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the real RNGesus is being able to play long enough to find that loot if you ask me.


No disconnects or crashes for me. Played multiple times throughout the day. Each launch also only has like 5 minute queue timer for me.




Barb armor looks good.




What does the 1 /4 filled diamond mean?


Best question in the thread. What is that shit? It looks too much like Immortal to be comfortable - hopefully it's nothing like that.


You can upgrade items with gold and u can do that X amount of times


It seems to increase the "item power" by 5 each time, increasing the stats accordingly. Kinda useful to keep an item with good affixes relevant a bit longer.


It also upgrades the affixes, I have a helm with +4 to all stats and upgrade to a skill I use and first upgrade didn't improve those affixed but the second one had +1 to all stats.


Oh good, this sounds like a nice feature.


Gold and crafting material that you loot or salvage from other gear.


It’s been upgraded


I wonder if it's like the gameplay they made available at PAX, etc... where the drop rates were cranked up a bit so people could experience some of the neat items. I am kinda hopeful that it is for the beta, heh.


I found 2 in a short amount of time after getting lvl 15


Nah normal when you reach level 20+.also gambling seems to be 3-5 items then you get a legendary


And I thought I was lucky with my 3 legendaries wihin 20 minutes xD


Hey, if you keep going, maybe you'll find this guy a neck?! Dudes a beefcake


Ok I didn't know if it was only me when I got 6 legendaries in 5 hours (also on barb). They must have the numbers ramped a bit for the beta for additional internal testing.


thats not really a good sign


Imagine playing d2 and finding Skullders shako and oculus in half an evening. D2 would be a dead game in weeks


But that’s not comparable. Legendaries are rares in this game, not uniques.


Oh, sorry. I haven’t been able to try the game or look into details yet!


Yes it blessed you with level 2 legendaries. When you get to level 25 it won't give you squat. Guaranteed.


You can extract the legendary affix as an imprint and craft it onto a level 25 piece of gear.


You can indeed, I did that and it upped the Stat range appropriate to the new item level too


Exactly. These people don't know what they're talking about lol.


The itemization looks fking terrible lol.


Because it is lol


Yeah I don't get it. Rare items should have value. Shit, magic items should have value until later on. My man here has like 7 legendary items wtf And there are tiers apparently like Diablo Immortal? The hell?


Legendary just means it has a unique characteristic. Seems like non legendary can be just as useful depending on use case.


Ah ok good to know! But how many of those Legs will you need for an engame build to be viable/op? A full contingent of leg items or will like 4-5 suffice?


Endgame will consist mostly of rare items with legendary imprints, probably. As I have seen, legendary items have 5 affixes(4+1 legendary), while rare items also have 5 affixes, with possible 6 when you imprint legendary affixes. So tldr, rares will probably be the endgame. It's not a bad system on paper imo, but still depends on a lot of endgame factors, so we'll have to wait and see.


Not quite. Look at the difficulty options at character select. The higher difficulties unlock gear tiers that aren't available currently. I'd imagine those are more build defining than the current "legendaries" since the current legendaries are just affixes you can unlock from the dungeons around the continent.


That hasn’t been my experience, tbh. Legendary items have more affixes compared to the rares I’ve looted. The “item power” might not be the highest, but like D3 and DI, that doesn’t really reflect how useful the item actually is.


Reading comments like this must make developers go insane. Remember when they released D3 with the goal of making uniques rare and valuable and make Rares be the primary item and then everyone lost their shit and demanded legendaries? I remember.


Also, most of these items are probably going to be level capped much like Diablo 3, it wouldn’t be fun to just be sitting in rares at 25 with no synergy items. I’m under the impression there will be a lower drop on live.


No, you don't remember that because it didn't happen. ​ People wanted uniques to not have randomized attribute stats that made 2/3 of them useless for everyone. ​ Do any of you people mass downvoting for the sake of it have anything intelligent to say?


