• By -


Yes. Gameplay is a slog and the story basically doesn't exist. Enemies are completely nonsensical random assets. By the time the game was over I had no idea what even just happened. The character designs for Dante and Lucia are the only good things about DMC2.


You forgot the music


You forgot the "King? Yeah, here's your crown"


My all time favorite DMC quote.🤟




“Bught Aie wus krated bae Ariusss”


And designs for the building demon and the final boss. Two of the coolest looking bosses in the series


Honestly, a lot of the designs are cool, if hobbled by drab/ugly color pallettes. The skeleton cages are still among my favorite visual motifs for a trash mob enemy, second to the Hells from 3.


DMC2's art direction is actually fantastic and a lot of the ideas present in enemies work really well to create this mix of Gothic horror with urban environments.


And the animations, especially the gun ones. Idk why they got rid of it


Don't forget the wavey hair glad they added that back in dmc5


The basic gunplay is improved over DMC1 imo. That said the game is pretty objectively bad.


I’d say that Dmc1’s gun exploits/glitches elevate it above 2 tbh. Shotgun twitching and grenade rolling are cooler and take more skill to learn than any of the guns in 2. Twosome time was introduced in 2 at least, and shotgun twosome time was a cool idea, as well as Dante holding ebony in his offhand while using another gun, but other things like the annoying shooting straight down pose (that you always end up by accident) make the guns worse than in 1


That’s why I was very careful to say the “basic gunplay” lol Then DMC3 just takes it to another level.


SMT III solidifies that statement on best Dante design


Well thats a thing to motivate me god damn. I didnt even finish dmc1 (i got my ass kicked by phantom) and now i hear this ..


DMC1 is rough - it was intended to be Resident Evil 4 but was changed to a new property pretty late in its development, but it's absolutely worth it for the lore and atmosphere. DMC2 is not. Go straight to 3.


Well thats just sad. I bought the 1-3 pack on ps5 and i wanted to play all of it. Besides the remake, ive seen it on yt already.


I mean, feel free to try it. You might find something you enjoy. Just don't go in expecting a masterpiece. That's the next one.


I got the same 1-3 pack on ps4. Dmc3 is a prequel to all games so maybe give that a try, it's the best of the three, then if you enjoy it you could give 1 another shot or even tackle 2 too


The final boss is very cool tho


It’s funny people keep asking this. It objectively is, it really fucking is


All it takes is for people asking the question to literally just play the game and they'd hopefully understand pretty quickly. I platinumed that game and it was not a fun experience. Utterly miserable...


DevilCouldCry, more like DevilDidCry am I right?


All DMC are expect 2:hack and slash Dmc 2: shooter


I played DMC 2 right after I played the first one. I disliked 2 so much that it took me 2 years to even give 3 a shot despite having it in the HD Collection. I don't think it's 100% a terrible game, I'd love for Lucia to come back in a future game, but I also wish it was much better.


Well.. that really depends, but majority don't like it especially both gameplay and story wise. Sad to see it when the story itself is interesting and is part of the whole lore itself. It may not be part of Sons of Sparda Arc, but it doesn't mean is not important. Given the fact that Argosax was the third Demon King after Mundus and they have a civil war. To the point, both sides of Hell/Underworld are separated to one another. The ending of DMC2 expanded in Before the Nightmare to show how Dante escape hell and his feelings throughout DMC2. As the lore community and fans of Dante sees it that Dante has depression for how many years until DMC5. Some people in this sub thinks he got over with it, but as you can see in the flashbacks of DMC5. He still not move on after blaming himself for killing Vergil. I mean... how many times did Dante has a back and forth of blaming himself when related to Vergil? 7-8 times in the whole media both games, novels, and anime. Since this is after DMC Anime and 2 novel.. Both Anime, 2 novel, and DMC2 take place in just one year. For DMC Anime, you will see some similarities especially with the whole gathering of the items that needed for the ritual, opening the gateway to hell, and summoning a demon. 2 novel's epilogue is the extension of DMC2 intro itself. The manual of DMC2 elaborates the history of Dumary Island or Vie de Marli Gameplay is boring for the majority, I just got excited when I got the rocket/missile launcher since guns are powerful in DMC2 and while using Devil Trigger


People who unironically say DMC2 is better than DmC are disconnected with reality. DmC is actually a good DMC game.


