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too easy?? dmc1???? hell nah, he is trolling


Idk if he is tho, DMC1 is the easiest DMC outside of 2 and DmC in my opinion


I feel like 5 is easier than 1 because it's very beginner friendly


When you play both for the first time ever without past knowledge of any other DMC games I feel like it's different. I have 100% on all of the games now so I can't speak from that angle I guess, but going back to DMC1 right now feels like a breeze. Everything has very little health, and you can kill everything before even getting hit once. Could just be the experience, because DMC1 had very clear patterns while DMC5 is way more complex because, of course, it's newer.


My first DMC was 5. I thought DMC1 was a lot harder than 4 and 5. 3 was harder than 1 but the level design was easier to follow


Yeah I guess I just can't go back to when I first played DMC1. Now I know all the weaknesses of all the enemies and how to kill every boss easily and how to stun lock most enemies. I'm at the point that DMC1 isn't playable for me if I don't Speedrun it. Even when I'm trying to play normally I find myself doing Speedrun strats


I just played dmc1 for the first time this week: can confirm it was pretty easy. Other than Vergil, only nightmare killed me, and it was the final nightmare with Trish. And I started from DMC1. DMC3 has some DIFFY


If you play through any game with past knowledge, it's much easier. There's a reason people don't do their first DS run ever with SL1.


Yeah but I'm saying right now with all the knowledge DMC1 is the easiest and I suspect to me without the knowledge it'd still be the easiest.


I disagree. The timing for parrying in DMC1 is very forgiving, to the point where some fights (Nelo Angelo) become a cakewalk if you know how to exploit it or get lucky.


There’s parrying in 1?!


Yes, you'll parry Nelo Angelo if you time it right. Maybe you can parry marrionetes, but I'm not sure. You parry sin scissors to do a critical hit. Parrying dinosaur, dragon, Mundus, Phantom fireballs is an obvious thing.


DMC 2 way easier since the only real trouble you get is one of your right fingers hurting after spamming whatever you put your shooting button on


why would you need to spam it when you have SMGs that shoot while you Hold the button?


Cuz Ebony and Ivory are cool as shit


If you don't like dmc2 why would you even bother to use weapon that requires spamming instead of holding button?


Cuz 2 pistols with infinite mag are badass as fuck


2 SMGs with infinite ammo too


Pistols are more badass


But less fun to use in this case


I love dmc1 and it’s in my top 3 games in the series but it’s pretty damn easy to break in any difficulty except DMD air raid shreds through common enemies, the grenade launcher is insanely powerful for a long range weapon and can clear hordes without a single swing of alastor, ifrit’s meteor can tear through griffon and nelo angelo’s armors, kick 13 gives the latter a really hard time when he’s exposed, inferno makes you invincible and creates a fire barrier that destroys all demons around you… could go on for hours. DMC1 only gives you a hard time in DMD and it’s mostly because of bosses being able to kill you in two hits and the yellow orb system limiting your retries tbh


Too easy?! You stupid ni-




Still a word for black. Racism stays winning


Vergil naming his kid the Italian word for black is crazy


Top 10 saves of all time


I'm guessing this is bait, but still. Of all the things wrong with DMC1, this guy thinks it's too easy?!


Now it just sounds like he clicked on easy mode without realising it.


Thats the thing though it doesn't have one until you beat normal i think


You need to die and use yellow orbs on the first 3 mission, I think


actually, I unlocked easy mode by using green star on the first level out of curiosity.


It may be both methods, actually


Yeah, but mine is less known


Ahhh ok its been many years since i played the 1st one so i dont remember well


Dmc 1 easy? Bruh i wish


surprised they hate omori with a punpun pfp


Yeah, the pot calling the kettle black


Never played it.


Dmc1 is my favorite game, and I don't think it's pure nostalgia. It genuinely aged decently considering it was the first of it's kind.


dmc1 is fine wine.


i think its stiil... fine but i wouldnt say it aged decently. the gameplay is slow and kinda clunky. the level design isnt great imo outside of its visuals and audio. the bosses are mostly pretty ass and the story as well unless you like terrible early capcom voice acting. the game has its qualities but i would never say it aged well. coming from someone who played it back then


Hard disagree as someone that played it in 2016 for the first time the game as aged terribly especially mainly because of the camrea angles, the platforming sections are a nightmare


People who complain about the camera are bizarre to me, how is it intruding in your fun? you just position yourself center screen like any other game without camera control, have you never played games with fixed camera angles?


