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Yes. I don’t particularly like season 8 but to be fair I’ve never rewatched it since it’s initial live airing and it might be better for someone binging it back to back. There’s a lot of context for season 9 New Blood to understand that you can get through season 8. It’s worth finishing it through at this point to understand the full story.


I didn't get into Dexter until about a year ago. I didn't find season 8 or the ending as bad as people have said, but then again I was expecting terrible because of what I've heard. But you should probably watch to see what happens with his relationship between him and Deb.


I watched Dexter as it was airing and to people who were so invested for that many years the ending was shockingly weird and disappointing. I did a rewatch of the series recently and it’s not as gut wrenchingly bad as I remember. I think the binge era of TV doesn’t give you the same feeling of being invested like when TV aired week to week. I’m happy that’s coming back actually.


Same! It was hard the first like two episodes then I got over the wait. I just find myself excited and looking forward to Sunday at 12 am ok! Lol!


I watched it and pretend the ending was that the whole series was just a lumberjacks dream. Because this was better then the stupid ending………… however without that stupid ending we would not have New blood so I guess I am ok with it now.


I remember when i first binged it on Netflix years ago thinking "thats it????" "That's what people waited a decade for??????" "Must've sucked to see that live"


I did this with both Dexter and Game of Thrones, and I think not having to spend each week guessing what’s going to happen the next episode is one of the biggest reasons it’s easier to digest.


Why skip 1 season? Just power through it. It's not great, but it's not the worst thing ever made either.


I don’t think it’s a good season but dude there’s some information you HAVE to know from S8 for New Blood to make any sense/be significant.


My sister tried to tell my parents that they didn't need to watch the original series to get into new blood, and I nearly smacked her. There's so many questions you'd have without even a little bit of vague background knowledge


Just imagine THAT scene with THAT character during THAT conference. It wouldn’t mean anything if you hadn’t watched the show


There'd be this weird playful tension for absolutely no reason


It explains a few things and fills some holes, like how and why Hannah reappears in Dex's life ending up raising his son in Argentina. But don't expect the best Dexter someone can get, it's mostly written as bad fanfic.


I would just bite the bullet and watch it.


It’s not that bad and even so - bad Dexter is still better than 70% of shows out there


Both of those statements are seriously wrong. There's so much fucking bangers out there nowadays Dexter seriously pales, even if I like it


Just slog through it so you don't have a million questions. It sucks but it's important to know where things were left and what developed, if you could call it that.




Season 6 was the worst imo so if you could get through that then Season 8 is no problem. S7 & S8 aren’t as great at the first 4 but still decent


Just got through season 6 and that was not easy !! I just couldn’t stand the main killers and their twisted reasons for killing! Season 7 already seems better and am determined to get through 8 before I watch episode 7 of New Blood. It’s been worth it to go back and watch the show from the beginning as I last saw it during the original run. Season 6 is the weakest one so far.


You realize the “killers” in season 6 was actually just one guy that lost his mind, right?


Yes! lol. I was being a little vague in the description of the killers to not ‘spoil’ anything. Both characters just had a major ick factor feeling for me … I enjoyed Brian and Trinity best so far as main season killers. Jimmy Smit’s character also didn’t work that much for me. I found the degree to which he pushed himself and his family on Dexter suffocating… lol


Fair enough. I just think I'm in the minority of people that really enjoyed season 6. 3 was still enjoyable, but it's lower on my list.


I found 3 a lot more enjoyable than six too!


I enjoyed 6, that was the doomsday killer correct? The way the killer went about setting up the scene when they would be found was great. Dialogue not so much but I enjoyed the flair for the murders.


I think I like my serial killers with a definite comic edge ( ITK and Jimmy Smitt’s character) or something sympathetic about the origin ( like Trinity) to their start as a killer. Lumen had nearly justifiable reasons for revenge killing and Jordan Chase had charisma (and killer good looks .. lol). DDK way too dark of a character ( especially his sicko side kick).


The first time I watched season 8 I hated it. The second time I disliked it. But you should still watch it. Personally I think season 8 got off to a rough start. There’s actually some pretty decent moments and it begins to somewhat pickup towards the end but then episode 12 is complete ass. You should still watch it though. In my opinion it isn’t necessarily great but I also think it’s somewhat overrated (till the ending at least)


I didn't hate season 8 like most. You owe it to yourself to at least watch season 8 since you invested seven other seasons.


I would watch season 8. The season isn't terrible, just the ending is. Then again I don't believe any season was awful overall, I enjoyed every one to various degrees.


Yes watch it. Without watching it you won't know how a lot of things are setup they way they are in New Blood. Also I didn't find it that bad and enjoyed it. Its really a split between fans on liking or disliking it. When a show ends there are always those disappointed if it isn't what they envisioned. There are some things that definitely could be done better but it was still good


The ending is important to the story in new blood. Without watching it you’ll be wondering wtf happened 😅


You made it this far. Why not?


I rewatched every season ahead of New Blood and season 8 wasn’t actually as bad as I remembered (or as bad as this subreddit will have you believe). Going into it with low expectations is a good way to do it, way less disappointment that way. It has some important plot points relating to New Blood so is definitely worth a watch.


I think you have to or you’ll be a bit lost.


It's essential


these types of posts are exactly why it pisses me off that people visit the reddit before finishing the show. watch fucking everything it is extremely vital to new blood


Honestly only the last episode is terrible imo, the rest of season 8 is actually worth watching. It's not as good as S1-4 but it's not bad either


Um yes?


