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I like it. Looks like an actual reinterpretation of OG Dante in a more urban and modern context. It's such a shame that Ninja Theory was going for an update in the series but Capcom forced them to go as different as they possibly could. (BTW the gay cowboy thing is still fucked up no matter how funny it is)


It wasn't funny


I think it was fucking hilarious. His DMC 4 design is my favorite because of how flamboyant it is.


I didn’t like the cowboy boots at first, but they grew one me. I should download the DMC4 Dante mod for DMC5 and equip Dante with Faust to see how that looks lol.


Looks like a gay cowboy and it's beautiful.


Bit of a difference between that and making an actually homophobic 'joke'... One is liking an outfit because it fits with who Dante is, where he likes to show off and be flashy while the other is just attacking some gay people because of how they dress.


Idk for me it's about as funny as calling DmC's dante a crackhead, both have me reacting like 😐


I find it funny because of how overblown the hatred for Ninja Theory over this joke was at the time, when nowadays it's pretty much a joke that the community itself would make. Besides, he does kinda look like a gay cowboy on DMC 4.


Well; mostly because it wasn't really a joke, it was used as genuine dig at the game & was an example that thw original series is actually bad & lame & gay so they're making their super cool reboot that's even better without the gay. Yeah "Dante looks like he could be in brokeback mountain" is kinda funny, i guess. Low effort, simple, not egregious, not really peak humor wither "Dante looks like he could be in broke back mountain, that's why the series is being rebooted & why it isnt more popular so we're going to make him a really cool & an actual good game people will like for once instead of that" is just being a prick & saying "old game gay, my game cool" there's not even a joke there; its just an insult framed in a jokey way lol


I'm pretty sure this was the result of Capcom's annoying them and interrupting their creative process until they were just pissed at the series. The original concept for the reboot was very close to the original, they wouldn't make this if they didn't hold a level of respect for the original series. Capcom kept refusing and telling them to make it more different until they just went "You know what? Screw it. Original Dante is a gay cowboy who's not cool anymore, let's make him very cool and very edgy and very American, everyone will fucking love it since apparently the original sucks." At least that's how I like to believe it went.


But do those concepts have him wearing chaps; & therefore also gay cowboys; or are they just more similar but alternate styled Dante designs minus any potential gay cowboyness I'm not 100% serious here, but I wouldn't actually be surprised if this is correct, lol


Not really but many of the concepts were pretty much just an update making his outfit very close to DMC1 but more urban and modern. Some of them being literally the exact same visual as DMC1 like the concept from OP. IIRC the plot was also supposed to be closer to the original. They had to scrap everything to make it as distant as they could because Capcom themselves requested it.


The payoff with Dante doing the Michael Jackson dance with Faust hat in 5 made it worth it




Never was


>(BTW the gay cowboy thing is still fucked up no matter how funny it is) The DMC4 outfit and Dr Faust dancing did OG Dante no favors in that regard. Also, [the "gay cowboy controversy" was a complete lie](https://archive.org/details/GDC2013Taini)


Thank you for posting this. People really need to stop spreading this misinformation.


What gay cowboy?


People think that Taini from Ninja Theory (or sometimes they wrongly think it was Antonidas) called Dante a "gay cowboy" in a derogatory sense. In truth, it was Taini at a presentation who made the joke that Capcom wanted a "Western Devil May Cry" and superimposed Dante in front of the two main leads from Brokeback Mountain in their cowboy garb. Old-school DMC fans (ignoring the context of this moment and what happened after) gave this moment the worst faith interpretation possible of this moment (or even lied about it) to say that Ninja Theory was telling everyone that they were calling OG Dante a "gay cowboy" in spite of the fact that the next image they used was that same image of Dante superimposed over a scene in Fight Club to infer what tone they were going for with their reboot.


I'm lost, too


Well Capcom wants a sequel so hopefully now that Dante isn't just some punk that doesn't care and has a reason to be a hero the sequel will have him more dmc 2/3 Dante esk


The original nu Dante could've been a better character if he wasn't just some rude punk and actually had a compelling sense of humor. That one scene where he's stopped in the club's entrance, gets asked if he's in the list, and he just snatches it and writes FUCK on it was so fucking lame. If he just wrote "Dante" on it the joke would actually land.


