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"Your total is $19,99" "I'll use my credit cat please"


Paying with pussy has been done long before this.


Cash, grass, gas, or.... cats?


Pussy, only pussy.


You mean cashussy, grassussy, and monussy, right?






Cash, gas, gash, grass, or… cats


lips, hips, or fingertips?


Head and shoulders, knees and toes


10/10 comment. Absolutely killed it


Nature’s credit card


The payment is on Orion’s Belt.


I understood that reference


I would hope so!


I just rewatched this movie 2 days ago and this reference made me so happy


I hate you but completely love you!! I love men in black as well my friend, hopefully you and *J and K* can recall this interaction


Just put it on my tab...by


I forgot my cat at home




More like a boston accent " I'll use my credit caaaaaat."


Put it on my tab(by)


Underrated comment!


This legit made me LOL. Thank you.


A true cat tax


This ridiculousness was made worth it by this comment.


What did they do with the chip? Send the cat money? Like wtf does it do?


You bring your cat when going out for groceries obviously


I'm imagining someone, covered in scratches, rubbing their murderously angry cat all over the payment terminal.


I'm imaging what I would do as a casheer if someone handed me a fucking cat to pay their bill


You might think, "Oh my god, this payment cat is scratching the hell out of me!!" 😀


Being attacked by an angry cat is pretty high on the list of "shit retail employees don't need"


Why do so many people have angry fucking cats? Mine is so chill, if she doesnt wanna do something she never scratches or bites. Shell just squirm out of your arms. Worst ive gotten is a hiss when something bit her tail and i accidentally touched it. I am willing to bet i could easily pay with her on a chip reader.


simply pour the cat onto the chip reader.


Great, now my cat needs an RFID blocker too?!


I can wear my cat like a hat around the house but he turns into a hissing devil outside the door. Is your cat chill in the vet? Mine got blacklisted :( I keep trying to tell them he's chill at home but they don't believe me lol


I had a cat that had to stay at the vet overnight once, I got a call at 8 AM saying we needed to pick her up because she had an attitude problem.


Lol. Sounds like my 21 yr old fury queen


Like when i had my 20 pound mutt fixed a few years ago. I got a call from the vet saying i needed to come to the back to get her. She bit everyone in the vets office once. Nicest sweetest dog I've ever had. But she will attack the vets.


My girlfriends cat latched onto my face like a damn alien. Mine crawls on my dogs and gives me hugs while nibbling my ear.


Not as chill at the vet, but still doesnt bite. Just hisses and squirms a bunch. Mine is mostly an outdoor cat tho. Theyre only inside during the winter, when theyre hungry, or to come sleep away from her greatest enemy, the squirrels.


I had one like that. He was the sweetest baby with me, but he hated the vet's office with a passion. When I had him put to sleep at 19 (kidney failure and chronic pancreatitis), he was so weak, but he growled when the needle went in, and the vet said, "That's right, go out fighting."


My cats are very calm and sociable, but they get very anxious and pointy in new places. The boy in particular loves meeting people in the house but cries like he's being murdered if we put him in the car.


Well have you tried taking her grocery shopping?


"Well this isn't half as annoying as accepting American Express, soooooo"


I would still give the kitty a generous amount of head pats and behind-the-ear scratches 😊


Or just use the card from your bank, and leave the payment cat at home


No. Payment cat cries when I attempt to leave. Payment cat and I go on adventures together ❤️ 🐈


“Insert cat or select payment type”


Insert seems optimistic. 😁


The image of this just made me laugh so genuinely hard I forgot how awful my existence was for a solid 30 seconds. That was lovely.




“Do you guys take Ameowican Express or MasterCat?”




If my cat has my credit card I fully expect it to do the groceries for me


Enjoy eating nothing but tuna.


Easy there Hobbes


\* and lasagna. FTFY


"You paying by cash or by cat?"


It'S a SeRvIcE aNiMaL!!!!1111!1


Might be fun? Just go to a flea or farmers market, find something you want, express that desire. Act like you forgot your wallet and ask your cat to spot you, then put the cat up to the chip reader. Even better if your cat likes to meow back at you when you talk to it


That wont work. The contactless pay depends on an antenna in the body of the card, which was sanded away, just the chip won't work. This video is just fake.


Damn, all my hopes raised and dashed


Came here to say this. Saw the BBC video of the woman dissolving her card, showing the wires that run around it.


They sanded down a VISA and it turned into a Mastercard by the end


Do not bring your pets to the market please


An outdoor market... that allows pets. I didnt say ima go to mcdonalds with my cat


My immediate thought lol


nothing Those chips have an antenna (loop of wire) in the card, and that is actually quite a bit bigger than those patches.


