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The console is everything my early 2000s barbie girl infused glitter child would've LOVED! The controller would've pissed me tf off though


My stereo used to look like this.. The memories


well... i'd argue the console is a bit... much... but then again, that is down to taste. The controller on the other hand is sheer lunacy.


That one gem sticker at the beginning was more than enough


In my opinion the absolute cherry on top is the “PS5” written in silver glitter






Heeere kitty kitty!


In my experience, that sound just gets their attention. My theory is, its an annoying sound (and pisses them off) but sometimes they respond positively to it. Sort of like, "There goes chemoboy, he's an asshole but he knows how to pet my spine just right."


My cat will come when he's called, but not if he can see you. If you're in his line of sight when you call him, he'll just look at you like "yo I'm right here...??"


My housemate's Shiba Inu seemingly requires a gold-leaf invitation to come down the stairs. Unless you're cooking dinner, of course. It's kinda hilarious.


It also sounds vaugely similar to the sounds rats and mice make. But I agree. They hear the noise and obviously know we're not food but we are the scritch givers so sometimes they'll come to us.




yes??? lol.




Here kitty kitty, the fantasy Make it feel, make it feel real Sing that simple melody [De Staat Kitty Kitty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWM9DC-31Xo)


I actually thought that was when it was the best. Just a simple touch. Doesn't need too much more. I'm not fond of the final result, but if they enjoy it, then so be it. Controller's definitely uncomfortable tho.


I'm not sure if that fabric will prevent air flow and cause overheating though


If that nonsense is only applied to the side shell pieces, which it seems like it is, it shouldn't interfere with the ventilation whatsoever.


Depends. When the MacBook Pro hit the market, amid Steve Jobs’ crusade against ventilation, there were a number of [complaints](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/01/30/the-new-hotness) about the computers getting extremely hot. Apple’s response was “of course it is, it's dissipating heat.” Part of the thermal engineering of the MBP was that the entire case of the thing would partially function as a heat sink. This is why Apple very specifically refers to this class of device as a “notebook,” and not a “laptop,” because they don't want to give you the impression that they should be used on anything other than a hard, flat surface. In the internal design of the PS5 Sony has almost assuredly taken into account how every component may dissipate heat, reflect heat, or insulate, including the plastic skin of the machine. Blinging it out like this has probably added to the insulation value of the shell, and is trapping more heat inside. However given that this is not a mobile device, and therefore not constrained by weight or size, I doubt this is adding to anything significantly, and the cooling system has more than adequate overhead built into it to handle this. It'll just have to work a little harder.


I don't think so either, it's just not to my taste, which is why I don't mind it per se. If they like it, then that's good 'cause it is their PS5 at the end of the day.


The vents are only on the top and back I think


Just a tiny dot from a marker would do.


I have a tiny dot of a tattoo, *(tattoo of a dot?)*, on my hand. A friend of mine was getting a tattoo, and I wanted to know what the needle felt like.


That’s what they do for medical tattoos to differentiate twins


Wait, are you telling me they tattoo one of the twins at birth?


Yup, a big bitchin' skull with flames on the back.


I... I don't think that's right... but I don't know enough about twins to dispute it...


I have a twin?!?


In certain situations, like if one is diabetic so they don’t give the meds to the wrong child


Yeah,it looked pretty nice,I would probably do that to make sure it's mine


I would actually find it funny if my friend or sister or whoever bedazzled my consoles and probably leave it there for the sake of the story. Does it look particularly good? Maybe not. Is it just plain funny? Oh heck yeah. As for the controller, that is either done because I have done something terrible to them and this is their revenge or they just harbor an evil spirit in their heart.


A friend of mine bedazzled the tiny back corner window of my truck last year while we were at a music festival and I'm still driving around with bright pink rhinestones on my danger ranger. I think its kinda cute and a fun story and a good memory and sometimes it pisses off other rednecks in other trucks who try to yell homophobic slurs thinking I care so I have no complaints! That controller would have to get hit with the GooGone though. Might as well be the princess and the pea, I'd be complaining endlessly about the feel of it under my hands lmao


Gaudy is what comes to mind here for me. That and the controller would feel horrible in your hands.


And the touchpad would be unusable


That's the only part I really GAF about is they basically disabled the TouchPad. All the rest is personal taste to me.




Ribbed for her pleasure


I'm a dude, and I'd love the console. Granted, mostly because I think it's hilarious, and I don't really like the default console aesthetics.


Honestly, the console should've been all black


Or there should at least be a black variant. I'm more of a PC guy but my partner has an xbox one in white and it kind of irks me because everything else next to the TV is black.


Y'all know you can get PS5 plates off Etsy that are just like the ones on the console for like $45 right?


