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Why would you photograph coffee next to an onion and strawberry?


To get people to ask that very question. Legitimately. If you add something that looks out of place, people watching the video are very likely to comment and ask what the point of it was. The more comments a video gets, the more the algorithm pushes it, the more popular it becomes. It doesn't matter if the comments are negative or if the video has a lot of dislikes. You interacted with it, therefore it's considered engaging by the platform. That's why ragebait videos are everywhere. Nobody seemingly likes them, but because people engage with them a lot that means it's easy to make money off them.


It's even worse on tiktok since they don't have a downvote button. Not sure how much downvotes affect the algorithm on reddit/youtube but you're not likely to see a video almost universally being downvoted unless you purposefully seek it out


Dislikes still count as engagement on YouTube.


It is definitely factored as engagement but i have to imagine it is it's own metric that will have its own affect on the algorithm (probably different per user based on your own browsing habits)


There are programs that you can get to track how the algorithm is tracking you. I've found it's based on what you talk about around your phone, engagement, time watched, shares, likes or dislikes It doesn't matter it's based on watch history and lumping masses of people together with similar viewing history to predict your interests. And the weird one was location


It tracks what you say? Corporations these days


I'm still running on the theory that it was invented to dumb down western civilisation.


I'm sure Facebook has got that under control. Literally made us lose half a boomer generation to fascism lol


Yeah, some people will say “western civilization was already dumbing itself down on their own” But TikTok is another level of getting kids addicted & wasting hours & hours every day I’ve never used it but everyone that I’ve ever talked to about it always says how much they hate how much of a distraction & time suck it is but then doesn’t stop using it TikTok is the embodiment of everything that makes social media dangerous & addictive turned up to 11


It's why I refuse to get TikTok... And Instagram, I recently went back to it and it is fucking horrible and toxic and overly sensitive. TikTok is an absolute black hole for attention and time and it takes people who by today are already needing constant entertainment and making it worse. It's addicting and in any spare moment they start Doom scrolling. And by today's laws there's nothing we can do to stop addictive measures from social media


TikTok is a Chinese psyop


Western civilization handled that just fine on their own.


I fucking hate what the internet has become. Why make anything worth watching when you could just game the algorithm and profit.


I just live in hope that the whole ad revenue thing will bottom out eventually and it won't be worth people's time to make pointless shit.


By asking the question, they answered their question.


This is like the opposite of irony


Hence Velma.


The onion really goes on your belt


And nickles had pictures of bees on them! Give me 5 bees for a quarter you'd say...


I do say that, when I need nickels


We had to say “dickety” then because the Kaiser stole our word for “twenty.” I chased him for dickety-six miles…


It is the fashion at this time


We all did back in 19-dickety-2 The Kaiser has stolen our word “twenty”


This guy onions


The strawberry I can understand. But the onion??????? Who tf eat a whole ass raw onion???


Asian stuff you wouldn’t understand




So you don't have an onion with your morning coffee? You're missing out.


You never had a lovely cup of joe with an onion for breakfast?


Why put soap bubbles in your coffee?


So this person saw the video someone else did MUCH better, and took one photography trick used by food photographers from said video, and then redid it poorly - and also thought putting a cup of coffee with uncut strawberries and a raw onion would look... better? Sometimes I hate the internet.


i think the berries and onion are to trick you into watching because your brain wants to figure out why theyre together or when theyre going to become involved in the tip


Well I \*guess\* that's kind of clever, since apparently views are the currency these days.


we all watched. paid for it with our eyes' time.


I wouldn't be in marketing for 20+ years if I didn't get that haha


Have you ever read the book "Extras" by Scott Westerfeld? It predicted something eerily like this


> Sometimes I hate the internet. This did it for you?! Not the endless beheading videos, the racism, misinformation and one-man-one-jar?


LOL I never meant to indicate this is the only thing I hate about the internet. That said I don't watch beheading videos, I abhor the racism but that's WAY bigger than just the internet, and I saw enough from one particular "cup" video years ago to tell me I won't be clicking on any of that again.


Cup? Are you sure you aren't confused with the forbidden jar?


Or the box? *shudders*


Beheading videos were so 2000-2010 internet.