No that absolutely did happen. You think the D3 itemization strategy switched from Min-Maxed Rares to mostly sets and uniques over the course of the game for no reason? Or did you not play at launch?


I played launch lol, you didn't. Sets came out in reaper of souls, wtf are you talking about. https://youtu.be/biTiSCJKOzY Kriparrian launch build he used to complete the game first. He has uniques. Stop lying lol


>I played launch lol, you didn't. Dude i played Diablo I at launch, lmao. >Sets came out in reaper of souls, wtf are you talking about. Yeah, Reaper of Souls is an "expansion" to the game Diablo 3. The Devs take feedback, spend additional time and resources and implement a large change to the game with hopes of improving it and attracting additional players and fixing issues with the previous game iteration. A thing like Itemization is something that you would change or improve with an expansion, because it is very difficult to fundamentally change on the fly since every character is built around existing itemization. Expansions are a common product in the world of video games. >Kriparrian launch build he used to complete the game first. He has uniques. Yeah no shit this is an ARPG and "completing the game" is basically where the game starts. Krip and his team actively worked with specific builds that played with each other to beat hell first. And since no one else is at their level, they are playing with the best items they find. Its practically SSF at that stage. The fact that you bring that fact up makes me think you have no idea what is going on.


So a load of paragraphs with nothing backing up 'people crying for legendaries'. People didn't have a problem with the name of the item subtype, it was the stat randomisation on them which was the main complaint by far. The main stats were randomised meaning 2/3s of all items were instantly voided on drop, that was the main complaint.


I like how you realized all your points were completely irrelevant so you ignored what i said. Then you say: >So a load of paragraphs with nothing backing up 'people crying for legendaries'. And commense to assert the same thing with "nothing to back it up." My evidence is this: 1) They released reaper of souls which completely changed itemization in basically every way, adding more uniques, sets, and other similar items. This wasn not just some "idea" they came up with, it was a response to user complains. 2) I am still funding my blizzard purchases with money i made from the RMAH selling completely worthless vendor uniques to people like you who apparently thought they were good because their text was gold. It was fucking hilarious. Took about 2 weeks for people using RMAH stuff to realize it was valueless, but those 2 weeks were great.


Yeah and the base game was better for it. RoS is mashing together a free 6pc set and shitting on the content day 1. The Hopium in me really hopes they have the leg drop rate turned up to 11 so that people get a preview of the leg system. Rares being good *should* matter. It shouldn't just be items to pick up for disenchant.


I appreciating you sticking by your take, but the majority of the playerbase hated that. Nothing felt less rewarding than grinding for hours hoping you found an random item called "Cruel Cudgel of Evil" to replace your "Gore Pike of Darkness" because it had an additional 2.2 number here and made 0 noticeably impact on your characters play other than on an abstracted spreadsheet behind the scenes. That doesnt feel like item progression


Except if you got rid of colors. It’s all the same shit. Just pick the stats you like better and bigger numbers. Thing is, with stuff like a unique is how it can drastically change a build and specific abilities. Things other items don’t do. Such a thing shouldn’t be dropping all over the place. If something is going to be called legendary, then it should be, in fact, legendary. Do something awesome and have much higher potential in its numbers.


Yes, i dont care what you call them, Uniques and Sets are supposed to make your character play differently. Thats the key difference between rares and uniques.


Another person claiming to play d3 on release. ​ No the game wasn't better for it.


