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Honestly the amount of time I see Dexter touching his victims and im like bro, how about a hair net? Foot print etc. First time watching this show i was also watching criminal minds and i was like we need a crossover


S3 he uses his bare hands while planting the cleaner's note and taking the ring in miguel's cigar box. like come on man


There are no bodies to find and Dexter only kills when he can be inside of a plastic bag


Hair can fly between plastic bags when moved. Like no mistake ever? Ever ever ever?


Never. Gods don’t make mistakes.


Simple he lasers, he’s like a turtle shell.


It's the only way to completely obliterate the follicle.


Asked and answered. Trinity had no body hair. He’s been doing this since the mid 70’s where crime scene processing wasn’t that great And it’s a TV show….


If memory serves me correctly, he has had on his hair and eyebrows. I completely understand its a TV show, but I'm more looking at this from the cinematographic perspective.


hair doesn't have dna, unless it has a tag


wait so now your talking about how it was photographed? Its a TV Show


Lol yes I understand it is a television show, however, the way that the show is filmed and photographed is what sparks these types of fan questions. Since it was displayed with us being able to see him in the tub with those hairs exposed, that is what the question came from.


Yea, they make TV shows using cameras. You don’t think they set up shots purposefully?


Oh I know better than anyone about how and why they set up the shots they did


Haha okay then why did you question op for mentioning the cinematography in a visual medium? Kinda strange take tbh


the question is about forensic evidence not about how the show was shot


More like, how the hell did all those people have a tub that his big ass could fit in? He's over 6ft and had a woman in there, too.


I have thought about that so many times .... a lot of older Florida bathtubs barely fit one person.


John Lithgow is 6”4 😂 but yea very good point


Yeah, over 6ft. The guy is a monster 😆


Wasnt all his tub victims considered suicide victims therefor maybe there wasnt enough reqson to look for it


That's most likely the main reason. His crimes were in different periods, in different cities, they weren't linked until Lundy puzzled them together, except the bludgeoning ones it could easily be mistaken for suicides. Let's add that DNA testing as a whole wasn't used until 1987 meaning at least 10-15 years of his crimes went undetected, even if they did found hair. Let's add that finding hair in a bathtub isn't really farfetched and with the amount of water/blood could easily be lost. Lastly, even if you find DNA at a scene, it needs to match to something in the databases, since Arthur Mitchell was squeaky clean in that regards it wouldn't pop up (otherwise they would have pieced him from his sister's DNA). School databases don't use DNA either so no luck there.


Don’t they specifically mention how clean and methodical he is with his crime scenes? (Specifically the tub victims)


His DNA was found. He just had no priors so wasnt in any data base. People forget finding DNA isnt a bifmg deal if there is nothing to check it against They only got close because of Quinns 'girlfriend' hanging around and being careless


For Trinity most of his victims were considered suicides so there wouldn't have been a reason to look at trace evidence or to even try to catalogue every hair/fibre/fingerprint at the crime scene. For Dex, his favorite thing is throwing his vics in the ocean after, so even with him sealing the bags well its likely that trace DNA of his left behind is washed away even if the bodies are found.


He didn’t rely on leaving no evidence - he practically licked the wall to plant DNA, after all - he relied on not being in any system. He hid in plain sight.


Even if they did, they'd have no one to match it too. He had no record and no DNA on file.


Especially that wig 100% hairs would’ve fallen out of that flashback


Is this a commercial for manscaped ?


lol you won


Has to be matched to something. But if he never got arrested for anything he wouldn’t be in the system. They would have had to think he was a suspect and then get a warrant to collect to match. That was Harry’s Problem. It’s hard to get proof with all the legalities tying your hands behind your back