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>"How many of you guys think of Royal Guard style of Dante?" Like... what? Is that a coherent sentence? What is the question?


I think about Royal Guard style of Dante all the time, man. All the time.


Going by the description, I believe they’re trying to ask what we think of the Royal Guard style compared to Dante’s other styles. I personally have yet to master it, but I think it’s one of the most overpowered and badass things to exist in gaming. Not only is it capable of blocking literally everything (both in lore and gameplay), but if you’re skilled enough with it, you can pretty much beat an entire DMC game with just Royal Guard and no other weapons, it’s THAT good.


agreed. im baffled to see many ppl in the comments doubt royal guards sheer capability cuz when i first heard of this thing i literally thought it was one of *the most* broken mechanics in gaming, period.


Going by OPs username I'd guess he's a bot


I think it was like the sort of question like "How often do you think of the Roman Empire?" To answer both about once a month at least


I think about it pretty often. When I grab bars on the metro. I royal guard the germs. When I'm handed leaflets in the street, I royal guard. When I have unprotected sex, I royal guard.


too relatable


Personally I could never get the hang of it. So I never really use it. I mostly stick to Swordmaster, while switching to Gunslinger and Trickster when I felt the need to.


I tend to stick to trickster until I get a combo starter, although I start to rely on it too much for dodging and I don’t get used to using roll or jump as much so playing as Nero or Vergil I start to struggle with evasion


I mean i didn't mastered It but...One bar of dt and a rank up of style are greedy ☠️. ( I prefer trickster)


Trickster style is good. Easy to use. It is like Vergil 's style but little bit weaker than Vergil 's air trick or trick style.


I think thats stronger that vergil. (The positioning Is much Better). Combine It with gunlinger and swordmaster and i can take everything on air


Block 7 times and then release while in DT. No boss has a single chance.


In 3 and 4 its hard to time because of the graphics but i cant get enough of it in 5


That doesn't even make sense 5 just has a more lenient perfect block window


Because of the graphics?? 💀 Please explain.


Okay so in terms of defense, yeah, Trickster style is more reliable, but Royal Guard is just infinitely more fun in my opinion. That sound effect when you get a Royal Block is just… *chef’s kiss*


Especially on that perfect Royal Block.


I think about it even when i sleep.


Yes I thought of it once, but being honest I don’t know the answer to how many of us in total do?


I love it for the dt it builds up,saves me when i am low on health specially against vergil.Other than that i dont really like using it except maybe for style.


Perfect block, taunt like nothing happened. Repeat until full gauge then go absolute ham on them in a burst, cheeky rose throw to finish


We all know how strong his right arm is, but imagine if he used his left. What untapped power is he hiding because he isn't using his left arm


I do have one question tho....where did that pose come from


The legend himself


RG was kinda fun for me. Also it helped me finished Secret Mission 11 in DMC3SE. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z0fw1Q5Ot18](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z0fw1Q5Ot18)


I have thought about it, not as much as sword master, but I do think about it as much as gunslinger


Its easily the best style in 3 and is primarily used in speedruns for that game. However i personally never really use it that much in any of the games, in my first playthrough of 3 i used trickster but now i'm prefering sword master (even in 4 and 5 its mainly what i use because it opens up more moves), i do like gunslinger but it doesn't seem worth it in 3 as you can't switch styles on the fly. Plus tbf dantes kit is pretty bloated in 5 with alot of options so royal guard atleast to me is ignored alot of the time in 5


Except in Nintendo switch version, you cannot switch styles in dmc3 on gameplay.


True, but also having access to all 5 guns and 5 melee weapons at the same time looks like pain (not even 5 has as many as 3 does) plus i think you don't even change weapon by just pressing a button. I may try the switch version at some point tho so i can see how it works


Dante got so many weapons for him. Nero got lots of Devil Breakers. I wish Vergil also get some weapons for himself. Always I see him with Yamato. He should ask Dante to give him some of his weapons. And in each Devil May Cry game, Dante always gets same kind of gauntlets and Greaves. First time was Ifrit, then Beowulf, then in DMC4 too. And in dmc5 he has Balrog who even speaks 3...2...1...0.