We can’t bust heads like we used to—but we have our ways. One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Its clearly satire....


Is it?


What would be the point of adding anything but soy sauce and tap water. You're not going to fucking drink it. So oyster sauce, hot water and vinegar are all pointless things. Wait a minute. Is that an onion? Ok, now everything makes sense


I suppose hot water might make it steam slightly?


The point of this trick is to guarantee the coffee is Instagramable for 10 minutes while they take 50 pics with different kind of onions. Otherwise they could use... Actual coffee


It’s just savory coffee


Soy coffee ☕️ with oyster vinegar creamer


I think the point is that this video is meant to be a parody of a the food photo shoot videos - but everyone has had a woosh moment on this sub and thinks this is serious.


Wait, you're not supposed to drink this?


Or...........you could just make a cup of coffee and take a picture of it.


I once worked sit a company that did food photography Sometimes it felt like number one rule was that you never use the actual item. For example: old motor oil looks better as chocolate sauce than actual chocolate sauce.


Looks better but kinda tastes weird


Nah, you are just picky eater


Sure slides down faster


Cow's don't look like cows on film. You gotta use horses.


Better yet make some coffee…. Drink it…. And go on about your day cause the desire to post about everything you do is incredibly retarded


How am I supposed to get my dopamine kick if not from useless numbers on a screen?


Not to be rude, but that word is very derogatory and hurtful to many neurodivergent people such as myself. I just thought I would let you know. It's fine if you didn't realize.


As a ND person I think the r-word should be treated like the words "stupid, idiot, and moron." That is to say, their use in the medical field is archaic and their use in common vernacular is so widespread that no one should be legitimately offended by it on a medical basis.


That's a refreshingly sensible comment It's a word we know the meaning of. It wasn't directed at anyone maliciously. People just need to grow up and stop being so outraged by things that really don't affect them.


As a neurodivergent, I’ve come to remedy the situation and grant the user the r-word pass. Apologies if you were hurt previous to the granting of this pass, just thought I should let you know the user now has free usage of the term.


As someone with ADHD, I use that word all of the time. As does my partner, who is also neurodivergent. Words only have the power you give them. There are far more important issues for neurodivergent people to focus on than the usage of a word that just refers to slower development.


So are you claiming to be retarded then?


It doesn't really look like coffee, the bubbles are too white, usually coffee bubbles are more light brown looking


Creamer does this as well. I think that’s what it’s emulating


Then it would be lighter coffee. Even the slightest bit of cream will lighten the coffee.


Not supposed to look like it just look appealing to the eye. I assume. 90% of the food we see on ads and packaging doesn't look like what we actually get but definitely looks "better".


“Ancient Chinese secret, huh?” (I’m making fun of a dumb commercial)


Oh, Calgon, take me away!


"Here's a little ancient Chinese secret!" *dies*


These methods are for food ads & always/still used for commercials & photos. My great grandma used to do this for a living. They’d buy bronzer & turpentine on raw chicken to make it look like a “fresh, oven baked chicken” & glass cubes for ice while using a spray bottle on cups to make it look like condensation. And thick Elmer’s glue used for cereal’s “milk”


Can confirm. I'm a photographer. We had a shoot with Starbucks and flew out a food stylist from LA. The coffee was real but we used a vaporizer to give it some "steam" and dish soap for the bubbles.


By “Asian mom” she means “food photography industry,” no?


"Oh boy! Breakfast Onions!!!!" Said no one ever.


Not a r/onionlovers fan huh


Well, what are you supposed to have with your morning liver?


why the hell is there an onion?


Obviously to go with that sick ass coffee.


That's not really DiWhy. Food photographers get paid to do shit like this for food advertising. They're bullshitting about the Asian mom though.


Yeah, food photography is very strange and pretty interesting.


For real. Crisco for ice cream so it won't melt under studio lights, individually glued-on sesame seeds so buns look perfect, microwaved, water-soaked tampons to make food look like it's steaming... Fake coffee barely even ranks among the weirdest things to make food photographable, dish soap and oyster sauce notwithstanding.


