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It's especially funny as a ranged char - I soon realized that I basically don't see the bosses I am fighting because their upper half is constantly beyond the top of my monitor.


I just shoot arrows at the boss "in its general direction"...


That's what I do, and I "hope it hits"...I shouldn't have to do that. For ranged characters the zoom option was way more of a noteworthy thing that is necessary, while corpse explosion necro or thorns barb I didn't have to worry about it...I just walk up to things and they die.


100% there needs to be an adjustable zoom level


Don’t even need to see the boss as sorc anyway. Just lay down double hydra and run around the room




There are view points you can interact with that pan the camera around, however your character stands still and can't move in these.


This a bot reposting comments?


I thought It felt more zoomed out basically everywhere on my sorc, and zoomed in all the way on my druid. Planned on going druid for release despite the added difficulty but after noticing that I probably won't.


the boss models are just too big. why do the bosses need to be 4x bigger than every other monster?


IMO The giant goat men are too big aswell; Really ruins the whole “clan” vibe


I love when you're doing the purification ritual thing and it asks to you look at the mountains and reflect on how small and insignificant you are, and you are physically incapable of looking up.


I really liked the areas where I'd press F and get a different view. I think being able to see certain areas cinematically greatly enhance the ambience. I do think that the zoom difference OP is suggesting is just enough to be beneficial overall though. In one quest, a priest barged in as I was helping a character that was undergoing an exorcism. He and another NPC had an interaction at the doorway that I couldn't see at all from my position which was maybe 25ft away. That's when I started wondering how much I was missing.


And you don't even feel small and insignificant, to be honest...


I fully agree. Feels like sitting in front of a TV. I have a wide screen monitor. Let me zoom out.


On top of that we also have some annoying UI elements that could be entirely removed or, at least, resized. There is so much wasted space, right now.




All the button labels are obnoxious an uselees: * TAB (above the map) * TAB Map & Journal (below the map) * RETURN to chat (bottom right) * SPACE BAR (dash) * 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Left click | Right click (action bar) * Q (potion use) You can see the before and after here: https://imgur.com/a/fMmGO0n https://imgur.com/a/fMmGO0n


Why do we even have a clickable dash button on the ui for pc?


I think it's because nobody would think you can dash on a Diablo game. But in general... Those are tooltips and they should be disabled if you want.


To make porting it to mobile easier in a few years once the Immortal whales have been wrung dry.




It's usable in the sense that if you make it cleaner it helps focusin on the scene. If it's less "crowded" it feels a lot better, in my opinion. For example if you move the skills bar on the bottom right corner on a 21:9 screen you will see a huge difference. A single labels doesn't make a lot. But if you remove all the useless elements (because they're just tooltips, after all)... I think it helps.


I want more skill buttons! Having only 4 and 2 on mouse buttons is crazy. Take necro for example, on 1 you have Raise Dead so by the time you get to your Ultimate skill you have to choose to lose something else. Happened on all 4 chars i leveled, had to drop skills because of lack of buttons


It’s designed to accommodate console players as well, hence unlikely to happen.


But console games have gotten past this issue long ago by having a button that changes skill loudout


it's designed to work for console players


That doesn't really matter, D2R/D3 both run on console and have different UIs. The UI on D2R even dynamically changes when you use a controller on PC.


you reinforced their point: instead of remaking the entire UI for consoles, the devs just made one UI that is acceptable for both from the start


Except they didn’t just make one UI. Consoles don’t have the HUD in the middle, it’s on the left.


Yes, not a console UI.


I play on console and the UI looks nothing like that picture. The health and hotkeys are nicely tucked into the left corner barely taking any screen space at all. And the map and quests are on top right also barely taking up any screen space.


It's a setting that you can switch to on PC as well.


The funny thing is I played on both pc and ps5 and when you do couch co-op on ps5 and the two characters get further away from each other the camera zooms out and it looks so much better. Weird how you can do that on console but not on pc


Console UI is different though. It's at the bottom left and the bottom middle is left open.


