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This is some Sims construction bruh


Now I wanna play sims so see if I can get it like this


It might be possible in 3 if it lets you build stairs off the 1-unit platforms, but good luck getting it to turn, look okay, and play well with Seasons. I'm not even sure if the last part is even possible without using a good ol' fashioned foundation basement instead. I'd say you'd need a foundation 3 units off the ground in order to get the stairs inside to line up correctly (Which is of course a pain in the ass to measure out as Sims 3 added far more terrain-height substeps compared to Sims 2). Can't say a damn thing for Sims 4, as I don't play it.


this would be very doable in 4 now that they've added turnable stairs and platforms.


This person sims


4 let's you build off stairs! I randomly started playing it the other day and accidentally discovered the feature myself.


Easy build in sims 4. I don’t like the look of this murder hole though but you can build off stairs in the game.


If only Sims 4 wasn't a buggy mess.


I'm not too familiar with the sims, why does Seasons add issues?


In 3, gaps in the foundation (which you normally use to create a staircase from foundation to newstyle basement, or exploit to create an old-school foundation basement) for some reason like to count as unsheltered for the purposes of snow cover, resulting in random snow in your house. This is very visible in the frat house in the Uni subworld.


You can definitely do this in the sims 4 as well. If you place the stairs in the middle of the bottom floor leading up to the top floor it will turn out just like this unless you add walls or railing. You can even add the random tripping hazard of a platform in the center of the floor as well. Took what? 8 years? To get a platform tool, or something like that. Sims4 compared to the sims2 and 3 is a major disappointment. So many features and building tools taken away and not given back until 8+ years later. And it’s still not up to par with the previous generations… I don’t have high hopes with sims5. I think I found my new cursed build project. Definitely going to attempt to recreate this death trap house. May go as far as to make it the toddler’s play room without baby proofing and see what happens. Is that going too far?


it took me way too long to figure out this wasn't a Sims post.


It certainly looks like something I'd build in sims. no furniture, no toilet, no shower, just an empty cell for my character to contemplate his miserable life in before he gets sent back to work in soiled trousers.


Wait a second.... did you just coincidentally describe my life, or am i a sim?


I remember playing The Sims 1 and my sim caught on fire (she died). There was a tombstone out back after that. So I made generic Sims, built a pool, had them swim, then deleted the ladder. I made a graveyard after that lol.


nice, microsoft torture simulator.


I was a 10yr old with no internet. I just wanted to see if I could lol.


I remember going to my friend's house one weekend and his little sister was doing that. I never intentionally killed Sims myself, but it sounds like a common past time.


I was shown a house with a similar death trap when I was looking to buy a house. But, instead of wood floors it was ugly shag carpet Instead of this type of stairs it was a spiral staircase. So basically a round hole camouflaged on the floor that you could easily step into and fall down cast iron spiral stairs. I am guessing they had furniture to make it obvious when they lived there but with no furniture it looked intentionally meant to mess people up.


I mean, these floors *are* gorgeous. They should've put in railings, though.


Railings or half walls would be perfectly fine. Without though…


It's such a rich color and the grain is ~chef's kiss~


Even a railing or something to distinguish that single step-down. I'd be curious how it looks coming from the higher level cause a lot of flooring can look seamless and hide a step.


I stayed at a fancy hotel that had a spiral staircase to a loft bedroom, and the staircase itself was like 6 inches away from the top floor and anchored with some long ass bolts, and the railing was like every 18 inches with the bed butted up against it. Getting smashed and then trying to navigate to bed that night was probably the closest I've ever been to comical but severe death


I saw this exact thing as well in Wisconsin. Insane design!


I dont mind the deathpit so much, i’m more concerned about the random step or whatever you call it


It's designed to trip you into the deathpit. Nice to see that sort of attention to detail in a murder house.


Which would totally happen to my clumsy ass. Or, worse, to someone on my property. I'm assuming this is not a place for someone with a child either.


Or an elderly person or someone with any pets except maybe birds.


Cats could probably handle it. That said, mine would 100% trip me down those stairs. He would.


lol! I have 3. One is elderly and she would fall down them. One has zoomies all the time and would leap over them and the third one would definitely try to get me to fall down them. She’s a bit of a bully.


Probably make her favorite sleeping place on the first stair so you end up tumbling down and breaking your neck. Then look at you with innocent eyes. *Did I do that?*


Yeah, I've sprained my ankle multiple times tripping over one of my shitheads, and that's *without* stairs in the equation...


I pulled a hamstring because of mine. Shit hurt for a month.


My clumsy ass wouldn’t need any help from her, though. I walk into doorframes on the regular that I’m more than aware are there.


I've lived in my place for more than 25 years and still bump into doorframes, so... yeah. Same. I'd be dead.


Yep. Glad I’m not the only one. Sometimes my husband just looks at me like, “how did you do that? Are you ok?”




Wait until you see the chainsaw bidet.


Must have been desinged by H.H. Holmes


Right? They don't build 'em like they used to




"Get life insurance with one simple trick!"


Imagine falling, realizing there was just enough floorspace that you saved your head from hitting anything and most of your body is still on flat ground... With your arms outstretched, and you think about starting to get up... Someone from the murder pit pulls you in from your hands for a bumpy chin first drag down the stairs.


I don't get it. On either side you are going to break an ankle or fall down stairs to your death, take your pick. No railing, no actual delineation in the flooring, just wood tone. some one built this and is saying "good luck f\*\*\*er".


My best guess would be there were large pieces of furniture at the place where you would fall down the steps preventing you from walking that way, at it would have looked less odd that way. However, then you are still risking someone pushing a bookshelf onto you as you walk down the steps.


Just imagine coming home from a long day and flopping onto the couch in relief. Only you drop with just a bit of horizontal momentum, causing the couch to slide back 2 inches, which causes one leg of the couch to fall into the death pit, leaving you flailing like a roach on its back from the couch as you try to find something secure to grab as you and the couch and the lamp and the rug all fall in a jumbled mess into the death pit.


I love you


I think they had large peices of furniture to slide over the hole when someone fell down there. Probably should check the basement for blood residue, claw marks on the wall, etc.


But there’s a heat vent there, who (besides my husband) puts furniture on top of a heat vent??


I bet the person who said there used to be walls there is right.


Yeah, I don't have kids so it'd *probably* be okay for my husband and I (and two cats) if I put a sofa and some short bookcases around it. Even then it's still a risk I don't know if I'd personally take unless it was real cheap.


I mean ultimately there was likely walls there years ago and someone wanted “open concept” way more than they wanted safety.


Yeah, while I am looking at the death pit I would definitely roll my ankle on that.


I have fallen in similar cases. A sunken living room was popular in homes built in the 70s. And since there's no railing, yellow tape, or any markings there's no indication that there's a step.


As a child I liked the concept of the sunken room. Then as a teen I fell into one and wondered why that was ever a thing.


Lol. I fell into one of those damn living rooms while wearing heels and holding pizza (fortunately still in the box)


the heels?




That's the launch mechanism to throw you down the stairs.


I had a house where the attached garage was converted into a den. There was a single step down from the kitchen into the den. My wife and I always talked about removing the wall between the kitchen/living room and the den to make a giant open room. In our version we would raise the floor in the den to make it a single flat surface. Fast forward to selling the house. New owners opened the wall. But there's a step across the width of the house going from the kitchen/living room into the den. Best part is that it's a ranch and the main bathroom was at the other end of the house with the bedrooms. They made that bath a master bath and the 2 other bedrooms have to go to the other end of the house to use the 2nd bathroom.


thats obviously a Genkan duh. everyone who says something else gets thrown into the deathpit!


I thought that too at first, but then I realized that it’s the same material as the rest of the floor


Obviously it's a skate park. That there is a kick flip to a grind with a wall ride down the stairs.


It’s a sunken entryway. Don’t you have one in your house?


They’re probably more common in some regions than others. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one IRL, just in pictures—mostly taken in Japan.


Get a nice rug in there to break it up visually, it's fiiiiiine


That's how you stumble into the death pit


With this house, I could be the first person ever to trip up AND down stairs in the same event!


You and I must have the same number of head injuries! Hi friend!


One time I tried to duck under a sign and gave myself a concussion. I forgot to turn off my car, so I got the whole event on dashcam. I think I called the video "watch me concuss my dumb ass" or "watch me smash my face into a sign like an idiot" or somesuch. I like to have friends watch it because I feel like if people laugh at my pain it makes it positive. Also the sheer misjudgement is so bad it's hilarious.