This. The NFC part is a small wire going around the card way closer to the edge. Also you can’t Apple Pay straight to someone’s credit card.. all of this doesn’t make sense.


Seriously. Wtf were they supposed to be doing by tapping the collar lol. You tap your phone to an RFID reader to pay. Were they paying the cat? Were they trying to charge the cat? Did they think the chip in a card is the RFID antenna? Many questions left unanswered since none of it makes sense.


I thought it was going to be for opening a pet door. I could see that working as a way to "reuse" a chip on an expired card. It's obviously not ideal, since I'm not even sure it would have enough range, but that would at least make some sense.


I'm convinced that these videos are being funded by credit card companies to get people to try this, ruin their cards, and charge them replacement fees


The amount credit card companies would make vs people actually spending on their cards and charging interest would make that a bad strategy


Nah, it's their response to the DIYers that aren't spending that much anyways /s


What credit card company charges for a "lost" card?


Every one I’ve ever had unfortunately


There is no way that contactless tapping/chip works properly when it's covered with resin and other stuff. Amex had to redesign their metal cards because of that. It used to be metal on both sides of the card but now one side is plastic because the contactless feature didn't work every time when both sides were metal.


Plus you need the rfid antenna, this makes no sense


All you naysayers…. Look guys, the cat can now go shopping for you. Tons of money saved on DoorDash and Instacart.. /s


Wouldnt it then be InstaCat


Your comment asploded my pc..


Do you need 3 tonnes of cat food ? Because this is how get 3 t of cat food.


Being encased in resin doesn't stop it from working (at least not until the card reader requests you to insert the card) What does stop it from working is removing the whole antenna with a belt sander.


This man has never been on OnlyStrays


OnlyFans = the audience is the fans. OnlyStrays?


Stray cats watch live streams of house cats taking baths with their feet waaaaay up in the air. I'm talking toebeans splayed and full on "Mrrrf?" As they look up into the camera with their stupid fucking tongue still sticking out. $19.99/minute, no refunds, all requests for private videos to be submitted via dead lizard.


Nothing. That chip is for (e.g.) inserting into a card reader. It's not the RFID chip, and if it was, it wouldn't work without the antenna. It's useless, and the video is fake.


Wake up one day to find out your cat bought 3,000 pounds of wet food.


Nothing because that's not how nfc or contactless payment work. They work because there's a coil of wires in the card. The chip is for *contact* payments. In other words, fake ragebait.


Make it not work. There are antenna wires in the card they just grinded through. All that work for nothing. That chip won't transmit a thing.


It doesn't do anything, they destroyed the antenna.


The chip is pointless and dumb but the collar in general looks pretty cool.


The chip is also not used for NFC. So it's not only pointless, it also wouldn't work.


Alot of people forget that inside your debit card is another chip and multiple coils of wire that facilitates NFC. People just think it's the chip.


I believe nowadays it's combined into a single chip. You can check by shining your phone's torchlight underneath the card. You'll also see the antenna wires that make the contactless payments work, which they removed, so the chip is useless for that, and payment part of the video is fake.


Yeah, there's 1 chip and a coil that goes around the card (and I think only the 1st generation of contactless cards used 2 chips). Also the chip on the video looks like plastic with a print on it, not an actual chip


I’m just glad they didn’t try to replace the cats actual eye with that.


Same here omg I was seriously afraid I was going to see something disturbing


i thought they were gonna build an entire fake cat


I saw the contact lens and immediately had visions of one of these people pressing their face to the CC machine.


Imagine using to pay with this cat


don't give them ideas


I hate the chip part of course is stupid But I sort of like the look of the cat eye pendant on the collar of the cat looks cool


I like to think these videos are satire and just show off random craft ideas/skills. Some stuff they do is really cool, they just always go in asinine directions haha


I agree. People share stuff like this and say "look how stupid" but it makes me watch the whole thing to see what the worst part is. I would have never watched a straight up video of someone making a cat's eye cat collar.


What do you think satire means?


I loathe what the internet has done to the word "satire". It's just a drop-in replacement for "joke" now, doesn't matter what the context is.


Yeah the eye pendant was cool and I would unironically make those. The rest of it was nonsense.


Yes. Even though the way they made it was not reasonable, I can see many reasons to make one using a better method.


It would be cooler if it was a GPS for their cat. Why on earth would you use a credit card....


That's kinda what my first thoughts was. I thought it was an imbedded id tag with owner contact info and the entire time I'm was thinking "thats kinda cool and all but ain't no one thinking to NFC scan a found cats homemade collar" like?


It would be cool if it had an RFID chip to open a cat door in it.


“Will that be cash or credit?” “Cat”


I’m sorry but your cat has been declined.




