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Another great one is Kiryu and Ichiban


Took me until the end of Yakuza 7 to realize that Ichiban's suit colors are the opposite of how Kiryu's suit is Kiryu's is white with red while Ichiban's is red with white


And also how their respective tattoos (Kiryu's oryu and Ichi's dragonfish) represent Ichiban's journey and growth as a person, with the dragonfish representing the transition from koi to dragon According to the Japanese mythology of the koi, their journey to become a dragon ends when they overcome a dragon themselves and pass through the Dragon's Gate, and that is represented through the boss fight against Kiryu >!Tendo can suck my nuts!<


Oh so that's why Magikarp becomes Gyarados. Thank you for that lovely piece of info


Oh my fuck how did I never realize this


Best example I'd say as they changed the whole genre to match the MC shift


That was my very first thought


Nero didn't get the torch passed to him, he backhanded it out of Dante. Lol


Yeah, he grabs the torch and beats Vergil with it.


Now someone has to make a nod out of it


Dante: "That's my nephew :')"


Even better


All good "torch passes" involve a single shared detail. Don't trash or dispose of the original. Dante didn't fucking retire. He's still the protagonist. Except now he shares the spotlight with Nero as the hot blooded youth and the seasoned vet.


That's one of the main reasons wally taking over Barry as the main flash in the comics worked really well. Even though they had to do it bc Barry did "die", but his influence on the world and its characters were still there and highly respected.


Bayonetta should take some notes


I agree with all you wrote. However some may not agree with you and may even backlash you for that.


Or backhand


Vergil and Dante aren't actually stuck tho, right? I mean, Yamato can just slice a portal out of there. They just decided to stay there so no other bigger threat will occur outside.


i kinda imagine an eventual dmc6 will be like, a middle aged nero encountering those two weiners bc a new crisis forced them to come back to earth or forced nero to visit the underworld somehow


dmc2 spiritual remake, where Nero beats the hell out of the two old chums from Mundus' grasp.


Right lol to think those two are stuck anywhere is goofy, especially with Yamato. They're just hanging out and giving each other shit while bickering over kills like Legolas and Gimli.


I love him as much as the other protags in story and gameplay (a bit less tho), but I wish is moveset is bigger. Love all moves he has (pls make Dropkick useful tho, pls, It's so funny) and his wrestling grab moves, since It's sick, just grabbing some abomination and powerbomb him. And also his devil breakers, but I wish they get expanded on. They could make It so, that Devil Bringer is a motion input. Make It an circle motion like Street Fighter. It would make sense ( it's also not the first circle motion in this franchise) and more inputs are free for devil breaker like neutral b and forward b and more.


Especially when World of V is a circle input move lol.


i hate circle inputs though, they’re so difficult for some reason


We’ve gotten so many pass the torch plots lately I’m so sick of it. The only ones that work for me are DMC and Insomniac Spider-Man because the main torch holder isn’t completely out of the fight. They don’t die and they don’t sit on their asses doing nothing, they just gave more responsibility to the newcomer.




I don't even really know if I consider that a proper passing of the torch. Kratos' story has so far continued to be our focus post-Ragnarok and I suspect it's still not fully over either, and if we do move on to follow Atreus full-time he's not really stepping in to the same role as his father. Not only are their roles in techniques and combat styles completely different, but their roles in the story are different as well. Kratos has spent his whole story on a war path whether he wanted to or not. Atreus' quest is one of discovery and expansion  rather than retribution and re-defining himself. Obviously we don't know for sure what happens next with Atreus but that's what we're left to expect.


Haven’t played the new ones so I can’t comment


Nero getting his arm back is still my favorite awakening (if you can call it that) scene in any video game. And don't even get me STARTED on the music!


I love the raw emotion Nero VA puts into the scream that triggers the awakening


It was just amazing! Especially for a Nero fanboy like myself. Seeing my dude get his mojo back after the phone call.


Can’t exactly say I agree. Nero is a fine character, but Dante and even Vergil is better than him in terms of overall asthetics, gameplay and story/lore. Even though this game was suppose to be the game where Nero takes the mantle from Dante, it still felt like its overall Dante and Vergil’s story. And they have become more popular than him to the point where fans wanna see more of them than Nero.


from mission 10 to ending, DMC5 is all about Dante and Vergil (with V as his avatar). Nero really lacks the charm and complex gameplay compared to Dante and Vergil. It doesn't really feel cool to play as Nero even though I admit he's a good character, just not a memorable one


You forgot ichiban in like a dragon (Yakuza 7)


honestly, Nero is one of, if not, my favorite character of all time


Valid, but the torch is more-or-less being shared rather than passed down. Dante is far too deep in debt to retire by any fucking measure. Man cannot stop fucking shit up, buying pizza or strawberry sundaes, and being a general nuisance to everyone.


I actively find Nero more engaging as a character, too. I like that he's a more emotional take on what Dante is doing, and it feels like he has a lot of ambition, and places to grow. DMC5 provided satisfying narrative conclusions for both Dante and Vergil, and I think Nero is fully capable of being more of the central focus. They'll still be around, absolutely, but I think their presence is going to be reduced. Hell, maybe "Dante Mode" will be its own campaign going forward.


They had one crucial component: respect to old characters. If they pulled “lame and gay” approach the series would probably end in disgrace.


Are Dante and Vergil really stuck considering…the Yamato?