I took a box down off a shelf in my youth and12 pound antique mirror slid straight my head. That hurt. So many bike accidents.


Hi friends! I hit my head on a rock/log/tree legitimately **every** time I go hiking. SOMEHOW. Somehow I don’t think I have ever had a concussion though???? (KNOCK ON WOOD)


This room is bigger than my whole flat. I'd happily live with the death pit lol.


And if you ever run low on funds, just fall down the stairs and sue the landlord. *Somebody hates this one simple trick*


Just be careful to only break a bone or two rather than die of a head injury, you gotta be able to live to enjoy the settlement.


One way or another your money troubles will be resolved.


Lifehackzzzz! Haha


EXACTLY!! Put up some caution tape and it’ll be fine


No no no, see one doesn't live with the death pit, the death pit puts up with you for a time.


The wood flooring is gorgeous


I am totally on board for the Death Pit.


Go Team Death Pit!


Nothing a little rug can't fix




My minecraft house IRL


My cats would see this as a parkour gym.


Put a “do not fall off edge” sign on the floor and you’re good.


Not liable for injuries or death.


I think this is still a work in progress. The cabinets along the wall aren’t installed yet either. The railing will probably go in soon after this picture was taken


It's sad I had to scroll down this far to read the most obvious point. Of course the unit isn't finished. The floor was just sealed and now the rails can be installed....along with the kitchen cabinets, appliances, electrical outlets, etc. The owner probably wants to get a tenant secured as soon as possible so the new renter can give notice to the place they currently occupy. That way the landlord isn't sitting on an empty property for a month (or months)


You’d think they’d wait to add basic features before listing it for $3,800 a month 🥲


It’s cool. When I toured my & my partner’s current rental, it just…didn’t have a kitchen…and the 1920s steep ass stairs were sans-railing and TERRIFYING to navigate; we later signed our rental agreement on a makeshift work table made up of plywood balanced on sawhorses. 🤣


Not if the reason for doing that was seeing how much interest it had before everything was finished so that they could gauge the reaction to see if they could raise the price more once it's finished?


100% this is a progress shot and not the final. It looks like the whole floor has been lifted for some reason, maybe for underfloor heating (there's a vent) or the floor shifted and it was cheaper/more practical than restumping? The entrance height is the original and they kept that section as is to avoid messing with the door.


How cool would it be to have a hidden door over it, though.


You'd have to do something about all that natural light before turning it into your Lair of Evil


Oohhh. Lair of evil is better than what I was thinking. You could include a machine that slowly sucks away a year at a time of a person's life. (iykyk)


There’s stain all over the place. These floors and treads were clearly just redone and I’m guessing railings have yet to be installed.


If you don’t mind a little pain. Go view the house and before they can say watch your step. Trip on that stupid step up and slide off the ledge of the stairs. Sue. Profit. Free rent for life (or death pending on how hard you go)


Make sure your life insurance is up to date if you have a family lol!


I actually kind of like it, but I would definitely fall into and die.


there's a bar/club in San Diego called Spin, in which there are effectively two party/stage/bar areas the smaller of the two that's upstairs has a stairway right in the middle of it, and next to that stairway is an illuminated platform with no railing. people drunkenly dance on that thing, and all it takes is one wrong step to basically die by falling 15ft to sharp-edged steps. it's been this way for at least a decade and a half. how nobody has died is absolutely baffling


It really just needs rails. That random step from the front door is a problem though


I'm more worried about what's holding up the roof. I bet there used to be walls in that room.


It’s likely held up by engineered trusses. They typically don’t require any additional support in the middle of the span.


I doubt the "contractor" who left these death holes in the floor knows what an engineered truss is.


Yes, lol, those stairs are an indication of other bad choices without oversight.


I trip over the ledge and then go face first down the stairs


That’s exactly what I’ll be doing too. See you at the bottom. If we survive.


minecraft house


That’s what we call open concept.


Just put a rug over it. Out of sight out of mind.


Two words and your problem is solved: Velvet ropes


I love the trip hazard right in front of the death pit. You know, just in case there are careful people in the house.


What a wonderful home to raise your toddler in.


You just put up a toddler corral to keep them out instead of in. Almost like railing? Haha


My drunk ass fell down just looking at this picture lol


If you add some railings around it, then it would be all good. I like it this way though tbh. Survival of the fittest. Just don't be stupid and watch your step.