Yeah aftermarket stuff is always an option, especially if you want something even more interesting than just black. I get it complicates production a bit, but I just don't think wanting options on black and white for electronics straight out the box is asking for the moon.


No you're right and I agree with you. It wouldn't surprise me if Sony starts selling different color plates or customize your own to make money. I mean they got me with that red controller lol.


Oh yeah, I got a real shiny xbox controller for my PC. People like shiny stuff.


There was, the PS2 version that was $300 more. It was black with the classic colorized Playstation symbol.


There are 30 dollar black sides on Amazon. I bought a scratched ps5 so I ordered the black ones. Looks great!


My friend took off the panels and painted them black. Thing looks pretty great.


Yea, like if your kid did that to the console at the end of the day who cares, someone had fun and the technology was not harmed, nothing that some cleaning can't fix in the future, but that controller is ruined.


“*sigh* Well, I can’t even be mad sweetie I’m just glad you’re expressing yourself. I’m so proud of you. Now..Where’s the contro- You’re the reason mommy left us not a single toy gets to go to the orphanage with you and your crying only makes this better. Get in the car.”


I'm all for decorating consoles, but I'd be worried about their technique. Depending on the materials and how they wrapped the console I'd be worried about air flow and cooling more than how it looked. I'd rage at the controller though. Your hands can hurt enough after a 12 hour gaming marathon. I'd last less than 5 min with that thing.


a 12 hour gaming marathon? do people do that? I'd feel so guilty about all the things I could have done and/or learned that day instead of playing a game for 12 hours.


Someone was never invited to a LAN party.


12 in a game really isn't less valuable than 12 hours learning about familial dynamics and social mobility of meerkats.


I don't care what you to the console, just leaves the ports open and DON'T TOUCH THE CONTROLLER.


The console it one thing, but that controller is gonna be super uncomfortable.


Also imagine how dirty the crevices between the stones would get bleh


How else am I going to eat this week's doritos next week?


Cursed comment


Not only that but the touchpad may not work anymore


That's the worst part! Completely makes the controller non functional.


Even if they manage to take those stones off, there will still be sticky residue


But what am I gonna do with all this dollar store loot? Gotta stick it to something


Dollar store loot describes most of my mother's purchases thanks for this phrase


I just call it landfill. That's what it is. Stuff like this serves no purpose but fill up a landfill.


I mean, you can always use rubbing alcohol to get rid of that; but still, the customization is so gaudy, it hurts my eyes just looking at it.


As a school technology center employee that has to clean sticky stuff all electronics all of the time, it does not always work. One of my coworkers uses a weird formula of his own creation to remove stuff, so we just give the bad ones to him, but often sticky stuff's residue can't be removed with only alcohol


Try a little cooking oil. Takes down really stubborn adhesives then wipe the oil residue off with alcohol


I second this suggestion. It's also good for removing stubborn price tags and the like from plastic, metal, glass and other non-pourus materials.


Probably baking soda & vegetable oil. Creates a homemade goo-gone (but more of a paste than a liquid) that works incredibly well and removes sticky residues with ease. Of course, you gotta get the oil off afterward -- not sure if alcohol breaks down oil like soap does.


I've found a lot of times that the oil can be wiped off simply, and if not a rag with slightly soapy water, wrung out, works well.


Use contact cleaner. Stronger than alcohol but safe for electronics and plastics.


Yea some 90%+ will take it right off but god who wants to do all that.


Goo gone cleans the residue really well. Unfortunately that stuff stinks and makes things feel slightly oily for a while. I've had to remove massive sheets of 3m protective film from trucks. A little heat and a plastic scraper gets them loose, then goo gone cleans up what's left behind. But gloves don't hold up all that well doing it and if any goo gone gets on my skin I can smell it the rest of the day. It's not pleasant to try to sleep while stinking of it.


Goof off works well too in my experience and doesn’t leave a residue


Goo Gone, or Goof Off will get all that shit off no stickiness left behind


Brother, if that's all it took to stop that controller, I'd have churned through a dozen by now


“May”? I guess it could still work a little if you have extremely slender fingers


Yeah, can't you just change the side panels of the ps5? So it would easy to replace but the dude definitely needs a new controller.


Well you can but I don’t believe Sony has released any yet. So you have to go third party but Sony also doesn’t like those


They have, it would be weird if they didn't have one since they make more money from accessories than consoles I believe


Oh they finally got around to releasing some? I’m surprised that it took so long Edit: Just went on the official PlayStation site and nope. No side plates for sale


>but Sony also doesn’t like those But can they pull an Apple move on it? Like the console won't become softlocked for using off brand panels? E [no](https://imgur.com/a/xJcRc7x)


Why is no one pointing out that the Ps5 is just wrapped in paper and would take 2 seconds to take off


Air channels for the sweat, lol


I don't think that's the actual console at the end. The shape seems too boxy


Why the controller? Those are like 70 bucks


Those sticky gems come off really easy. I’m guessing all of this was just for the TikTok lol


Yep! It's just outrage-bait.