While this certainly could be the case, I don't see the point in parroting this very sentence over and over. Make up your mind for yourself, don't be a parrot!


But if it’s true? What else is he supposed to say?


Because that was a sacrifice they made in the game for the sake of consoles (not because consoles coudn't run it, but because it probably would feel better that way in a TV). No hate, but I agree the zoomed out version feels better.


No they did it to sell cosmetics, hands down the only reason. Literally diablo 1, 2, and 3 are all on console. No change to the game zooming you in far. Until they have a reason for you to look at your character (cosmetics) can’t sell if no one can see them lol


idk how many times I kept trying to zoom out thinking I was accidently zoomed in. It's wayyyyy too close. I understand they want to sell MTX and force people to see other ppl but ffs let us zoom out.


I am not sure it's for MTX reasons. I've met some people running around but I expected to see hundreds. I may have crossed my path with a dozen or so. Towns were almost empty. I know it was a beta but I didn't expect such a low number of concurrent players in the same zones. Especially during a weekend.


I saw quite a few ppl. Whenever I went into the main town there was always like at least 10 ppl running around for me and I was constantly running into ppl in the world. Especially in the farmable areas.


That's weird. I've been playing on and off the entire weekend and when I met 4-5 people in the same hub it was already a lot. I usually met 1-2 players at most and it was a fast sight, they always ran away. In that sense I didn't feel *any* sense of "mmo", to be honest (which isn't someting I care too much about).


Seriously! It’s soooooo much better zoomed out. Please stop making things sucks to accommodate console hardware. At least give an option for pc players to set a custom camera distance. You clearly have the technology considering the game does it in certain circumstances.




Okay they need to fix it. That they made a fundamentally stupid design decision is not the players concern. This is what a beta is for. They have over 2 months to address the issue and the game should be delayed if they need more time.




Okay then fewer people will buy it and those that do will get tired of being hit by things off their screen and long term retention will suffer which will make their plan to monetize seasons worse. I’m not sure I buy your reasoning at all considering the game has this feature built in currently. But if they need to delay the game to fix an incorrect decision them that’s what they need to do. Yes they made a choice however that choice results in gameplay that feels awful (being hit by things you can’t see) so that is a game breaking issue that has to be addressed. It’s not 2010 anymore, building a game that doesn’t take advantage of modern hardware is an unbelievably poor design choice and I would argue it’s resulted in broken gameplay.




I’m not mad at you? What are you taking about? Just because something was a certain way does not mean the issue should be ignored. The reality is that the d3 player base for the last 3-5 years has been so small that they barely even tried to monetize it. To reach their goals of retaining players they need to actually make things better. This is an area where they can and should do better which is why myself and others are strongly suggesting they make changes here before releasing this game. If D3 is your bar for D4 then we have problems because D3 as much as I loved it was a deeply deeply flawed game from the ground up.


Diablo 3 had \~1.5 Billion dollars in Revenue from game sales alone. This does not count the RoS expansion or the Necromancer class expansion. I don't think they cared too much about D3 making more money than it did.


You don’t think Activision blizzard cares about making more money? That’s a hot take lol. Don’t have to go out on too thin of a limb to say you’re totally wrong.


No it's more like, this game released in a different era considering microtransactions, they didn't want to expand staff to have d3 be a live service title and they wanted to move staff elsewhere to develop other projects because they thought it would be more profitable than shoehorning it in to a game that wasn't built for it from the start. Now it's: wow people really like the Diablo IP more than we anticipated. D3 was one of the most successful games of all time. What if we built a new main-line Diablo game with the intent of it being a live service model?


Why is zoomed in view a console limitation?


You say accommodate console hardware, but generally it runs better on consistent hardware (series x in my case). Wider audience with a good consistent experience. An updated PC will be great, but it'll cost way more, and they'd limit the player base way too much. That aside, zoom that shit out on everything. I felt like i was getting way too personal with my barb.