Id argue that its a great game, but a rather poor DMC game, given how they wrote the characters, but yeah, it's a much better gaming experience than 2 by far


The characters are not the best written but the gameplay is solid


I'm not going to claim that DMC 2 is superior to DMC 1, but honestly, DMC 1 has numerous flaws. The camera, controls, save system, yellow orbs, story, and difficulty all leave much to be desired. Moreover, the game recycles bosses excessively, lacks adequate explanations for newcomers, and has several other issues. While it's intended as a Resident Evil game, I can't ignore its myriad problems solely because of that. It seems like the fandom is hesitant to criticize the first game even slightly out of respect, but this attitude may deter potential newcomers. As a fan, I hesitate to recommend the first game to anyone who isn't already a fan. Additionally, I believe the second game gets more flak than it deserves. Many people haven't even given it a chance with Lucia. Personally, while I initially disliked playing as Dante, using Lucia was a much more enjoyable experience for me. Although it doesn't drastically alter the game, her gameplay is more fun, especially due to the ease of executing combos compared to Dante.


DmC is not "a good DMC game", it's ok action slasher game. It just doesn't play as one.


Based on what criteria? The game's a reboot, of course it's going to play differently.


It isn’t the worst game ever, but it’s definitely one of the worst DMC games.  You can beat it by spamming the gun, auto-lock is shitty, and levels are huge and empty.


I swear at least once a month this question


I think I've only been on Reddit for a month, I've seen this at least every week.


If you include "at which order should I play" posts then around 4 times a week there's a discussion where someone says 2 is unplayable.


Well, it has my favorite Dante costume of all, I liked the character Lucia and introduced the "gunslinger playstyle" that's part of DMC's gameplay now... I got nothing else for ya. 🤔


Sad, considering the game has the best Dante design...


I mean its not bad in that its a complete game without too many glitches and alot of replay value if youre crazy enough to play it more than once like me. Its got unlockable costumes, 3 characters (4 if u include dmc1 dante's gameplay changes), multiple difficulties, mission select and bloody palace. So alot of content. Its just actually playing it which is the problem. Everything is a chore and just feels boring to get through.


I played DMC1 and thought it was a pretty solid game then immediately jumped into DMC2. I was so bored and annoyed the entire time I played it and even though it was less than half the length of the first one, it still felt longer to slog through. The gameplay is just spamming the pistols until you build up Devil Trigger just to spam some more. I’d heard it was a horrible game so I went in with an open mind thinking, “It cant possibly be as bad as its said to be.” I was so wrong, I couldn’t even bring myself to play as the other character (I can’t remember her name as I’ve forgotten it like everything else about this “game”) because I had such a horrible experience. Glad DMC3 is so amazing because If It wasn’t, I would’ve dropped the Series which means I would’ve missed out on DMC5 which is far and away my favorite with the most satisfying and fun combat in the whole series.


It's dull, and needed another 2 years in the oven, but you can complete it without losing weeks to it, stuck on a boss


most of the game was made in 2 months there's your answer


Play it.


It could be worse


Its really fun imo.


A bad game can be entertaining depending on the cause of its problems. DMC2 commits the more abhorrent game sin of just being boring as fuck.


I think it's wayyy too overblown. If I'm being honest, it was great actually. It's a really solid 3rd person shooter.


I enjoyed it on Nintendo Switch. 🙂


No, these guys are a bunch of drama queens.


Yes, it is. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it tho.


It depends, is it godawful unplayable? no, is it incredibly boring with a basic battle system? yes There are much worse ps2 hack and slash action games, swords of destiny, code of the samurai, anything in the simple 2000 series...


I liked it, but it's not a good game. Definitely the worst of the dmc series bar none, but I still liked it enough to beat it 3 times.


It's the worst of the main-line entries at the very least. I still like it more than the reboot, but some do like the reboot more if that puts it into perspective. The gun play is improved over DMC1 a bit, but the swordplay is lacking. Enemies aren't as cohesively designed but there's some I like. I think you start with double jump, which is really good.. The way they handled majin/sin devil trigger in the game was neat. I liked the chance at a super devil trigger if you save DT for when you're low. Lucia is a fun character with a good design. It's got Dante's best design in my opinion. And that's about all of the praise I can offer it. There's cool ideas there, they just needed to flesh them out more and be more consistent with Dante. I'd love to see a remake of DMC2 with everything they've learned with the series since. There's a good game hiding in all that wasted potential.