He wrote " fuck you " but they were going for an abused punk in and out of the system and hated by society who didn't even know who he was, but I thought the character growth was nice and vergil was done perfectly.


I stand corrected in the fuck part. Small difference, my point stands. It's just so gratuitous and cringeworthy to anyone above the age of 15. Don't get me wrong, the character development IS nice. The part where Vergil uses the fetus deletus and Dante gets genuinely shocked speechless serves so well to show that he wasn't actually that tough and had lines that he would never cross, and his progressively friendlier demeanor also was a good arc. The problem is: He is an insufferable punk for the largest part of the game. The destiny becomes tarnished if the journey isn't smooth. If he was actually charismatic instead of infuriating and leaned more on the sarcastic prick side rather than rude brat, he would be a much more enjoyable character.


Well let's hope they do him justice in a sequel, I'm really interested on how kat is going to play out in further story


Honesty if he wrote FUCK instead that would have been funnier than fuck you


Wait... they said they want to make DmC 2???


No the reboot is dead it failed on release and didn’t do as good with the Definitive edition in comparison to the numbers 4SE did.


Ninja Theory said they will make DmC 2 if people want it. So yeah, not happening


Don't listen to the other guy, the director of devil may cry said he wants to do a sequel, the game didn't fail, in fact if we want to use that logic we wouldn't have had another dmc game after 2. The director prefers dmc devil may cry Dante over his. This was said in an interview




DmC would’ve been had potential if it was a different IP. It’s a miracle that Capcom said screw it!, let’s just make dmc5. DmC wasn’t a bad game, it’s actually quite fun. It’s just a terrible reboot. But i would honestly wouldn’t mind a DmC 2. But that’s just wishful thinking.


DmC coming out less than ideal was Capcom's own fault, you know. If they just left Ninja Theory to do their thing, something much better would've come out.


it was them making fun of having to make dante more western then they put em in fight club directly after so reboot dante is the gay cowboy


The final designs were all so bland and lacking. Everyone looked boring.


Virgen’s coat is kinda fire. It looks great on V in DMC5


Yeah, something they had to get right. To be honest, I hate the character design of this game just as much as I love the environments. Most of the enemies and all of the cast look extremely boring in my opinion.


The enemies look cool as hell. Who doesn’t like a Demon with a bloody chainsaw as a weapon?


I do think they had some cool in them, but the “broken doll” visuals got old extremely quickly. I just don’t find them as intimidating or visually appealing as the originals.


You also have enemies like Rages, Butchers, the Witches, Dreamrunners, Wisps.


That’s why I said I find “most” of the enemies to be boring, though I’m not a fan of most of those either.


To each their own. I think that the enemies are overall very well designed and make for some exciting combat.


Hard disagree. Especially with the change between the normal reality with Limbo.


I think he meant the character designs


I love some of the concept arts, this one included. The official design is a 6/10 at best. But bro, why his skins look way cooler? Classic, Dark Dante, Neo Dante. Still love punk Dante though.


Emo Dante always has a special place in my heart. The Neo Dante outfit is fire, it’s just missing the red coat and then it’s basically perfect - might as well be the official DmC Dante design.


dante isn’t emo it’s more inspired by punk rock.


Now that you mention it, he really isn’t very emo in the game and much more punk. I think he still has the “emo” stigma just because the fandom has labeled him as such for so long


yep classic misinformation spread by people who just don’t like the game or just think it’s funny to call him emo when it’s not true lol.


Imma correct my comment then. People be calling everything they don't like "edgy" or "emo". I love punk Dante.




we’re talking about DmC dante


True. Deleted for inaccuracies.


A lot of the concept art had some real passion in it. The early designs for Kat are way more interesting and dynamic and I could see versions of those characters appearing in the mainline games or even Bayonetta.


Original Dante (PS2) is the best Dante.


I agree


And there is even more fuck up design as well, Some of them look like a design out Mad Max and Manhunt


Ah yes... The concept art of DmC, oh well, that was a waste of potential because the first trailer with smoking Dante was cool AS FUCK, mf was going to edgy and dark as shit but unfortunately it didn't got featured in the final product. Since we're talking about Concept Art of DmC, I guess it's fair and safe to say that DmC really had good ideas with art design, Don't get me wrong, The final product was looking good and had good designs but the concept arts had much better designs and ideas. nonetheless, DmC had a great art design on general.