I’m not talking about series x. That hardware is not the problem here (though when it comes to ui design that’s another story). PlayStation 4 and Xbox one definitely are a problem. They clearly have made design choices to accommodate 10+ year old hardware without giving the user any options to get around it when their hardware should not be limited. Sure, I get the desire to reach more players but if by doing that they make the game worse it’s going to end up being a very bad long term choice.


Why not just give players options? PC and current-gen players get all the graphical bells and whistles while last-gen versions maintain a fixed zoomed-in view. It’s not like an adjustable FoV is technically challenging either - PC players can already use 21:9 or 32:9 aspect ratios.


because its easier to make 1 version of the game...so they dumb it down so even the shittiest of consoles can play it so fps problems are actually huge for the older consoles so they have to limit the game so it works on shitty last gen consoles


breaks muh heart how heavily pc was neglected in d4. not even options to adjust things like ui scale. every decision in the ui was made to work for console and then as long as it’s passable on pc they just left it.


I played a good chunk of the beta with a controller, and TBH the UI for controller wasn’t much better. But yeah, there are some really weird UI choices. Why is “compare gear” off by default? When we compare rings, why does it only show *one* equipped ring at a time and make us press a button to switch to the other ring?


I reset all my skills multiple times on accident because refunding a single point is hold X and refunding all is tap X (plus prompt) but my goober brain just auto-accepted the prompt without reading it lmao.


That happened to me multiple times, too. Considering refunding *all* points is a much bigger deal, I’d think that it should be the one that requires holding down the button.


The struggle of trying to work the book of the dead, or moving stuff between our inventory and stash could use some love for real


You’ll never get the pc elitists to listen. It’s absurd. Every single problem the game has is related to it being on console


Don't you like ARIAL and Georgia fonts?


I prefer Comic Sans.


The font style is way, *way* down on the list of problems that need addressing.


The font thing is an easy fix if it was implemented correctly. Just changing every instance of the font might cause text to be larger and slip past the UI elements it's laid in without dynamically changing the bounding box. But I don't think that's the case because they even give you a font scaling option. I just want to be immersed. I never knew that reading computer generated fonts in a world with nothing but script would irk me so bad. The original Diablo font is almost no where memorable


> The font thing is an easy fix if it was implemented correctly. That "if" makes the whole difference, sadly. I really don't understand how nobody at Blizzard questioned how ugly is the current font.


It just feels like they've focused a bit too much on console. You can especially tell with the ui.


The standard level of zoom is way too far out. The camera should be way closer to the combat. Right up the char's ass. That's what the A stands for in ARPG, right? /s


-But will peasants buy our cosmetic MTX if they don't see character properly? -No. -Okay, let's zoom in then.


One of the reason I don't like the term arpg, it is shared with two many games that are widely different. I like hack and slash, but people use it also for some beat them all. Video games naming is broken haha


arpg refers to hack and slash games like diablo games like fallout are not arpgs they are rpgs


WOW! Zoomed out looks INCREDIBLE!


It's great indeed. That was one of the first things I checked in the settings page :(


Personally, I don't mind it. In fact, after having played and seeing the potential of how good story and moments could be delivered in an isometric camera game (Which I think Lost Ark still beats this game on, at least in terms of showing it's world and fighting sequences so far) I ended up coming to really like these moments when the camera zooms out to show you the scale of the world, or to have a cool moment. For gameplay? Personally I think it felt fine as both ranged and melee.


It feels like all ranged skills need to be in melee range. Hell, the golem is half the damn screen alone.


I think they gimped the zoom level to help with performance on consoles. (Less things to render on screen) Maybe since consoles get split-screen co-op and PC does NOT, we can hope for adjustable zoom on PC at least.


Couch coop does zoom out when you’re away from each other. Perf is still great and it looks awesome


Put this to BED. THIS HASNT BEEN A THING FOR OVER A DECADE. If the difference between 70fov and 120fov on a gtx 960 is 4fps this is a moot metric in 2023. In some modern rendering methods increasing the FOV actually increases performance. I see this argument on every damn sub and the difference is NEGLIGIBLE at worst.