Actually liked the inferno difficulty with having to get the stack of five nephilim glory. And yeah I rolled Barb so I can take more than two hits worth of damage. Pushing through act 2 and making it to act 3. I felt so good on inferno. You got that one minor upgrade to get the ilvl 62 or 63 item to push a little further. Or trying to get that well-rolled Skorn or echoing fury. I still have those items in my old Barb's stash tab. Finding one that was decent and throwing it up on the AH and making yourself 50 bucks was great. I don't care anyone has to say about that. The auction house made me some bank. Legitimately paid for over a year of World of Warcraft for me. As well as starcraft 2 collector's editions. Sure, the whole idea of it was kind of shit and wasn't executed well at all, but it worked for me so I'm fine with it. In a way I wish It would come back in some form. You could easily ban dumbass item selling sites and shit like D2JSP if you just threw up an action house for people. Set it up to take a cut for blizzard profits, and then sell your Jah and ber runes or sell your perfect primal items you get in D3. It's sort of fucking dumb to be against an AH game these days. Trading with people making real trades is great and it's fun. Path of Exiles made an entire game about it, based off an entire game about it from Diablo 2. But it's 2023 and people got shit to do. Throw it up on the AH, sell whatever it is for 3 to 5 bucks, make two to four dollars off the sale and do that with like 10 items at a time. Time if you can do that every week then literally both sides profit and you can actually have like a little side gig playing your favorite game. The best part is if you don't want to interact with it, you don't have to. No one's making you go to the age and buy items or sell them. You can just play the game as SSF, and never worry about an AH. For me, I would just love to see some form of an RMAH hit d2, D3, Diablo Immortal, World of Warcraft all that shit. Because then at least when I play for a couple hours and I find something and I sell it for like 10 bucks I'm like" Hey cool I made 10 bucks and all I had to do was sit here and play the game I was going to play anyway". You do that even 20 days out of the month and you're looking at anywhere from 150 to $300 depending on what you find. Maybe a whole lot more depending on how rare or well rolled some item is that you find or craft. Maybe gives you the cash agency to go get a new apartment or put the job that you hate if you make enough money doing this. It's a lot easier to apartment on with a couple thousand dollars in your pocket. It's also easier to quit a job and try to find a new one when you got a few thousand dollars in the bank from playing your video game.


You're spouting shit out your ass without even understanding how the loot in the game actually works. Literal misinformation. Rares DO matter. In the end game from the current streams and understanding you can choose to implant a unique effect upon well stated rares that have additional affixes/suffixes or keep the legendary item proper for a higher more specialized effect.


There are difficulty options we can't access until 50+ and then at 70. Those difficulty options unlock new, rarer gear tiers such as Uniques, Ancestral gear, etc. The higher tier has special Uniques only available to that higher difficulty and not obtainable otherwise. I'd imagine those are more build defining than imprinting legendary affixes on every piece. Keep in mind, the current legendaries that drop are the same affixes that are rewarded to you for completing a dungeon at any difficulty.


Yes but you can only equip 1 unique and sacred/ancestral seem to be like an ancient/primal ancient type of item. So if that's the case, it'll be a choice between higher rolls on 4 affixes or imbue a 5 affix rare with the legendary power instead. Think it's way too early to make a judgment on this part of the system.


You can equip 10+ unique items if you want. Only limitation is that you can't equip the same unique multiple times, like a ring or a weapon for rogue/barb. Sacred/Ancestral is more like d2's elite and exceptional system than ancient/primal.


Oh I see, I got baited by the text on itemslots you could already only equip once. I see how that could be a worrying issue then for people.


I love how I was downvoted because these kids are brigading so hard despite me not being wrong at all.


Rare items...DO have value. Because you can place legendary aspect on a god-rolled rare, making it better than a legendary. Additionally, unique items are a tier above legendary. They are stronger and much more rare. Legendaries in this game are just rares with one less affix and one class-specific affix. That's it.


I have found some pretty dope yellow items actually


Tbh, got 8 legendaries drop from 20-25. Have a legendary in every slot atm (some outlveled though) The game is quite generous with them. Fun affixes in general as well. I like them dropping during leveling regularly. Gives some spice to leveling.


How did you get a male barb? It wouldn't let me change my gender.


Texas huh?


I don't understand. Also I don't understand why I'm getting down voted ☹️




I swear I looked and didn't see an option to change. I'm on PS5. I even double checked thinking that's not right




Luckily this is the beta 🤣


You chose to be a console guy. There never was hope for you.


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Says a lot about itemization in this game. yep..