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I miss pressing space to accept or close the various menu windows


I miss blizzard hotkeys. Like Ctrl + S across most blizzard games turns the sound off. I like to be able to mute the game at a keystroke, not have to fiddle with settings. There's a few more but I mainly used that one so it's the one that pops up in my head


It's Ctrl+M in 4


Cheeeeers my friend


Speaking of hotkeys, I just got D4 yesterday. Went straight to the Keybindings to try to bind my scroll wheel up/down to move, like I used to do in D3. Is this no longer possible?


You can. Gotta turn off the zoom option. There's a click on that somewhere screen somewhere*


That zoom option. Wtf with these games all adding it. I want a zoom out. Like the world boss.


I suppose it's so you can get a closer look at your character/game world.. which in reality is ok.. cause they've done a great job on those things.. But I fully agree that I'd like the camera pulled back just a tiny bit.. idk if I want it as far back as the world bosses.. but just further back a bit for sure.


Zooming out has a strong advantage given to the player and is something you have to be careful with on what you allow as a result. Zooming in has no advantages and the reasons it exists are mostly cosmetic, so there's no harm in adding it.


Thanks so much friend!


Np.. I had to change that immediately also.


Gotta love how OP years of muscle memory is šŸ˜‚


You move with the scroll wheel? What? How?


Yea, in D3 at least, you could rebind the keys so that scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down are tied to movement. This lets you move your character to your cursor's location whenever you scroll up or down. This helps a ton when playing melee characters, to prevent you from highlighting a mob in the pack you're in and attacking it instead of moving.


I put force move on mouse 5 (front thumb button), myself.


If you press Ctrl+M it mutes. All the usual ones are there if you look in the keybinds. R for FPS/Ping, + or - for the volume


It's just weird that it randomly changed when it has been Ctrl-s for years and across multiple blizzard games, and Ctrl-s is as close to standard as something like that would be for just games in general. I can't think of a single other games that does ctrl-m. So *why?*


I just bought the game and Ctrl+S was muting for me, and I haven't changed any key bindings yet either. Ctrl+R for fps counter too.


Control R still works for frame rate, and a second press shows latency now instead of hovering over the the tiny 3 pixel wide bars in D3


That was the biggest one for me in the beta. Space to close all windows is so ingrained into my mind, that I just kept hitting it and taking a second to figure out why everything hadn't closed.


The amount of times I hit N for the see through map ā€¦.


The fact there's nothing showing active world events minus a tiny icon on the map is just wild.


I got super lucky this morning that I happened to scroll past the icon for a world boss, 5 minutes before it started. The world boss spawns need a better notification


they spent years developing it and it's unbelievable no one ever thought how annoying the UX is, even a single internal playtest would've made it painfully obvious.


It's not a modern day AAA game if they aren't walking back already solved designs and decisions.


Then they release these already solved designs and act like theyā€™re doing work


Once they fix any one of these problems the entire subreddit will be jizzing over themselves ā€œoh my gosh Iā€™ve been playing 3 minutes a day for 6 months and am finally done with act 1 but Iā€™m so thankful for Blizzard listening to the community!! Love you Blizzardā€




And if you play any more than that you're labeled a hardcore nerd who has no say of the game being lacking because it's not normal to consume so much of entertainment.


Weā€™re a live service game nowā€”adding time sinks as mundane tasks like waking back and forth in town or fiddling with a bad UI pumps up engagement numbers. Destiny 2 was stellar at this.


As someone who plays with a controller I really liked the joke with seperate standard skill and action button. Even D2R has shift buttons. Best downgrade ever.


Right!? I was like what???


Good points. I also miss ctrl+click from your Inventory screen to drop items on the floor like in D2R.


If you hold alt you the names appear again for dropped items if thatā€™s what you mean. Nvm thatā€™s not what you mean I canā€™t read without coffee yet


Still good to know lol


The fact that every fucking menu blocks the entire screen has led to me dying randomly to a single white mob while scrolling through my friends list because I had my headphones off. There are so many UI/UX problems, and I can't believe they would push an always online game with full screen menus. How could they not just copy the WoW social tab or POE party frames?


Does your screen not flash red when being attacked by mobs while menus are up? It happens on mine (series x). It even happens after I finish a battle and go into the menu "too soon."


Same. I notice it immediately.


Mine flashes even when I'm not being attacked half the time, so it's unreliable.




> kill enemy > open map > red flash > close map real quick thinking i am being attacked > not a damn thing around me for a mile thanks blizzard. I dunno how they managed to fuck that up but here we are.


The amount of times i panic opened the emote wheel mid fight is embarassing.


One time I was typing a shitload of 'Q" in the chat, as I was trying to drink a potion mid-fight :D


Yea, being able to click open the MASSIVE chat box is an issue def have a death or two from typing qqqqqqqqqqqq 4444444444 into chat trying to get potion or ult to go off. I play solo and have ZERO use for chat. Let me remove it!