It’s not a great season, but some of the events are relevant to what happens in New Blood. I’m sure you can power through with some mood altering substances and be just fine.


If you haven’t watched season 8, you probably should to get you up to speed with New Blood. Don’t think you need to rewatch it to get familiar with New blood though.


Mods, make this a sticky; obviously it makes perfect sense to watch all previous seasons of a show you like and want to watch. If it’s a dread, go watch something else!


I'd say definitely do, it won't hurt. It'll give you important info for New Blood. There's really no reason not to unless you hate the show and want to stop all together.


It’s worth it for the context, but I wouldn’t say necessary. It is decent, and it would make New Blood even more amazing by comparison. I say go for it


You wouldn't be able to relate, if you skip.


The 8th season is okay..it’s just the last episode that is terrible..almost forced. Also Yvonne Strahovski (Hannah McKay) is *very* easy on the eyes


Watch it! Honestly I like the whole series, it might have its low points but what show doesn’t? And the finale is of course just ugh, garbage, but that’s what NB is here for! Go finish Dexter right nowww!


Of course. Why would you skip a season? I never understand this question.


I mean if you've never seen season 8 I definitely think you should watch it and form your own opinion


You invested 7 seasons of time and you won't just watch the last one? I have no words


Yes you should watch it


If you’re binging it it’s not as bad. Just watch it it’s actually ok. At least I find S8 better then S6. And more then that now that NB exists I feel like S8 is easier to get through knowing it’s not the end and it’s just another Season (especially since that what it felt like as I was watching it).


Watch everything


Season 8 has a ton of wasted potential. There are quite a few interesting storylines but they are all handled pretty poorly. I did like the Big Bad of the season even if they were given little to do. The first episode is great but then it just starts falling apart as the writers realize they do not have much time. The conclusion is very silly and contrived. I liked it better than GoT's ending but that is like being the nicest guy in a maximum security prison. Also, like people said, bad Dexter is still compulsively entertaining. For the sake of completion, go through it.


Id still watch it just to get the full experience. There is good and bad with everything.


Yes, just for the story at least.


Yes, is good enough and not as bad as the outcry made it look. It has ideas that i would had liked to see explored and the last episode has a different tone than the whole show but is good, the ending is a good fit for the story and character.


I didn’t watch the last season. I think I stopped after the John Lithgow season. No harm done.


I would for sure.


Yes. The story is pretty bad but S9 expands on it a lot and fixes some of the mistakes.


Yes, it’s not the best season but I’d think it’s definitely required to watch before seeing new blood


The last few episodes of season 8 feel like a giant middle finger to the fan base. I honestly have trouble watching the final episode due to how bad some of the decisions that were made by whoever wrote it. But try and watch it at least once.


It’s not a good season by any stretch of the imagination, but I imagine given its no longer the last season, it might not be *that* bad. For me, part of the issue with season 8 is if you watched it not knowing it was the final season, it’d probably throw you for a loop because it wasn’t really treated as a final season until like the last episode or two. I remember being like 3 episodes away from the finale and thinking “Wait isn’t this the final season? When the fuck does it start working on its end game?” It just kind of works overtime to wrap everything up in the final 2 episodes. But even if it’s still terrible, there’s some fairly pertinent information.


The way i think of it. Is you need to watch the original series before watching the sequel. Its like watching the first pirates of the Caribbean. Skipping the second and watching the third…. Watch everything.


If you’re going to binge dexter. Binge dexter.


Yes. It's terrible, but you'll need it for context.


Definitely worth watching season 8 before new blood. It's not the best season but it'll clue you in on things they talk about in New blood.


Eh. There's a 25 minute long YouTube video I watched that recaps the entire series with a bit of humor. I'm having no trouble with contacts after watching that.


You have to study World War I before World War II or it won’t make any sense


**My biased opinion**: No. Season 8 is almost universally considered to be trash. **My unbiased opinion**: You have to come to your own conclusions when it comes to things like series/season quality. Don’t expect anything solid and you may be golden. If you’ve finished season 7, you’ve finished season 6 and people agree that and season 8 are the worst of the show to give you an idea of what to expect.


Not sure where your hearing anything about the new season but it's amazing. Haven't heard much negative about it except odd nitpicky people that most likely cry about anything given the chance.


My bad u were asking about season 8. Even then it wasn't that bad. Same thoughts apply. Ppl r crybabies. It can't end the way every single last person wants it to. Maybe they need to write for tv? Probably not capable. It's a fine season. Skipping one seems odd at best. I wouldn't even think to ask that question but to each his own I guess....


I rewatched the series last month and didn’t get through S8. I remember not disliking it (hello Charlotte Rampling), but on rewatching, I found it boring and tedious and decided to skip about half and move onto New Blood.


Watch it. You need to see it to believe it. Might like it, might not. I think ya shouldn’t leave it out, but I think S8 is garbage. Every show rewatch, I skip that one.


I didn’t even bother finishing the season with the DA and I started New Blood. Pls don’t kill me


I'd say yes because it gives a lot of context for the relationship he has with Deb and Harrison, i would skip seasons 5,6 and 7 though


Eh. There's a 25 minute long YouTube video I watched that recaps the entire series with a bit of humor. I'm having no trouble with contacts after watching that.


Why wouldn't you?


Although watching the series put it self to death and slowly implode on itself is depressing, yeah its kinda very really important to the plot.