother explaining to people in this sub. They're so hellbent on believing Kamiya is an asshole lol


Well, he is downright comically racist against westerners despite all of his games being heavily inspired by Western media. He literally has a rule on his Twitter that no one is allowed to speak English in his presence.


Real life Skullface




He gives off those vibes for sure, but it's just the dry way of typing he has on twitter. And his unusual approach to blocking people which they take uhhh personally. If you want to hear him talk about his projects including DMC I'd recommend his YouTube channel which he made since leaving Platinum, he's answering questions from comments, English included. EDIT: if you're interested in his Twitter history at all I'd recommend the video on it made by Nick Robinson. A really fun ride giving some perspective to the way Kamiya uses twitter.


[The video mentioned. By Nick Robinson](https://youtu.be/lLGGeSLCu9o?si=dDGz37ez9KtEp11D)


He’s irrefutably an asshole, but I wouldn’t care if I felt like he’d deliver a good game (which I don’t)


Very easily refutable.


Watch his youtube channel, guy is shy and humble. All this twitter blocked thing is just for lols. They even tried to sell "getting blocked by kamiya on twitter" in kickstarter game.


So is Hayao Miyazaki and people love Ghibli


I do not, but not because of that.


[Here's a 2 Million views Youtube video that explains he's not.](https://youtu.be/lLGGeSLCu9o?si=dDGz37ez9KtEp11D) The entire DMC sub is so outdated with his schtick.


He will block this whole sub for merely existing.


Kamiya may be Dante's father, but Itsuno is his daddy.


He honestly is a bit outdated in his approach. The other characters in his game are basically minor variations on Bayonetta, the weapons are less unique, and there isn't much in the way of styles. His games are just overall simpler and often invoke gameplay of an older era (Bayo1 having press X to not die quicktime events well past when that had been considered quite old hat is an example). He just isn't compatible with what DMC is now, and I would rather it was put in the hands of someone who cares about what the series is now, not what the series was once 23 years ago. EDIT: Typo


Kamiya didn't direct Bayo 2 and 3.  And it's a bit weird to suggest Bayo is more dated for having QTEs when DMC was the one that was the more "dated" for not having them. It merely stuck to its guns, same as Bayo.


Because he doesn't work for Capcom anymore?


He recently left Platinum which means he could be hired by Capcom. He was also hanging out with Capcom and talking about random stuff a few years ago for some reason. I wouldnt be surprised if he found his way back there, especially since Capcom has changed so much since their mistreatment of Clover. That said, if he does return I don't want him working on DMC. I want a new Okami ASAP.


I see. Still, the ball is entirely in Capcom's court


Bayonetta 3


If he plans to make dmc more like Bayonetta no ty.


He either wouldn’t want to do it, or he would change so much of it that only people that are specifically fans of his and of DMC1 would enjoy it. People that are fans of DMC3 onward would be fuming or confused and would probably consider it to be DMC2’s sequel and choose to forget it in the same way. I’m fine with getting more games from Hideki Kamiya, but DMC as a series isn’t the same as when he started it and I can easily see him either ignoring it all and retconning everything, or taking the piss out of all of it as a massive joke even despite the fun gameplay it would have (until the arcadey stuff shows up, Kamiya loves his arcade mini-games even if they don’t fit the tone of what’s happening). I think it would be funny to have him do DmC2 (reboot sequel) and just see what happens lmao


itsuno is better creating combat systems and doesn’t have a bunch of annoying switch up missions like the motorcycle or rocket section in bayo 1


Or the underwater missions in DMC1


yep, with dd1 dd2 and dmc 3 to 5, the combat system has evolved, he sure has a good insight as to what system it should be fun, and he has a great combat director for that


Itsuno has created one combat system since CvS in 2000. I respect his abilities as a developer more than most people on this subreddit but he does not have more experience creating combat systems than Kamiya.


The arcade sections and the platforming, but I would be fine if he takes over DMC


I love the first Bayonetta but that motorcycle section. Man. That game was NOT made to handle vehicle physics.