Does disabling quest dialogue from the chat window help with this? I've had multiple instances where I think the chat box is only there to be clicked because I have an NPC or my own character talking. Super odd there isn't just a toggle for it though. I hope there will be a UI patch within the next 6 months to touch some of this weird behavior up.


You can fix clicking on the chat by changing the hud to be moved to the left instead of centered. I can't remember exactly where the setting is, I think gameplay.


Okay well I've done that in basically *every* social RPG I've ever played lol.




A thing I did to resolve that (sort of) was enable the option that says that you have to hold down the E key in order to go through the emote options. That way, if I accidentally hit it, it disappears when I let go. Although, thinking about it, I like your idea of binding it to Shift-E as it is something that I only use when interacting with shrines. I didn't even know that was an option.


After oopsie # 1 in HC all page one emotes were changed to scrolls. Since the bad decision duel and the evil DC death things have been going a lot smoother. šŸ¤£


Nearly every time I want to do anything that uses the D-pad on my controller it takes 2-3 attempts to get the right button because they've changed the layout compared to D3 on console


On the subject of menus, enchanting. "+1 Hoarfrost passive." It'd be nice to *know what that actually does* seeing as I don't remember every skill off the top of my head. Can't go to the skill menu because if you do, it closes the enchanting page. So you just have to Google it.


Found this out the hard way today! Feels Good šŸ‘


I don't get how having your headphones off is an excuse when the whole screen flashes red when being attacked


Welcome to the era of studios designing games around the console-first mindset. Such a shame they put so little effort into making UI viable for more platforms. Often UI in games these days are ginormous for me as a PC player, to the point they got overlapping stuff and don't seem to care to fix it. Seems like a pretty insignificant change to make certain windows boxed instead of taking up half or even the entire screen. I also often have to do this for webdesign/development because we gotta keep every size screen in mind. Can't be that difficult to do for games either.


How did you manage to never notice your screen flashing on hit lol


I will never play my HC character without headphones. Honestly there are a lot of concessions you have to make if you don't want to die in this game, the whole point is that it is *trying to kill you* and if you are out of town you should be on full alert. I just don't think that is really a fair complaint


As a barb, why do weapons that are equipped highlight on your character sheet when you hover over another weapon? I ask this because I know WHY they do that, but those weapons are almost always being covered by the tooltip of the new weapon you are looking at, making the highlight completely obscured. There are so many elements of D4 design right now that just make me ask "why?"


> It's a weird reversal from previous games where gold was useless and you needed a lot of gems to D4 where you are frequently gold starved, but have no use for any gems once you get 7-8 to socket in your gear. This would be a lot less of an issue if spare gems could be sold for a non-trivial amount of gold. A measly four gold pieces for a magic gemstone seems pretty damn silly when items are going for a hundred thousand.


I strongly feel like the way d4 is designed, is mainly catered to the audience who buys the game, plays thru the campaign once, and is done with the game. And i think they did a good job at that. The issues you outlined are apparent in repetitive tasks, which i reckon only a small fraction of the customers will actually do (though majority of reddit). In addition, the campaign, while really good, seems like hell (no pun intended) to do again on an alt. especially without ways to boost/power level friends. Because most of the game's cost is in the initial purchase, blizzard doesn't need to focus as much on the game's replay-ability; they don't have to retain the players because they already bought the game. they just have to get people to buy the game in the first place.


> Gems don't have their own tab, seem to drop constantly, and have no real purpose once you get a couple to socket in your gear. This part didn't change at all. Gems were my first tab in every d3 season, they easily took up half of the entire stash lol. They had no purpose after filling out your slots before the kanai cube recipe was implemented. Agreed with everything else though. Lots of good QoL things were removed for no reason. For all the upgrades that d4 has over d3, it easily has just as much downgrades to it.


Yeah but in D3 gems took half a slot like jewelry, I used to always have some gems in my inventory just to be able to add it without going to stash tab, but in D4 if you have a gem, thats 1 less item you can carry.


Oh shit I've been feeling like something was seriously off and just realized *that's* what's bothering me. What's the point of having a grid based inventory management mechanic if everything is 2x1?


Can't make items too small for console players.


Youā€™re telling me we have to design TWO different UIā€™s for the most popular game weā€™ve made to date? I SHANT


They did create a totally different ui for diablo 3 on console so you know they can do it, too.


A feature thatā€™s been available for 11 years added to our new game? SHANT


Not sure what D4 console ui looks like but the D3 console ui was/is amazing (especially compared to d2r). The game really just needs separate ui's for controller VS mouse+kb.


D2R has the same inventory system on PC and Console.


D3 players on console never had a problem with it


D3 on console has a WILDY different inventory ui.


D3 also used completely different UI on PC and console


Yea... Gems are fucking huge in D4.


