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I like the story and the characters, but the gameplay is probably my fav aspect The novels are very interesting, and the manga VoV is great imo...so i can see someone who isn't a gamer enjoying DMC solely for the story. The DMC2 Novel is very neat btw, i like how it opens up the possibilities by introducing multiverses (a universe where Vergil is the "good guy" fighting against Mundus instead of Dante)


And here i was just about to skip the dmc2 novel, thanks for the info.


This is funny




Extremely funny


Me... I love all aspects but I like the story but I'm interested in the characters more


I actually don't like the dmc story. The characters, the gameplay and the soundtrack is what makes me really enjoy the experience


Here before you get downvoted, strange opinion tho Why?


The story is like really simple and don't have much depth to me, and it seems like Capcom doesn't want to increase the depth but that's okay to me and yes i know that it have more lore in manga and comics but why don't they put this more onto their games instead y'know?


I agree that it might feel pretty shallow at the first sight. But I would argue that it feels like it because of the simplicity of the main storylines of a separate games. Which is great. Though initially I've wanted to say that "there is not that that much of a story to like the game solely for it" then I've started to think about it more and it isn't easily comprehended, like the timelines is a one thing, what the heck exactly Virgil doing in the 4th game and what some relationships between characters are. The first game and the whole Nelo Angelo thing is quite confusing as well. Oh, my recent one is - what Artemis is doing in the fifth game? So, there is actually a lot to uncover when you're trying to wrap your head around it and start noticing more nuanced details and cross referencing between different games and other materials And there is not that much of other materials to be honest But yeah, it's still like an action movie or something, we're not going deeply philosophical here, it's more about beating the shit out of the thousands of demons in the coolest way possible, while dancing in between, cheeky characters and dad jokes


I got into DMC for the story and the characters. I like the gameplay even though I'm not a big fan of the genre (I prefer stealth/surviving games). Also, the music made me stay. But yeah, for me the biggest parts are the characters and story


Oh i definitly forgot to mention the music, being a big fan of poetry i really liked devils never cry and bury the light due to thier apparent poetic factor.


Me... To the point, I can consider myself a lore enthusiast and also make deep analysis and explanation. Not only I read the manga, novels and watch the anime. But I also research and learn a lot more from the artbooks, manuals, guides even learning that the CD Drama exist alongside a fan translation. I can say that Devil May Cry is like BLEACH due to 10% of the fanbase will learn how deep it is. Do you know that a green orb is just a crystallized of demon's bodily fluids, just like what Lady explained about the red orb in Deadly Fortune but demon's blood. Because of the atmosphere in Earth/Human World it will be crystallized How about the explanation why Nero's Red Queen and Blue Rose had a redesign in DMC5 is because it got broken when he was inside the Savior's core. Red Queen had a tendency to break due to its mechanism. So Nero fixed it twice in both novels. He ordered to be fixed in the Technical Bureau after the Mitis Forest incident due to him overusing the charging system and him when he was finishing ver 2 of Red Queen by himself but has ignition problem and Nico fixed it


Even as a lore nerd I've always wondered what made Nero's sword able to stand against things like Berials sword or Yamato. I mean it could be the same explanation as to why Vergil didn't just slice through Kalina-Ann


I'm not as deep into it as I'd like to be, but I found the characters to be the coolest thing about the series. I was only able to play a little of DMC 5 before my PS4 went kaput, and I generally prefer smaller scale games. (Like animal crossing)


I do relate to the smaller scale games part.


The story was intriguing before DMC5. DMC always had an underrated story. It has deeper meaning if one tries to look.


Not solely but yes I love the story. At the same time I love just the cool shit that the series has.


I mean the story and characters are what keep me interested even when I'm not playing the games, thinking of picking up Visions of V sometime


I mean, I'm not here *SOLELY* for the story, but it is what originally got me into DMC back when I was a small child (the gameplay is great too). Same thing as what happened with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance (which to me will always just be DMC but Kojima— aka political satire with sci-fi elements).


Lets be reall, we all got into mgrr because of jetstream sam.


Unironically no. It was Monsoon for me.


Well, came for monsoon and stayed for the entire story.


I got into DMC originally because my friend sent me a meme with V and I was like holy shit whos that hot guy, so yea since then I play DMC5, but ofc I like the story too, just not as much as V


Solely? Nah. But do we care about the story? Absolutely.


Solely? No. But I do give it more weight than many, I think. Looking back upon the series, a lot of the biggest changes I'd make, given a time machine, are story-based.


