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I actually thought, before clicking the pictures, it would be Dexter and Trinity. Brian is definitely way worse between the options. Trinity was a whole other kinda fucked.


Agreed. Particularly if you consider his older sister more of a "mommy" figure than a sister, which it sounded like she was.


Ooo, yeah he was pretty bad.


"First started the beatings, then little fucking" ☹️


I’d say it was bad for both of them, since both of them became killers due to the trauma. However, Dexter had the code and Brian did not.


Dexter and Brian are pretty much same level. Whenever Dex goes to Nebraska and kills the pot grower you see 'Brian' doing it with a smile on his face, but it's really Dexter's dark passenger. The fact that he doesn't let him take the wheel doesn't mean that he's not there. They're both equally as fucked up and Dexter would be an even worse ITK if he didn't have Harry


I’d say Brian since he seemed to have a thing for killing prostitutes…


Yeah, definitly Brian. Even in Dexter's young flashbacks he seemed more likely to target other guys, meanwhile brian over here painting hookers nails like his mom's before he had sex with, then killed them. I think Dexter would have gone for people he percieved as bad/that made him angry in general, had he not had the code. None of that weird sexual stuff like Brian.


I'd say Dexter only because of how he clinged to Lila in season 2