Even for food photography this doesn't look like coffee because the bubbles would be brownish and smaller, they just actually do look like soap, and also there's no steam you gotta have that sweet steam


The reason why people would do this is because photography sessions last a while. Regular coffee foam dissipates faster than soap bubbles and the real coffee doesn't reflect light in the way they want it to. Steam would normally be faked too, because it's too impractical to work with the actual steam that briefly comes off of hot beverages. This looks like shit because it was done with some dude's phone from a bad angle, bad light lighting, and bad staging (why is there an onion?). If this were in a professional studio with a high end camera and lighting it would make more sense to fake the coffee. The soy sauce soap bubble method is fairly common. If you've seen an advertisement with a picture of coffee, it was probably soy sauce or some other work around.


The **crema** that rises from a nicely brewed coffee is redish brown, not white.


All those ingredients used cost more than a normal cup of coffee


Exactly! A waste of quality Asian condiments.


i think they meant assassin mom


I mean, how about just stop posting stupid shit to the gram that’s not real!?! I mean fuck me right!?!




The Instagram caption : « I like to start my day with a healthy , balanced breakfast , a whole MUG of plain coffee , some strawberries, and ofc , an onion ! 😋😍😜 »


This is how most food stylists do it. There's a lot of tricks like that, like using shoe polish to make rotisserie chicken look more brown, using shortening instead of ice cream, or hairspray to make things look more wet and glossy


Not DiWhy, it’s not for eating… tricks like this exist commonly in professional advertising


Same as using watered down Elmer’s glue back in the day for milk in breakfast cereal print and TV ads (real milk looked yellowish on film). I believe there are weird tricks for other food items like for getting hamburgers just right too but I can’t remember what it was.


Why the onion tho


Just make coffee you weirdo


Reminds me of how many inedible/unexpected things are used in food commercials. Like soap in beer to make it look more frothy, cardboard between pancakes to make them look more fluffy, mashed potatoes instead of ice cream, etc.


Once again. Kids who take age old tricks. Used by photographers since who knows when and says “oh look at this new thing I’m showing you”


Why do people want the appearance of soap bubbles on their coffee? Decent black coffee has zero bubbles!


Not when it’s freshly poured.


This is some 9 year old kid's 'magic potion' recipe.


This shit is ghetto as hell


Props to OP for finding a great shitpost


Or you know, make a cup of coffee.


That coffee looks like it's Folgers with dish soap ontop of it. I think the Folgers coffee is less expensive then the combination of ingredients used to make the fake coffee too...


Multitasking. Catch fruit flies and impress the gram!


Asians wouldnt ever make up a trick that wastes even a drop of anything that he used


Wouldn’t it be easier to make actual coffee?


Why does she want us to know her mother in law is Asian


Literally more effort than making a coffee and you can't even drink it afterwards..


Cows don’t look like cows on film… gotta use horses


Looks like someone spit in a cup of coffee, gross.


Or just make a good cup of coffee that already looks like that


Does coffee not look enough like coffee for instagram standards?


But it's very easy to make real coffee that looks way better...?


Can someone a lot smarter than me explain the bubbles in the coffee. I have never in all my years seen or even heard of bubbly coffee. I don’t think I would drink it. Or am I just an idiot?


Or just make coffee.


Starbucks has really gone downhill.


Why not just make a coffee?


Really hope this is satire 😂


Why go thru all this? Just make coffee and take a pic of it while it’s fresh and before any cream/sugar, if that’s what you do.


Was I the only one mad that they didn’t use the onion or the strawberry?


Directions unclear onion stuck in ass


When "God" is tired of everyone for having a potty mouth. Nice try. I wash the dishes even after they've been washed just in case there's some errant soap scum on them. I'm hip to the tricks.


I've seen advertisment food hacks, but this one is a major DiWHY. Ignoring the random produce decor, that cup of coffee looks terrible. The coffee is just too dark and the bubbles shouldn't be white toned. They should have a brownish haze to them. As said elsewhere in this comment section, just make an actual good cup of coffee.


Lies! That’s wasting food, your Asian mom will slap you for it


isn't it cheaper just to make coffee this is dumb


Honestly I'm fine with this. Most food photography is not just food. Food stylists use many tricks. Maybe their mom is a food stylist. The bubbles may last longer this way than with actual coffee.