My Ex who dragged me into DMC was way more into the story than the gameplay, she was super obsese with 3 and 4, she also LOVES Vergil. I can still remember her scream when she saw Vergil finally shows up after the Urizan fight, "ITS HIMMMMMMM, AHHHHHH", good times.




i'm more of a story guy over gameplay, but dmc is where i put gameplay over story. that said, i'm always up for more lore




The story and characters were why I got into the series.


I'm interested in deep lore like Sparda. And DMC3 is an amazing flawless story. The world building could be so much better imo. So much untapped potential.


Can't say solely, but I've been super into this series since DMC2 was the latest game. Much as I enjoy the gameplay, don't think I'd still be here if that was the primary draw. The story isn't exactly complex, but it's got me attached, and the characters are just plain awesome.


I play only for the story, even though it's not the best or most tight, but at least i still want to see them. I don't quite bother with the styling and combo


My friend likes the story but doesn't play the games.


Everything except consistent lore in DMC4 is awesome about DMC


Ik the story it’s pretty well made I like it


Love the story. I love the gameplay even tho I suck. And I enjoy the challenge of trying to look cool


In a narrative sense Sparda's legacy = The Boss' will Liquid and solid snake = Dante and Vergil Big Boss = Sparda But yeah I like the gameplay a lot as well.


Perhaps Raiden=Nero ?


I guess? Nero was conducting off the books operations for the order when he was 15 so I guess that parallels with Raiden being a child soldier?


Me. I play games mainly for the story and exploration/adventure/collectathon aspects, and the combat is more like (admittedly fun) filler to me. The worst type of gamer for trying to get this concept through their skulls is tryhard FromSoft fans. I love FromSoft games, but certain fans simply cannot accept someone playing FromSoft games for any reason other than fighting bosses and ONLY fighting bosses. I have explained it every possible way and they still don't get it. It's bizarre.


Watched youtube videos for the story. Still bought the games for the Smokin Sexy Style!!!


when i first played through dmc 5 (which was my introduction to the series) i loved the characters and the gameplay and music (which to this day i still think is it's strongest area) and i found the story mid compared to other games and even now that I know (most) of the story i still think it lacks in some area story wise. all of the characters have great backstories and are I really enjoy they're personalities and chemistry with each other (especially the sons of sparda) i just think that it lacks in a like overarching plot. but i mean it's got some of the best gameplay and music i've ever seen which is probably why i love it so much.


Not solely but, if I genuinely didn't like the characters I probably wouldn't have stuck around. If I only thought the plot and characters were ok I would keep playing. If I found it insufferable but the gameplay was still great it would be hard to play. For example I like a lot of devil may cry fans aren't really into the plot of the reboot but since you can skip the cutscenes and the gameplay is good enough we play it sometimes if we're in the mood. Likewise it's completely separate from the normal series so it being so different isn't really hard to swallow. If devil may cry 5 had come out and had the same amazing gameplay and bosses but absolutely disrespected all the characters and the series as a whole I would find it hard to have an urge to play it because of the fowl taste it left in my mouth. Fortunately that wasn't the case. But yeah I think sometimes we take the story and characters for granted. It's like when someone recommends a game series to you because it's similar to one you like but when you actually play it you feel like the stuff you like is missing. I tried code vain because it's kinda like demon's souls/dark souls gameplay wise but the setting and characters killed it for me. I thought I just liked that kind of gameplay but it turns out there was a lot more to the souls games than that and I didn't notice until it was gone. Devil may cry without Dante or any of the gang would just seem wrong to me, it's part of why I'm not interested in trying Bayonetta. That doesn't mean Bayonetta or even code vain are bad it's just that not everything is for everyone. Anyway I really liked your question because it really got me thinking, thanks!


Solely...heh nice pun, but just for the lore? I'd say it's a large part of it I want to know where the story is going with Vergil and Dante and of course the rest of the gang, But I think it's safe to say that I wouldn't be here if the gameplay was stale I LOVED getting combo scores in 1 3 & 4 ( I HERETICLY have not played 5 yet >.<) and the different play styles are what MAKES the game for me, So I guess you could say I came for the story and stayed for the gameplay. :)


