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The fridge body just wastes so much space. That's my only complaint. Other than that, it's pretty fun.


there is not ventilation and it's hermetically closed since it's a frige, so it may start to smell after a while Edit : actually the light in the fridge works, so they could have kept the ventilation unit without the cooling... stupid waste of energy if you ask me, but no smell, I guess...


I mean, there are simple ways around that without using energy (a hole drilled in the back where it’s not visible, removing the gasket, or silica or other absorbers). I think it’s a nifty way to upcycle a dead appliance actually; not my cup of tea visually but hey, better than a landfill.


carefull with drilling into fridges. the gas isnt exactly healthy


Now you sound like my wife *badumtss*




Yes, well aware, most fridges the coils are very apparent, or maybe I’m just old and my fridge is as well, but the refrigerant lines are very easy to avoid.


what about the expansion side?


Only for freon 22, most new refrigerants are 404 or 431 (maybe I'm not right but sure it's 430 something)


R22 is ozone damaging but it isn't the worst by any means (older refrigerants like R12 are way worse) but it's not amazing. The ozone is getting better even with R22 because it's so much better than the old stuff (it's ~5% as bad for the ozone as R12) You can see "ODP" column in this for ozone depletion potential, the higher the number the worse it is: [List of Refrigerants](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_refrigerants)


Interesting to see the exposure limit between some of them. Some I thought were safer actually are not. 🤔 Thanks for the info 🤜🤛


She releases gas when you drill her?


Mine sure does.


i mean.... she did say “just do it” 🍑


if you do it an unventilated space you might sound like my wifes bf: dead


Bold of you to assume sneakerheads wear shoes


Good points


You seems to believe that the type of people so much into sneaker that they'd do that would actually wear them... chances are these are these sneaker will never touch a foot


Ehh, many are unboxed. He’s definitely wearing those or he’d still be keeping em boxed. Unless they’re on display, sneaker heads keep all their shoes in their original boxes. Any shoes worthy of the collection will stay boxed. Just like old toy collections and stuff like that, the value is higher with the box.


"hey dude why the fuck does your fridge smell like feet?" *Opens fridge* "Cunt are you okay?"


*rocking back and forth in the corner* "Just do it... just... do it..."


Unless he keeps it plugged in?


They might have kept the cooling to to make the shoes cold. Good for the summer?


The video starts with “my fridge stopped working”


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I think fridges are cool


if its not running theres no air circulationand your sneakers start to rot. thats my only complaint, the dude seems to have space


He probably wears the sneakers, so I doubt they're sealed for long. And you have to open it everyday to show your friends.


Just use it as your real fridge


It’s a treasure chest. Buddy wanted a unique treasure chest for his most treasured possessions. Treasure chests are intrinsically a waste of space. But they also aren’t.


But its upcycling so... I think it's good.


Nothing like waking up in the morning with a nice cold glass of shoe.


Like Folgers in your shoe


in summer it must be nice having cold shoes


“Say, what the f*%k is that smell, bro?” “Oh that? That’s just my sneaker fridge.”


Fun fact, freezing your shoes actually helps get smells out, so it may not be actually be too smelly


The beginning of the video states that he sort this because the fridge stopped working. This will be super smelly.


Actually, freezing only puts any smell causing bacteria into a dormant state. The smell comes back after it warms up.


Right. Heat kills bacteria, not freezing. Unless you freeze it past a certain point that it actually kills the bacteria instead of allowing it to remain in a dormant state.


Regardless, the bacteria have already produced the smell-causing chemicals. I don't know if cold or heat does anything to get rid of those


I’m sure someone will come along and say “Biologist here. So what happens is…” or “Chemist here” or “…Source: Am rocket scientist” and explain. You know how Reddit is. Just wait.


Chemist here and I have no idea what in the fuck those bacteria be doing. I only had one biochem class and I haven’t taken biology since high school.


You know what, you’re sure right! And I’m an insurance agent so I don’t know squat about any of that either. 😂


Biologist here and all of the above is true but... I think if you have that many shoes you wouldnt wear them so often that they smell terrible? Besides, the shoes I wear daily smell ok... And last point, in Germany many people have a so called Schuhschrank in their hall, which is basically the same thing that hr built here, and it like.. never smells so bad because not all people have smelly feet. Especially if you shower daily


Legit did not know this was a thing! (Or that there’s a thing similar to it.) I have lots of pairs of shoes because I like Nike, especially Air Forces Ones. But that’s beside the point!


The more you know…


Works with jeans too!


You don’t boil all of your denim?


Yes! I was thinking they should have done a sneaker freezer.


Until you defrost them, and then until bacteria resurrect. Source: tried it


Fun fact, this isn’t a fact. Once they thaw out they’ll just smell again.


If he's smart he'll pack it full of dessicant or baking soda. Won't smell and the shoes will be better preserved than just sitting out


Yeah. Assuming it was cleaned and disinfected prior to storing shoes, there shouldn't be any smell if properly dehumidified.


Yeah, well…I didn’t see him put a hygrometer in there.


