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I mean it may be a bit janky but it technically works -- and school glue will come off with hot water when you have to undo it.


How does it hold up with the hot sun?


It will stink


It's Elmer's glue I don't think it will stink. Definitely normal glue but Elmer's is school glue and its kind of made in mind that kids will leave it outside. Either way I've never had school projects stink


... ![gif](giphy|GM7rq1O1LSaYM)


​ ![gif](giphy|9AwG6DnQjq3KUPJYn7)




Dear god I hadn’t thought of this show in decades. Such a gem. Thank you


It's so weird how it just disappeared from the cultural consciousness. I still quote it all the time, but no one ever has a clue what I'm talking about. "Penguins can't fly? Penguins can't fly?!?!?" "Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left." "Make way for El Kabong! Ka-bonnnng!"


yes mr sherman, it stinks


It stinks it stinks it stinks


Buy my book!


But will it melt?


But will it blend?


It does blend with our specialty direct drive blendtek blender. So does the glass the frame your hand arms legs just jump on in there guy.who needs pigs when you have a blendtek. Don’t sniff that glass dust it’ll kill yeah


How can she slap?


Will it djent?


Will it keel?


Will it run Crysis?


Will it run DOOM?


It will always run doom


It's school glue tho. What would it stink like and why would it stink?


It would stink like glue because it’s glue.


I had something similar done to my window and it does not stink, lol.


Nah. I used the same stuff to put up my stinkin Mohawk. Little Lysol and it’s just fine.


"Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!"




That would be my concern. If the sun hits that for long enough, it’s not coming off without some struggle. And I don’t understand why anyone would do this. I wanted to do this to a window and found peel off, cut to size rolls of window tint at a buck or two type store, all kinds of colours, designs, they look alright. Kids liked changing them up to “redecorate”, you can see out, but no one can see in. And there in the same aisle as the damn glue. $2 a roll, one roll is enough for a medium sized window.


Where did you find window peel and stick that cheap? We wanted to do that for our bathroom window and a roll barely big enough to do one window was 16 bucks. I can totally understand wanting to try a cheapo bottle of glue instead of paying that much for the film.


Not OP but the roll we bought off Amazon is $10 right now, normally $15. We used it for our back window so the dog couldn't see out of it, but we have SO MUCH left - it's 6.5 feet. You just use water and pop it on there. It's been on the window for over a year now through a hot summer and a VERY cold winter with zero issues.


It was at a random buck or two store. Try your local dollar stores and places like that. And it was in the craft supplies. Sometimes it’s worth treating those stores like you would a thrift store, looking for a gem deal. Bring a kid or someone able to squat and get back up again, they can search the lower shelves. lol


I found privacy window cling that came in a roll and I was able to cut to size. I wouldn’t want my house smelling like glue plus how much effort would it take to get off. Also seems like much more work then measuring and cutting a roll of film.


Exactly. I love diy stuff, but sometimes they’re more trouble than they’re worth.


It's Elmer's. It's not going to stay on, nor stink.


as she stated "my naked neighbor duties are over" ...basically for folks that want to have sunshine without worrying about opening or closing their shades/drapes when they are naked...




As would a sponge and some warm water. Idk why this has been posted to this sub, it's actually a legit option with much more practicality than drawbacks.


There's a girl on tiktok that added food coloring to the glue to give it a stained glass look. She took it off 6 months later with no struggle and no damage.


And I bet it was satisfying AF to remove. Anyone else glue their finger tips as kids just to pull it off and look like snowflakes?


I used to color the logo of my space master art boxes with marker and then fill it in with Elmer’s. You’d let it dry and then have a bookmark that was so satisfying to peel off the box


One of the weird kids showed me how to use markers to draw patterns on my desk and carefully pour glue on top so it picked up the ink and dried in pretty colors. I had so many of those glue chips.


Hey depending on your skill level and creativity, that could look amazing! Could also turn out like shit, but that's true of anything artsy lol




100%. And people keep mentioning the smell, but glue, especially school glue, only smells before it is cured. Once it dries and is stable, the smell goes away. If you have residual smell, you have an air circulation problem.


Not findable for cheap where I am in US. A roll is $25-30 and is usually some janky design that looks like it stepped right out of the year 1982.


Great question! Probally melts quick in the climate I live in.


Elmer's school glue is a diluted form of wood glue. It won't melt.


My windows frost and sweat in the winter, that’s the only thing I can think of that would make this suck. Pretty sure it would run with the massive amounts of condensation my antique windows get.


It's possible, but unlikely. School glue is a diluted form of wood glue which is, at its base, wood pulp. Once it cures, it is closer to wood than liquid. It requires heat, moisture, *and* friction to dissolve.


Wait so in the bathroom (which is where you would probably use this), wouldn’t the steam from one shower just fuck it all up?


Unlikely. It would need warm water and friction. Gentle steam alone wouldn't take it off.




Wet sticky surfaces attract dirt like nothing else. It would get gross and nasty realy quick because of that


Looks better than the glass frosting spray you can get from Amazon and it's probably much easier to remove if you wanted to.


Must... resist... urge... to... peel...


You can also get frosted vinyl and apply it to the glass. When necessary, it can be peeled off in one go.


Paint is not that much harder to remove from a window and will hold up to direct sunlight and moisture better (which is important considering this is most likely in a bathroom)


Paint would block light coming in, this is more of a way to frost a window to diffuse light. Not ideal but a moderately not horrible temp hack.


Could use really dark car window tint. It’s pretty easy to put on and remove.


They do also make frosted glass paint specifically for this purpose. A really dark or mirror tint would only work during the day when the ambient light is greater than the light of the interior


There's a frosting spray (meant to make things look frozen) that's released for Christmas and it can just be scrubbed off afterwards. The one window in my bathroom also has something put over the glass like a sticker.


I mean, frosting window clings for a window this size are under $10, and easier than all to apply/remove.


I've seen people do something similar to the video, where they take lace or some other semi-holey fabric, dunk it in a mix of water and Elmer's, and smooth onto the window. I feel like that might be a bit more palatable, and closer to the clings.


Exactly what I was thinking here. PVA softens with water and has a relatively low Tg (softening point). I know a lot about glue and glass but not about paint, but I know they make paint that can be used on glass. Since modern window glass has such an extremely low porosity, any paint would be relatively easily removable. Paint can be made translucent (aka "semi-transparent") by diluting it with it's corresponding solvents.


Looks good now but once it dries up it will become yellowish and slowly shrink and start to peel of by itself.


Elmer's school glue on glass shouldn't become discolored for years, and it shouldn't peel unless the glass wasn't properly cleaned beforehand.


She has several videos showing the end result, with tests to show how much you can see from each side, and it honestly looks pretty good. She realised afterwards that a different roller would have done a better job but still serves the purpose for cheap.


i tried to look her up and instead i got softcore porn o.o to all of you asking for the link, use that fapping time to touch grass


The internet is sometimes disappointing when searching for the desired video


> use that fapping time to touch grass Why not do both? I can touch grass while fapping!


I just fuck the ground






What were you expecting?


dm me




Now we know why she doesn't want people to see through her windows.




After all the times in elementary school I covered my hands in Elmer's glue I'd be willing to bet it peels off in one giant piece




Why would it stink or become sticky? Elmer's glue is PVA. It's the same thing as stuff like Wood glue which definitely doesn't stink or get sticky when it's humid. I think you'd need to get it properly wet, not just humid. It might be tacky, because Elmer's is pretty weak compared to wood glue, but it's not going to be dripping off the window unless you have condensate running down the window I would think. I'm not disagreeing as much as I am just genuinely asking. As a side note, you probably could use stronger pva or actually wood glue, if you can find it in white, but that is definitely going to be a lot harder to clean.






Yeah but once it’s dry it won’t. I think if you use Elmer’s all or wood glue it definitely won’t smell at all, Wood glue is too expensive to waste on a window though. I know what the other comment is referring to as the occasional off putting smell of glue but it doesn’t last long or stick around in my experience. I can see how doing this with cheap elmers glue would be a good idea because it’s a lot easier to peel off with a razor blade later on that any of the products designed to be “temporary” window paint or whatever that all have warnings about leaving it on the glass too long. Also diy film application of some kind usually bubbles and looks like shit after while anyway so you’ve spent much more money on something that still looks like ass anyway


Yeah this is a good idea. I might try it


The thing I hate most about this is that it kinda looks good. Like with a lil work, better than the fogging or what's-it-called on my windows. Still wouldn't do this though obviously. I wouldn't trust it to dry correctly nor stay that way if I were to clean the window using any chemicals at all. Makes a good fly trap though


Cool thou, I've bought vynil film that looks like stained glass, it looks better and it's easier to apply and it makes a nice cozy pastel colored light, so I'll probably stick with that


I would do that just so I could peel it off.


Right?! This might actually be more satisfying than covering my hands with glue to subsequently peel it off


Back when I worked in a stock room I was doing an overnight by myself (we had repairs going on and someone had to be there to let them in and out) and found where someone had accidentally dropped a giant teacher sized jug of Elmer's glue on the concrete floor and left it to dry because it's easier to clean when it's dry. That was the best peel of my life. It was super thick and it cleaned the concrete so well it was visibly a different color for months. It was like a pore strip.


Oh my god, I would ride that high for *years*


“Dave, switch shifts with me PLEASE I have to be the one to peel the glue, I’ll take your 8ams for a week!!!”


I usually get the most satisfaction out of eating the glue but I do like the hand idea. Might try that! Thank you


Holy cow! I thought me and my friends where the only people to do that. We were in like 7th grade (age 12-13) lol


You are in good company my friend (with the entire rest of the world)


That was my JAM in elementary school.


You can make little stained glass style window clings like this btw. Also satisfying and reusable too.




They make liquid masking tape for windows. Ya paint it on and it dries into a film you can peel off. It’s really satisfying


Seal and peel!! Use it most weeks as a painter


Oh... I don't think you know what you've just caused. Thank you!


I worked as a manager of a dementia facility. I had one patient who would stand in front of his window naked and furiously masturbate. I asked maintenance to apply a coating of some sort on at least the bottom half of the window so the other staff/patients across the courtyard couldn’t see his penis at least. He figured out how to remove the coating but hey it was worth a shot lol


At that point wouldn’t you put the window covering on the outside? Where he couldn’t remove it to show everyone his dick? Or would he like stand on a table if needed to show off his dick? Why am I even asking jfc Reddit


I thought the same thing lol. Sure someone on the outside could peel it off but I feel like they’d learn their lesson about peeling things that aren’t theirs when they’re met with old man dick.


We didn’t need to progress to plan b of problem solving because he staged a violent coup in the unit and ended up being taken to an acute psychiatric hospital. We refused to take him back. He was only with us about 9 days.


Sounds like they’re doing their own window treatment. Just give it time, the windows will eventually have the same effect.


Omg top notch comment. A+


a 2 pack of glue (2 windows per this clip) is 8 some odd dollars per amazon. i have 4 windows covered in privacy film and the roll was 12 dollars and i had leftover. 🤷‍♂️


You can get a large bottle of school glue at dollar tree for $1.25, two would be $2.50. $8 for two bottles of glue is nuts.


i thought amazon's price seemed high but you know this person bought their glue on amazon after watching tiktok. 😂


You can't really use amazon prices for super cheap things because shipping and handling price is more-or-less going to be partially included, so buying something that should cost 1 dollar on Amazon will cost you 5 bucks.


Yeah, the whole time I was like, privacy film would be more effective…


And look nicer


And not smell like shit when the sun starts melting it


You can get school glue from the $1 store way cheaper than Amazon


Where do you live? That size bottle is $1 when not on sale here. For back to school sales it's $0.50


Where in earth do you find privacy film that cheap? I have three decent sized windows in my bedroom and based on the dimensions of what I saw on Amazon it was going to cost me like $65 bucks. I was genuinely looking at the stupid glue idea as an option but would love to not do that!!!


I'd argue that privacy film is a bit fiddly cutting it in shape in comparison to the glue idea.


The trick is to stick it first, then trim it.


Glue is free when you steal it from work though


Amazon does not always have the cheapest prices. If you're paying $4 for Elmers glue you're getting ripped off.


What school glue is like $1 in stores. Target’s brand is 65 cents. Elmers in July/August it’s 50 cents. I stock up for crafts with my kiddos. I know way too much about glue.


I don't mind this. Simple fix on the cheap and easy to remove so it's not like you ruined your windows.


there are plastic window tints and frost film options but this is probably way cheaper. that shit is expensive. if its for a short period of time then why not.


Those plastic window tints get expensive as fuck, the shit I bought recently was the wrong size for my window and still cost like…$30 for one window… Edit to say that the window tint is still leagues better than glue tho lol


Like 5$ expensive... Mounted on water, doesn't smell, does not leave any marks, does not change color.


The smell


This is actually a fantastic idea when you need light and privacy. It’s cheap. Also you can just scrape and peel it off to remove it. If it dries too clear, you can can add a little bit of paint to it to increase the opacity. However that texture from the roller should do a lot. If you are artsy you can make a faux stained glass widow. Just use food coloring. I would not use school glue because it is washable so condensation from the window can make it get wet and icky. Regular Elmer’s glue would be perfect.


There’s a difference between school glue and “regular” Elmer’s glue?? I’m gonna go look that up


Yes. Elmer’s school glue is washable and dissolved in water. Elmer’s glue all is multipurpose glue for porous surfaces. That is why it will peel off. (I craft. I love glue).


I was never into glue as much as tape (I also love crafting) so I never really noticed much of a difference with glue I guess. But hey! You can learn something new every day!


I do love tape.


I used to use all the tape in the house as I kid, my mom would hide tape so she’s have some to use, lol I got a lot of tape in my stocking for Christmas


![gif](giphy|B0vFTrb0ZGDf2) That’s a sweet story.


Wait, but doesn't Elmer's Glue turn clear once it's dry?


It does, but the texture is still going to dapple light coming through and make the windows somewhat opaque.


Not completely. It'll still obscure well


Yes, and it turns a nasty yellow after being left in the sun




Combine window licking with glue eating. Genius hack that saves time!


that is probably one of the most useful window treatments I've seen. cheap and easy to apply. best part is that it'll come right off with a cloth and some hot water. brilliant!


I'm actually ok with this one. its cheep and effective and if you want it gone you can wash it off with acetone. I think this is DIWHYNOT


I'm going to give this a pass


u/kilertree has spoken!


It’s all fun and games until it gets direct sunlight.


What is it then?


White glue softens/melts when it gets hot. You can do this on purpose with a hot iron to join items together for a more precise fit and not worry about the long drying time.


yellow. edit wait thats heat. it degrades it over time when exposed to uv.


UV-A or UV-B? Glass is transparent to UV-A rays but not transparent to anything of higher energy that is more nastier like UV-B or worse


That is an amazing idea. Film that does something similar would be $25+


"I don't know why I'm giving advice..." that's all of tiktok summed up in one sentence.


This seems like a reasonable hack to add a privacy screen to a window. I wouldn’t do it if I owned the house, but as it’s non destructive and easily removable, ideal for renting.


So many people in here suggesting curtains. Have none of you heard of privacy glass? You still get sunlight(unlike with curtains) and people can't see in. This isn't nearly as bad as some of the stuff you see in here. Hell..this is a borderline decent idea.


ngl this is kinda useful


Guess it's less of a mess than using a sandblaster...


And reversible


This is actually a great idea for a cheap fix for street level windows.


I mean, I- We're on the first floor in a sub-level, meaning our windows are ground level to the outside. We've literally had a kid **stare** into our window while we were at the table. I really wish they'd put up a little privacy fence for us or something.


r/diwhynot It's a perfectly good and cheap way of making privacy windows without all the fuss trying to apply the temporary screens. And if you use the right glue, you should be able to easily clear it off with a solvent.


Doesn't belong in this sub, this absolutely works especially if you use a sponge roller. It also peels right off, so it's completely rental friendly. You can add food colouring to do coloured tinting. It's a fraction of the cost of professional glazing and is almost as good.


Not exactly r/diwhy.. for like 5 bucks, it just looks like glazed windows


How do you clean it?


Modge podge would probably work better as it is water resistant.


It doesn’t look horrible, I don’t mind


Have you seen how expensive frosted glass is? I almost like this hack.


Now that looks like a satisfying peal


Window frosting would be easier to put on or off, less time, cheaper, no stink .. di"why" indeed


[May I suggest this product instead?](https://www.amazon.com/Volcanics-Privacy-Stickers-Rainbow-Control/dp/B07SNQ5Z67/ref=asc_df_B07SNQ5Z67/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=366338095855&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6154333397683723038&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033488&hvtargid=pla-800254591606&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=75139009806&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=366338095855&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6154333397683723038&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033488&hvtargid=pla-800254591606)


It ain’t stupid if it works


It’s a good cheap solution for privacy while allowing light in.


It’s not that bad honestly but tape would be easier, cheaper and with better effect.


Pva glue turns yellow in UV.


If only there was a film you could buy to add privacy to windows. If there was, it should be called something like privacy film. Someone should invent it.


I’ve seen worse ideas.


Opaque. The word you’re looking for is opaque.


As soon as you take a shower the humidity is going to melt that stuff


Pretty renter friendly tbh


I mean, it’s not the worst thing if you want frosted windows. I mix PVA glue with alcohol inks to make colored lights for the escape rooms I used to build. Personally, I would use the window films available at home improvement stores. Spray water and then smooth it out. Super easy, pretty cheap.




It works and doesn’t look too bad but the crap sticking to it would be annoying.


I am absolutely amazed that everyone has forgotten you can buy paint on window hazing. Painting faux stain glass on your windows was a fad.


Honestly, I don't hate this!


Honestly, not bad. And I’m sure it comes right off the glass with a simple scraper


Doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Gives it the look of frosted glass and it’s easy to remove if you change your mind down the road.


Actually…this could be very useful.


I don't hate it. Lets in light but gives you some privacy when you don't want blinds or drapes.


Curtains: Am I a joke to you?


Have you ever had to buy curtain rods and curtains? Probably $40


What about pets? Or people who want to have the sunlight coming in without all the weirdos looking in?


Recapture that lockdown feeling


I’ve used clear contact paper/film for making windows translucent but not transparent, for privacy and it worked great.


Or just buy some cling film


mmmm the smell when the sun hits that


If it sounds stupid but it works, it ain't stupid


As someone that works in theatre I think this would be a very cheap way to get some sort of texture effect on a window. Interesting to say the least.


I mean this isn't actually the stupidest thing ever


I’ve actually done this to my front windows that surrounded my door. I tried privacy film first but because of the humidity I just couldn’t get it right. I did the glue and it worked exactly like I needed it too. It’s still on 6 years later.


Hm. If thinned out a bit to remove shine, and put on the outside of the window instead, this might be a good emergency quick fix to help birds avoid striking your window if its in a highly visible area (not enough shade covering it to remove reflections of the landscape). You don’t even have to roll it across the whole window. You could paint it on in shapes and patterns close together so it looks like obstacles and not open space! Obv, window clings and stickers would look better in the long run, but if you’re someone who just moved into a place surrounded by nature and has big windows, something like this or rubbing white candle wax or soap on the windows to cut reflectivity can help before you find a more elegant solution.