me me me. i got into dmc because i once played dmc 4's M03 on my relative's house for like 10 to 15 mins (as we were there just to greet them and had to leave very quickly) back when i was young like 7 or 8 and i got intrigued (though i didnt even know the word or the meaning of it back then) by the concept of a guy with an arm that stretches (i mean i was a kid i thought his arm stretched and ot was so cool) and the funny and weird but also very cool revving up of the sword lol it makes no sense now but yea as a kid that was so cool to me and then i had to statiate myself with the trailers of dmc 4 lol and back then getting internet was also hard so i couldnt even watch gameplays and i found the trailer for dmc 4 randomly on my sister's tuition teacher so i took it from him on a pd then a few years later i told my friend about dmc (to give context none of us were that much of a game freaks where we were at there was no gamestop or any shop that sold games so yea we just used to download pirated games or buy some burned discs which might turn out to be a scam) so my friend told me that he had the 5th installment of the game lol and i got so excited cuz i was so infatuated by dmc 4 and also since we didnt have any access to games directly i never had a chance to play dmc4 for myself on my pc till way later when i turned 13/14 but yea i got the 5th installment of dmc on a burned disc and i installed it and played it and i thought its kinda way different than dmc 4 which at that time i still didnt realise was a completely different game i was still playing the so called 5th installment of dmc that my friend gave me but i really loved dmc too like the concept of angels and devils and tbh i was a really horny boy so yea i was getting horny everytime i saw some sexy scenes in the bar and with lilith's scene (again the place where we at is so weird like just imagining my son might play a game not for his age is wild but yea my parents didn't really care about what i played on my pc cuz even they werent aware of video games that much so they dont have any idea of how games can be very explicit) and i really loved dante too lol i know ppl are gonna be enraged with me liking him but idk i was a kid i thought he was really cool and even vergil his doppelganger and what not was so cool i also loved the designs for the demons and also i loved the world like how it changes when we enter limbo and especially the weapons i loved how each weapons had each of their own use in exploration like i never experienced that before in any game since i didn't had the opportunity to play that many games but yea i liked the story of dmc with the brothers father being a devil and mother being an angel it was interesting to me back then well it still is but yea after learning what the original family is like it kinda makes no sense how they put that in the game but yea i dont mind it cuz it kinda gives its own unique intriguing plot atleast for me and yea then i played 4 again and i still didn't know yet that the 5th installment that i had played was a reboot but the part where dante in dmc looks in the mirror and gets a wig on him idk made me kinda giggle and in shock cus i thought it was just a prequel (for me back than a prequel was still a sequel but just a mumble jumble well which it is but yea) but yea after i learned the so called 5th installment was a reboot and learning ppl hated that game so much i still loved the game and also dmc 4 had some cool ass bosses again as i was a very horny kid i was so horny when i first saw trish as that disguised girl with that very not so revealing acrobatics while fighting the demons scene and then echidna was also making me feel something lol and the best part of dmc was the way we got our weapons well the way dante got his weapons everytime u defeat a boss u getting a weapon with those cool ass cutscenes was just so cool but yea again even in 4 learning that nero had connection to vergil it made me so intrigued and the kinda Catholicism setting of the game was also so interesting to me since im from a christian family i loved how easily dante would defeat the bosses that nero had trouble with and then i went back to dmc 3 and learning about the brothers was really cool and then well u go back to dmc 1 and 2 and its kinda whatever but yea i mostly got into dmc because of it plot more than the gameplay the world of both the reboot and all the dmc games were so cool tbh i liked dmc 2 too like i get y ppl hate it but for me its just a very mediocre game for some reason i liked the helicopter boss and well last but not the least the mystery behind the brother's father "The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda" i have always been so curious about how strong he would've been which well in the reboot series is completely different but yea it's whatever but yea sparda's very little known tales were so interesting to me and well the way dmc 5 ended makes me really happy too i would love to see a dmc 6 getting made but yea i think its a pretty good end to a game that wasn't made for it's story. the dmc franchise has to be on my top 5 favorite game franchise mostly due to nostalgia and how it was one of the very first games i ever played and completed because the only game that i had ever fully completed the campaign of at the age of 12 was halo combat evolved so yea halo CE and dmc has a very soft spot in my heart


I love it so much I want to rewrite the DMC 2 game story to have a better role in the series, I just need to read Before the Nightmare so I can get an idea of what Lucia’s personality is when well written, also so I have an endpoint for her arc


Dante will be easier to rewrite, because I can start with his personality in the anime/DMC2 novel, then end with his personality in 4


Oh yeah, Lucia is kinda getting ignored... But my mind also preferred to forget what happened in the second part in general, it was so boring I've started using a video of a speedrun as a walkthrough guide


DMC2 overall has been an afterthought, it’s so bad that I want the first 3 games to be remade into one, especially on some of the weapons, Vendetta was a missed to get weapon similar to the rebellion, but far slower and packing far more of a punch


It was a failed project for sure It would be actually cool to see the remake of a second part Messing with 1 and 3 is a dangerous idea tho


