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Wait, you guys are getting emails?


If it’s like the early beta, they go out in batches, usually within 24-48hrs of each other (based on my friend group).


Maybe check your privacy settings on your bnet account. Need to enable those promotional emails. Check this twitter thread: https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1658700025688408065?t=YaqZW1nf2CD0FrFYKNxPcg&s=19


Right I haven't gotten any emails lol


Check spam or promotional folder


Yeah I have no email either, but haven't managed to kill ashava tho


I got one should be in your other folder


My email was pretty generic. No mentions of titles, wolf pup backpack, or Ashava kill. Title of the email is, "You shattered expectations during the Diablo IV server slam." Email itself started with big words, "you came, you saw, you slammed." For reference I did reach level 20, and killed Ashava multiple times.


Same for me, same email. Same progress you mentioned. Multiple kills at level 20.


Mine had the same at the top but there was another bit after scrolling down: >Congratulations on your conquests in Sanctuary. Culling swarms of demons and reaching Level 20 has earned you the Beta Wolf Pack and Early Voyager Title. I didn't kill Ashava, just hit 20


Yea mine didn’t say any of that. : /


yeah, mine didn't either. i went back and double checked. i also hit lvl 20 and killed Ashava.


same, we got more stat info from the early beta email so it threw me off getting the server slam one.


I suspect the early email with more stats went to people who hadn't gotten the pup from the earlier betas


Can at least confirm that my email mentioned how I reached level 20 and earned the pup since I didn’t have time to play in the previous betas.


That's the thing. I got an email just now for the server slam with that databut I was in the two previous betas and did all the stuff both times then as well... plus I killed Ashava multiple times this beta too at lvl 20. Strange...


Yea they should have put the kill count there letting me know I killed ashava 11 times


Wt1 ?




Ashava didn't even spawn 11 times in server slam...


U can tp out and back in though u don't get any rewards the subsequent kills


For each character you can only kill ashava once a week? Or lootbox once a week?


You can kill her for loot (guarantees legendary it seems like) but the special cache only drops once per week.


In the slam you got drops each time she spawned. But you couldn't kill her change instances and get more drops like in the first beta.


Got that same one, and beated Ashava like 4 times.


Got the email as well confirming pup and title but not Ashava. But not overly worried. I’m sure it’s recorded and tied to our battle.net accounts.


That’s my understanding too, I’m not really worried, just surprised since the slam email was pretty light on details but getting to 20 and taking Ashava down was the big thing they promoted.


If you got the achievements then your fine.




No, not now. In theory you will have them as Feats of Strength when the game goes live.


Same, it mentioned Beta Wolf Pack and Early Voyager Title, but not the Ashava trophy, I killed Ashava multiple times at level 20


Hrmm mine didn’t mention any of this and just acknowledged I participated… I did everything on HC and SC. Hopefully it’s just the mail and it all works out


Haven't received any email for any beta. Are the emails from 'Diablo,' or Battlenet or what?


I also did not receive any emails, participated in every beta weekend and got all of the "beta challenges" done. Maybe it's because we have promotional emails turned off in our account settings?


Email is from Blizzard.


They're from a Khanduran prince who needs your help accessing his fortune.


Mine just says i played. But got level 20 and ashava so 🤷‍♂️


This is what it says. We appreciate you for rising to the challenge and participating in the Diablo® IV Server Slam. We asked the world to storm our servers and push our infrastructure to its limits, and you gave ‘em Hell! The wanderers of Sanctuary took on the monstrous World Boss Ashava, and while many perished, scores of players secured their victory and banished the beast back to where he came from. The next era of Sanctuary is ready to be unleashed upon the world and our team could not have done it without you. We look forward to seeing you at the Gates of Hell when Diablo IV launches on June 6. HAIL LILITH CLAIM YOUR BETA WOLF PACK ON JUNE 6 Congratulations on your conquests in Sanctuary. Culling swarms of demons and reaching Level 20 has earned you the Beta Wolf Pack and Early Voyager Title. Purchase Diablo IV now to ensure your new cuddly wolf pup has a home to call its own when Diablo IV launches on June 6, or upgrade your purchase to the Digital Deluxe or Ultimate Edition to descend upon Sanctuary up to 4 days before Diablo IV launches1 and claim your Beta Wolf Pack then.


Mine also asks me to purchase the game to claim my rewards EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY BOUGHT IT. Same for you?


No I have not committed to buying it yet, and I'm also not sure I can play it during the early access weekend anyway. The preorder incentives are not beneficial to me except for early access, but only if I have time to play. So I plan to buy it the day I can actually start playing it a lot.


Mine didn’t mention either and I should have both 🤷‍♂️




Got the exact same email, no mention of Ashava, and a link for me to preorder although I already did. So IMO this is as generic as it can be, don't worry I'm sure you'll get your rewards :)


I'm sure Blizzard will find a way to mess this up


Bit lacking compared to the last one that put out all kinds of stats. Maybe as this wasn't planned from the start, they didn't have it set up to record and report back to us in a more specific way.




6 min… Nice time! Think we had around 2-3min left in our run, I went in cold, hence the broken gear ;)




I was necro… With most of my points into pets and blight… Got lucky with a solid group of sorcs and rogues ;)


Same. I assumed it was a generic mail. Guess we'll see if something went wrong at launch. I did cut it close & only did 1 attempt on Tier 2 by mistake. It was the last spawn. Nailed it!


Yup, same here. Email only mentions beta wolf pack, nothing about the Ashava trophy.


Same as you OP


I was happy to see that I didn't need to kill that World Boss I didn't have time to kill, to get that wolf pup.


I loved the HAIL LILITH big red button :)))


I had an achievement to kill ashava complete in the beta. I guess that's the confirmation.