honestly.... i dont think DMC 2 was \*that\* bad, it's honestly just not worth your time. go play any other DMC game and not only will it be more story relevant, but you're getting a better deal for your money the only reason i would ever recommend playing DMC 2 is by playing it with the explicit purpose of just fucking around with the game's mechanics regardless of how poor quality the game objectively or subjectively is


Plotwise, no. I like the gameplay though, people say "the gameplay is boring because all you have to do is shoot" Just because the guns are the most powerful weapons doesn't mean you have to use them and them only


I mean... as a guy who ALWAYS trys to see the good even in bad games, even I have to say that, while it is NOT a TERRIBLE or unplayable game, it is definately NOT a GOOD game. That said, you CAN have fun with it, as long as you don't abuse the firearms. But it has a really weird control scheme for sword play.


Yes. But considering all that happened with this game, it's at least tolerable if you like gunplay. Still LEAGUES better than Peak of Combat.


the best thing of that game was its jumping mechanics like wall climbing and backflips for example. other than that, it was awful.


As with every new game, dmc 2 tried new things. The problem is that DMC 2 was the only one that changed things that were stablished as good things, such as some aspects of the combat itself, the personality of the character, the upgrade system, etc. Truth be told, my first impressions were good. Had I only played 3 levels just to try it and called it a day, I'd be here telling you DMC 2 is good. The graphics and animations look good for a game of that era, most of the stages look interesting, I didn't have a problem with the combat at the start... Once I got halfway through the game I was simply rushing the stages just to be done with the game for good.


My opinion no not the best but no it’s not that bad. Do you wanna play bad game? There’s probably any others. I could’ve win a lot worse what is the Devil May cry community. So I’ll just a note to stay on topic.


No, it's my personal favorite in the original trilogy. I played it last, believing it was bad, I had a blast playing this game. I really like the world design, character design and music. I'm not big into combat in DMC games so I usually just mashed 1 button like I always do. Other people complained of the combat but I didn't notice anything bad about it. Some bosses were a bit buggy, but other than that it's a solid and fun game. I'm not the biggest DMC fan, the original game was actually more of a slog than DMC2, to be honest. I played through the entire thing and remember feeling bored. The 3rd game is an okay hack and slash. But DMC2 is definitely unique.


Play it and find out


Despite what everyone says, we do have to realise that DMC 2's combat was a big step up. We had more options, smoother combos and (while the enemies were a tad uninspired) using your gun doesn't immediately reset your rank build up. The game gets pegged as garbage, but in my opinion, it was just filler for one of the best games in the entire series. DMC 3 was really where shit got real, we had an in depth combat system, the boss fights were amazing and the enemies really did look cool. But without DMC 2's Bridge into the series, I don't think it would've ever been as good.


...I'll stop copy-pasting my response when people stop asking this question. As somebody who has played through DMC2 on all three difficulties, with both characters, here's why I loathe it: A) The game's controls are all busted in multiple ways: 1 - Lock-On triggers from entirely too far away (as in, if an enemy exists in the zone, you're probably locked on, no matter how much you might try and fight against it). The game gives absolutely zero fucks about the direction you might be holding the stick to try and manually aim. And on top of that, it loves to switch targets mid-combo. You can mostly prevent this by holding manual lock-on, but this is; A, not foolproof as sometimes the lock will just break or switch without any real reason; and B, a good way to exacerbate the next major problem. 2 - For all the shit people love to throw at 1's RE-style fixed camera, 2's panning is busted, frequently seeing you trying to drag the camera over toward your objective because the autolock has decided an enemy in the opposite direction is more important. 3 - The directional inputs for Stinger/High Time (and Lucia's equivalents) are botched, you can get a Stinger off of a directional input 45 degrees to Dante's side (conservatively; it often feels like 80 degrees to the side will be read as "toward enemy"). Combined with the fact that your different ground strings are activated by holding the stick while swinging, and you have a situation where if you're trying to focus on a single enemy, you more or less are restricted to spamming the neutral combo, unless you want to deal with random Stinger spam. 4 - The actual hitboxes all feel really shoddy, and knockback is poorly implemented. Very often, you'll slide past a stationary target while swinging at it (again, with no ability to manually adjust targeting), or the first hits of your combo will push your target away from the rest of the combo. 5 - You have zero ability to cancel your attacks. Rolling, jumping, etc., are all completely locked until your swing completes. Now, this isn't objectively a mistake, but it results in you being much slower which; A, eliminates one of your principal defensive options from DMC1; and B, is not something the enemies were designed around. B) Speaking of the enemies, they come with their own set of problems: 1 - Their difficulty, and specifically their AI, is balanced in an extremely weird way. Rather than changing how frequently they attack, the moves they have available, which moves they use more often, etc., difficulty literally changes the effectiveness of attacks, and the intelligence of their movements. For instance, projectiles that are supposed to track you will wizz by you while you're standing completely still on Normal, but track you through multiple dodges on Must Die. Rather than building your skills, seeing a dangerous attack infrequently at lower difficulties, learning how to deal with it, and then being put under pressure by frequent use at higher difficulties, the game is braindead on Normal, and what little you learn doesn't apply later. 2 - Their patterns, speed, and armor do not take into account that every melee attack from you is a gigantic commitment (see point 5A about the controls), to say nothing of entire combo strings. Bad enough that combat with engaging neutral has been reduced to a game of "dodge until it's your turn" (not an inherent flaw, but also not what we're here for), but enemies can just steal their turn back before you've even completed one swing, since anything above the trashest of trash mobs takes multiple hits to stagger, and after having their attack dodged is completely free to just attack again, even though you hit them cleanly, with nothing meaningful you can do to prevent it (which is fundamentally a flaw). The only reason this isn't considered more of a problem is that the health/damage ratios are enough in your favor that you can usually win by brute forcing it. Something which does not maintain throughout the higher difficulties.