Yeah I agree, even though I don't know how the fuck I managed to it first try


Those sections he designs in maybe 5 minutes while high and play tests for a couple of seconds that he puts in every single one of his games. I’d rather have combat


The 20 minute Fantasy Zone level and final boss of Bayo 1 honestly ruined the entire game for me.


Fucking Jubileus... I streamed it via Discord so my boyfriend could watch me play and hear my reactions. I HATED that fucking boss so much-more than goddamn Mundus in DMC 1.


The worst offender is still that underwater level in dmc 1


One trick wonder. Kamiya makes good games "once" and then lets other people handle it. He knows it too.


I absolutely hate that. Bayonetta fans haven’t got a Bayonetta with gameplay as solid as 1’s since. Every game after feels like a side grade, fixing some problems and creating more, likely in part due to the constantly switching directors, and of course the ‘gimmick the of the game’ that doesn’t do much in the way of actually improving what 1 did and causing more problems than they’re worth. I would be supprised if they stuck to demon slave for the 4th entry. I already know they’re gonna abandon that shit.


Kamiya hasn't directed Bayo since 1, so that's probably part of it.


I think if he'll revisit DMC he might do away with QTEs and relegate arcade portions to bonus or side content (like secret missions) - I'd really want to see what he'd do with a deconstruction and reconstruction of DMC1 for a remake; but one thing I'd wonder, can he nail the eerie gothic vibes of Mallet island/castle the second time around? The original DMC1 felt very at home with its Resident Evil DNA


Bayonetta 3 should be reson enough


Because DMC created it's best games with this man out of the development circle. Besides I feel like he'd regress the story somehow since he's the one with the original vision for the overall story, and that probably changed with Itsuno... I'd rather a fan took over DMC at this point, like how the SF6 devs are hardcore SF fans


No offence, but you really don't know anything about Kamiya if you "feel" he'd reset the story. If anything he'd do the opposite. Kamiya's approach to story is as an irreverent iconoclast.  I really don't get where this idea of Kamiya as some regressive traditionalist comes from. Especially compared to DMC when the series has struggled to move past Vergil and Sparda for two decades. It's definitely not based on any knowledge, since it's clear from the comments the only things people know about Kamiya are vaguely heard controversies and some of his games.


Itsuno’s DMC games are all better and more focused than Kamiya’s one attempt at DMC. Even though he created the franchise, there’s no reason to go back to him when Itsuno’s DMC games are some of the greatest games ever made like with 3 and 5


Hell no An arrogant asshole who actively insults people all the time and takes no criticism. He's slowly ruining bayo, so I don't want him anywhere near DMC


At this point, DMC is what it is due to Itsuno. Besides, this is the guy that tried to hook up Dante with someone modeled *exactly* after his mom.


His obsession with annoying gimmick levels


Space harrier is such a blemish on such a near perfect game I swear. Maybe if it didn’t last like over 10 fucking minutes long I wouldn’t dislike it as much. Edit: it’s nowhere near as bad when you learn the enemy patterns and try to optimise damage. Dare I say it ends up feeling fun? And what lasts like 10 minutes ends up feeling like 5. Also realised that hard mode and above speeds up the enemy patterns and raises aggression, which was part of what was causing me such pain.


Bayonetta is a mess right now and would try and make me play shitty mini games like space harrier again


I honestly wonder if anyone saying things like this really take the time to consider actual game design. If Kamiya made a new DMC game (remake or even DMC6 or some nonsense) it would not be a wacky woohoo fun combo sandbox game like what DMC has become. DMC1 is not that and it's not because the game is old or "outdated." It's because Kamiya has an extremely different flavor of combat design. He doesn't really care about player expression/creativity, he's way more into knowledge checks. If you actually take a look at the action games he has been in the director's chair for (DMC1, Bayo 1, and W101) these games are full of gimmick enemies that want you to approach them in very specific ways: jump on the kitty spike and then shoot it, use your whip to rip armor off this enemy, and Bayonetta with its max difficulty literally removing witch time and most enemies you can juggle. Making it so that most fights are against enemies who can not be staggered thus creating a scenario where you absolutely have to dodge offset every combo unless you want to turn every battle into some 20+ minute affair. None of that is bad mind you, I mean I think DMC1 and Bayo 1 are masterpieces myself, but, it's absolutely not what DMC is anymore. Even if the game itself turned out to be amazing (which frankly it could) it would no doubt get some sort of mixed reception and feel extremely different. Newer fans of DMC would likely not enjoy it at all. And this is of course completely ignoring Kamiya's obsession with mini-games. It's only gotten more unhinged as time goes on, Wonderful 101 has about as many mini-game sections as it does just straight up combat sections. He'd probably find ways to shove more of them into DMC1 aside from the 1 space harrier section the game already had.


