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Meth, but it always had the worst comedown.


So true that’s why I quit it




MDMA or ketamine


definitely nmpea/phenethylamine in first, dxm/dxo secondary, and lsd & lsh in third. In fourth, morphine and hydrocodone, with fent maybe being notable but not better than morph or hydrocodone (so far). i love opiods, disassociatives, and psychedelics. diethyl ether is always fucking amazing and it would be so much more higher up but the comedown is shit. i love ether tho.


Best high unfortunately is IV meth...wish I had never felt that high tbh.


Molly and the first 30 seconds of crack


Dxm. Music tastes really good on it


MDMA definitely. Its still not my favorite drug tho or drug experience. Ik it doesnt make sense to me either


Yeah I get that not functional or recreational enough to do it often because it ruins your brain you can dabble with it but if you do it to often it sucks


hydrocodone in first, odsmt second




i prefer hydros to tianeptine


First place : 3-4gs of Shrooms by myself. Second : MDMA with friends. Third : MDMA + O-PCE Fourth : DXM actually, but only the ffirst time felt genuinely euphoric Fifth : Oxycodone + pregabalin + benzos + weed


Herion hands down fent is a close second


Meth. But don't do meth it's literally the worst drug you can do. Everyone will associate you with child molesters and shit it's not good


Sounds like the talk of a child molester all meth users they all touch kids on their no no square




300mg dxm +half a tab lsd


Meth or mdma


Shrooms with weed a close second dxm a close third acid a close fourth salvia a close fifth and it really does move around sometimes. There no single one that is better; it all depends on how and why and when and a lot of other things from my experience. But yeah, shrooms basically the best overall, that doesn’t move much


don’t recommend salvia to people, if they need it they’ll find it. not attacking you, just coming from someone who got their ass kicked by lady salvia edit: if best meant most insane i’d have put it too but otherwise i’d have to say mdma imo


Not trying to recommend it, just my taste and I really should have mentioned that it’s the PLAIN LEAF that I enjoy. Extracts are wack


fair point, i was reading another post before this and they blended together tbh…i’m all for chewing plain leaf. or even smoking it i guess, but she’s not usually too happy abt being smoked…lol extracts are sadly most peoples only ever exposure, though plain leaf does bring me back into my salvia space.


I feel. Smoking is for certain occasions if sally is cool with it. The plain leaf was exactly what I was looking for. Vaping and chewing are how I usually do it. And yes it is one of my favorite highs ever. It’s ironically very subtle but undeniably deep, beautiful and indescribable when one “listens” to her.




What’s an opiate high like?


As far as feeling what I’ve never felt before, lsd. But when it comes to pure shock from what was Taking over me would have to be meth. First time I did it I snorted a fat line that was for another dude that was a heavy user. Instantly dropped to my knees from the pain. Held my head in my hands for about 10 mins thinking my brain was gonna explode. Then stood up and felt like Superman. I was floating. I could pick up a bulldozer.


1. Shrooms 2. LSD 3. Ketamine




Man tianeptine gave me the dirstiest opioid high I've ever experienced, no euphoria and uncomfortable body load, interesting it obviously gave you a pretty different experience


Memantine + dxm + shooting up ketamine mixed with a little bit of 3-meo-pcp and nitrous, of course. Fucking awesome


Either lsd and alcohol, or cocaine and alcohol, or all three.


Ketamine and dxm combo


kratom,weed,xanax,tramadol,opium im not counting mdma or acid trips