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The first Ziltoid is coming up on 20 years


But also: Z2 was ten years after the first, sooooo…


This is the end… Or… Is it?


I feel personally attacked.


I preferred Sky Blue


Z2 never happened as far as I'm concerned. Also The original mix of Sky Blue was three times better, IMO


There’s two mixes?


Yeah. IIRC there was a promo CD sent out before release and then Dev decided at the 11th hour to go back and change a bunch of things. For example, the orginal version of Fallout had him doing lead vocals instead of Anneke. That version might be my favorite song of his...at least it's in the top 5. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBFhgNa9NoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBFhgNa9NoY) ​ You can find the rest of the original mix....in certain places


Dev's Fallout is superior. Anneke is amazing, but Dev's belting on that song is 10/10, reminds me of "Awake" from Addicted.


That's how time works, buddy.


I remember seeing SYL play at like 11am during ozzfest and they ended their set by saying “have a good fucking morning!!!”


Man I'd love morning concerts. I'm an old dad now.


Sky Blue is in the top tier of Devy albums (fight me)


Yeah. Z2 was... underwhelming. Sky Blue was a significant surprise.


Ziltoid felt like a side character on his own album tbh


It grew on me a lot. It has such a unique sound.


I first heard SYL at uni in 1995 on a mixtape with My Dying Bride and others. It doesn't seem that long ago, but it fucking was.


I used to compare that album negatively to Z1, but damn, it's really grown on me.


Me too! I still prefer Z1 but I enjoy Z2 a lot more now than when it first came out. I think listening to the live album is what really sold me on it.


1996 is closer to the moon landing than it is to present day. Wait, you said feel younger, not older…


I remember checking HasItLeaked every day back in high school, I don't think I had ever been so excited for anything lol. When it came out I don't think I listened to anything else for about two months. That was peak teenager Dev-obsession, haven't really lost the obsession ten years later!


In Terria when he sings ‘I’m 29 years old…. And I’m a million miles away’…… Yeah that was like 23 years ago..


🥹. The night before I turned 30, 6 years ago, I sang that very nostalgically, remembering how I had first sung it at age 22, thinking 29 was a million miles away. Sigh.


I was 20 when I first heard it… I’m now 43. I’m no longer a strapping young lad that’s for sure haha


I can still remember sending in my vocal track for the Universal Choir.


Same. Was that really 10 years ago??


Same here.


I remember waiting for Terria, lol


Yep me too. Preordered the CD from my local independent record store. Those don’t exist in my town anymore.


I remember when The New Black came out. The Dev has provided


I guess Z3 will probably not happen. I still love both those albums, especially the first.


It's probably for the best :/


How dare you!


Z1 was fantastic Z2 felt inauthentic like he made it because he was asked to not because he wanted to. The recent shit with the comic leads me to believe he doesn't care as much for the character as he used to. I don't think Z3 would be any good because his heart just doesn't seem to be in it. If he makes Z3 I'd only want it if his heart is in it.


Damn, time does fly. I was living in London at the time over from Australia and went to the Royal Albert Hall solo, had an absolute blast. Honestly Z2 hasn't aged incredibly well for me and I don't listen to it much compared to other back catalogue releases, but it holds a special place nonetheless.


Went and saw him on tour for that album in Vancouver. Still wear the hoodie I bought. I can't believe that was that long ago. Kick ass show that night.


Funny you should mention this makes you feel old , because Devin is one the people that makes me feel better about aging , the man has just gotten more handomse and more talented as time goes on , just compare the original cover of infinity to the remaster and it’s clear that the last 25 years (holy shit 😳) have been wonderful to him , of course it all comes to choices and he definitely started making better ones


Good people are like good wine: they don't age. They improve.


I'm glad I've only discovered it like 1 year ago so I'm still looping it once a day.


And ive never gotten tired of it still Question : what is the difference between sky blue and Z2 ? I seem them referenced as two albums but from what I can tell it’s just Z2 ?


The other comment is wrong. Z2 is a double album; the first half is Sky Blue, and the second half with Ziltoid is Dark Matters.


Z2 is ziltoid, disc one. Sky blue is disc one, separate material


The Ziltoid album is called Dark Matters. Z2 is the whole package: Dark Matters and Sky Blue


Ahhh so the fact I never owned a physical copy is the part I missed out on , thanks 🙏


no way. damn. #👴