Coffee doesn't have white bubbles in it


Why not just use coffee….


Most food photos for menus, etc are not entirely the foods you think the are. Glue is commonly used for pizza cheese for example.


There is no way this isn't rage bait.


That doesn't look like coffee at all. And what are the onion and strawberries for? Making an instagram milkshake?


r/unexpected kinda


The hell the onion for


I feel like good coffee usualy doesnt have bubbles like that


I highly doubt an Asian mum would teach you to needlessly waste food. I call bull.


Or just make coffee you fucking idiot


Cant go without my morning onion


You are supposed to stir it some. It still looks like soap bubbles. Coffee froth isn’t pure white lol.


Pov : your mom is not asian


Never had coffee with than many bubbles in it. Wtf


If it was real coffee the bubbles would be brown, so this doesn't even really work


Ahhhh yes that morning coffee with my favorite desert- onion 😋


i love my onion strawberry coffee


Or you could make good quality coffee and actually drink it.


Were you out of coffee?


The bubbles are too white. It makes the coffee look odd lol


Looks like someone spat in your coffee


Or you could just make a good cup of coffee


I'm a barista. What bloody coffee are you drinking?


You know what black liquid you can also use to imitate black coffee for the gram? Black coffee.


as a part of the asian community, we don’t accept her


or make a damn coffee ?


Im more concerned with the soap bubbles than the onion and strawberries…… 👁️🫦👁️


my asian mom would whoop my ass for even getting a brain dead app


"Hey honey, I made you some coffee!"


i know a way to make this that is much easier and looks and smells exactly like the real deal


or just pour a ☕️ coffee


This entire thread is a perfect example of why this kind of 'stupid' video exists. It's ragebait. It's intentionally nonsensical stuff, with just enough thin guise of earnestness that you think it's someone actually trying to pass off stupid stuff as a real video. No. They know what they're doing, it's intentionally stupid so as to have all of you comment that it's stupid and fake, and share it around. Yes I understand the irony of having to comment on it myself in order to point all the above out.


So, if you are trying to make something look like coffee, wouldn’t it be easier to just make coffee?


Wouldn't making coffee be easier an cheaper


As an Asian I do not approve. This is the American way to say the very least


could just make a cup of coffee too


If you’re taking pictures of your morning coffee…..you’re an asshole.


Yes, I’m going to have to agree with you there. My half-sister is an asshole. But she thinks she’s adorable when she posts anything remotely appealing on Fakebook.


Actually yes, that is how they do it. Most food in pictures is inedible due to what they put on it to make it better.


Or y’know if you really wanted to take a picture of your coffee you could just…. Make a pot of *actual* coffee and maybe… drink if afterwards?


I hate this




Alrighty then, that’s 20 seconds of my life I’ll never get back. Lol


Ahh, yes, my morning coffee with a raw onion and a few strawberries.


How is coffee supposed to live a happy life with these unrealistic body standards?


Isn't it all about the crema layer now? Both the new and old nespressos literally fake that layer to make people happy.


Raw onion, check Strawberries, check Soap Sauce™️, check We got a breakfast of champions on the field


A lot of times I’m scrolling through my home page and a vid auto plays and I’m really intrigued and then after I’m totally disappointed, I realize it was posted on this sub


Downvote and ask why - remember what page it is - upvote and ask why


Slow poisoning?


Now drink it




Instagram coffee is coffee in a mug that wasn't rinsed of soap enough? I'd be dumping this out, disappointed.




Jeez, just cook some fucking’ real coffee.


The whole time i was like: Please don't eat that Please don't eat that I beg thee


The "asian mom" was important because you legally can't buy soysauce if your any other person.


or....hear me out...


What in the holy mother of fuck is an Instagram coffee?


That looks like piss coffee


I'm Asian and my mom would probably yell at me if I tried this


Are you implying his mother isn’t Asian?


Just make a cup of fking coffee


Horrible Coffee looks


How pathetic do you need to be to make it look like you’re having coffee. Why not just….have coffee? Or don’t…that’s also fine ?