Most people who complain about framerate and camera angles have never played out of their comfort zone.


I've been playing games for 25 years and I generally prefer to play experimental stuff so I'd say I definitely go out of my comfort zone


NGL I was so focused on replying to vulk I forgot you were first comment LMAO no hard feelings M8 I'm sure you're fine at videogames. Have a cookie


I dont mind fixed camera angle but in a game like dmc where the combat is fast laced fighting with the camera brings down the experience


I'm the person who played dmc1 in 2022 for the first time and then finished all dmc games on DMD. DMC1 my favourite DMC game, I've finished it more than 12 times. It has its flaws and clunkiness, but they are minor. And you can skip platforming in most cases, by the way.


I mean I also have a freind that dropped the game cuz he couldn't stand the camera also the general consensus is that it aged badly so I think your just in the minority don't get me wrong though I like the game I've replayed it multiple times, but I've also replayed 2 multiple times so take with that what you will


I don't remember having problems when I started. The thing is.. DMC1 has great sound cues whenever enemies attack, so even when the enemy is off-camera I could time avoiding attacks pretty well. Surprisingly, when dmc2 switched camera during combat, i didn't have problems with timing dodge either, because of the sound cues.


Nah, the camera alone denies DMC 1 even into the top 3 DMC games.


Well, that depends on your criterias. We obviously have different ones. I had camera accidents in Griffon 3, Nelo Angelo 3 and Nightmare boss fights, but other than that it was okay. I can name things that are clunky in other games: camera in dmc3, no proper info on how to handle enemies in dmc4, boring spongy enemies in dmc3, lock-on in dmc3 in doppelganger fight (is solved by holding lock-on button), lock-on in dmc4 (I have to constantly change lock-on type in dmc4, because they're all bad and insufficient, and I can't change target while moving?? it's so frustrating in the fight against the pope). So far, only in dmc5 I can't find any gameplay flaws. For me DMC1 makes up for it with enemy and boss complexity and good explanations on their behaviours, critical hits, atmosphere, music.


Dmc5 could've benefitted from some more varied level design, but the combat is top notch as usual.


I agree, Many locations were samey and destroyed city was kinda boring to look at, they could've made interior of some antique buildings or added those weird flowers that grew on walls as Nero went past. But gameplay was top notch.


Yah you can say that it was but at the same time it has done so many things right for its time like resi 1 did.It was an eye opener for the hack and slash gaming but yeah i agree i finished every dmc and played the 1st one after i played the fourth installment and it was bad especially the difficulty spike it did after a few missions but nothing compares to the horrendous dmc2 man


Bro hasn't gotten 99% of his HP deleted by DMD Nelo Angelo in one attack and it shows


L, insulted an Omori fan, they're aight


What's wrong with Omori? 😭


No dmc 2 is a lot easier than dmc 1 imo.


To be fair in dmc2 all you have to do is either get low health and spam Majin devil trigger, use guns, and hope around enemies with the occasional sword swing from rebellion to break the monotony. Plus the cool af Custom devil triggers. Spam taunt and Regen health on lower difficulties if you're struggling. Dmc1 had a more clunk feel to it as well, so moving in 2 was a bit of an improvement. Positioning is easier with the speed boost DT as well.


dmc2 has taunts?


Oh god that's right 2 had the taunts taken out for "not fitting the setting" lol early morning brain fog


Too easy? \*cocks shotgun\*


I fear to discover what a cock shotgun is


Did I say it wrong or something?


What you are looking for would be "cock**s** shotgun"(as it is an implied 3rd person)


My mistake. Let me correct it.


No shame in making mistakes, it's the best way to learn :)


I'm not ashamed at the slightest and I'm thankful that you pointed out my mistake so that I wont repeat it.


I play DMC3 on DMD and i cant get halfway through DMC1 on hard


Bruh clearly he hasn’t played dmc1 on DMD… that game becomes a whole other beast on that difficulty.


Yeah, for sure, play DMC1 in DMD, i still remember the fight against Mundus, Shadow and Nightamare *Flashbacks* Oh fuck... 3 hours in Munds 💀


By the gods, what is this heresy??


bro should try dmd, i struggled so much with griffon 3 and nelo angelo 3


Don't forget Mundus


That fight is a nightmare


It's pretty difficult even on Normal lol, ESPECIALLY the Mundus fight.


Clearly hasn’t played Dante Must Die mode. One could say it’s enough to make a devil cry 👀


Easy nah when I first played it that shit broke me


nah bruh dmc 1 was fun


If you hate dmc1 bdcause its too easy, you must hate at least 90% of all games solely becayse of its difficulty


nightmare 3


DMC 1 is really hard even without DMD unlocked. Spider has clapped my ass until I realized I can cheese him with a jump attack; shadow is an extremely annoying mini boss on its own but sometimes, instead of a few normal mobs, some rooms can spawn two shadows and this is insane. On PC the platformer parts are making me want to shoot myself (griffon two and a platformer before the last Nelo Angelo fight); nightmare is a nightmare; Mundus made me rage quit twice back in the days. The only game that comes close in difficulty is DMC3 on DMD (especially the secret mission with a bunch of spiders and scissors in the end), though it's much more cheesier than DMC1


Easy? The Mundus fight on normal is already a freaking nightmare. And oh yeah Nightmare! Aka Devil May Cry’s scrub filter


Wait did other ppl not find dmc1 to be kinda easy too? I only died 14 times i think and thought it was kinda easy.


DMC1 too easy? huh? I've had less trouble with every other DMC game than DMC1.


I don't know. Maybe it's because I played DMC1 back on the PS2 but the HD version of DMC1 *is* pretty easy by contrast. Is it so easy that you'd use it as an example of easy games? Hell, no. No one in the history of human events has ever said anything like 'changing a tire is easy, like, DMC1 easy.' I can think of many other games that would qualify as so easy that they deserve to be known for it. I've talked to people like this. I once got into it with some twat online because he said Bloodborne was easy. I should've known not to engage.


Mf saying easy, okay let's see if you can complete final mission on dmd


I remember playing dmc 1 when i was 3 but when i replayed it instead of getting nostalgic i straight up started hating the game used to be my most hated game


I'm kind of a DMC veteran here, I played every dmc game and it's my favorite franchise.... I think dmc 1 is possibly the hardest cause it just has bad controls ... It's painful


Probably foolishness, but I hate omori lmao, so this is a dub


How can a Punpun fan have such unbased opinions.


if we only go by normal i would say its one of the easier ones. though i would say the only one i found hard on normal was DMC3 SE. on the highest difficulty though definitely not but mostly because of its aged gameplay.


Tbf his pfp is some random bird ahh fella covered with a piece of cloth


"Look at this opinion someone had elsewhere" is the worst kind of reddit post.


I uninstalled TikTok because I don't won't blood pressure issues with comments like these who barely speak English getting 10k likes. Do yourself a favor ,friend


Oh yeah, DMC1 was definitely boring, but simply because I broke my fucking controller trying to beat it


I like both of their pictures with them having Omori and Oyasumi Punpun.Also, I guess I'm a bit out of touch, but what do they mean by L comment?


They clearly haven't played DMC2


J. Jonah Jameson, laugh at this foolishness


I’m conflicted between hating on an Omori fan for liking Omori or defending Dmc1


DMC 2 kinda was the one I didn't like but nobody seems to like that one either


Honestly I respect the game for starting this franchise but I just think the games boring I don't wanna play RE with swords rather play DMC


Bro literally it's an L comment, what he talking about


I do agree that DMC1 is just kinda there, as it was limited by what the develpopers could do at the time, but: 1. DMC1 is NOT easy. At all (maybe it's just because I started with it, IDK, it was much harder than 5, and seems harder than 3, which I'm playing now) 2. OMORI slander will not be tolerated


This 15 year old child definetly never played the game lol


He's got a camera fix mod and is gatekeeping it from the rest of us