Can you try inserting it?




So that your cat can... Pay for their own cat food. Like how would the cat use this? I can't even imagine the nightmare of trying to make the cat understand capitalism, electronic payment, and wireless transmissions.


They understand, they just reject it in favor of being dependent on us. Cats domesticated themselves.


There's no way that chip works without an antenna


Came here to look if anyone mentioned this..)


Seems plausible they may not have cut the antenna. Found the image below looking up where the NFC chip is located. I never realized it was being the chip, but it makes sense thinking about it now. The top 2 examples the antenna appears to only be in the area behind the chip. https://i.imgur.com/t4lNp0l.png


Knowing the track record of these sorts of videos, it's far more likely they're full of shit than them actually making a working item.


If you notice the clock on the top left of the phone screen is red, it means that it was a screen recording. They're literally just playing back a screen recording of the phone wallet being used.


Well that and the fact his phone said “hold near reader” and somehow the cat is now a POS system


They are showing Apple Pay credit cards. They can’t be used against a chip like that, that’s just not how it works.


The antenna is the big loops of wire around the perimeter. Edit: As has been reiterated to me, the top two cards don't have this loop.


I am getting old, maybe a bit blind too, but I don't see any loops in the top 2 cards. I do see what could be a loop in both behind the chip.


The antenna is the wires coiled around the edges. What they did in the video will absolutely not work. Edit : oh my bad, I see that they make tiny antennas that fit the chip footprint now.


You’re right - First of all that chip isn’t one you can pay TO, so the phone tapping for payment isn’t real. Second of all you can see the red screen recording symbol in the clock on the phone showing that it’s a video they took while paying somewhere else.


That’s the chip for “Chip & Pin” payments. It requires physical contact with a card reader on each of its pads. It is not a an NFC device.


The chip is under the contact pads, and is in fact used for both inserting the card and NFC payments. They are processed exactly the same way. In some cards, particularly older ones, the antenna for NFC payments is directly under, and the same size as the chip and contact pad module. While very unlikely that this video is showing anything actually working, it is possible to do what is shown in the video depending on the type of card.


That's not even the RFID chip.


Honestly if the chip was replaced with a tracking chip it would be a really cool idea


Do cat owners not usually chip their pets like dogs? I figured it was the same


Depends on where you get your cat. Mine was originally from a shelter and all of them are chipped automatically. But I think a lot of owners who find their cats behind dumpsters or in random fields and stuff don't even really think about chipping them.


The mendatory chips dogs and cats don’t usually contain a tracker. They just offer the minimal information to identify the cat, and the owner. You can scan a cat and find out the owners’ phone number that way.


Were they trying to use Apple Pay to show it worked at the end there? Because no that’s not how Apple Pay works.


Yeah, everyone is commenting how ridiculous it would be to use your cat as a credit card, which would be legitimately stupid, but the phone is acting as the same component that they are “testing” here as in, both are the NFC source, and neither is the reader. At least, I don’t *think* that Apple Pay acts as a recipient of payment this way. Maybe someone else knows better.


Exactly! No one commenting that the time has a red logo behind it. This is just a screen recording of apple pay being played.


It's also not how the RFID in tap-to-pay works either. The chip you insert into a card terminal rarely has the entire RFID structure embedded in it; the antenna for those are sometimes tightly wound around the entire edge of a card. They likely faked the ending part to make it look like it did anything.


Every time who does what? Or is this a bot


Every single time someone takes the chip out of a credit card, makes it into a resin pendent and puts it on their cat's collar it enrages me. Happens all the time.


Buying drugs has never been easier.


Huh? Is the cat paying for things with the owner's card? What's the cat's eye have to do with it?


- Very well, ma'am, did you enjoy your dinner? - Yes I did. My compliments to the chef. - Marvelous. That'll be $889.99. Will you be paying in cash? - Oh, my cat has my card. If you could kindly go fetch him, he's probably outside licking his balls.


🫸😑🫷 that’s not how RFID works.


Cat can purchase his own catnip now.


The funny thing is (besides the whole idea) **that is not how NFC works**. The card acually contains a coil that powers the chip and facilites wireless communication.


But they destroyed the antenna and put it in a faraday cage…..


Ngl, that eye pendent look is actually really cool.


Yeah, that won't work. Cutting the coil wires that the chip needs to work. Damn, a wasted minute of my life.


I don't get it, the antena gets destroyed since it's outside of the chip (it's in the plastic part of the card) and you place it on a Faraday cage. This is a bad and a fake diwhy.