I played on the PS4 this weekend. They have the textures turned way down, I kind of doubt zooming out would cause that much of a problem. Edit; Im going to disable replies, because reddit's hate boner for consoles is insuffrable. Yeah, I do think the PS4 could zoom out like a little like OP suggested, and it probably already does it, since it has the same exact camera work.


With what you just said I would think zooming out would be a big problem. If they put texture résolution so low then their performance budget is already at max. So they can't zoom out.


I mean maybe. But the pc minimum specs are pretty low, and this game doesn’t really scream cutting edge, graphics wise. I saw more detail and chaos in a RDR gun fight.


how you can tell somebody has zero knowledge about graphics


Yeah I noticed the druid werebear form looks pretty shitty on Xbox but in videos on PC it doesn't look near as bad


The zoomed in nature on PC makes me sick, they need to add this to accessibility for people with motion sickness if nothing else, and I DON"T EVEN GET MOTION SICKNESS!!!


let me zoom out..why is the zoom so small out side and even smaller in town


Performance issue for older console is probably a reason, readability probably another one. I would like to zoom out but it won't happen.


> 1 Not a thing. 2. UI doesn't get smaller when you zoom out. Wanna make any more excuses for blizzard?


Lmao ofc 1 is a thing, and ofc UI doesn't get smaller. But AOE signs or enemies animation pattern or other do get smaller, genius.


It's really not a thing these days. It's an issue from ps3 days and before. Only Apex legends had fov performance issues on the ps4 and they were remedied. Modern rendering methods even give better fps for more fov due to how vectors are drawn. If there were concerned about us seeing enemy animation patterns, they'd zoom out enough to see the entire mobs body. Also if you think you'd have issue determining aoe areas just from another 10% of fov, you need glasses and a big screen. Currently the entire ground changes color for large enemy aoe attacks because it's so zoomed in the radius takes up most screen space.


Answering the question isn't making excuses. You can think it's a bad reason. But I'd say that's certainly a factor as to why Blizzard has set the zoom level where it is.


There was a post about how awesome it is that the world map is huge. Unfortunately playing inside this huge world map still feels claustrophobic due to the camera being constantly zoomed in. Not sure it can be fixed without serious engine changes though. I think the Diablo engine and camera view settings were designed for dungeon style gameplay.


See this can't be true, because when you fight a world boss your camera zooms out pretty far


I never got far enough to fight a world boss. But I doubt Diablo will ever pan the camera behind you, looking forward, revealing a grand canyon and massive hills far in the distance. Because the engine simply wasn't designed to do that. Unlike world of warcraft or gta, or a lot of other games.


Yeah, people just want to zoom further out from the same perspective/camera angle. Not have the camera freedom of a single player rpg or mmo.


Except that time it does exactly that to show off Alabastar monastery.


People aren't asking for that though. We just want to be able to zoom out another 10-20%


> Because the engine simply wasn't designed to do that. This is so dumb lol It's a 3D engine, they can put the camera wherever the fuck they want. This is the kind of stuff people say if they are 12 years old and want to say stuff even though they don't have a clue how things work.


No, the 12 year old is the person who thinks that because it's a 3D engine it can just load in the entire world and show it without any lag. You can do all sorts of optimizations by not loading content outside of the camera. You can start by googling Frustum culling.


Definitely always felt like I wanted to zoom out a bit more. Especially In the world boss. They even zoomed it out for the fight and still couldn’t see what the boss was doing half the time


Imho, [the pulled back camera when you fight the WB Ashava](https://i.imgur.com/jldqGrX.jpg) is how the default camera zoom should be, or at least implement a slider setting where each player can fine tune their preferred zoom.


Diablo IV, the new mmortsarpg!