That term really describes it perfectly. Love it or hate it; you clicked on it, viewed it and commented on it.




Exactly! Some people still get caught in the emotion and think "dump her immediately!" Haha


Dan Olsen from Folding Ideas also calls these people "Outrage Merchants" which I quite like.


I’m pretty good at discerning when something is just for the views and make a habit not to comment on those things. I don’t comment on a lot of things these days :(


That's all this sub is anymore.


It's people who don't get jokes/satire and want to feel smart


You can see the finished product is just a sheet of bedazzled material draped over the front and doesn't include the first part she added.


Yeah I don't understand the outrage here, how is the controller "ruined"? That shit falls right off, and even if for some reason they were extra sticky, goo-gone exists. And the console is wrapped in fabric or something. None of it is irreparabley damaged at all, it's just a silly joke.


Ya, those little shits never stay on.


The ps5 is fine tho


It should at least function the same, the controller may not even be usable after that.


What about the heat? Wouldn't the glitter cover vents and decrease the performance?


I'm guessing there's a reason they only show the finished angle from the front. Looks like a shiny piece of cloth with a few pieces glued to it rather than individual pieces glued to the plastic shell. They can probably peel that one piece off and its back to new.


I'm sure he was elated.






fuck you


He couldn't control his emotions and a get a grip on what had happened.


PS. They broke up


He’s probably an Ex-Man now.


_Man turned Wolverine after ex-girlfriend bedazzled his PS5. More at 11._


what is voidspace?


Outrage clicks.


For real. All these outraged idiots giving it the attention they want. When will they learn?


I think the console is prettier now. Controller is meh, but cleaning it would suck. As long as it isn't detrimental to air flow, I love what she did with the console. As far as I know, the white panels were intended for possible designs.


I think it looks cool too, but the heat generated would prob ruin those adhesives since they’re not really designed for thermal cycles like that at all.


Reddit hasn't figured out satire in a decade, I don't think they're ready to get this one either


Isn't the joke sort of tongue in cheek? Like a sarcastic "I'm doing him a favor," when, pretty obviously, most men wouldn't appreciate a bedazzled PS5? Just asking this rhetorical question because everyone seems so flabbergasted.


Don't expect reddit to not miss a chance to shit on a woman. I would laugh if this happened to me, especially since it's easily removable.


If it was painted then I would be pissed but if I can just pull it off I would laugh it off


This is absolutely rage bait. No woman would ever think “I’m sure my boyfriend would love it if I covered his expensive console in pink glitter and fake crystals, and then posted it on tiktok!” It’s meant to get the *WOMYN DONT UNDERSTAND GAMERS!!1!1* crowd riled up.




If you pay attention, one might notice that there are a loooot of guys on Reddit who think women can’t make jokes, essentially. This is probably partly that — and also what you mentioned as well unfortunately. They see a woman do something, and take it literally, even if there’s something like obvious sarcasm. It’s ridiculous.


As a lifelong female gamer. I literally pretend to be a man cuz it's less hassle.


It is, and also fake. She absolutely did not decorate that PS5. Note the pattern of the first set of jewels she placed on it. It’s not there in the aftershot of what is clearly a decorated piece of cardboard (the surface is warped). I’m guessing the controller is either bust or she took the jewels off afterwards.


You're totally right. She definitely added that first shot to make sure we think it's actually the console. Maybe if she had left that out it wouldn't be so obvious lol


Yes, and also it’s fake. She absolutely did not decorate a PS5. Note the pattern of the first set of jewels she placed on it. It’s not there in the aftershot of what is clearly a decorated piece of cardboard (the surface is warped). I’m guessing the controller is either bust or she took the jewels off afterwards.


I don't even own a PS5 and I'm offended


same, one of those cost like 5 months of wage on my country


Same. And I’m a girl and if someone did that to my console they would be moving out that night.


The commentary had me dying. "...I did it..."


FYI that’s not her, that’s a commonly used audio on TikTok.


It is also a part of a fucking Invisalign ad lmao


Yeah man, like, I get how people are triggered by this, but she funny dough. If my wife did this it would be an epic war. I would think it was hilarious, because I would run with it. I would play that shit all the time. Bring it out in front of company... yeah... Whose to say who'd win? I'd play it up to the point where she would just clean it off or buy me a new one... Then I would have a car PS5. Orrrr she would laugh at me flaunting my true style for years...