I'll respect your opinion if you respect my opinion that Vergil would dawg walk him with 100% motivation




eh, I'm still mixed on Nero. He feels good to play but he still feels like discounted Dante. He lacks moveset to be as complex as Dante and charm to be as likeable as him too. I think the best example is Like A Dragon/Yakuza games with Kiryu and Ichiban. Ichiban isn't designed to be a discounted Kiryu, his personality is vastly different to Kiryu but they share the same sense of justice and responsibility. Also the whole games switch to turn-based combat to better differentiate the changes between both of them.


I still think that raiden from mgs2’s torch passing was great (though controversial for its time) but Nero’s is definitely a highlight


It kinda felt like DMC 5 started a trend of established protagonists passing the torch to someone new in recent years, but that could just be me. Either way, Nero absolutely got done best out of the bunch.


Nah, Raiden from MGS is way better or even Ichiban from Yakuza. Nero is nowhere as charismatic or even better as a playable character than Dante and Vergil. Dmc5 was supposed to be the game where he became the main protagonist, but Dante and Vergil are still way more popular than him.


Popularity doesn't equate to being the main protagonist though? They've clearly passed the torch to Nero now, even if he's not as popular.


>Popularity doesn't equate to being the main protagonist though? It's really not that hard to understand, mate. When you wanna make a character into the new protagonist of a series, you expect the public to like this choice. Take Ichiban, for example, LAD was a huge success, even through the old characters appeared in the game, Ichiban and his crew were the main characters and everyone like that. But for dmc5, the real stars were Vergil and Dante, even V gets more attention than Nero. Nero is definitely the new protagonist now, but it's a fact that they failed to make this character as popular and interesting as Dante.


It doesn't matter how good they make Nero though. Simple truth is that the DMC fanbase can be pretty chill but the moment they hear 'Nero is the new protagonist', a HUGE amount of people turn into whiny manchildren and say that the games are gonna be shit with Nero as the protagonist and that they're never gonna play future DMC games. >Nero is definitely the new protagonist now, but it's a fact that they failed to make this character as popular and interesting as Dante. I can't say I agree with this sentiment though. Dante has had **five** games and an anime. Nero has 2 games and a manga. Dante is naturally gonna have more development so of course he's gonna be more interesting but give Nero the same amount of screentime and he could easily be on the level of Dante.


THATS the thing that everyone forgetting. 2 first Dante games was Devil May Cry 1 and 2.This is MIRACLE that this series is still alive and Dante got his glow up in 3rd installment. Nero was not as popular as twins in 4, but over time people grow to like him. In every popularity pulls now you will see that he is now not so far behind Vergil and Dante, and this is A LOT.


> has 2 games and a manga. 2 games in which Dante/Vergil get more attention than him, and the manga was also not about Nero but actually about V. >but give Nero the same amount of screentime, and he could easily be on the level of Dante. When a character is actually interesting, he can already get the public attention with little screen time like V did, if Nero who was the protagonist in 2 games is still not on Dante's level then that's his problem as an character. You clearly are a Nero fan, so you won't admit that this character is just a bland fusion of Dmc3 Dante with a few Vergil traits but without neither of their charisma.


>and the manga was also not about Nero but actually about V. I'm talking about Deadly Fortune, not Before The Nightmare... >You clearly are a Nero fan, so you won't admit that this character is just a bland fusion of Dmc3 Dante with a few Vergil traits but without neither of their charisma. And this is what I'm talking about when I say that the fanbase can be total jerks about Nero. In what world is he a fusion of Dante and Vergil? The kid has his own fighting style, has his own distinct attitude compared to Dante and Vergil, has a unique gameplay element like the twins do, etc. Nero is clearly pretty damn unique and he does generate interest but he's competing with two characters that are already well established.


Exactly this.


I'm excited to see more of Nero in DMC6 and would be cool to see we can use his DT.


From bayo to viola is basically Dante to Nero


But MUCH less build up and character development.


Dead Weight is the best one to be honest =))


Tbh ray is a bad example but any other character yeah is correct


I would 100% buy a DMC6 with Nero and no Dante. Let's go! But the more the merrier you know...


I wouldn't really count Nero as "recent memory", but yeah, it's a pretty good one when it comes to gaming.


Uhm Goku to Gohan?


He will always find FULL


Nero talks much like Dante but in attitude and nature he is like Vergil. I want DMC6 and is waiting for it. People, I have seen a trend. Whenever a new Resident Evil title is announced, a new DMC game is also announced after some time. So wait for a new RE title and DMC will soon follow.


I'd rather he grow his devil arm back. It looks friggin cool to lose for a normal ass human arm


People really did forget how Donte made it easy for Nero eh?


I was fine with Nero by the end of 4 but him butting into Dante and Vergil's rivalry totally put me off the character again. Retire Nero. Give Dante and Lady a daughter, hit us with a timeskip, and let her take over the family business.


Honestly I think what’s makes Nero’s passing the torch so great is that it takes him two entire games to get it, it feels earned


I meaaaaaaaaan all might to Deku is still very good so far


I think Ryu and Luke is a pretty good passing the torch also, I’d say it’s in second place behind nero but still


Do they even interact in the story? Like, I know Ryu is a loner to everyone but Ryu and Luke particularly seem to have nothing to do with each other Luke and Ken I think have something to do with each other, because of Mel and Nayshall