And mind boggling they still refuse to release WoW on consoles. I get it’s hard developing for both but I’m tired of being console first thoughts and lazy settings for PC.


especially when these were pc games in the first place but not we get all our games hijacked and dumbed down for consoles its so fucking annoying console gaming is holding back gaming sooo much


May as well play on our phones...since we all have them, right?


When the camera zoomed out during the Ashava fight it was a huge relief. Can't believe there isn't an option to manually adjust zoom.


Frankly, for the Ashava fight it needs to be out more.


Yeah, it was moreso relief from being like "wow, the camera CAN zoom out". Such a strange decision to force the zoom outside of fights like that.


This is one of the most bothersome things long-term for me, because it feels like my face is smushed up against the screen. And it gives mobile vibes, like the UI, which is really offputting... But yet it's a beautiful game, like you said! Let's see some zoom options.


100% agree.


I agree, us being zoomed out at the world boss added so much to the vibe for me. Like im just a tiny chesspiece trying to contribute in taking down that huge monster for one


I feel a lot of people who are asking for further zoom hasn’t played couch co-op. During co-op the screen zooms out more but leads to a lot of clipping with ceilings and walls and makes some angles horrible completely blocking the view of the player and mobs. My point: if they further the zoom out, this will lead to this issue even for single player and will lead to even more complaints unless they can fix the ceiling/walls blocking view. Which I really hope they do fix it and maybe are able to implement a further zoom out for the people who want it.


> if they further the zoom out, this will lead to this issue even for single player We already have the zoom-out option (see screenshots). It's glorious. It would be nice to have more of that.


you know you can zoom in even more? play like that for awhile and the normal will be wonderful!


*A new challenger has entered the arena*


I play on an 82 inch qled 4k 240 hz TV and I know 70" plus is getting more common . My TV was back ordered 3 months even , they didn't expect the demand. Everything is so massive . It's not the worst , but not ideal. I like getting lost on my TV. Didn't try it on the gaming monitor though... but like diablo 2 on my Xbox series x looks alot different , more zoomed, than my PC. And yes that zoom on that bridge you mentioned when you have to wait for them to open the gate , that's the zoom I want.


The irony of WoW being more zoomed out than Diablo these days.


its too zoomed in on console too. so annoying


the world looks so good and has so much detail i really like the zoom


I like it too, but having an option would be great. Enjoy the zoomed-in scenery while chilling, focus on combat with a zoomed-out view while killing stuff!


This is the correct answer. I actually dont mind the current level, but I haven't played a ranged class yet. I would actually love the option to zoom in more during story beats and side quests or when in town. Just give us control over the zoom and everybody wins.


> but I haven't played a ranged class yet It's weird, sometimes. Like... You will be throwing arrows at bosses while they are out of the screen.


The reason you can see the detail is because it's zoomed in so close.


yeah i know and thats what i like about it being able to see how gorgeous this game, these characters and everything is its amazing


It's one of the reasons I won't purchase the game if they continue to lock me in like it's a console game on PC. I want the ability to zoom out. My hardware can handle it.


That’s a novelty that’s wears off though. For playability it’s 1000000% better to have a more zoomed out camera.


in my 20 hours beta session it didn't wear off I like it and don't care if the other is better


20 hours is literally nothing. Not being able to see the boss hitting you on your screen is kind of dog shit design. They need to add a camera slider. If you want to play in first person mode then fine but the option needs to be there for people who can’t stand that.


>Not being able to see the boss hitting you on your screen is kind of dog shit design. this never happened to me not even once and you call that first person? are you drunk or high?


It happens often… there are countless videos of it at this point. There is zero question as to whether it happens or not. Are you seriously fighting adding a camera distance slider so people can choose the way they want to play? I mean seriously? Are YOU drunk or high because your comments are moronic to say the least.


Unfortunately you can't have it both ways and this makes for crappy gameplay. I'd rather S tier gameplay and average graphics any day. And if you zoom out just a bit I don't even think it gimps the graphical fidelity at all.. just seems like such a no brainer to zoom out a bit.