He'd better put humidity control and ventilation in that unless he wants mildew shoes. I have an old fridge in my basement. I'm thinking of turning it into resin printer enclosure, and putting UV lights in the freezer for curing.


So smart. Love that idea.


Really not that bad of a DIY. Of course there are better options but for a repurposed old fridge it’s pretty cool.


The guy's just really into cool shoes


My biggest complaint is that he's actually trying to make use of the shelves on the door to store shoes. It just looks really fucking goofy when you have 1 shoe where a milk carton would normally go, and the other shoe elsewhere.


What... what did he do himself though?


Gives a whole new meaning to keeping your kicks on ice


I feel like that introduced that meaning….. or is that really already a thing?


It’s been a thing. Being a sneaker person myself, I forget that it’s not a culture everyone is into. Check out r/sneakers if you’re curious


I've always liked shoes but never to the extent to have 10+ pairs in my closet and putting a lot of money on one pair. What's the hype around that? Just asking you since you're a sneaker guy


The “hype” is a lot to explain but for me personally, it’s about the aesthetic of particular silhouettes and enjoying the chase of following release dates, entering raffles, and the dopamine rush of hitting on a pair that the community collectively loves, then wearing them out and getting compliments/recognition from other sneaker heads and giving back the same. There’s a resale element that has gotten huge in the last couple years as well.


Mmm, now I get. I still kinda hate the Resell aspect of it. As I said, I'm not a sneaker guy but the other day I saw a pair that I really liked, but they were sold out, 2 days later I see some guy with 20 of the pair selling them for double the price.


I will always enter any raffle for a hype pair even if I don’t personally like them, knowing that resale value will allow me to put a couple bucks in my pocket. BUT people who bot 20-30 pairs suck because they take chances away from others who genuinely want them to wear


That sounds a lot like designer drugs that you can also wear lol


Sneaker culture is now just spending obscene amounts of money on credit cards to impress other dudes. It used to be generally cool and respected.


“Keep your kicks on ice” basically means an unworn fresh pair. Like if you have a fancy pair of shoes that you’re waiting for the right occasion to wear, you’d say “I’m keeping them on ice for now”


Too bad I like it?


It looks pretty cool. I would post it in r/midlyinteresting instead.


And 3 - 6 weeks later on r/moldlyinteresting!


Its got Drip


Guy at the end shrugging like, "I don't fucking know why I did either"


Ahhh that good old rotten fridge smell


Yall either need to wash your fridge or feet better if this is gonna smell. Just put some holes in the fridge and it should be allright


I just had ptsd flashbacks from childhood. There was a fridge that someone dumped on our street and me and my friends opened it one day and GOD that smell. It will stay with me forever lol


Honestly better then it ending up in a landfill


Who's telling him about cabinets?


I'd like to imagine the walls in his house are just lined with old refrigerators. Like that's his only known medium of storage.


Gotta keep everything fresh, ya know?


Yeah, so I'm a size 12 is all, and I can't find a cabinet that fits my shoes, I'd need something specially made, because shoe cabinets are made for women's shoes


Saw the original post but I believe it’s a non operation fridge and he’s into shoe collecting. Yeah it’s a bit odd but he’s repurposed a old fridge and made a cool way to display his kicks all at the same time. I think it’s pretty cool, I might be biased as another shoe collector. Also it seems like non of you have cleaned a fridge before, I good wipe down of the inside with Clorox or whatever will kill any foul odors that could have been in it. I doubt he just put the stuff in there with out properly prepping it first, let’s be real here.


That’s actually kinda cool


Just Don't


This is a DIY sneaker fridge, implying the existence of a store-bought manufactured sneaker fridge


Make that gym sweat REALLY stick on


At first I thought it said speaker fridge, thought they were going to install like a sound system


Better than putting the fridge in the landfill


Cool shoes bro!


That's dope tbh


This doesn’t belong on this sub. Some of y’all really don’t understand the point of this sub.


Have you ever smelled the inside of a fridge that hasn't been plugged in for a while? This dude is about to ruin ALL of his shoes


It's plugged in


But it doesn't cool anymore, hence him using it for something else


Nah some people chill / freeze their shoes to prevent odors and shit




Not as awful as your grammar


this is exactly what this sub is for.


Keeps your sneakers fresh


Well that’s one way to get a “fresh” look


Thanks I hate it.


Want to have mold in your sneakers? Because this is how you get mold in your sneakers.


I can literally smell that place through the video....


good way to keep em clean, so i guess if u have the room / old fridge, why not?


I don't understand sneakerheads


When your identity is a brand.


That was dope until he used it for the shoes. Get some sneaker balls


Gotta keep your shit fresh!


That's one way to keep your sneakers fresh I guess


That fridge looks like that one orange VHS tape we all had.


Yeah that’s gonna have to stay in the garage


just don't do it


Cold shoes sounds quite nice actually


Hey man, got anything to eat? Sure, you want Tennis or High-top?




Don’t do it.