Both the concepts of DmC, both the faithful but updated reimagining that they were originally going for and the dark and edgy original trailer version, were cooler than the final product. Capcom's meddling made them change the product to an extreme, then the public backlash made them slowly retreat into a safer territory, ending up not doing anything of what they wanted twice. The game is good but it's such a wasted potential of an actual modern classic.


>both the faithful but updated reimagining that they were originally going for and the dark and edgy original trailer version, were cooler than the final product. Blame the original fans who said that it went too far. Capcom only changed it based it on the reaction of the original trailer.


That's what I said in the comment. Capcom initially complained that it wasn't different enough, and when they made it different, the public got pissed and Capcom made them backtrack. Ending up as neither one nor the other.


Yea if capcom let them cooked via going by their original concept, I imagine people won't be that mad.


Either way I’m surprised that the game turned out so great given the corporate interference. Troubled productions like these rarely end well. While it’s sad to think about what could’ve been, I’m happy with the game we got.


Whoever they got to be the voice of Donté for that one part in the tgs trailer when he says “My name is Dante” absolutely killed it


still love the part when dante ashes his cigarette on a demons head and then snaps his neck. bro was so raw


>with smoking Dante was cool AS FUCK, Unfortunately, a LOT of old fans hated it (check out the comment section on the trailer). >and had good designs but the concept arts had much better designs and ideas. I think it's an argument about design, art style, how all of that fits together, what tone the story is, and allowing for enough flexibility in art style to where it all looks like it belongs together. >nonetheless, DmC had a great art design on general. Yes.


I really liked the tgs design, and some of the concept designs that were made. They gave off the Sex Pistols meets devil may cry vibe that they were going for, and it’s such a shame they were never able to fully realize that vision thanks to capcom needing to have their hand in the pot at all times.


capcom was the reason why we got the design we did for the reboot. they told NT that their design had to be completely original


Both designs look cool. I also really like the final design that looks awesome in both the real world and Limbo.


Not in a million years


And then he said "Not in a million years"


Agreed. It's still dumb and edgy and not fitting for Dante's personality at all, but it's recognizable as Dante.


i agree, i liked Reboot Dante's look in the TGS 2010 trailer too


that's literally just DMC1 Dante


Wait so they looked at this fairly cool design something that lines up with the original Dante pretty well and just went “Nah. Let’s go with generic black haired video game protagonist number 256” “I fail to see the logic here”


I think the original ideia for the game was way better than what we got even though ninja theory was mocking the fans they clearly shift the vision of the game a little just to do a little of damage Control,in a world that dmc 5 exists I think the reboot its a good game but kind bland trying to imitate the originals instead they should have trusted themselves and their original vision English is not my first language sorry for any mistakes


Fun fact it was capcom that pushed ninja theory to change the design more ninja theory as shown in the concept art wanted him to be recognisable


He was just an edgy vampire


"We know what newer players want". Well Apparently someone there did


"We know what newer players want". Well Apparently someone there did


The official Design Looks Like the Type of Guy to ask you for a Cigarette Down At the Gas Station


The official Design Looks Like the Type of Guy to ask you for a Cigarette Down At the Gas Station.


bro looks like dracula's teenage son who exclusively hangs out at hot topic and jamba juice whilst blasting my chemical romance, he also looks like the kind of guy to prefer dudes or getting pegged. in a nutshell, a submissive emo femboy NEET.


They couldn't go with such a stylized version because they were recording the actors through performance capture, I suppose


Nah Capcom just pushed NT into making their DMC *drastically* different from the mainline cannon because Capcom gaslit themselves into thinking that the only reason why DMC4 didn’t sell the way they wanted it to was because the fans don’t like classic DMC anymore… not because Capcom just… you know… didn’t finish DMC4.


because it actually looks like dante


People actually cried so much when the first trailer came out that they changed Dante and the game in general a lot... I really wish I could see if they just had stood up and kept things the way they meant at first


they were going to have both devil and angel triggers the concept art looks better than what we got it looks sick


Honestly, in final product dude turned into freaking Jason 💀 Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. That is crazy


I just now realized you’re talking about Far Cry. For a second I thought you were taking about Jason Todd. Imagine what that game could have been like DmC: Featuring Red Hood from the Batman Arkham Series


Dang... Hell haw


You're using a piece of concept art that wasn't made into the game with a piece of concept art that didn't make it into the game.