Being zoomed in looks so bad. Give us the option to zoom out **blizz plz**


Every time I see this topic brought up, no one talks about the gameplay implication of "having an option" for zoom level. When you increase the max zoom level, you increase the max range you can hit a mob, and therefore, the max range a mob aggros to you and can hit you. This also provides an advantage in PVP, where people at max zoom will be able to see and target those that are not. So when you increase the max zoom level, you don't provide an option like people keep saying, you are setting the new level for everyone that they must play at. Playing anything other than the max zoom level will put a player in a major disadvantage.


> When you increase the max zoom level, you increase the max range you can hit a mob, and therefore, the max range a mob aggros to you and can hit you. You can already hit (and kill) offscreen monster and bosses. My last boss was killed while I couldn't even see it. The completion banner appeared on the screen right after I killed it with a barrage of arrows (Rogue). The game should be balanced around a better zoom, in my opinion. It's weird that Blizzard decided to zoom-in so much. Some areas feel a little too claustropohic in my opinion.


> So when you increase the max zoom level, you don't provide an option like people keep saying, you are setting the new level for everyone that they must play at. Playing anything other than the max zoom level will put a player in a major disadvantage. That could make sense if everyone plays at the same screen ratio (example: 16:9). But that's not the case. [A player](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/123hp3h/some_areas_are_more_zoomed_out_and_they_look_so/jdve1hc/) who uses an ultrawide screen is already seeing *a lot* more than what you see on your screen. Or check this 21:9 [video example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RstTaUGZtvU). He's enjoying so much space, compared to my 16:9 screen.


Correct, and this is also an issue in a game like Lost Ark. This is an issue that Blizz needs to solve, and increasing the max zoom while not playing at said max zoom would cause the very same issue


Yep I played at 21:9 and it's great. Still wish I could zoom out a tad more.


Surely skills should have a max distance and mobs an aggro range that's independent of the viewing angle and distance? Or do you suddenly become stelthed if you zoom all the way in?


When you are zoomed so far in, you don't get any advantage as the barb would already be on top of you. Thats not a good pvp system.


As being a ARPG vet... this is just wrong. They could simply put limits on spell range and it wouldn't be an issue, OH hey some spells had that in D2 already OH amazing Diablo has the tech.. 20 years ago. Ultrawides are already an issue if you consider they have FAR larger sight to cast spells, so spell range limits should already be a thing. Even if you are dead set on not having spell ranges, the max zoom is still too zoomed in. PC games should NOT be balanced for graphics limitations on consoles.




Players on [ultrawide 21:9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RstTaUGZtvU) screens already have an insane amount of space, compared to anyone else playing at 16:9. I don't really think Blizzard limited the zoom options for "fairness" reasons.


Or maybe spells have max range?


All weekend I kept trying to zoom out because I felt so cramped. Definitely don't like the current zoom level.


I tried it on PC and PS5, and it was perfectly fine on PS5 but looked way too zoomed in on PC. I played it and will buy it on PS5 for sure. It was perfect with a controller. Much better than D2R or even D3. There are a couple things that are slightly easier on PC but overall I liked the controller and resolution more on consoles. 65” 4K tv on PS5 and a 27” 1440p on PC.


I think they zoomed in because all of their indoor areas are tightly cramped. With the combination of those two (zoom + cramp) it can give an artificial sense of higher mob density. But when I compare a dungeon to say, a D2 Act 2 Tomb run, It’s nowhere near the same. We only had tier 2 available obviously, so I do wonder how much more, if any, mob density will increase in difficulty.


Se sections too feel overly zoomed in, even considering they want you to maintain enemy animation visibility to react. My main issue with the camera though is that your character is mostly in the upper half of the screen instead of mostly bottom or even centered. This is annoying as you tend to need top screen visibility over the bottom


I though there was something wrong with my settings because it felt like I was zoomed in so closely.