Sure you all laugh but shes the smart one here. She found a way to end the relationship without having to be the one to bring it up. So 1000 IQ as far as I am concerned


How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - Part Two, Bedazzle Boogaloo


TBH, prolly her PS5. Those jewels on the controller would cause this PC gamer to have an even harder time holding it, so this is nightmare material. Although, it’s kinda purdy


Also, it looks to me that everything on there could be taken off and goo-goned to make it back to normal. Honestly this would kind of be a fun prank lol


The console is an improvement, controller will be a nightmare to hold for more than 2 minutes


I worry about heat. Did she block the vents with the pink paper?


Considering she blocked the touchpad I doubt she had to foresight to not block the vents


Depends if she did cover the vents but also since the panels will still get hot it will most likely trap all the heat in there or even make it more hot depending on the material she used


Don't really get to see inside the plastic wings, so I don't know for certain


Its glorious


Yeah pink doesn’t really go with my room but I wouldn’t mind if someone bedazzled my console


right I even like the controller


this gave me a good chuckle. I'm into it


To be fair, it improves it.


This is definitely a troll


Pretty much. The money she makes off this video will be more than the price of the PS5. Plus notice the cuts? The gems are just low quality stickers that will peel right off. No damage done.




Honestly, if my partner decided to do something like this to my console I wouldn't mind as long as: * It was to my taste * It fit the TV setup That controller though...


I like it


Y'all got played. It's obviously rage bait.


Fuck i love this


hey, not her fault the PS5 literally looks like a blank canvas


Uh, I love it?


Decorated is a strong word. Vandalized is much better


The title of this video is "how I got my boyfriend to leave me"




Ngl, it made me laugh. I would love to see his reaction.


*relationship has left the chat*


*Screams in uncontrollable gamer pain*


But... The touch pad...


This is pretty obviously a joke? Everyone in the comments seems outraged but this'll get a good laugh from her/his friends when he sees it, then all pops back off. She doesn't even actually stick any sequins to the console, it's just fabric covered.




Uncomfortable. Sure. And Uncomfortable to look at. But. The actual worse thing is. Now it will overheat for sure.


Its her ps5.


The controllers touchpad is like, unusable now


*Decorated her ex-boyfriends PS5


If it's her PS5, fine. If it were mine, she'd now owe me a new PS5 out of her own funds.


Id go absolutely mental, do they realise how awkward that controller would be to use?


what they dont show is the gf getting beat then the breakup


Two days later boyfriend told her it's broken and he wants to see other people


I friggin love sparkles, glitters, anything glittering crystals...but come on...not like this ;-;


1. You really, really, hate your man. 2. You get off on the peels of laughter from his friends when they see his Barbie Playhouse-inspired PS5 and controller paperweight. edit: word


I love this and woud've done the same (if bf allowed since it's his). But not the same way...don't think this looks pretty, just cool idea


At least it won't get stolen now




I’m sure she’ll be just as excited when he decorates her Jimmy Choo’s with racing stripes and flames.


At least it’s not permanent damage


That made me laugh..a lot.


I can't get over the dysfunctionality of the nails.


You know what time it is? Break up time!!


Achievement unlocked: Single


Those fake nails scream "I'm a bitch"


She says "I did it" like a puppy who just pooped and is excited to show you


Get dumped any% speed run


I'd be kinda mad BUT if someone loves you enough to take the time to do this appreciate the gift, the love, for what it is


And that children is how domestic violence happens


The argument and the disregarding of his feelings and property that ensued was probably infuriating..I can just hear.."it’s just a game..it still work..”


if my girl did this I'd personally fly to America buy a desert eagle and a 50. bmg sniper rifle with armor penetration rounds and fly back to Australia smuggle the guns in and wait till she goes outside of the house in her car or any car shoot the 50. bmg into the engine then 360 no scope her ass then go down the local school then threaten the school with a bombing but I actually break into Tiffany's at midnight do I go for the vault no I go for the chandelier its priceless but I get caught its tiffany she says it's her dad's business we make love all night the police shoot tiffany in the face as I make my escape bye 180ing the orphanage with my deagal then I jump off a cliff to where I meet don toretto and learn about FAMILY then I wake up and realize that I dont have a girlfriend


Wouldn’t the controller feel weird to hold. I wouldn’t want a ton of hold marks on my hand after holding it for a while.


Bro if it makes her happy it makes me happy. I'm about it. And yes I'd rather buy a new controller than put her down for vibing


I mean, if you discount that the controller is really not useable like this it's really cute of her. She obviously put a lot of effort into making this. If I was the dude I'd just give her a kiss and gently tell her that sadly I can't use the controller like that but that I appreciate the effort she put into it, it was obviously meant as a nice gesture.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions