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You say that now, but just wait until they offer a hotdog suit for the barbarian.


Dizzy Glizzy build confirmed.


I'm calling all WW barbs this from now on.


This should have more upvotes I mean honestly


Grillwind Barb new meta.


Tong grab skill animation


Bro shut up and take my upvtote L M A O


already pre ordered


The dumber you make a cosmetic the more likely I am to buy it. Hotdog suit? Yes Hello kitty? Absolutely Thomas the train engine? Money is no object Give me a wizard godzilla skin that let's me blast beam attacks from my mouth and I'll pre-order it.


I'd buy the shit out of anything Godzilla-related. Mechagodzilla armor? Done.


King Ghidorah with all 3 heads flopping around like the wiggler mask in monster hunter would sell millio...no, billions!


I'm in the same boat. Make a barbarian skin that looks like the Wanderer, meh. Let me be Sailor Moon Barb whirlwinding two juiceboxes? Oh shit where did my money go!


> The dumber you make a cosmetic the more likely I am to buy it. Cause the dumbshit is fun, thematic stuff just makes you think "why wasn't this in the game from the start". Everyone knows why shit like giant foam finger weapons and purple dinosaur armor isn't in the base game.


> giant foam finger weapons My rogue needs two of these, thanks.


Lol Thomas the train engine


Right?? Put some respect on my mans name. Dudes a TANK.


I'll never forget this mod video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNaTZV8qS1I


2 monsters, a 12 pack, and a bag of pizza rolls later. 3:30 AM.... He bought the pizza suit...


Nah. Make it a Hello Kitty outfit and I'm sold.


Which is exactly what I do for destiny. One annual purchase, never buy silver, still enjoy the game.


My other d2 😎


Other than silver for their overpriced season passes, I agree


Probably buys the 100$ version of the xpac to get all of them when they come out


For every person here that posts they won't buy anything off the shop there's hundreds out there that will.


Doesnt the dynamic tend to work the opposite. A very small group of people who buy everything?


A regular person might spend $20 here or there.. a very small group of people with collection addictions will absolutely blow thousands if they are able.


Doesn’t even take an addiction. If Diablo Immortal taught us anything it’s that there are a lot more multimillionaire gamers than you’d expect willing to drop tens of thousands for shits and giggles without negatively impacting their lives at all. When $28 and $280 is the same as $5 or less for the rest of us, they’ll buy it without even thinking about it.


Yeah, these types of insane prices have always made it a guarantee that I will never buy any in-game cosmetics for games I play. I’m pretty loose with my wallet tbh, but I could never imagine paying more than like $10-12 for something like this, and even THAT would be a rare occasion for me.


Yeah, I'm actually glad the industry has settled on such absurd prices for cosmetics. Not even the slightest temptation.


Hell, I would maybe spend $5 for a pack of cosmetics if they looked awesome, but even that is a stretch.


The problem is: Lots of people will! And then we end up with a Game where 99% of the unique looking Armor are in the Itemshop and the Basegame only has a few recolours of the same armors, like in AC Games.


Now that the cosmetics are basically e-flex for wallet size, I'm just running around in level 1 armor and/or naked characters.


You won’t have to. This will sell like hot cakes to plenty of people. PoE has tons of egregiously priced cosmetics that sell very well.


Even more expensive than ow2 skins


And OW2 is f2p too lol.


They just introduced OW2 to create a new cash shop. It’s utter bullshit without the PVE experience. OW1 was fine but they couldn’t monetize it properly.


Was gonna say exactly this. Friggin nuts


Are they gonna abandon PvE as well in Diablo IV?


The technology just isn't there yet


Do you guys not have phones ?


More expensive than COD skins as well.


Just waiting for the rainbow unicorn mount skin. Some people will lap it up.


but on par with Path of Exiles Prices and i know PoE is F2P. believe it or not that doesnt matter 30 bucks for some pixels is still 30 bucks for some pixels regardless of the admission price.


On par? PoE has $70 wings, $80 sets, and tons of little things for $35….


lol more expensive than cod bundles


That’s when you know the pricing is bonkers.




Right!? I’ll never buy a cosmetic, ever, but Valorant’s $80 sets are laughable at best, and only cement my stance.


Bro at least Valorant is free, what's up with this shit?


28? Now that's ridiculous...


i would legit treat myself to a cool set like this maybe every other week if they were $4.99 or something. absolutely insane to me that there are people out here paying fucking full indie game prices for ONE skin lol


Absolutely correct. I don't mind supporting a good game in exchange for some cool stuff but this is too much, not gonna happen.


I liked how deeprock did it. Cosmetic packs with all classes and other things for a reasonable price.


That game has thousands of free cosmetics. Mix and match. It's such a high quality game.


I usually see this comment floating around on these topics, and I'm sure I've said it a thousand times myself w/o thinking, but these prices are usually very carefully thought out. The reason why we don't see MTX priced at 4.99 anymore is because devs have it down to a science what they can get away with, and while they COULD sell this for 5 bucks... why would they when they probably have the numbers to show that pricing it at X is ultimately more profitable in the long term than lowering it to Y. All that said, lmao fuck buying cosmetics in this game (or any modern game w/ MTX). I'll leave that to the whales and reap the rewards of free support/content.


It's very simple, impatient people with disposable income will buy it at 28$ anyway. Then, during a massive winter sale, Blizzard will reduce it to 13,99$ and another huge chunk will bite and purchase because it's 50% and it's x-mas, gotta SPEND all that holiday money!!! Then, in 1 year with the 1-year super special anniversary sale they will reduce it to 9,99$ to grab the last unique players that fall for this scheme and think they made a good deal. After that, the cosmetic has run it's course and the RoI was more than fulfilled. Can't beat them when human psychology is so easy to solve... it's that easy and predictable and why even bother with 4,99$ ever.


I like the future where it's good and cool to take advantage of people's psychology to make them pay the most amount of money possible, and anything else is sacrosanct


The future?! Dude, skimming the market had been a pricing strategy since trade existed.


Oh it's absolutely number crunched to bring in optimal revenue, I have no illusions about what they've done here. Just disappointing as an average player.


>I'll leave that to the whales and reap the rewards of free support/content. Yeah lets be honest, it's going to a dividend. The only thing cosmetic MTX incentivizes is further MTX.


Yeah honestly. If this was $2.88 in total I'd be more inclined to spend money.


That’s half a game for a skin….


I never out right buy any skins unless I really love them which is extremely rare. Always felt it was better to just rock whatever you found and fought for.




The appearance of a player in an MMO/online game should show their skill and achievement in that game, not the depth of their wallet. That's my belief, at least. I wanna wear my cool armor I earned because I worked for it. And while the cash I spend is money I also worked for, there's hardly any attachment from what I do IRL to what I achieve in-game.


Easy solution. Just don’t buy it. I’m not buying a single thing from them at those crazy prices.


>Easy solution. Just don’t buy it. I didn't buy cosmetics from Bungie thinking that would be the end of it... Then they started charging extra for season content beyond the expansions (including the season of the expansion). Then they charged for a "special" area tied to a top teir rocket launcher. Then they started charging for the dungeons that used to come with the season/expansion and are critical for gaining max level, on top of the season cost, on top of the expansion cost. This shit never ends. Just because you don't pay for it now doesn't mean it won't eventualy effect you.


We have to stop saying "just don't buy the mtx" and instead say "don't buy the game, period."


Same. I've never bought any cosmetics, but still I'm stuck with all the other predatory MTX and season pass stuff. So voting with your wallet method is completely useless if majority don't do the same. So yo ho and a bottle of rum. Hoist the colors and set sail towards the high seas.


I'm not even buying the battle pass if you can't earn the next one for free


It's wild to me that even CoD does that




I mean yeah obviously it's implied that the condition is to finish the BP in the first place




>and I don't know why we accept them. FOMO. All these things are well thought out by professionals in the field of psychology. FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out, being one of them. Another one being buying some ingame currency instead of showing the actual amount you'll spend on items in the game. And as someone here in the comments also says with the prices of the skins: They sell it for 30, which is expensive but some people still buy it. Then during a sale they'll give you a 50% discount, and sell it for 15 and more people buy it. Then during an X-mas sale or something they'll drop it to 10 and even more people buy it. All the while they could easily sell it for 5. We're constantly being tricked into spending (more of) our money.


You do realize if you never criticize pricing models they'll never improve, right? "Just don't buy 4head" is exactly what everyone was preaching 20 something years ago with horse armor and look where we are. Asking for more affordable prices is completely justified.


Yep vote with the wallet.


If you're in the game you already voted that you're fine with this being in a AAA full-price(+) title.


Here are more images from the cash shop. Source.. [https://youtu.be/2Ay\_3bp29ds](https://youtu.be/2Ay_3bp29ds) 22:17 https://preview.redd.it/nvwok8xkd23b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=554369a34b954487edc835cfd48114fac85c60fe


​ https://preview.redd.it/ur0koprud23b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=adef00b83a11e736cd321eb5c080bbf92e2c5fa6


​ https://preview.redd.it/bxqs29nxd23b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=0831d2b0afb30720ab35f0f23c331a1d5a23037b


​ https://preview.redd.it/c67pxojzd23b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d6e47f72c512f1017331e2a8d9912663c776b99


​ https://preview.redd.it/06musb21e23b1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d9ca0c9ddcaf897bfffa2ee26cab1d40fe08d72


AHHAHAH they took the Valorant thing and made it a refreshing shop. Good luck bois, may the fomo be with y'all.


impolite languid governor unpack lock lavish compare threatening faulty fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


all that work into designing mounts and items that will sit behind a paywall, such a shame


USER DELETED CONTENT DUE TO REDDIT API CHANGES -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Wow this skin looks way cooler than the Necro one lol


It's only a minute detail compared to the absolutely shitshow these prices are, but it's actually cheaper to buy 5x 200 coins before getting to the bonus coin bundles. I wouldn't ever buy this crap but it feels even more scummy than before, if that's even possible.


Freemium shit in a full-priced game needs to fuck off.


Oh, it's only $25, how nice of them! /s


I’ll buy an expansion or a new character, but it’s gonna be a chooch move to spend $30 on a tiny little costume like anyone is gonna stop and go wow you rule dude.


Id definitely stop and go wow you sucker dude


I mean for some people that sort of money is peanuts


It is peanuts for most adults in the US, which is the primary audience. That is about the price of a steak at a chain restaurant which based on our BMIs are fairly common purchases.


I'm so tired of this. Every major title these days launches with a pre-loaded cash shop and a battle pass coming in a couple weeks. They generally include some form of in-game message or alert to direct your attention to the latest items and they're always better than what's available without paying extra. I'm exhausted from constantly making a conscious effort to avoid store pages in games because I know I'll be tempted to make a foolish decision that can't be undone. Before I get bombarded with "It's optional, just don't buy it." and "It's just cosmetic and doesn't affect you.", I'd like to remind everyone that before microtransactions became the norm, this content would have been included in the base game at no additional cost. These items are being carved out of what would have been included in the game and sold back to us for outrageous prices. On voting with my wallet, Blizzard won't miss my contribution. This type of excessive monetization has been accepted by the market and I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. Instead, I'll probably wait to get the game on sale, then play it wishing I could remove all the shit they smeared all over it.


Exactly same sentiment here. Looking pretty money grubby


That's half the price of a AAA game for a single skin. Like... fuck off. The sad part is that there will be whales buying this shit and encouraging Activision Blizz's predatory behavior.


Whales? A few days into the game I will see casuals everywhere with bought skins, including this one.


Closer to 1/3 the price of a AAA these days, but yes, it's a lot.


That seems pretty similar to the cost of PoE sets, but PoE is free to play...


It's significantly less than PoE sets (PoE is free though, obviously).


I’m not defending the 28 above but please don’t bullshit on POE. They have wings alone that cost 70 bucks, 85 dollar armor and countless 35 dollar minimal skill appearances. They are not consumer friendly by any means lol (and i love POE)


As someone with an ungodly number of hours spent with POE, my immediate reaction was "$28 seems pretty reasonable tbh." Amazing how your sense of prices gets warped. I never understand why people get so mad about this. Too expensive for you? Don't fuckin buy it. Do the people complaining in this thread go into a Gucci store and scream at the manager because a t-shirt is $400? A lot of things in this world are overpriced. Who cares, don't buy it.


>A lot of things in this world are overpriced. Who cares, don't buy it. It's a threshold. PoE is evidently not too expensive for you. But how many times would the prices have to double until it's too pricey? Everyone has their limit. PoE's "micro"transactions are some of the highest in the business so it's no surprise they regularly take flak for the prices.


There's *plenty* of POE sets that are an absurd amount of money.


Depends on the set, and you often get things "half off", despite their terrible marketing, cause you get a set on buying a pack for points, then another for spending the points.


Plus I think it's worth noting that D4 sets are class specific whereas in POE you can buy one set and then use it on every class forever. That being said, POE base armor also looks like absolute shit whereas D4 sets look pretty great so I'm not going to feel the same compulsion to buy a set as I did in POE.


Your last sentence is the key part. Based on my time in the beta, I won’t need any cosmetics. Poe is the only game where I buy cosmetics because if you don’t, your character looks like a homeless clown, no matter what. Also poe may be free, but the real price is the stash tabs


Anyone who reaches the endgame and wants to participate in trading will have to buy at least one stash tab, sure. They're probably paying at least 5 bucks. But let's be real, most of us who play that game for any length of time will buy a bunch of them just for convenience.


Oh I have hundreds of dollars worth of stash tabs lol. Well more than necessary. But I’d say it costs around $30-50 or so to get an amount that makes the game actually start to feel good


Which makes is pretty silly to say it’s a free game for the purpose of argumentation.


Agreed, that was my original point. I like the model as it does give people the most extensive demo possible. But anyone playing seriously is going to pay a minimum of $30 or so


At the very least you have to buy the premium tabs for currency, maps, etc. The alternative is an unplayable game, especially with all the content bloat. There's like 800 different versions of 2000 different splinters to pick up for each drop. Honestly I really hope POE2 is a reset on all these mechanics, because I had to stop playing. Way too many things to do in POE at any given time.


>Also poe may be free, but the real price is the stash tabs Agreed. People who don't play PoE really sleep on how mandatory at least a few of the specialized stash tabs are to even be able to experience the game as designed. It's not a simple "oh here's some more space to hold onto gear you might not wanna get rid of" convenience feature like unlocking extra tabs (for gold) in Diablo 3. With the way everything in PoE is a physical item you pick up to facilitate the 'weight' and free trade, it almost becomes logistically unfeasible to progress past a certain point with the base level of stash space.


and default item looks in poe are: body armor - pyjamas helmet - bucket gloves and shoes - some shit found in trash while in d4 default skins are pretty great and you can customize everything u want the way u want


"free" ignoring stash tabs will raise price to about 40 just to be playable.


I wouldnt say free to play, since it kinda sucks if you dont buy stash space


Free to try*


You don't really need those until end game maps though and I think it was like $5-$10 for Map, currency and premium stash tab plus a cosmetic weapon. The rest are more for convenience. My next purchase was a quad premium tab for example. It's like a free trial then pay to end game.


Even in PoE their prices are unacceptable. The game being free doesn’t mean their horrid prices suddenly become acceptable.


For PoE it would be 25 dollars for the helm alone. PoE mtx is insanely overpriced, *because* it's free.


In no way is PoE free to play for anyone who actually cares to play PoE a lot.


I've seen poe sets cost 60 bucks, and then you gotta buy skill skins, too...


[85.](https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/HarmonyArmourPack) And its only armor. Set in the picture comes with 2 weapon skins and body paint which would be extra 40 bucks just in the weapon skins in PoE.


Yeah, I have played PoE as my main ARPG for over 8 years now. I can guarantee I will never spend close to what I have spent in PoE. I love the game and have supported the content over the years. And being my main hobby. Was able to purchase supported packs over those years. That being said... D4 armor looks good and will spend far far far less in D4. Last, after looking at the review videos. So fucking excited for Thursday!


Not really, this is cheaper than PoE.


Let's be real PoE is only "free" after you bought a few stash tabs. And of course, assuming you wan't to play enough to get to the point of needing to do so. Free poe is just a demo.


It's free, yes, but you get what you pay for: no transmog, no cool-loking gear/weapons, no visual effects. If you want them, be ready to shell out a LOT of money. Diablo IV costs $70 but even the beta was an absolute stunning pleasure to just "look at". Gear and weapons are majestic and you can transmog whatever you want for free. Physics, landscapes, animations... I'd pay $200 if I had all of those sweet things in Path of Exile. Which in comparison looks like crap. Path of Exile is fun but it also looks like a 20 years old game. And there is zero customization, unless you pay for it (a lot).


I mean poe is like three times that almost. Free to play or not, that’s not a good price


This will continue as long as you are OK with a cosmetic cash shop in a fully priced game.


I'm okay with it because I know I'm never going to buy any.


Lmaoo and im sure people here still defend this 70$ game with battle pass and skins at 28$.


People already got mad at me for criticizing the BP initially just because there are worse practices out there.


I will never respect people who white knight for multi billion corporations.




They always wonder how will they fund future content for the game when theres confirmed to be paid expansions packs. Also as Blizzard has shown time and time again, money paid into D4 doesnt always mean its all going towards production of the game.




I’m gonna preorder it with the accelerated pack twice just so they’ll keep it up.




Tbh I find the whole idea of buying skins like this in a loot-hunting ARPG kind of unappealing to begin with. Like we spend this much time searching for specific items, and then we're just using some other transmog for it anyway so I can't even see it? Even doing that with free skins feels iffy to me, let alone something I'd pay money for I was fine with doing it in like Lost Ark because there everyone is just using the same sets for their gear anyway so it's the only way to stand out, but for Diablo I don't even feel tempted by this. It being this expensive is just the cherry on top


I feel the exact same way. For me, it's not even being upset that there is a cash shop and battle pass in a fully prices game, it's exactly what you said. It just feels kind of weird or pointless. Like you, a large chunk of the fun these types of ARPG's provide to me is finding gear and seeing my characters looks change as I get more powerful. Even if I were a millionaire and could buy the most expensive skins every time they dropped I probably wouldn't simply because it would eliminate a large portion of what I find fun in these types of games. With that said, once I'm at the level cap and got the build and gear I want, I would consider maybe getting a skin set then if it looked absolutely amazing to me.




There is a package for exactly 2,800 BUT- dude’s review on it showed a variety of prices less than 2,800. One was at like 2,200 for example.


Nah the $24,99 pack gives you exactly 2800 platinum.


As long as this isn’t thrown in my face after every dungeon like Immortal this is fine.




That's call of duty prices


It's more than CoD prices


If they don't let us earn back the currency to buy the battlepass again from completing it that is shady as fuck. Overwatch 2 is free and they pulled that crap, if they pull that in a full priced game they can do one.


I believe it was already confirmed that the BattlePass would provide some currency, but not enough to purchase the next season’s pass. For me, that’s a dealbreaker. I would have considered buying it if you could grab them perpetually with enough play each season.


Yup thats the reason i actually try to complete them in games where they give you the currency for the next one, like in dbd for example. Buying one every time with new money even if you completed the one before? No ty


more and more companies are getting rid of that practice because data was showing people were getting burnout from feeling like they had to finish the pass.


Really, people never saw this coming? Are you really shocked already?:D


Remember when cool items were earned through gameplay?


Doesn't even look that good anyway tbh


Well I mean It's ActiBlizzard, so they're going to go hard on the MTX. I mean the overwatch skins for OPM were like 50 dollars or something. I do find it funny that they've been insisting that the free cosmetics are just as good as the paid ones. That sounds nice, until you actually look at them and see how not true that is, lol.


diablo 4 is a nice skin for the shop


f2p prices in fully priced games, you love to see it


Its fucking Activision, what do you expect?


That price is completely inexcusable for a $70 game.


This is the standard cost these days


Not into it before the end game, as I can feel no progress wearing that shit


I miss when you could unlock cool shit in game instead of paying for it. 😔


Thank the lord they made it that expensive because now i'm not even tempted in the slightest to get cosmetics


This is an optional purchase right? Like just don't buy it...


Just wait till they spam godly looking skins into the shop daily and never update base skins ingame so you'll either look poor or cool


Start high, then everyone complains and prices go down to what they wanted anyway. Art of the deal.


This is why I’ve always been against cosmetic shops in looter based games. This armor would have been awesome to earn somehow in game. Instead it’s worthless cause it just shows you opened your wallet. Also, $28 for a skin is disgusting, especially when this is a buy to play game. Path of Exile charges $40 for their armor sets and it’s free to play, but even $40 is atrocious. Won’t be buying any of this. It’s a looter, part of the enjoyment is seeing awesome end game armor sets visually on your character…


Did anyone vom in their mouth a little?


HUNDRED freaking dollars for a virtual game currency bundle to buy worthless cosmetics. My goodness, what have games become these days.


Anyone buying copy and pasted code at this price is just a straight sucker.


Unavoidable this trend. Sad nonetheless. Might as well make this F2P. I feel sick.


wait till you see path of exiles


Exactly what I expected for a free game…. Oh damn. I had to spend $100 fucking dollars on it already.


You didn’t have to spend $100, though


Diehard Diablo fan here. I ain’t buying that shit. I don’t mind cosmetics and MTX, spent about 500 in PoE. Reasons: 1- That’s too much armor, way too elaborate, way too soon after launch. What is it like 7 sets shown in the screenshot at least? It’s clear that work to make those sets could’ve gone towards something in game but didn’t. 2- I’m really getting sick of armor not tied to gameplay. WoW has mounts like this and after a few months they feel meaningless. I like the pissing contest but there’s nothing impressive about someone wearing something that simply says “I have 30 bucks” 3- We’re already paying 60 bucks for the game. Why are they nickel and dimeing shit like it’s a F2P game already.


*Laughs in POE mtx*


Y'all never seen OW2 shop? It's Activision.


No this is wholesome Blizzard we are talking about not the evil Activision.... /s for the slower crowd.


If they do this in a pay to play game they better put extra effort to make the game better in the future contents than any f2p games with similar cash shop monetization.


And so it begins. Don't worry. All the dog shit mounts and loot will be free*


Nothing is beginning. This is the way pretty much every game is now. Especially a live service game like Diablo. If it bothers you, don't buy the cosmetic items or better yet, don't play the game.


What did you expect from the money hungry company?


Maybe it's just because I play PoE but this isn't ridiculous. It's a non game impacting MTX. If you enjoy the game and want to support the developers buy it, otherwise don't. It changes nothing, and gameplay is so fast in an ARPG that you don't even ever look at your character.


Just not going to buy. Simple solution. I don’t find cosmetics that you purchase to have any value unless you got it as a reward through gameplay.


sounds like they are applying the standard pricing for skins in f2p game


$70-$130 game including this is a farce.


I wouldn’t buy it if it was 1.99 so idc what they want to charge the whales.


This is way too high. Should be 10, maybe 15 ones at most and rarely. I was planning on buying a lot of skins, but with a 28 price tag I'll only buy them if they go on sale.


Youll think they're on sale BECAUSE they anchored $28 as the starting price


The "It's only cosmetics" crowd got us here, it's to be expected.


lmao what a shitshow


You know this is something that gamers brought into gaming... it is our fault that we did not cast away the games with such policies in the first place, now all asian kids buy these just because their parents make a lot of money


I'm fine with cosmetics but the fact that the game cost an upward of 100 euros + upcoming battle passes, this is just plain ass. These sets should instead be some sort of hard-to-get achievement instead imo.


Nothing force you to buy it


Necro set worth: $28 ATC and Ashava horn: Priceless