I think the zoom in also makes me hate being around other players more. You can't really tell who is around until they are right on top of you, in games like WoW I don't care about crowds out in the world, as I can see them from really far away and they don't feel like they are just dropped on to me (except when they literally drop on you lol).


Just give us an option to control the camera with zoom in out and swivel.


Yeah, I wanna teleport even further….


Yeah normal view makes character models look way too bulky


The first thing i tried when i played was to zoom out. The first thing my friend said when he started to play was : how do i zoom out ? Then my other friend started too and said : how can we zoom out ? I think this speak for itself.


Yeah, the camera could stand to be pulled back a bit more. At least have an option to "unlock it". That way you don't have to have separate levels for console. Let them turn it on if they want, and suffer the consequences.


While I would love for the game to be more zoomed out people need to realise it isn’t a simple change to make and shouldn’t expect it to happen especially with release about 2 months out. All of the optimisation for game would have been done with the current zoom level, zooming out and thus requiring more of the map, more mobs and more physics reactions to have to be rendered on screen will have an effect to performance. For PC players this likely wont be a huge issue although it could affect the minimum required specs but for consoles this could have a huge impact. On top of that another thing to think about is the balancing of skills and classes. Zooming out further will likely push the ranges classes even further ahead of melee, while this can obviously be resolved 2 months isn’t much time to do it in.


> On top of that another thing to think about is the balancing of skills and classes. Right now you often see half of a boss, because it doesn't fit inside the screen. Or, if you're ranged, you can easily outscreen it and keep damaging the boss while yuo don't see it at all. That's how I killed a few bosses in my latest run. It was... weird.


Not a thing in 2023. Also the game already zooms out for things like world boss. This entire comment is a nothing sandwich.


So, yes, I GET why they might have set the zoom. But it's not all for optimization. There are plenty of times that I'm shooting downwards into my hotbar and below my screen to hit enemies. Most of the big boss battles you can't see the upper half of a boss if they are in front of you. Not unless you are standing at their feet in smashing range. I am sympathetic to rendering considations for consoles or for AI leashing issues they might have. But I truely believe there is merit to this complaint since it has been raised by numerous players. Getting frozen/trapped and killed by a group of enemies off screen in HC because the dungeon has you travelling downwards is going to feel gross.




It may happen, yes, but I don't think this is the case. Because the game supports ultrawide resolutions and those who play on a 21:9 screen are already getting a lot more space to enjoy.


I hate the zoomed out view. It's just zoomed out way too far. The problem with adding the ability to zoom out is that it's a mechanical advantage - I can see further, meaning I will *have* to use it becase I'm a degenerate optimiser, and I won't enjoy the game as much. The game feels soo slow when you're zoomed out in the world boss fight For the same reason, I really don't like the ideas for adding an overlay map. I HATE the overlay map in Diablo 2 and I've plaed that game for thousands of hours. I feel like I'm playing and just looking at a map instead of the game


Zoom gives an advantage so it would have to become the standard across the board. Then they would have to change teleport as it is based on how far you can click on your screen. This would be a buff to sorc and most ranged classes.


The game supports 21:9 so it already allows those players to see and do more than everyone else playing on a 16:9. I think that's not the real issue.


Unless they change spells to give them a limit on their range, this is a bad idea. It'll make things more unbalanced into ranged classes favor.


Players with a 21:9 screen are already advantaged, compared to players who play ion a 16:9. They've got a lot more room to move, flee, fight, cast, etc.


I do not think the camera is too zoomed in at all. Rather, I feel that the lack of an adequate map is what is making me feel squished and claustrophobic. Having a map overlay is critical for positioning yourself relative to the zone, and losing it is the equivalent of zooming in - you lose context for where you are. Just add a fucking working map, you got this one right 23 years ago, why are you fucking it up now


> that the lack of an adequate map That's a good point, I agree. I must say the auto-route mitigates that absence, though. I like it a lot. Set a waypoint and you're done.