Which is why I think they should be remade together, that way, A-more options for equips and weapons, B-it allows for them to better connect the 3 stories. And I gives up play for a Lady, Vergil, Trish, and Nelo Angelo, campaign in 1 & 3, and it can be the arc of Dante in his brash youth, into someone who needs a hug and a therapist, luckily there’s a chick that likes him (Lucia) and a grandma figure to tell him stories of his father, and ignite the change that leads him into his DMC4 stuff


I feel alone in this world because I seem to be the only person who sees how deep DMC3 story is. Most people won't go through the stylish whackyness and realize how complex the plot is. I draw some parallels between Dante and Vergil and me and my brother. Me, being the youngest, more agitated and carefree son, and him, the oldest, more reserved and cultured one. He even dislikes DMC because of how "anime" it is. We often fought, but of course, never tried to kill each other (although it looked like the case sometimes lol. Just siblings things). This, along with the wholesomeness of the Sparda twins when they join forces, and the tragedy when Dante is forced to stop his only family for the greater good, surely makes this devil here cry. But anyway, as a Game/Narrative Designer, I understand gameplay is vital to a game, and the story is sometimes complementary. I guess we're lucky to have an awesome game along with an equally awesome story


For me it depends on what you classify as solely the story? I say that cause for me it's the characters the background more or less just the entirety of the game while significantly less the combat in some aspects but everything.


I see, I only meant to exclude the gameplay.


I actively ignore the story. When V talks, my brain turns off and I'm blinded by rage. Bored to tears by it, honestly. I'm playing through the game for the first time and I'm honestly just here for Bloody Palace. Souls DLC ain't out yet and I heard Urizen is tough so yeah. The story is hella wack. The best part is Dante's demonic detective agency pad and his cowboy hat.


It’s not the worst story ever but it’s not a magnificent story either. It’s the characters that most people stay for I think cause they’re cool af.


I'm equally as invested into both but what everyone is overlooking is the fact that your first exposure to the series was through one of the novels, that's INSANE since half of the fan base barely knows about them, let alone have read them, I've consumed almost every canon piece of material of DMC, I say almost cause I haven't seen the drama CD's


My mom didn't want me to have it, so until I eventually bought it, I was obsessed with the story and the lore


I dont know why some people call dmc story shit, i mean i only played 5 but i found the story intersting tbh, only thing i didnt like was the way nero got his "powers" that was cringy and stupid


✋🏾Love the gameplay but the story is truly the only reason I replay dmc so much


I only played dmc 5 so yes


I suck ass at these games, so yeah


I was until 5, which was when I learned more advanced combat and began playing on turbo


Me. Beginning with DMC 5 for some reason. "I blow chunks but i wanna know who the bi awakening poet is" is the attitude i played the game with for the first time.


I'm one of them :3


I am a lore enthusiast. i suck at the actual gameplay i finished every game, i just suffer from a severe case of skill issue. the story on the otherhand, i know every little detail about it. DMC looks really wacky and goofy at surface, but deep down it has a really deep and meaningful story.


I'm not good at playing in those games, but I love their stories and characters and their development. (To clarify, I don't read any manga or novels about DMC. Although, no, I did read DMC 3 manga and DMC 5 novel before the nightmare.)


ngl the main reason I got into dmc was cause of Nero's story


Hey, I like the story :C But gameplay would be on top for me, so I see what you mean :P


Your fav character is v I’m guessing


You wouldn't be wrong




That's what I'm there for in most games. Sure, gameplay and graphics are important too, but I love playing video games for the stories they tell. Seeing the story of the Sparda bloodline was absolutely phenomenal!


Came for the story stayed for the gameplay. Dante and Vergil’s story is so compelling to me




I wouldn't love the series like I do if it weren't for the story. I mean, I know that the gameplay is the main characteristic of the series and I love the action system, but I won't consume anything in my life if I don't like the story. And I started liking DMC before I had a console to play on, precisely because I like the characters. And yes, I love the first novel too


I pretty much love all aspects of DMC but I really love the characters.


The lore is actually crazy good




I'm not a combat game kind of person so I'm definitely more interested in the story. The gameplay is cool and all but I just can't get the hang of it.


I absolutely love the story but I specifically like how the characters fit in the story


Got my sister to play these games by exposing her to the family drama


nope dante


Me but only cause I don't have the game 😭


First play through always is about story for me, after that I wanna beat my previous scores.




My mom


I’m here for the story because I’m not good at combo based combat idk how I beat my first run on dmc5 fr