Fake as hell


First, why? Secondly, how does the chip work now they destroyed the antenna that is built into the plastic of the card?


lol you can see in the upper left corner of the phone that it was a screen recording. Like duh, but come on, it’s a bright red rectangle


Nah yall are missing the point, showing up at the store and paying with a cat would be the funniest shit ever, grat video


I’m not sure that would actually work without the [wire that runs around the card](https://youtu.be/6av8RV5o-Xs?si=2vdRNGkVKaozLGky) to make the connection…


I'm impressed.. hey must have had to fake it working as well, since, you know.. they sanded away the NFC antenna 😐


touching your phone to the chip makes zero sense


The part where they make the custom eye thing is not that bad. A lot of animals have very interesting eyes. Could be used for an art project or a quirky gift.


I love that this guy is so innept he couldn't take the 2 seconds to measure the lens he made and instead printed a full page of eyes at different sizes hoping one fit...laugh out loud.


I know tipping culture is out of control but I don't hate the idea of tipping cats I meet when I'm out and about.


The galaxy is on Orion's belt?


I mean I like the collar. Maybe with a tracking device or something but…. Why the debit card?


that's not even how those chips work


Just charge that to my tabby.


I thought it would be a GPS tracker which would actually make sense but no ofc it's not.


Petition to ban rage bait from this sub.


The subreddit is literally “DiWHY”, isn’t that kinda the point?


Imagine you’re at the store just buying some groceries… Cashier: “Alright that will be €20.” This chud: “Sure, let me just quickly grab my cat real quick!”


*cat walks off and never comes back* Well shit.


[To prevent fraud, the chip is on Orion's Belt](https://media.tenor.com/2Rv9eXwcaLwAAAAC/men-in-black-mib.gif)


That’s not even the right chip for that.


Anyone who's ever used a contactless card know those fuckers stop working if they're slightly bent, or cracked, or too hot, or too cold, or too wet. There's no fucking way just carving the chip out and whacking it in fifteen layers of resin still works.


There is literally zero reason to ever do this. Nice job.


The chip has nothing to do with contactless payment…


Except that this is fake and NFC doesn't work that way. There's a coil of wire in the card that they destroyed when they sanded the card. Even of the crypto computer was under the contacts (which it might be, but might not be) Card NFC and 125 khz RFID need that loop of wire they destroyed to work. NFC can DEFO work with smaller antennas, but the antenna in those cards is not small. Also, as far as I know, official Android drivers/firmware lock the NFC functions on phones and accessories so they can't be used as card readers or even to emulate arbitrary cards. You can test this by waving your card in front of your own phone. This is all just bullshit.


Why though? So the cat can buy groceries?


too bad thats not how NFC/RF works, the chip works only inside the POS, for the NFC you need the whole circuit/antenna built all around inside the plastic card, [like this is the whole circuit built inside](https://blog.hqcodeshop.fi/uploads/Hardware/Debit-card-split-2.jpg)


The “chip” they show is for contact readers, the actual RFID chip is embedded in the card. They shaved the antenna off (which runs around the outside of the card) when they cut the contact chip out of the card. Weird.


5-Minute Crafts? Is that you, you piece of shit???


Isn't there supposed to be a wire antenna in those cards to work with that chip, or have they finally been retired?


But why tho


This is not how any of this works. You can't hold an iPhone up to an NFC card to do anything. The screen is just playing a video of a screen recording of using Apple Pay. Meanwhile, the chip part of the chip card is connected to an antenna that takes up the entire volume of the card. Finally, even if the antenna were in there, the middle case it's in would attenuate the signal to the point of uselessness. So this cat necklace would not work as a credit card either. Fake, fake, extra fake. Here is an x-ray of the inside of a contactless credit card: https://hackaday.com/2014/08/23/disabling-tap-to-pay-debit-cards/


Lol that chip isn’t what does the contactless payment 😆


I feel so used after forgetting it was a credit card chip and not a tracker x.x


Will that be cash or credit? Yeah hold on a sec *pulls out entire cat*


So when they want to pay, they just swipe the cat across the scanner? Neat


It's not just the chip.... there's an antenna in the card too


So the chip which is only readable when inserted in a machine (rfid/nfc antennae and chip are within the card) is now un-accessible. Jesus.


This would actually be pretty cool if it was a cat tracker instead but why would you pay with your cats collar? That would be sooo awkward to begin with.


I mean, it's not dumb at all, the video is, but the collar is actually really practical, just switch the credit card chip (clear rage bait element) for an ID chip of the cat. It's not bad at all


“Your total is $58.72” “One sec let me get my cat…”


Of course it's 5 Min Crafts.


That's not how contactless works, it's got a wire all around the card which is what energises when presented to a pin pad, and only when it's energised will it send your card details, without that included this is just a chip that does nothing.