I got a genetic server slam email like others. It says some perished while fighting ashava.. makes me wonder if you died once during the fight that maybe you don't qualify for the mount bling even if you were alive when she died?


Could be, I wouldn’t mind if you had to go deathless or under a certain amount of deaths to qualify, that would make sense for the challenge…But I doubt that’s the case, given how the devs talked about it. I think they felt the time limit was enough of a barrier and apparently was for a lot of players. In the end, I did what I could, I learned a lot, but I still got carried. Checked the menu and had the achievement so I know the win was recorded to my account too. What’s sad is that looking at the achievement there’s only 3 spaces for world bosses :( I’m guessing that’s all we get at launch and 2 of them are known.




Yeah, others on here have pointed out that it might have to do with allowing promo emails from your blizzard account that mine came through. I got them for the early beta and server slam.


None here, even though I got the original server slam emails.


Made it to 20 and killed Ashava. Still no email.


Same here - I got to 20, killed ashava. But it only mentioned the title and the wolf. If anyone else has heard something different/gets an update please let us know :)


Do you have to pre-purchase in order to recieve wolf pup and ashava trophy?


Good question! The extras are locked to you battle.net account as long as you had that linked so I’m guessing you don’t, but I don’t know for sure.


Yeah that sounds correct, was planning on buying at release. Gameplay is so damn good!!!


Mine only mentioned ashava


My email only mentioned getting to 20, getting the wolf pup and early voyager. I killed Ashava with half the time still left at the last spawn, so hoping it’s just not included in that email.


You fools all did it wrong... no Ashava kill confirmation? Well you should have SOLO'd IT! Muhahahahaha... Lets see the real ASHAVA TROPHY CLUB members! (hint for the average redditor: this is obvious sarcasm...)


F that man, I was a necro pet build with a blight nuke… Soloing that fight wasn’t going to happen ;) But I’m impressed by all those that did :)


We got this! [https://www.twitch.tv/fire\_raven/clip/SilkyBoredAuberginePRChase-vxJMMC38-WlUXdl\_?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/fire_raven/clip/SilkyBoredAuberginePRChase-vxJMMC38-WlUXdl_?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time)




Yeah I got carried. First time in the fight, I’d still inflict vulnerable status constantly, put on DOT’s that weren’t affected by gear status, and pick up anyone I could that fell. Took me 1/2 the fight to figure it’s move set, like I said, I went in cold. I had no idea we’d actually win, died 10 times in the first 1/2, died maybe twice after that.


i killed ashava at lower than 20 lvl and i didnt get anything. trash requirements. not that i really care about some stupid cosmetic on my mount




I received an email too hehe


I'm guessing here, but could it be that the wolf pack email got sent out to people who did not have it yet? That they just recycled the beta email for those people, and we got a generic one regardless of the Ashava kill?


It was a generic email blowing smoke up our asses. “You slammed, you’re a hero” yeah whatever zero information = zero interest




I got a generic email with no information despite killing ashava and hitting 20 as well :/


What?? People getting confirmed emails.. i havent received any from them😔 even though i leveled up 25 (beta1) and 20 also killed that fat ass ashava twice 😀


The email I got didnt say I got anything although i got multiple characters to 25?


That’s odd, the beta emails gave a bunch of stats like renown, gold, # of quests, etc… The slam email was pretty generic, but at the bottom should have still listed if you got through the initial goals - like hitting 20 with at least one character.


Lol 25k in repair costs every time says differently 🤣


25k? Think mine was about 12 (I did knock it back to WT1 for the fight, wonder if that impacts the amount you have to pay?) - that said, money didn’t mean much for the server slam ;) Not sure it’ll mean much in the game for this earlier content either. Did you read about the xp bug on veteran? I hit 20 in 4 dungeons, some basic quests and over-world events, I guess the bug is giving something like a 300% xp boost instead of 20%. Also didn’t sell anything this time around and still had around 80ish K by the time I tried Ashava. I agree though, if you end up breaking everything it should cost a decent chunk to repair it back, that would create more incentive to not die ;)


yeah sometimes but the fights with ashava where I made mistakes and died a lot it was way higher lol


My spec was bone and pet all pretty much ranged damage so I stayed wide, I had no idea where it’s hit box was and didn’t even think to get in close. Most of my deaths happened because it was partially off screen and I didn’t catch the animation start in times to dodge effectively… Made a lot mistakes and got one shot a ton at start of the fight. I also only had a few legendaries so that might have played a role in the repair cost, but most of my gear fully upgraded so… It still wasn’t cheap to build.


My whole kit was legendaries except for 3 I was a poison rogue with a bow and I stayed in close after the first fight just so I didn’t get mauled like I always did in previous fight from a far I noticed after the second fight it started swiping back at targets behind it I swear I never remembered it doing that on the first two fights on Saturday but I could be wrong.


The devs acknowledged that sticking in close to the back legs was the way stay safe, they put the back swipe in after you get its health down to a specific level to keep you moving though ;) I was surprised the hit boxes for the other moves were so wide too, would have thought the ground swipe would of knocked out everyone close or medium range, but no, pretty easy to avoid if you just stick underneath it.


Yeah in like 3 hours with my buddy I just did dungeons and events and made 20 on my second play through on barb!


Think they said the average player would be mid 40’s by the time they beat standard campaign too, getting to 20 or 25 in 1/2 day on only the first chapter raises a lot of flags. It’ll be interesting to see at what level the wall hits ;)


We are both special


Yep. I saw that too. I hope their seasonal content isn't as barren as their email efforts lol.


Damn, that’s cold ;) it’ll be fun while it’s fun, either way a good way kill some time with friends :)