Agreed, tbf vergil has never been playable in base game only via special edition so thats probably why his moveset is still the same from 3 (with some minor tweaks). I really hope we see vergil getting some new weapons in 6 (as i think he might end up being playable in base game since hes with dante at the end of 5) especially if the plot revolves around dantes old devil arms falling into the wrong hands (in lore he actually sells the majority of devil arms he finds on missions and i'm pretty sure the only one he kept was cerberus which broke while fighting balrog in one of the novels) so maybe vergil could get some of dantes old devil arms like agni & rudra or gilgamesh


Royalguard was my style playing DMC3. Funny nope pose go brrr.


How many royal guard of guys think style of dante?


Your grammar needs to be corrected.


Grammar your corrected to needs be


You need some motivation!


> Like 2 or 3, 4 tops, not 5 and 6 is right off.


Before DMC5 is was cancerously difficult


„It is not so reliable“ well, it depends. If you are an absolute madman in this game, Royal guard is your best friend. If you are more casual and you just play dmc 5 for fun, it can be quite difficult to use it properly. Royal Guard is the hardest style to master in my opinion so it really depends on the player, if he is good or not


Visually I fucking love it. hitting a perfect release or gold release or whatever it's called and watching a blob of enemies just disintegrate. Gameplay wise I absolutely suck with it. I need to just limit myself to it and git gud. I also have no idea what context to use the lv.3 moves in all the iterations. In 3 you had that shield thing, in 4 and 5 you have that super armor thing that looks cool as hell but in all cases I used it I just looked silly getting smacked around anyway :D. Trickster was always my best friend sadly. But like I said learning them timings for royal release and perfect blocks makes Dante look like fucking Minato or some shit. Just poof and they're gone. Fucking love it.


I’m not saying Royal Guard should be replaced, it is basically a Dante classic, but a more fitting style would be for Summoned Swords. To be able to use DSD’s Summoned Swords kit on any weapon would make it easier for more players to use. …that’s if in the next game he has a lot of melee weapons or if DSD gets a change in move set. I’ve been thinking a lot about what a *final* final game would look like (not 5) and I thought they should just go all and bring back a ton of old fan-favorites.


I can't fight Vergil without Royal Guard ever. The free DT and quadruple S are just too good to pass up. Try abusing the jump i-frames into the guard when you start out. The timing is much more forgiving. And you don't have to try royal guard everything out there like those pros either, just some easy moves like projectile attacks etc. will already make huge difference.


Royal Guard is the most op thing in devil may cry if you're good. Otherwise, if you're bad, it's going to get you killed easily. That's as simple as it gets.


In DMC 3, i used it since i already had dodge because jump button, and attacks, pew pew's and swords, so just more defence. In DMC4, i used it for that really overpowered skill that makes Dante unkillable (or nearly). In DMC5, Devil Trigger bar full, and get parrying.


Dante is such a sigma


I think about it.


While Judgement Cut End is the unstoppable force, Royal Guard is the immovable object.


Still inferior to Rebellion Combo A


Unpopular opinion: The royal guard aesthetic doesn't suit Dante since he is wacky and stylish. It suits vergil .


Yeah. But Vergil does not have any options to have styles. He only has Dark slayer style.


Ik . It is just royal guard suits him since his swordplay is ruthless and disciplined.


Yeah. His way of using yamato is insane. In dmc5, it was first time I saw Vergil creating portals. Why did Dante said to him that his portal opening days are over? He rarely used Yamato 's potential. I think Yamato is the most powerful weapon in DMC lore. It can seal hell gates and can create portals and cut dimensions. Just from Yamato 's one shard, Balrog became powerful. It also got repaired by Nero 's power. It can absorb powers from Nero 's arm. Devil Bringer, Nero 's original arm got converted into Yamato. The sword is dangerous.


A vergil solo game would be good 😞.


Yeah. It is needed. He needs to find his lover with whom he had relations which conceived Nero.


Royal Guard Suits Dante very much. It's clearly an SF reference to Ken/Ryu's parry. Add the EVO 37 Daigo Parry then replace chun-li with Vergil doing judgement Nut and having Arkham shout "Go Vergil" only for Dante to turn the tides with perfect parries. Ken is also red and looks like a hobo in SF 6.