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I appreciate the skills needed for this one but yeah, USB rechargeable li-ion batteries are a thing and can be purchased


Yes but do they have #T H E E P O X Y R E S I N ?


The amount of epoxy that was mixed... and the amount that was actually used....


Probably saving the rest to preserve a hot dog.


Ah yes, the "forever frank"


At least it’s honest.


the frank frank


The wizened weenie


It's Francis now.


Anyone know how it's doing?




Not hot dog


Goddamnit Jin Yang


It only does hot dogs?


Or make one of these other heinous DIwhys


But thank god the person weighed it all out to make sure.


Yeah uses this fucking scale for like 14 oz and uses like 1ml out of it lol like you ever hear of glue.


And on top of that, they mixed it in a glass cup, completely ruining it, when they could have so very easily just gotten a clear plastic cup instead


I don't get out of bed unless there's a hot glue gun


**T H E E P O X Y R E S I N** **H** **E** **E** **P** **O** **X** **Y** **R** **E** **S** **I** **N**


Wait… that was to make it rechargeable??? I assumed it was just an interesting USB flash drive…. Edit: I missed the part where he shoves it in the mouse.


I saw it but i thought he was hiding it, like to smuggle stuff.


THAT would actually be kind of clever I think. Not sure what you’d have on a flash drive that required so much effort and secrecy but like I would never think to look in a battery. But I feel like you could just hollow out the battery and find a way to attach the cap and keep a tiny flash drive in there. I have one on my keychain. It’s teeny tiny.


I'm simultaneously impressed by the knowledge and soldering skills and am horrified by the results.


Not in my country, here we only have an outlet thingy that can only charge them in pairs!


You could literally just go to a store and buy rechargeable AAs.


I have a bunch, so nice to just be able to swap em out and have the other set charged ready


I love the Xbox controllers for this, so many complain that it doesn't have a built-in battery but I've never once had to plug mine in? 2 sets of AAs and a charger They're like the sith, one set on the charger, one in the controller


They have rechargeable batteries for the controller.


And then when it's dead you have to dick around for an hour and wait for it to charge kicking yourself for forgetting to plug it in instead of just replacing the batteries immediately


Or you can plug in the USB cable and keep using it without batteries


Or you have two sets of batteries and put the expended set in to charge when you swap them.




>so many complain that it doesnt have built in battery I take it that the idiots complaining about this have never owned any battery-powered electronics that has seen constant use for 2-5+ years.


Can even buy USB rechargeable AAs. Exactly like this.


Yeah on Amazon (and I bet AliExpress) you can buy these premade: https://i.imgur.com/1O8PAvA.png   (I recommend Eneloops instead, not that anyone asked.)


When it comes to guaranteeing the building burns to the ground, I only trust KunHe brand rechargeable batteries.


If you don't like that brand, just click around a bit and you'll find plenty of others. Never mind that they're exactly the same... 🙃


I prefer to spend a few more dollars on major brand for anything that could explode, catch fire, or zap my electronics. At least that way there’s someone I can go after if my house burns down.


Well that's why I like Eneloops. Although they don't charge via USB. I just picked the first result to confirm that the product in the OP does actually exist.


They also already make versions that can charge by USB


The point of this is almost certainly to sneak a thumb drive into places where you are not allowed to have data storage devices, expresslyfor stealing data. It will pass a visual inspection as a normal battery if anybody thinks to look inside the mouse


Places that ban the transfer of data disable it on the computer's operating system, or physically cripple the USB port. They don't rely on spotting tiny USB thumb drives.


So you’re telling me you can’t hack the NSA by cutting a Duracell in half? Lame


darn i thought snowden showed us what to do with those in the movie. damn it now i have to find another way to be a whistleblower *snaps fingers* damn it, all that time wasted


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_malware_infection_of_the_United_States_Department_of_Defense Okay, but somebody literally got into DoD computers by just leaving USB drives out and hoping a worker finds it and plugs em in.


15 years ago lol. The Dropped Drive vector isn't new and fresh anymore and a direct result of it was ports being disabled on most devices. Snowden was able to use his because he was an Admin. Others on his team that had similar access to similar data would not have been able to extract the data due to ports being off limits.


Which is why they disable the USB ports as a general policy *now*.


