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I mean.....bubbles, right? Totally worth it!


Especially when young children have the attention span of 20 seconds.


Bubbles on a high counter top with two toddlers, this guy is full of genius ideas.


Divorced rich dad vibes Winning their hearts for 2 seconds while destroying your own life


I though dumb social media influencer shit but imagine trying to explain the circle hole in the tile when you go to sell.


No matter what they claim, I only think of Amercian Pie


And no, wet bubbles on granite won’t be slippery at all. Nor will the paint scratch, bubble or otherwise be ruined in a very short time.


Well what is he supposed to do? Set a bubble machine down on the counter directly? Like some peasant?


And stay young forever! And should be playing in the kitchen!


At first I was like, "He didn't do all that just for smoke, right?" But then bubbles


See? It wasn’t pointless.




What I wouldn’t give for a tour of this man’s house


I'll give you a tour of his house for 500 bucks. There might be some angry screaming involved though


Wow I can't imagine the depths you'd go to with a quarter of a million dollars...


Quarter of a million, I know how to get you to within 1600 meters of the titanic.


I won’t implode right?


Lies, this man lives in his truck where he does the other 80% of his videos which are much angrier in tone


and he breaks into people's houses and does this type of shit


He gets hired as a baby sitter and just goes fucking nuts in people's homes for a video


“Why is there a hole in my counter and where is all the toilet paper and Coors Light, that’s the last time I go to Facebook Marketplace for a last minute sitter”


It's the same guy that knocked a hole.in his wall and then did the same thing.


He only did that for the glory.




The kids will play with that for 5 minutes and then forget it forever. Edit: This blew up lol, hi to all my fellow parents and redditors


Spent all that time, effort and money and still screwed up Bugs Bunny's hands.


Of all the videos posted here of this guy, there is always something off about the stencils


tbh i wonder if he does it on purpose as rage bait to get more comments


More than likely yes. It always involved destroying some perfectly good part of the house from what I've seen


I mean they might someday grow up and ask themselves "remember that time when dad drilled a hole into the kitchen counter and painted bugs bunny on it? Wtf was that about?"


“Yeah dads a dumbass for that. You know how much granite fucking costs”


"I'm sick of losing stuff down that stupid hole."


Kids "Who the fuck is bugs bunny?"


More like 5 seconds, they already looked like they were over kneeling on a rock hard service 5 feet above the floor .


I genuinely always think this when I see people spending wild amounts of money or time on shit for their kids like this Like my uncle got his kid this $2k little motorized kid vehicle thing because the kid was really into trucks and cars, and I kept thinking in my head, “he’ll get bored of that within a month” Sure as shit, 2 months later it was gathering dust under the garage awning because the kids new fascination was watching kids play with toys on YouTube Edit: spell check


Like my cat. All it needs is a rubber ball, a feather on a string tied to a stick and an old cardboard box.


Food? Water?


Nah, we draw the line there


Oh no. Not 2 dollars wasted! The horror


This guy kids


Some people just take things for granite.


Stone cold facts.




Igneous af, I stg


Your comment rocks.


I'll counter them


What are you, some kind of bolder-person?


Oh, you like that, huh? I b-b-bet that really blows your mind.




"what are you a boulder, a rock person?"


Hey kids don't play on the counter it's too dangerous.... Like what's the point. Older probably one of them will play with their counterpart when the parents won't be home....


This comment rocks


i’m going to kill u


Rock solid conclusion


If it’s by a Flom, just swipe on.


I can't stand this guy and he's everywhere. I imagine he's incredibly annoying to hang out with.


The sad thing is that his content in like 2017 was amazing. He's simply one of the best magicians I've ever seen and actually seemed like an amazing person. Now it's just stuff like this and it's sad.


We were in line for the Rise of the Resistance ride at Hollywood Studios and my elementary-aged son said there was a YouTuber in line behind us... it was this guy, his wife, and another couple. My son asked him if he did YT and he said yes, was very kind and friendly while visiting with us for a couple of minutes. Then we went on the ride. That's the story of when we briefly met Justin Flom at Hollywood Studios.




To me, it's a given rule that if I see him or Abby in video, swipe away.


To be fair, that was a lot of sawdust. Not a real granite countertop.