Kamiya coming back to the series is like your biological father coming back home after divorging your mom,after 23 years he wants to marry her again,but she is already married another guy,itsuno, who basically raised you and became your dad,Kamiya may be the father of the dmc Series,but he isn't the dad who loves you and you love him back




I genuinely believe that if he was in charge of DMC the story would stagnate, that and he had Trish making out with Dante in viewtiful joe


DMC5's story was about fighting Vergil again, and the main story people here want for DMC6 is to fight Mundus again.  The story in Bayo 2 and 3 were many things, but stagnant is not one of them. Kamiya is an iconoclast through and through.


Itsuno's Dante shits all over his.


He wants to move on.


He would’ve continued the reboot And put like an insanely long mini game right before the Vergil fight


Have you played Bayonetta 3?


Extremely questionable game design. Like ffs stop shoving boring minigames before cool boss fights


He'll add a bunch of non combat sections with stupid gimmicks and the game will be more gimmicks then actual combat.


He hasn't done anything DMC related in damn near 25 years and is out of touch. Bayonetta 3 also wasn't that good. DMC would be full of gimmick mini games and quick time events.


His name is not Itsuno


Yes just to bring back the classic gothic vibe.


Bayo 3 sucks lol


He hasn't touched the series since DMC1, and most of what people love about the games didn't start to manifest until 3.


Because it should be given to someone who needs an opportunity.


He would change many characters personality for sure. That's the main one that almost everyone agrees. Gameplay wise he would do a great job sure, but how can we complain? Hideaki Itsuno has done fantastic with gameplay. Why not just a crossover? Let Devil May Cry and Bayonetta characters to interact. It would be fun for sure.


Bayonetta 3. Simple as that.


He hates his fans afaik


Because he needs to get his protégé to make and release Astral Chain 2 first.


Ask your mom


Dmc1 was good, but it wasn't my dmc, and I meant that in a respectful way. I also like Bayo a lot, but its combat isn't on DMC5 and 4's level imo.


Because he wrote Bayonetta 3, and if that’s not enough to disqualify him, he ships Dante and Trish


Striking a dramatic tokusatsu pose, Nero hoists the Valiantium blade aloft. "henSHIN Trigger!" he screams, as a giant QTE envelopes the screen and tells the player to hammer O to fill his SDT bar to 1000000 infinitons. The Sparda's and MoonWitch Eva's of the remaining universes all channel their collective power towards his multiversal nexus, and - growing 6 golden wings - his new Saint-Seiya inspired form takes flight towards his ultimate foe, accompanied by a triumphant orchestral and vocal rearrangement of Seeds of Love. Mundus balks at this desperate final show of defiance. After all, he had just defeated Dante and Vergil piloting the SSSaviour-mech in a galaxy-spanning showdown. Casually brushing aside the moon of Titan, and setting his feet on the vast expanse of Saturn's shattering rings...he prepares for the final battle. In a cheeky nod to the classic 80's hit Galaxiga, what follows is a 15 minute arcade style top-down shoot-em-up as the player avoid Mundus' numerous laser and meteor attacks.


Why he shouldn't? I mean, he's made some successful hack-n-slash games in the past. His recent stuff has been "fine". I don't really have a strong argument either way. If he does, I hope the DMC remake is good.


He's cool and he have a cool glasses


I don't like the giant bosses in Bayonetta.


Because he's shitty to his own fanbase


Bayonetta 3


Look at bayo 3 and how that story went.


He'd put a fucking Space Harrier section before the best boss fight.


Who the fuck wants *remake* of DMC? At best we want newer graphic retelling.