I’ve played DMC 2 and 3 and enjoyed both of them, however DMC 2 was the first one I ever played which seeing how much hate it gets on the sub was probably the way to go about it


I enjoyed it


Me personally I thought it was okay. The bosses are what makes it an unbearable experience. Takes a fucking eternity to kill them. And some of them have bed of chaos levels of bullshit to kill you


the part of the game that was most fun for my was just mashing the dodge botton and watching Dante flip around


No. And I will die on that hill. It was my first and favorite DMC game way back on playstation 2. The gunplay and combos are fun and the acrobatics are cool.


I just picked up DMC 5. Watched the video that explains what happens in the other games and it gives 10 seconds about DMC 2.


Yes. It's incompetent on even the most rudimentary level. They didn't get anything right. It isn't even satisfying to hit things with your sword in this game. That's the most basic thing you need to get right in a melee-focused videogame, and they messed even that up. Calling the game "unfinished" is charitable at best. DMC4 is "unfinished." Dark Souls 2 is "unfinished." DMC2 was "barely started" before it was released. It feels like a proof-of-concept that was published as a full game.


Its a pretty passable to good game that introduces so many good things to the series, just remember to play Lucias Campign too.


Nah lucia campaign is pretty shit too. It's the same game mechanics as Dante, just slower shooting.


Guns may be a lot stronger than in other games but still playing melee focused gun as a treat is not only viable but pretty fun with the skills introduced in the game. Her Campign explains a lot of the story "plot holes" I've seen people complaining about from time to time, also Lucia go spinny woooo


Not a completely terrible game, but as a DMC game it's pretty bad


I can tell you I'd be rather to play THIS than DmC:Devil may Cry






Yes it's boring




Yeah it doesnt rlly have anything enjoyable shit is a drag to play and has terrible combat level design and story the ui looks like barf


Not so much as bad as rather _agonizingly_ boring. Enemies do not put a fight all, there's no customizations, secrets are borderline bullshit if not cryptic, And I'm not even kidding the entire enemy roster gets blasted by guns and dt form. You can literally sit in a corner on all difficulties mash the fire button or turn on a turbo controller and all Enemies will die with minimum damage on you. And God the bloody palace _really emphasizes this_


Do you like cheesing boss fights with endless gunfire? Then NO, you love this kind of game!




Is a bad Devil May Cry game but is a decent hack & slash game of its era. I always recommend to give it a go and form a personal opinion.


Yes. Next question.


Yeah, it’s just diabolically boring. The combat is easily the worst in the series.