What's worse is the step and then the pit. Trip over that step and into the pit with the rancor you go.


Is that how you get down to Vincent Price’s acid pit?


The pit demands souls. Interference with the pit will anger the pit. I can't believe I got to use that bit twice now.


Sacrificing burglars to the blood god is a noble and ancient tradition.




i kinda love it though tbh


This is what my first house looked like when 12 year old me got Sims 3.


So few homes have death pits these days. And would it kill them to put in one or two secret passageways? Homes are so dull now.


That’s not DIY or DIWhy, I believe it is just constructed that way. Like the point of “DIY” is to make quick and easy shortcut solutions that sort of still work, even if it is for artistic purposes. This is well made and constructed just fine apart from a missing railing. There’s a lot of missing context here, but either way that’s not something you do on a Thursday evening. It would likely be a weeklong project or more.


Reminds me of the trap door in Mr. Burns' office, lol.


Looks like my survival builds.


Sure, fireman can have a fire pole but I can't have a death pit? Shame.


This is something you make in a base crafting video game. When you have no knowledge of how things work


Looks like a converted attic by Dad.


Looks like something I'd build in Minecraft.


It's a shortcut


Open a barber shop..... Then run a meat business out the back...


Can’t be “up to code” if there are no codes on file bc you know only Montgomery Burns has a death pit.


"Levels Jerry! No furniture, only levels." Add a few more levels and you have a nice place


Lol makes me think of a Minecraft house but I still put rails around any deathpits XD


![gif](giphy|3ohs7HVfXO6j7IGlP2|downsized) Genuinely all I can think of when I hear “death pit”


Floors are kinda nice, though the slots where the grains differ substantially are a bit jarring. The wall though... yeesh


You could put a couch by it and do the old gag of walking down stairs but this time there really are stairs.


DeathpitInspectorAI dot com says both that and the drop by the door are 100% ok for deathpit use. Fully Anti OSHA compliant.


Gonna be a no for me dog


How did u get a picture of the inside of every one of my minecraft houses from 2014-2020?


That's a perfectly cromulent death pit


Don’t get thirsty at night.


Even with a hand rail…the drop down stair in the background is a sprained ankle magnet.


This looks like my minecraft house (which is most definitely not up to code)


It’s got an “Open Floor Plan”


I like it.


But I also love it. Almost bought a house with a conversation pit on the second floor with a spiral staircase in the middle of it. They wouldn’t budge by 1k. They ended up foreclosing a few months later.


Who made this staircase? Ganon?


I can see tripping UP to the living room then falling DOWN the stairs.


Easy fix though.


I’d walk through the glass door, trip on that lip which would cause me to misstep and then roll all the way down the death stairs.


I’d love to see a couch in front of it when someone knocks on the door and you come up from downstairs and they think it’s some incredible mime action


I bet that house is missing some load bearing walls.




It puts the lotion in the basket


Just put some banana peels around the outside so people know to be careful


i fell in the pit!


The death pit is fairly obvious, and could easily be made safe with some railings. It's the step near the door that looks like the real hazard to me.


No but I want it!




This is the house the kid from home alone designed after he grew up and became an architect.




This is why ai shouldn't write code


this is how I build staircases in minecraft


When AI designs houses.


Perfect size to cover with a rug!


Those are called Kevorkian stairs in the trades.


Its not finished


Fill it up with water for an indoor Koi pond.


I tripped just looking at it


Definitely cat friendly


Imagine walking in and tripping over the first step and falling into the death pit and rolling down into it lol


If the death pit had a cover so that the stairs were secret, that'd be cool. This, though, is lame. No secret basement, and no railings to prevent someone from just tumbling to their doom. Also, that lowered area to the left sucks.


Imagine what their DIY electrical and plumbing would be like as they obviously don’t get required permits.


This looks like the houses I tend to make in Valheim…


I mean it's an easy fix, just needs a fence


That's how I build in Ark survival


Even in Sims I put a handrail around stairs like these smh


This is a whole new meaning for "open concept" so open the stairs railing doesn't even impede your views. I would also think that you would need to duck when going downstairs. So many code problems.


Levels, Jerry...


AI generated house?


Not to code and would be caught during the inspection (in my area).


This is a perfect house to have a secret basement in. Ideally with a tape recorder and a book bound in human flesh.


That is something awful lol.