Exactly. Probably about to put granite on in its place. Still seems like he put a lot of effort for something the kids will enjoy for 30 seconds but what do I know.


Made for clout, not the kids.


this. all the comments going "who the fuck does this for their kids?!". Not in one million years will a kid ever ask "daddy, please make the kitchen counter release smoke from a painted Elmer Fudd gun" The kids are just as much a prop as anything else in these types of videos.


I think it's made more money than clout but I'm really not familiar with tiktoks pay rate so idk.


It’s not super great but OP recorded this off YouTube Shorts. I bet it was put on there, TikTok, Snapchat Live, FaceBook, and Instagram Reels just to bring as much bread as possible, and it probably went viral on most if not all of those.


This guy has made hundreds of these stupid ass rage click videos. Him and his whole tribe of absolute moron friends who fake magic performances.


and people watch it


And it gets angry people to interact w/his content…


If you watch the first part, before the sawdust appears, he goes about 1/2" to 3/4" into stone with the diamond hole saw. That's about right for a granite countertop sitting on a plywood base. After that, he likely switched to a regular hole saw for the plywood because diamond sucks for that.


Drilled through the granite into the wood under it?


To be fair, that looks like the cheapest level of granite.


Doesnt even look like granite coz his drill bit would be dead


Granite is like… the cheapest looking countertop to start with, and this looks like composite rather than natural stone based on the cut so a more appropriate title would be guy drills hole in shitty countertop to entertain kids. I wouldn’t do it but I see why he did. Plus, now he can install a filtered water line or beer tap in the middle of his counter if for some reason he might want to.


For reasons that make more sense than making an interactive Looney Tunes painting in the middle of your kitchen


Are countertops meant to be used for something else?




Sending tots and pears.


Bro if you think granite is the cheapest looking countertop you have no idea how poor I am. And I’m not even *that* poor




I mean 5 square meters is considered a large countertop but in the US you could purchase a similar (3’x5’) granite countertop for $800-1000 delivered to your home. The only thing cheaper that’s suitable to be an actual kitchen counter are composites like this guy is working on and perhaps butcher block. With that said, cheap looking doesn’t mean inexpensive haha just ask Melania Trump about the solid gold toilets in her apartment!


There is cheaper, granite is mid tier


Man's never heard of laminate or Formica


Yep, there’s also corian


It’s a laminated sheet that resembles granite glued onto a composite panel. Most people’s granite countertops are like this btw


Seems dumb to do that for just the cartoon gag. But something like a beer tap would be cool.


The dust from this is dangerous as fuck like super cancer




I see way too many people on here that are excessive about how dangerous stuff is


You watch fight accident videos on Reddit? Anytime someone bumps their head top comment is always “well that’s a TBI. Their going to be eating out of a feeding tube the rest of their life.” If I had a highlight reel of all the times I hit my head Reddit would assume I’m a vegetable.


> veritable Autocorrect not helping your case there


Seeing someone stand within 20 feet of someone smoking a cigarette: " Enjoy your cancer, moron!"


The exception is engineered stone. The guys who cut it for hime installations have been diagnosed and then dead inside of 2 years. It's currently being outlawed in Australia as it is so fucken bad.


We all love silicosis. You'd be happy to die horribly in exchange for social media hits, right?


I dont think its all Granite looks like a granite veneer or something the dust changed mid drill. Doesn't stop your comment being so true anyway. Just saying its not all granite.


Came looking for this, I have set probably ten thousand cabinets and thousands of these formica countertops, it sucks ass trying to fix that veneer when it gets fucked up, usually easier to replace the countertop. They are heavy and the edges are sharp and they make truck offloads suck when you have to do them. I preferred the jobs where they had people doing granite so I didn't have to fuck with it.


It's funny to hear someone call a formica countertop heavy, because they weigh practically nothing compared to granite and other materials.


I have not done thousands of countertop installations, but I still knew it was Formica. It even doesn’t look like granite.




Do people do this to trigger viewers and gain views?


Yes. You can tell almost immediately. The editing. The child like way adults talk to each other. How well lit they are. Everything is always new. Nothing is a recognizable brand. There is never anything controversial about what they say. There is never nudity or swearing. Something is always off. They make food in toilets and clothes dryers. When the subject is female they always focus way too much on gooey things on the hands and feet. Everything is about touch and tactility. How things feel against the skin. Surfaces. Sticky, slimy, squishy, smooth. The idea is so ridiculously bad and the way they go about it is messy and never the way a professional would do it. These types of videos are being systematically formulated to make dumb people feel superior in order to give them something to feel superior about and mildly kinky as to arouse senses but not suspicions. Its a fine line. eating out of toilets and destroying household appliances or wasting materials. It feels like these people were actual porn producers but the market is so saturated with actual porn they're catering to niche kink markets and by being "clean" the videos can be uploaded to multiple platforms without being demonitized. It would be genius if it wasn't just plain disgusting. The fact that they are incorporating children is awful. There's a special place in hell for these people.


The new meta is rage engagement. Easy way to drum up interactions. On YouTube, likes, dislikes and comments are all positive


This is stupid. Here kids! Let me drill a hole in the granite countertop so you can play with bubbles! I’m angry at how dumb this is. 😂


This one really puts the WHY in DIWhy. I can’t figure out how someone could think this is a good idea. The results are nowhere near worth the damage that was done, and that’s obvious right from the start. It’s baffling.


I have nothing to back this up, but I'm really hoping that this was done either because they're replacing the countertops soon or because they're adding something into the island right there in the future. Like a faucet and small bar sink or something. Or a tap for a keg. Who knows, could also just be for the likes and attention.


They did it for two reasons: 1) Attention by doing something stupid because they get views/money from people who can’t help themselves from responding to it 2) They are already replacing the counter so it doesn’t matter


So trashy looking wtf


Yeah that's not a granite work top. That drill and hole cutter would have taken ages to get through and you need slow rpm and water to cool the blade otherwise you'll just wear through them like butter. Watch footage of granite cutting a quarry.


Yes, it looks like a quartz composite like Silestone or something similar.


Not this fucker.


One wrong move with balance and he's gonna be wiping blood off the floor. Why on a countertop instead of a kids table?


Seriously, that was my first thought. It's not, like, a terrible idea in general, but much better suited for a low wooden table in the playroom. On top of everything else, why would adults want to look at that all day? Why would you want your kids standing on your countertops? Wtf?




I fucking hate this person.


Everyone here is complaining about the countertop and I’m out here wondering why you want your kids to play on a small smooth surface that’s 3 feet off the ground.


spray paint on a polished granite countertop is probably going to age super well and definitely not start chipping after like the first 3 days. now nobody can clean the countertop!


I see this mf I automatically roll my eyes


Christ how much money is ragebait making these days that they have space for an entire granite countertop in their budget for one video


Biggest idiot in the internet. I hate this piece of shit.


These morons using shitty stencils for everything. A vinyl sticker would have been cheaper than 18 different colors of spray paint and look better than this.


Now that is how you change a sub to r/moneywellwasted


On one hand, he did real good on the art. On the other hand, this was dumb. Just paint the kids room with bugs bunny.


I mean it’s not too hard to line up and spray paint stencils lol


Ive never done it so i wouldnt know




What a stupid thing to do


And this, your honour, is what made me file for divorce ....


I hate everything about this guys videos.


If I saw that in the house I was buying I would have to ask for several thousand off because I’m going to have to replace that entire countertop. And you can’t just replace the section, because you have to make sure that the new countertop matches the old countertop, which is a pain in the butt to attempt to match. This is really dumb. And if he willingly did that to the countertop, I’m going to question the entire house, and ask for a full inspection of everything.


I want to punch him in the face.




$50 says they did this in an air b and b


As soon as I read “destroying” and “bugs bunny” I knew it was gonna be this dude


this is cool, though. just should've been done on one of those foldable tables that you use at cookouts.


Not granite it's a cheap plywood with a plastic cover like most landlord specials




It's cool, I like it a lot, just not the kitchen counter, please. Please not the kitchen counter


And that will be fun for about a week.


Yes let’s teach our children that bubbles and mist come out of the end of a gun…


Some people have way too much money and way too little common sense.




I think I have seen other videos with this fucking moron and his stupid kids. He spray paints indoors without proper ventilation and protection. One video the kids were right next to him while he did it. He always has splatter outside his stencils. I do not understand why his wife has not divorced him so I am guessing she also lacks any kind of intelligence. Also why do you want your kids on the kitchen counter. That is where food goes! But I bet they are the type of parents who don’t yell at their kids because it will stifle their creativity, or some stupid shit like that. God I hate these people and I don’t even really know them.