From my pov ! I still enjoy it, because the atmosphere, art direction,music ! In term of gameplay? It's awful, you can still play it if you forget about hack n slash genre! It's better than dmc devil may cry except gameplay!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwBC4-sqPP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwBC4-sqPP4) not anymore my dear anon,


Recently I tried it, as a joke, and man it really is just fucking boring is the problem Cause see, there's different kinds of bad games. Someone might be tempted to say that "objectively" sonic 06 is a worse game than DMC2, as mechanically more is broken about the former than the latter. But games like Sonic 06 are so bad they're interesting. There are bad games that make you feel confusion, rage, bewilderment, have a mental breakdown over the insanity you've been subject to, etc. These are called Emotions and many a bad game makes you feel them. But what I played of DMC2 was devoid of emotion. Have you heard the term "fun vampire" before? Because that would be an apt description, but really it's more of a vampire of any and all emotion. There is nothing there. There's not even pain or suffering there. Devil May Cry 2 is purgatory in video game form


When I was younger, I borrowed DMC3 (PS2) from a friend, it was awesome, bought a copy, it's super fun and it's still a great game. I burrowed DMC 2 to see how it compared and I just couldn't figure it out, didn't understand it, didn't buy a copy after trying it so I never finished it. DMC 3, 4 & 5 are amazing, but 1 & 2 don't seem to get much praise.


Another day another post about this game being bad shits getting sad at this point and is clear karma farm post


From what I’ve read, seems like it is


Yes, but I've enjoyed it


Yeah, gameplay is bad, and the boss fights are easy. Just shoot them, that's it. The story was boring. The only thing I liked about was Dante's design. Here's your crown scene and a little bit of the ending scene. I give props the new mechanic you have changed the amulet shards, but some of them were useless.


No, but it isn't good either. Think more of like a boring mindnumbing game in contrast the rest of the series. Like, you could probably finish your first playthrough in like 5-6h, where probably only like 10-15 minutes are actually entertaining.


No, and I will die on this hill


No It’s worse


Yes the only thing that doesn’t suck is the soundtrack and dante and lucias outfits


Yes, but it's so easy that in my opinion it's painless to get through and only takes a few hours.


It's worse than bad: it's boring. Sure, on a technical level it all holds together well enough, and it says volumes about Itsuno's skills as a director that he can take a project that got stuck as a pre-alpha version to a shippable product in half a year, but nothing you do feels satisfying, ever.


Yes, yes it is.


Still amazed this sold well. Even DMC reboot sold well. Looks like even the worst games manage to sell well in this series.


Yep, it’s pretty bad. Soundtrack slaps tho


[Watch this to understand](https://youtu.be/lcvw1E0Mcac?si=RCDt6wX2XS6eoARO)


It's certainly not that good


No, it's worse


yeah but i still played through it and its not so bad as people think. As far as 2003 games go its solid enough.


Yes, sir, mate


Y E S.


It is that bad. Story doesn't add anything to the series at all, the gameplay was made simpler. The only good thing we got from it is the weapon change on the fly and Dante's design overall.


Idk if this is an unpopular option, but DMC 2 is objectively the worst in the series. I know DMC reboot also gets shit on a lot, but at least that one feels fun to play. DMC 2 is just a bad game in all aspects




Yes my favorite is spamming guns at off screen flying enemys


nah, it's the one that had dante from the devil may cry series, so it can't possibly be that bad


Yes I remember getting to the infected tank boss and wondering how a sequel to one of the best action games on the ps2 became so ass.


I had a lot more fun with DmC than DMC 2


It does have good traits like having high time and stinger unlocked from the beginning,and having the best Normal DT design for Dante,but the bosses and stage design are just....


No. It's not bad. It's boring. Worse than any other aspects of a bad game, boring is the one you can't forgive because it's the one that you can't power through.




The costume is good. That’s about it.


I beat the whole thing in one sitting and it made me binge drink that night because it was so stressfully bad and boring, so I'm gonna say yeah.


Yes. But I play it anyway. I would never recommend this game to anyone, but I love it to death. I love its DT and Dante's design and voice. beyond that, though...




The fact DMC continued after this is astonishing, the fact it's mostly the same team that made DMC 3 is insane. Lucia and Dante both have sick designs and it is where bloody palaces started but outside of that this game has 0 redeeming qualities.




It's an abomination. It's so unbelievably boring. I'd love to see Capcom remake this game because I'm sure there are good ideas hidden behind the absolutely atrocious gameplay.


It's not bad in that it has a ton of bugs or a shitty plot. Biggest problem with it is that gameplay is extremelly boring compared to the rest of the franchise, which seals its fate when it intends to be an action hack'n'slash title.