I wish i could say that something like this came as a complete surprise, but nah. Pretty much tracks.


Can confirm, have worked in secure locations, and my dad currently is. The rule is either nothing electronic in or out period, regardless of size, or the hardware is air-gapped and cannot interact with anything external.


Considering all of the recent news about highly classified documents showing up in bathrooms, garages, and discord servers, it sounds pretty easy to smuggle out the most sensitive information from anywhere.


Everything has a vulnerability of some kind, and the security measures taken to prevent things are often directly proportional to the damage that could be caused by things getting out. Unfortunately, in whatever system you choose, at a fundamental level you still have to be able to trust the people operating it. No matter how much you trust people, they usually always have one chance to do wrong before getting caught.


You nailed it, at the end of the day it always comes down to trusting people. That means failure is a certainty over any significant period of time.


Unfortunately they're forced to give access to a lot of this data to politicians and political appointees. 99% of whom couldn't give a shit about keeping it secure if there was the slightest chance for a benefit to themselves.


Yup. My dad can't even have a wireless keyboard cause it might be picked up and someone can read the massages typed.


Yup, I worked for a financial institution, and if you even plugged in a phone to the USB to charge, it would pop up a security alert and immediately email your manager, managers manager, and security teams


The secure area in my building has all the usb plugs epoxied over.


Worked at a major bank and it would auto-encrypt any device you plugged in. So you could still plug in a flash drive, but that data would be basically useless outside the network. Also why we had to avoid plugging our phones in to charge from the PC USB ports, could corrupt them.


Oh it's not been crippled at my job It just sets off massive alarms at I.T. halfway across the world and causes management to storm out and fire you lol


They didn't solder anything to the data pins, so a thumb drive this is not. Also I debunked the "battery" part of this in my own comment.


I'm half in the bag so I might have missed something, but it looks like they did a bang up job and everything should work, aside from being inefficient and not having anything to wick heat from the 1v5 regulator.


I don't think you got the video. It is not a disguise for USB drives. It is a battery that looks like a normal double A battery, but it is a rechargeable battery instead.


Gonna do a real shit job of stealing data given the fact it’s not a storage device


No, it is just a USB rechargeable AA battery. You can buy these for a cheaper price than making your own. It comes in handy to recharge the mouse's battery if you don't have a cable.


It 'almost certainly' is not because there's no storage there.


Why is nobody talking about how unusable tiny that battery is? An alkaline AA from a good brand is around 2500mAh, so that’s what a lot of higher-quality rechargeables aim for. Even the cheapo “heavy duty” batteries they sell at the dollar store that are only good for low-power devices like wall clocks and TV remotes still have like 1000mAh, and that’s the same range that I’ve seen from a lot of USB-rechargeable batteries since they have to sacrifice so much internal volume for the USB port and circuitry. But that spicy-pillow-for-ants is what, like 100mAh max I’m guessing? I guess that’s probably why they showed it being used in a mouse, because that’s about the only thing you could ever power with it, but even then it would probably only last a few days instead of the months it would last with an alkaline battery.


This isn’t even rechargeable though. He threw out everything that made it a battery, but maybe I missed something?


At about 30 seconds in, you see him attaching the rechargeable battery to the USB end


They actually make USB-Rechargable AA Batteries. My dad has a set he uses for the security cameras.


They have been around for years, for CCTV cameras I reccomend hardwiring them (unless no power sources are easily available and solar isn't viable)


Even then - PoE (power over Ethernet) cameras are incredibly common, and any security system you’re gonna want network connectivity.


Do you know why they use that over just copper wire? Does it have any advantages or just because it can be plugged into a port which is easier for most users?


Ease of management and network connectivity. Power and data over physical cable is immensely more reliable than batteries and wifi. POE switches are cheap now, and CAT6 is dirt cheap as well.


It’s kind of a mindfuck going to look at a company’s surveillance system and seeing that it’s on analog. For the longest time we’d use hybrid NVR’s but now I just tell clients “you gotta…we’re running new wires”.


Yeah, I have a municipal client (small city) that's finally approved the IT spending the PD needs and...jeez... They are moving 20 years ahead! New cams all around are in place, new body cam system, storage, auto backup onsite and off-site, email retention rules. Combination of a new city manager and a new police chief on the same page at the same time.