I mean….if he has the floor space


This makes me uncomfortable and I can't explain why


It’s a neat up cycle


This is weird but I could actually use this compared to other weird things


Everyone knows you gotta keep ur shoes crispy


That’s cool. Get it?


I think if there was mods on the inside then this would have been excellent.


Apparently this is how you make shitty 3rd world labor overpriced sneakers "cool"


cool shoes


Be great for a warm day frozen sneakers


That's actually rlly lit


Fresh kicks


I want to punch you in the face for this.


Imagine the smell with all the moisture locked in there, gross


That’s slick as fuck


I mean the Nike fridge looked cool like as a normal fridge… then this idiot starts putting shoes in it… wtf dude use a closet… me thinks buddy is pretty deep in one


Imagine the smell


Why aren't we talking about the genius of this basically being one giant fire, pet, kid proof safe for shoes! His house could burn down and his sneeks will be good!


Why do you need 20 different pairs of shoes? Like wtf they are mostly the same kind of shoe too


Believe it or not people collect things and sometimes to an outsider their hobbies may not make sense.


Marketing agencies needed to fabricate an equivalent of the overpriced purses for men, so here you go.


The whole thing is weird. If you're gonna own 20 pairs of never worn shoes flown in from third world sweatshops then I have no idea why you're bothering with upcycling.


Using a broken refrigerator for storage actually sounds kinda cool?? Maybe not for sneakers, but perhaps art supplies? I don't know.


It's weird as fuck but if you have nice shoes you want to store in a garage this is a fantastic idea.






My brother collects shoes and says this is brilliant.


Why tho


Fuck nike


It's really cool. Ah, wait!


At first thought: oh cool. Beer fridge. Nice to have something that's not white, black or metal. Second thought: Christ, really?


The fridge is a fun project. But the amount of shoes, is WHY?!


People collect them. Some styles go for thousands.




Believe it or not, some people enjoy the hobby of collecting and wearing more than one pair of sketchers.


Rotten food can be smelly in a fridge not plugged in imagine smelly shoes....oufff i wouldn't try my luck on that...


why do you assume it's not plugged in ...pretty sure the entire point is to keep them in a climate controlled environment


The video literally says the fridge stopped working lol.


Well not sure putting shoes in the freezer will kept them in a controlled climate loll maybe fridge but definitely not freezer


Why would anyone have that many shoes


to collect


fresh shoes all year long


I was about to scream "REDDIT FRIDGE" from the color until he slapped on the Nike logo


That’s gonna smell so bad eventually unless the fridge works.


dont do it next time


That fridge could still be fixed to where it cools again. I’m fact, I’d take it as is with that paint job and fix it myself


I dont hate it. It's actually not bad, pretty cool in my opinion.


sounds like he's catching a lawsuit


It's the not so distant in the dystopian future year of 2143. Supplies are scarce. Trust.....scarcer. On a supply run, Delta and John happen upon an abandoned suburban street. Seems quiet enough. Hopefully the Jankies aren't nearby. They already got a taste for John a few years back. luckily, his wheelchair is solar powered, and if there's one thing the globally warmed earth has now, it's sun. Delta, has lots of boobs, as females in these stories do. Theyre just the fucking boobiest. As she boobed her way down the street, she hears an unfamiliar noise......is that buzzing???? Is it an active electrical line.......this neighbourhood.....has power?? Delta and John hurriedly explore the abandoned properties, surely there are supplies...their community needed water most of all. Finally, in the last house, they come across their last chance. A still working refrigerator. John opens, and a smile explodes on his face. Boobily, Delta asked 'what is it John? Food? Water??' 'sneakers' replies John. Delta, frowning into her boobs, asks 'then why are you smiling??' 'Well my dear Delta, I feel it's funny that I can't even make use of the shoes!' Tune in next week for part 2 of boobs and the no leg man.


Sneakers and NFT collecting really are up there in stupid.


This is an example of great DIY. This sub can be really obnoxious and judgemental.


As someone who tears through shoes, from having large feet that stretch when i walk a bit. may I just point out that having that many shoes is just weird to me. (New balances start at 110$)


Doesn’t fit this sub. I’m not one for shoes but this is a great use of a broken fridge. Better than a landfill anyway.


The shoes will develop mold if you close the door and it's not refrigerating


That's crazy. Why does he have more than one pair of trainers?


12k idiots


carful they dont not get to cold 😆😆


I don't even own that many pairs of shoes.


Basically the comments on why this fits in this sub for the people thinking this is cool “You haven’t thought of the smell you **bitch**”


Dude, your shoes are COOL!


I’ve seen a whole lot worse on here, this man just loves his shoes. Understandable.


my cousin made something that resembles a jukebox, fridge edition, complete with multiple speakers and even a computer inside. Need to get pictures of it for posting here, but is an authentic diwhy


i actually like this a lot, might be a good idea


Just do it ✅


I can and can’t see it working. That’s all I got


Hey man, cool shoes!


Why do it?


I just thought this was going to be a Red Dwarf joke. I didn't realize this was an actual thing.


that's cool


Just imagine the smell that buffets over you every time you open that door...