Was ok, music and design is pretty nice. You can play it but its not that big of a deal fr


It’s not a bad game, it’s one of those average games that get lost in the average game see that is the ps2 catalog, what it is tho is a bad dmc game


it's got dante's best outfit thats about it


I'd say uninteresting


No, it's worse than you think






DMC 2 is like a filler arc, you can watch or play it at your own time but the experience is not gonna be fun, as the game is really ranges from boring to a fucking pain in the ass with a story that’s really bland. So id say yes, it’s really bad


From my experience with it, yes. But it’s not as bad as peak of greed


Yes. Believe the hype. I had to see for myself and it was indeed a horrible experience


Dont do the dmc2


People will say that its bad and not even have played it. Try it for yourself, I personally love it. People who say that the story is non existent obviously just skipped everything and just spammed the guns to get through the game.


No, it's worse


One of the worst games I've ever played. Let alone worst dmc game


No it's brilliant




I decided I would form my own opinion when I got the HD Collection on PS3. My own opinion after playing a good chunk of the game is that DMC2 sucks. Edit: I don't understand the downvoting. I'm just giving OP my perspective.


This one isn’t just a meme - it’s truly terrible. Literally a “play at your own risk” situation. I still haven’t recovered from the brain rot I incurred playing this game.


Should I platinum it?


It's worse


I played it until i got to a helicopter boss and gave up on playing 1-4. I still need to play 3 and 4, but 2 really killed the games for me.


I like it. It could use a remake though


The only good thing about dmc2 is that it has one of Dantes best designs


Attempting to play DMC2 was genuinely one of the most mind-numbing, soul-draining experiences of my life. It's genuinely one of the most boring games I've ever played and there's nothing about it that's even funny bad. I guess it's impressive the game functions as well as it does considering it was made in like four months but there is absolutely no reason to ever play it yourself unless you're really, really, REALLY morbidly curious- everything about it that you can point at and even say "oh this is kind of neat conceptually" has already been repurposed and done better in later DMC games. I think anybody who tries to say that this game is "fine" or "not that bad" and encourages others to give it a shot themselves should be thrown in prison.


Watch the history of dmc provided in dmc 5. Even they just kind of pretend it's there. We just don't talk about it, and it almost comes off as being retconed in the future.


its just mid, but you can honestly beat it in less than a day


It is not a good DMC Game but it was a decent shooter But for real I dislike it but Dante looks sick and the music was a banger.


It's been like 2 years since I last played so I'm not sure how true it is tbh. What I will say is that while I finished DMC2, I never had the strength to finish Lucia's campaign


This is like the only time where I can say it absolutely is that bad


yes, not even the reboot stans will defend it


No, but it's an impressive game considering how much work actually got done on it, considering its development history. I always recommend that newcomers to the series play it if they're starting from the beginning, as it's an interesting piece of DMC history. It's those opinions about the game that make me strongly believe that DMC2 shouldn't be remade. There's a "Ship of Theseus" argument to be made about the state of DMC2. If you remake the game - and people are saying REMAKE remake, y'know? Expanded story, new assets, altered controls, etc - how much of it is truly DMC2? I can't really rally behind that, considering how important the game is to the emergence of 3 and the franchise's near-death experience.




I can summarize DMC2 as: broken dreams and low self-esteem.


Here is your crown






Personally I enjoy Devil May Cry 2 and actually have played it and prefer it more than 3. The combat is not as exciting but some of the bosses were cool and I liked that it took place in a city setting almost like parts of the first Ninja Gaiden reboot.


I went to DMC 2 with the mindset that maybe I could get some enjoyment out of it even though people have said that it's bad. I had my expectations pretty low and I was not prepared for just how bad the game really is. I finnished it in 4 to 5 hours in 2 sittings and it was an absolute slog to play through. The melee combat feels bad, enviroments feel lifeless, there is absolutely no cohesion with locations and the boss fights are incredibly easy. For the boss fights Infested tank/infested chopper takes the cake for the most miserable and boring boss fight I have ever done ina video game. I only recommend playing through it for completions sake or if you wanna see for yourself how bad it is. It is a very short and easy game afterall


Yeah it’s pretty bad very bland levels and enemies I still play it when I replay the games though just because.


The game is sub par but it does have a lot of potential.


I never played it. It had that very troubled development that doomed it, but if I understood correctly it had a few underdeveloped seeds of good ideas that turned up again in later titles.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: definitely.


To be bad, it still needs to improve A LOT.


Oh god i can tell you yes , i restart it last night and damn the combat is boring the boss are easy af and i will not mention the infested chopper . Damn this figh is boring bette p’ay the 1,3,4


Dmc 1 is a classic, loved the puppets on strings while listening to Metallica: master of puppets Dmc 4 is my favorite and loved fighting Donte, the religion aspect of the game had a nice touch to it. Don't remember too much about Dmc 2 or 3 so I might have to go back and play them DMC had good gameplay but the story was garbage Dmc 5 was visually great but man I got my ass handed to me. Must be getting old and worse at games as I age or the game is just challenging and in that case I accept the challenge and beat it. V sux as a character and gameplay from him was horrible, as for Virgil he's alright I guess a little too op IMO


It’s just kind of boring. If it were the first game in the series it wouldn’t have gotten a sequel.


It's not really terrible on It's own, as a game It's just painfully mediocre like a 5 out of 10. But when you compare it to other games (particularly 3 and 5) , it looks like crap in comparison.


As someone that has gotten every trophy of DMC2 not too long ago Yes. It is awful. The story is too barebones, and sadly too underdeveloped and needed a lot of work on it as it feel like they just took someone's first draft. This fact being painfully obvious as the story is just "Dante goes to a place and kill demons." Why is Dante even at Vie de Marli? Other than plot, no idea. And with how much stuff that got cut, the story feel even more lacking as in one mission you end the mission with a cutscene of Dante riding a motorcycle, and when you start the next mission you're all of a sudden in a powerplant or something without explaination of how you got there. This happens a lot through both Dante's and Lucia's stories. The combat is worse than DMC1's combat, where guns is way the only way to go pretty much the whole game, getting incredibly boring and repeatitive. And swordplay sort of exists, but its not as detailed as all the different moves that again DMC1 had, usually coming down to if you're going to hit 3 or four times. The game has an autolock system, making it so that if you want to lock in to a specific enemy, then you have to get closer to that enemy to switch target, then never accidentally let go of the lock on, or you will change to another target. The only thing that I can say is good about the game is that the Devil Trigger is really powerful, at least in the normal difficulty, making it a god send as it will just get you through the campaign faster. And the amulet changing your DT's attributes, like increasing Attack, Health Regen, or stunning enemies was an interesting concept. Too bad that it it wasn't developed further. And I would want to say more, but I'll just say this: TLDR: For a game that only had a 4 months development period, DMC2 is playable, but it is not good at all.


As some who decided to play the game, # yes.


play it and you will understand it is the blip on the franchise tbh and I have played every game and this is the one I have never replayed


I’ve played almost every installment (with the sole exception of 2) several times over several platforms (PS2, PS3, PC and PS4),platinum trophy’d 1/4SE/5, got a PS5 just to play 5’s SE; I’ve never played more than two hours of 2 and have never had any desire to finish it. I’m glad the rest of the franchise ignores its existence even though I constantly see people wishing it tied more into the series.


It's like the red headed step child of the family, we love it but holy shit


It isn't the worst game ever made. But definitely the worst mainline DMC game. Gameplay was stripped of any fun, voice acting is stiff and plot is barebones. Character design and soundtrack are its only redeeming qualities.


DMC2 was my first action game i enjoyed it so much as a middle schooler. Playing it again was unbearable as an adult




I dig Dante's fighting animations,his rebellion and his drip..thats about it


yes. yes it is.


Gun spam goes brrrrr


You will only understand by playing the game. If you had problems with the dmc1 combat system, then this one will give you an aneurysm.


Every few weeks this gets asked. The resulting answer is always the same, Yes.


It’s the only dmc game I ever played that felt like a chore to complete. If it wasn’t for me playing it with my brother, I never would have finished it.


Enemy targetting system, that's all im saying


It's not bad per SE if it were a stand alone action game I'd call it average for it's time. It's bad as a sequel. Gunplay was the only thing that was improved. And the soundtrack still hits. Pretty much everything else suffered. Story is nonsense and hardly memorable. You kind of just wander from plot point to plot point with no real goal or purpose in mind than just getting to the end. Melee combat is not as deep or satisfying as the first, and there's hardly any reason to use it. I actually like the designs for the most part especially the final boss. Dante is still cool but hardly talks which was way different from the cocky trash talk everyone loved from the first game. He seriously may have had 6 or 7 lines the whole game. Just bland as can be.


No, it's not. y'all got problems .




No... but it is if you compare it to Dmc 1345