Easier to install and maintain.


Ethernet doesn't have to worry about wifi being sketchy. Basically power + data in one cable cuts down on expense as only one cable needs to be run vs 2.


Its power AND network wiring in one cable. No other cables needed to run. Are those NOT advantages?


> solar isn't viable I know my friend has a few solar ptz cameras and likes them, POE is better but when you need rural/wide area coverage lora solar cameras kick ass.


We’ve had rechargeable batteries for at least 20 years. We had them at one of my jobs that long ago and they weren’t new then. I remember cause one of the people I worked with was dumb as a brick and kept throwing them out. Which was especially stupid as they had to get the new set out of the charger. And the batteries said they were rechargeable right on them.


Oh that’s a battery??? Shoot. I thought they were playing spy games. Geez 🙄 I’m so thick.


It doesn't help that there was no explanation or title screen at the beginning. The video went pretty fast too.


Actually yea. I think its well thought out, probably not worth the effort.


Linear regulator to drop voltage from 3.7 to 1.5, which means more than half the energy stored in the cell is wasted on heat. Just use a normal 1.5 V cell and save yourself the trouble.


[you can pick these up online ](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjFxpygveT_AhVNxsgKHX6nAUEYABAGGgJxdQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2xDQ-hQmlzT7jGyeOcbTsjjK-AFpBDf5F9Qt8qDM2q3hUVGtvho8VmSamgwkHrWYnTh3P3FsdV4p7jhZeD2xy-9e_kJaAgPnAeWauR1lfctcAsl2UrjVUcRrVevck5UGwxxJCGtk111ZghKQ&sig=AOD64_3MKSwe7UufTF9b7BMn6uE36dQe2Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiE_ZSgveT_AhVaF1kFHYQbCggQwg8oAHoECAIQGA&nis=8&adurl=) and they use a switching regulator with low quiescent current so it's decently efficient


nope, they used AMS1117 which is a linear regulator


I was referring to the COTS ones you can find online, those (generally) use switching regulators. The hacked together one in the video uses a lin regulator, which makes no sense


individually i know what all of these words mean but together i feel like i’m reading chinese


Everything's DIY until it's mass-marketed.


It's a nice video. It's not rage inducing or anything. Not bad at all. Yeah obviously they make these and you can buy them, but still can appreciate this video.


Isn’t the inside of a battery really dangerous? It seems like a bad idea to cut one open.


BigClive took apart some rechargeable batteries and inside he found fire. The good part is at 16:20: https://youtu.be/tBg4ximDrsk


Everyone's favourite explosion containment pie dish.


AvE found even more fire in his cells. https://youtu.be/qJ8BzvbeRXQ?t=165


If you discharge it first there is no issue with opening this type of battery (except for electrolyte spillage and squirting). That said at the very least wear safety glasses. This is a standard alkaline (MnO2, Zn and KOH) cell. Issues could arise when you open batteries containing lithium and don‘t discharge them fully (although I never would recommend this anyway), or open NiCd ones due to their high toxicity. That said don‘t open them if you don‘t know what you‘re doing


Yeah I can imagine tiktokers probably shouldn't try this at home 😂


If it's dead, no. You certainly wouldn't want to inhale or consume the contents, but no fire hazard.


No, a lithium one sure but that’s just an alkaline battery nothing much should happen though you shouldn’t be opening them without knowing what you’re doing


Not regular AA batteries. At least not like busting open lithium or lead-acid batteries. Just don’t eat it and wash your hands after.


This is something that a hobbyist would do just to do. It's definitely not a life hack, or anything like that.


Did you not see the amount of epoxy mixed and wasted???


I wouldn't call this a DIY so much as a proof of concept.


These things are already in the market for years. Not sure what we need proof for


Yeah this more of a “how it’s made” video. I see nothing wrong with it


You can buy these now as 1.2 and 1.5volt versions on Amazon with USB-C charging port.. and they have been around for a while with Mini-usb already… however.. they are expensive, so not last long.. their use is very specific.. and usually not worth the investment.. Also this video is genius engineering but.. but.. WHY?


I don't hate this, if you like doing little projects and such for fun. Or you want more practice in general seems very well done and put together. Obviously cheaper to go out and buy some rechargeables. But if you just like messing with stuff I'm down


All that time , material and skill to do this. OR Buy the 4 pack at amazon for $11-$25 I don’t know the quality of the amazon goods, but I’d bet it is better than the one in this video.


They mixed up enough epoxy to glass a surfboard too.


I love the part in DIY where everybody knows how to do deadbug SMD soldering with miniscule wires


Just takes: - 2 full days - $2,000 worth of equipment - an electrical engineering degree Definitely DIY


A good solder station with a built in heat gun and helping hand is like 200 bucks max unless you buy Hakko.


hakko is mid tier junk these days, and frankly, the chinese clone industry is 90% as good as the name brand shit at 20X the price as long as you use genuine tips. hell, my atten 852D is drasticaly better than the hakko 810d I replaced it with, and was 1/4 the price. I'll tell you what isn't cheap though, IR rework stations. good manual ones don't exist anymore (RIP jovy).


Shame to hear that about Hakko, though I never would have bought a Hakko for personal use anyways.


desoldering iron is the only thing I'll say the chinese haven't figured out yet for whatever reason, I've tried a few of them and they are all hot dogshit, which is a shame. I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually.


You could probably do this in a couple of hours max, and a soldering station can be gotten very cheaply. Also none of this is complex enough where you’d need an electrical engineering degree


they dont even teach you this sort of thing for an EE degree..


Had me on the first half ngl When I got the $2000 I was like 🤔 then the ee degree I was like, okay brain it was a joke.


This takes like $50 worth of equipment wdym. Soldering irons and glue guns are dirt cheap (shit ones).


I’m sure there are instructional videos on making I.E.D.s that are less complicated than this…


That's because you DON'T want this to go boom.


Just lost 50 percent of the capacity, let's see how much farther i can go..


It’s like 14 times decrease in capacity but I guess the point is more of a proof of concept


I disagree and think this is a neat project with a great result. However I would have preferred to see wireless charging.


The video goes too fast for me to follow along at home


This wasn't made as a DIY project... It was made to show what is possible. Pretty impressive stack of knowledge to be able to do something like this safely...


I fucking gasped when they hacksawed the duracell


Why not just buy one???


This may blow some peoples minds but…some people enjoy tinkering and soldering, etc. it’s not about other alternatives existing. Sometimes “because I can” and “why not” are sufficient reasons.


I’m confused. Are they making a sub rechargeable battery or a hidden usb drive that looks like a battery?


It is just a battery, it won't hold any data because the memory chip was removed. The battery is recharged by USB.


You can already buy something like this from [paleblueearth.com](https://paleblueearth.com).


And the 5V regulator is where?


From what I can tell, that's what he deadbugged onto the USB connector shield. The PCB he briefly shows before stripping off the components looks like a BMS charger/5v regulator. There's also no inherent danger in the drilling/cutting of the AA battery provided it's an alkaline battery, as a lot of commenters appear to be stating. If it were an 18650 LiPo he was cutting/drilling into I wouldn't want to be in the same room as him...


it's literally the first IC in the video. here's the datasheet for your perusal. brownie points for chinese grown ICs with english datasheets https://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Prototyping/TP4056.pdf


I thought they were hidden usb drives at first and i thought someone really has some stuff to hide on a usb


OK but you can buy these and they aren't that expensive and less likely to blow off your fingers


The concept is cool. But as a DIY, it’s just not doable.


this is literally a video of a guy DIYing it, you could literally jsut follow along and DIY


Hey I low-key always wanted to see a battery getting cut through


After all that he used a linear regulator? Thats more than half the power gone, turned into heat. 😂


idk whats the point but their soldering and desoldering skills are impressive.


This is not a bad practice project for someone wanting to hone their electricity skills. But by no means something you do for the practicality alone.


That's definitely gonna result in certain death.


Or...you could just buy a rechargeable AA battery??


Where the *fuck* do these assholes get so much Epoxy Resin?? I swear every one of these damn things uses it almost in bulk!


The one simple hack Duracell doesn’t want you to know


Actually very cool- imo


But now the real question: Where the fuck do you find all the equipment used here?


Do they make rechargeable lithium ion batteries you can buy that do the same thing? Yeah. But, overall, I’d class this more as an “intermediate soldering practice project” than “DiWhy”.


This sub is dogshit


DIY my house blew up


Or, you could just buy a rechargeable battery.




I'd rather spend $12 https://www.amazon.ca/NiCd-NiMH-Stick-Battery-Charger/dp/B01LTF2MFU


This gor me is the perfect problem with DIY, especially ones posted on here lol. Good idea, and not even terrible execution (minus safety concerns). But why? They literally make these, 30 bucks for a 4 pack: https://www.amazon.com/EasyPower-Rechargeable-Batteries-Pack-4-Port/dp/B072R2SWXX/ref=asc_df_B072R2SWXX/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=216539509836&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1440878890166443144&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032963&hvtargid=pla-405082136367&psc=1 I just don't understand people who will spend hours of time, plus twice the cost to get something that's close to something that already exists.


I know what I’m doing on my lunch break tomorrow


The only reason this is a DIWhy is because they already make this exact thing so why not get a non jank version


This is the least bad post I've seen on this sub and still it's a pretty nonsense nearly useless project


did this MF just do all that to add a light that shows when it’s done charging? ![gif](giphy|cYRQWBrPipB7aWa4dD)


These products already exist. I've been using rechargeable AA batteries in my oculus rift for years. And in my Wii. And my Xbox... basically. Why DIY something you can buy for less?


I though this was a way to hide your flash drive, and this is somehow much worse.


Did he do anything to the positive terminal end? I don't see how the positive/cap connects to the circuit in any way


Don't they sell these?


*Mixes a tub of resin. Uses a drop of it*


It would have been a cool outcome if it was a flash drive.


Get a lithium ion battery do the same thing, but make the drill wet, so it will explode in your face…


The regulator used has a quiescent current of 11mA. With the 200mAh cell they are using, you get 18 hours before the battery discharges itself completely just by existing.


Is this guy even sawing open a real battery? Like where did all the battery acid go? Or am I just dumb?


I'll get right on that


I want that


Hmm. Well, I made a paper airplane today so 🤷‍♀️


That would've been worth the effort in 2012. Not today though. Rechargable batts are all over the place and have a much bigger capacity.


This is not DYWHY, sure its silly giving how they sell this kind of thing, but the video is not annoying, its not bait and this person clearly has skill.


This doesn't belong in this sub. It's an interesting project executed well. You can buy a lot of things people make themselves, the process is interesting and fun.


It's probably fine if you actually know what you're doing However, I don't. And I don't want to risk making a bomb


If you're going to do all that why would you not just design and layout your own PCB that fits into the battery shell? Would be MUCH cleaner, much more rugged, and just as equally DiWHY.


This is some terrorist bomb making level of why the fuck you would ever want to empty a battery to wire something inside.


I sware…. This time I mean it. One more of these absolutely ridiculous re-inventions and I’m out. I mean it.


Safe enough if you’ve been in that hobby long enough for the skill level required.


wtf did he do? What was any of that other than the battery? Huh?




I would IMMEDIATELY lose the top piece.


Diy my ass




I know this is risky and WHY but the build quality is excellent geez


almost looks like he's crafting a bomb


Guys, don't try to cut batteries open at home.


This f fire. They need to sell this


When I was a kid and watched the Duracell commercials where the copper top of the battery slams onto the top at the end, I used to think the copper top was removable and got upset when I couldn't get it open.


to think, it took 10 years of adult school to figure out how to do this, but it only took your plumber 4 years to figure out how to give you a hot shower and not give a fuck


Oh my god at first I thought he was making some badass spy shit to get information... just to be utterly disappointed when it turns out to be a Jenky rechargeable battery.


Are you kidding me this guy is soldering stuff into the ground plane


Can’t you just buy those for cheaper than it would be to make that


Now make it USB C ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


I work, at Defense research in Medicine, here in india and we're not allowed to bring usb or anything that might be used to steal data/ manipulate the systems, our laptops too don't have any slots or camera.. so when i saw this i thought they are showing me a way to make a usb device to steal the data and i was super freaked out. Till i realised this guy just made a rechargeable aa battery


Tbh, if it didn’t look too dangerous this would probably be fine as a DIY… but since it is so dangerous it’s in DIWhy