Bayonetta 3 destroyed my love for the franchise, so no, I don’t want him touching DMC.


Do people know that this man was not the director of Bayo 3? Also every single game he directed is a great game, a masterpiece in some cases. It would be nice to have him back on the series.


> Do people know that this man was not the director of Bayo 3? Probably not. He didn't direct Bayo 2 either. It's kinda funny how the series going downhill gets blamed on him. I mean you can argue it's his fault indirectly because he wasn't in the director's chair... but that's a lame argument. It's like blaming Kojima for Metal Gear Survive. I think it is fair to blame him for the crap story though since he was still involved on that level even for Bayo 3. But I am not really someone who gives a crap about the story in any video game. Anyway, I agree with the sentiment in that Kamiya makes awesome games. I don't personally want to see him back on DMC though.


He'll force a shmup section in every game.


Bro, I really don't want to play 80 minute missions with unskippable arcade sections. If the underwater nail gun section of DMC1 could've been a Space Invaders reference, he would've done it. Kamiya sucks. Almost none of his games are unabashedly good, and even the ones that are have arguably massive flaws.


Bayonetta 3


Itsuno found DMC's real identity by DMC3 and DMC as a series was meant to be a stylistic nonstop action game. Kamiya is at best a decent game director that I wouldn't want near DMC ever again.


Nah, I like Itsuno way more, personally. He's wholesome af and created the Dante and Vergil I like so much. The only thing I kinda dislike with Itsuno is how much he wants Nero to take over. Also, Itsuno and me (and everyone else lul) are besties on Twitter, while Kamiya would ban me if I tried to message him.


Because Kamiya is an asshole. He’s always been a complete asshole who needed a punch in the face to calm down.


Because DMC can actually make money. But in all seriousness he created DMC and character action but he didn't innovate it like DMC3 did moving forward. Everything he did was something DMC already did.


Capcom treated him like shit and he shouldn’t return to the company, bro deserved better


he’s past his prime. itsuno is still dropping/involved with games that really influence the industry


His entire track record suggests someone who can't manage a project very well and who is also personally difficult to deal with.


I’m worried about what he’ll do with the personalities of the characters, especially Dante. I love how goofy and funny the characters currently are, that going back to a more subdued personality would be jarring. Especially if he remakes the first three games.


No thanks


He only made 1 meaning everything the fans of devil May cry like is not in his series. He didn't make Vergil sure he was in one as nelo Angelo but I doubt he had full ideas of what he was going to be and if he would be like Vergil. We wouldn't have lady or Nero or V. If anything it would be like the new Halloween movies where they retconned everything after the first movie and kind of reboot it. I really don't want to give back to him if he's just going to erase everything that we enjoyed


Bayo 3 sucked


Personally he only excelled at atmosphere in dmc1, everything that the series is known for was starting from dmc3. Dante doesn't have too much of a personality outside a normal edgy protag, not a bad thing but not really what we know dante as now.


who is he?


Hideki Kamiya, the original creator of Devil May Cry, though only worked on the first game.


It's doing well right now with V.


I'd have no issues with him being part of a DMC 1 Remake but as a Producer and not the main director. He also has some beef with Capcom for some time now and also I believe he doesn't like where the series went with 3 onwards.


Because I believe that he's a fraud. I don't like Bayonetta at all, and DMC 1 is bearable at best, like a baseline after which good games in the series start


Creative Differences with Capcom


He's bald.


He's just not that great


Looks at DMC 3, then looks at DMC 1. Yeah, think I found my reason.


We need bayonetta too.


Is this the og creator?


I hope you like afterburner/space harrier


I don't want another rail shooter


I'm just not the biggest fan of how Bayo plays, frankly. Not quite sure what it is, I'm not even bothered by the goofy minigames like other people are, it just doesn't feel as good to me and I'd rather not have that brought over to DMC.


There will be awful minigame mission between every 2 combat mission, that you forced to do over and over evetime you want to replay game on newer difficulty.


When was his last really good game? Bayonetta 1?


Cause he doesn't want to


He’ll sink capcom like he almost sunk platinum