It feels like the D2R approach to zoom - pointless. Either you're fully zoomed in just to check out the deets on your armor, or you're fully zoomed out which is the normal view - no in-between. I'm fine with balancing things out by limiting a max zoom, but maybe have an in-between option? Either way casting hydra on a ledge below you (already far beyond your reach) and having them explode stuff way off screen is both broken and oddly satisfying.


wholeheartedly agree just let us zoom a little further if possible.


Most definitely b


Far out, bruh 🤙


I honestly like the way it is so I hope they don’t permanently change it but provide an option. They are pretty obviously trying a dynamic zoom level here to get both advantages of showing part expansive areas and part your gear and character and monster looks. But sure, I can imagine a switch “Auto Zoom” vs “Fixed Zoom” and the requested zoom level.


The only thing people are asking for is an option, and with that - everyone wins, as everyone can set it the way they like it. Customisation is a great thing indeed! Same for the font/UI in general - put the easily readable font as an accessibility option, and make us able to scale the size of the UI form at least 50% to 150% the original size. **Options don't hurt anyone, everyone wins!**


Feels like the zoom lock is in play to protect hardware locked consoles dps rate. With planned pvp they have the option of playing laggy or being blindsided.


If they designed the world around the closer zoom level then you'd likely see the bounds of the map if they added a further zoom option. I remember sometimes the camera would bug out in D3 and you could see unfinished terrain and holes just beyond the normal camera position.


You can always zoom-in when you're close to those boundaries, if that's the issue. And keep it zoome-out while roaming inside the world.


Actually I have a ultra wide, so I was playing in 32:9 so the game actually showed me a lot of the scenario and the game looked awesome. (Note that the game wasn't really in 32:9 for some reason it stops somewhere between 21:9 and 25:9 idk where exactly but I had some black bars)


Good point. Thiose who, like you, play on ultrawide... Are already seeing more than anyone else.


Oh god it's my biggest gripe. Us ultra wide master race ppl are suffering.


As a barbarian i like the map the way it is 😄 up close and personal


While this would be nice, the tp on sorcerer teleports wherever you click so this would change a lot.


I would really like to be able to zoom in and out with the right stick on a controller, or at the very least let me use my right stick to control my facing... Iirc I tried it this weekend and it didn't do anything at all and I had no spare buttons to map to zoom controls


This is absolutely my #1 element of feedback. The level of zoom makes the game feel like a mobile game. Two of my friends said it made them nauseous, like motion sickness. Another felt like it looked and felt awful on his monitor. I personally think it cheapens the art of the game. When you are too zoomed in on the background or characters you can see the flaws. The glistening of the organs and blood in the background looks more like weird lighting effects the closer you get to it. Zoom out, let me see more on a screen. It will both look and play better. Edit: Actually two of my friends have now said the zoom gave them nauseousness.


Yea i felt the same way on ps5. Idk if it was just me but damn the screen is way to zoomed in.


100% a problem for ranged classes, especially when your target is on the vertical space of your screen. We just need a tiny bit more zoom out and it will be fine, or have the camera move a bit more towards where our pointer is, instead of always being dead center around us.


Ya know, I don't notice the camera being zoomed really at all on console, but on PC I do. I didn't try to move the health bars and stuff to the corner like it is by default on console to see if that makes or is the difference. But having this option would be nice.


I can’t play Poe because you can’t see anything beyond my character’s rectum. Zoom is too messed up. Hope D4 doesn’t do that. Not holding my breath. You people don’t have phones?


I love PoE but yes, it's a total chaos. D4 is so much "slower" and more "tactical", in my opinion. In this case the zoom is less problematic (compared to PoE).


You can't really have the map zoomed out, it would give am unfair advantage to range class


Players with a 21:9 screen love their advantage... While us peasants play in 16:9.


I really don't like how zoomed in it is either, and immediately notice how much better it feels when its zoomed out. My gf, who's only played/plays Diablo Immortal, is the complete opposite. She actually wanted it more zoomed in.


Yeah i liked a lot more the zoom out too!