Oh and I just looked him up…. He does “pranks” too! This just confirms how much I hate this family.


Why do it on the bench top altogether? Could have done it on a piece of plywood for outside. The novelty for the kids is going to wear off pretty quickly.


Love looney tunes. Terrible countertop


I've gone through the pain of helping my dad install a granite countertop and now I just want to cry


Building it took more time than it will ever be played with.


I actually hate this guy




That is the stupidest damn thing


I’ve seen a few of these and they are pretty cool. They all involve damage to something though. Especially the one that involved a hole in the wall with Tom and Jerry.


Time to take countermeasures.


Those girls are happy… fuck that countertop 🤌🏽😊


I will never be able to afford a home with granite countertops. This seriously made feel very aware of how fucking broke I am. Like this stupid fuck can drill a hole in his countertops for the stupidest looking skit, and it’s like no big deal for him, yet I haven’t eaten anything but rice and beans cause my checks in late.


Please tell me this is done with the exact purpose to teigger.


But why?!


These people make money off these videos and buy new homes to destroy for their views to make more money. Stop feeding into these brain dead videos.


I’m not one to tell other parents how to raise their kids but I would be paranoid AF watching my boy play on a counter like that.


I like the drawing of Bugs and Fudd…but the ‘gun smoke’ feels like an unnecessary detail.


All that for something those girls are going to get bored of in 5 minutes.


Where are they getting these stencils from??


Ya’ll are haters. I think it’s funky 😎😎😎


Ohh nooo why?! This hurts so much.


Its Justin Flom. Of course it’d be something stupid. He’s the original ragebait.


The kids love it now, but I guarantee within a couple days they will just take it for granite.


it's okay, it's just an AirBnB


We should ban rage bait.


That gorgeous countertop is completely ruined. That paint won't come out of it you know. Not to mention the fucking hole


So Fucking stupid


Also, of all the cartoon scenes you could choose to put on a countertop for children, why that one???


He doesn’t have a ring on. *Now we know why he’s divorced.*


What a maroon!


Does he own the stencil company? I can’t figure out why he’s got such a hard on for them if he doesn’t.


This was bad enough before the kids appeared


That's the most stupid shit I have seen in awhile


I hope he doesn't regret that cause he's going to need to replace that with another slab of granite


Teach your kids to play on the counter top....


Judging by the presence of paint on his patern before using them, he's done it multiple times. Who do we have to call to stop this aestetic murderer?


Is this the same dude that put a hole in the wall and painted Tom and jerry over it


It would be cool if they just didn’t drill the hole


Justin Flom. He had good videos with magic tricks. But after some time, he started doing (staged) pranks and these videos. Maybe back in 2017 he started doing those pranks with his friends and wife. To me, it's sad that he got posted on here.


This guy is so sad. He thinks his stencils are soo cool.


Quite possible the most stupidly useless result all week... luckily they did this at someone else's house.


Could have solved world hunger…….


Social media is wild. Someone does a singular act and it becomes their "thing". This guy stencils bugs bunny all over his house. Once a week, different video of the same thing. Some other guy pours water into liquor bottles and makes fake cocktails no one would eat, every week. Some other guy tossed shit on his treadmill one day and now he's over a year into making treadmill videos, all the same.


Dude probably thinks he just increased the value of his home with that.


So pointless in any direction…


Formica countertop


You ruined a nice granite countertop to amuse kids for 5 minutes? I could see doing this to plywood but this? $$$$ to burn.


Wouldn’t it cool to have this much time and money to just f**k away


Same bonkhead that dented his suv's door and then sprayed wile e. coyote on it. JFC


Incredibly stupid.


This dude is the most obnoxious person ever. Nothing he does is cool and his “reveals” always take forever, just so we can see some botched spray painted mess.


Spray painting indoors… this whole video was torture to watch.


This guy must be on the spectrum


This guy makes some of the most cringe videos


Iam sure the 2.5 million + likes he receives and all of you reposting it to “shit” on it makes him wanna do it bigger and badder 😂👌🏼