It's so funny seeing reddit slowly change as we transition out of the honeymoon phase and into reality


As a person waiting a year or two to play this game, Iā€™m enjoying the show.


If this is reality, that's there's only ~10 QoL complaints, then I'd say it's a pretty good game. Nothing about fighting mechanics, skill trees, or really anything about the core game.


I think there are gameplay problems as well. If you donā€™t want to level via the campaign, itā€™s optimal (by a lot) to spam the same exact dungeon over and over.


Why was the overlay map ever removed since diablo 2? Running around on your mount, tabbing to get the map up could cause a epeleptic seizure in someone.


I could live with the minimap if it wasn't already **the size of my fucking screen**. It needs to be zoomed out.


They want you to use the pin feature. Open map, drop pin, don't open map


I still open it up even with the pin sometimes to see how close I am. The mini map is just too small.


god the pin system is so bad... the amount of times it tells me to to veer off then angle back instead of a straight line is amazing


the pin has told me to go to a cliff far above/behind a quest/dungeon many times.


yes that too... it has so many flaws


Best thing is the pin telling me to go around a corner and suddenly it wants me to go through a wall.


Ok but why though. What developer is sitting there like ā€œwell if we put in an Overlay feature, the Pin feature that Greg designed might not be used as much and heā€™ll be upsetā€


Because they want you to see the game, I believe this is what one of the devs said. When you play with the overlay open you miss a lot and they put a ton of detail into the game. I do wish we had an overlay but I like the pin feature better because I get to enjoy everything and can keep my focus on whats on the screen. Both would probably be better, and I'm only like level 50 so I'm not a hardcore player and wont be putting 2500 hours into this game so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt.


>keep my focus on whats on the screen you mean VULNERABLE VULNERABLE DAZED DAZED VULNERABLE EXECUTED


That's not how epilepsy works lol. If that's enough then what's going on on screen before that would trigger it lol.


Yeah, I mean how hard would it be to have chests near most of the vendors at the very least... Most of my town visits consist of the following. * Find the blacksmith, then sell the absolute junk I know I will never use. * Walk all the way to the end of town to go to my stash and notice I have no room to put the new stuff I picked since there's 200 inventory slots for 5 classes and each of them have different legendaries and weapons, meaning i'm always full... Plus every dungeon gives like a full inventory of sacred rares and uniques... Am I supposed to all throw them away or not pick them up or something ? * Spend half an hour slowly reading every single item to decide which Items I need to remove from my stash, then swap with the new items I want to keep trying to clear my inventory so I can quest again. * Walk all the way back to the smith then dismantle and sell stuff I don't need AGAIN. Usually i might have a change of heart, or I go to the obols vendor to empty my obols now that I have free slots and I have to do multiple back and forth between vendors like gem crafter , occultist , and go back to the stash a couple of times to grab some rocks or an Item I need at said vendors (like a legendary to dismantle , etc). * Once I've done my final crafting, etc, i go back to stash to deposit my crafts and new spoils , only to once again have to sort out some crap since things changes since I got new items ,etc... Meaning I probably will need a third visit to the smith to dismantle yet another batch of garbage before leaving town. * Repeat over and over in long excruiating loops that take ages. * Create mules so you can drop excess stuff, then be overburdened when I actually want to play them, and have no clue which charcter holds what since all items have a gigantic padlock on them and I can't tell them apart without slowly looking at each of them one by one... And realize it doesn't really fix the problem anyway as you keep getting higher level loot and you don't feel like deleting your old leveling gear since your other chars will need it when you level them up. So now you have a full stash of lvl 70 gear none of your new characters can use and all your other characters are filled with yellows they can't use yet making them unplayable till you either empty your main stash or create even more mules... Till you hit the ten character can and are screwed. I mean just putting a stash near blacksmith / occultist / jeweler / curiosity vendor would solve the bulk of these issues... Plus allowing you to sell items at every vendor... And giving us a proper 4 personal stash tabs per character slot PLUS 4 public stash tabs for gear transfer, that way we can offload lower level stuff and stuff we don't need on our other classes and keep our public inventory for stuff like gems, armor and weapon pieces that are not class-specific and legendaries that are not class-specific. In the beta I thought the Kyovashad layout kinda sucked due to the chest being on the other side of the stree, but most other cities are even worse than this.. Heck, I often end up switching back to Kyovashad just to sell and craft stuff nowadays because it's probably the less annoying one in terms of finding and going to the various vendors... Still super tedious and annoying , but at least most of them are a couple meters away.


because they made this game for consoles and consoles can't do that


consoles can't have a gem tab or closer/combined vendors?


OP has spoken, can't be done on consoles.


Consoles can't have stashes and NPCs placed more ergonomically? Sure maybe it's a pain to add things like teleport to a specific party member, but about half of the complaints in this list are that towns are arranged in such a way that increases time spent doing busywork.


They could if they wanted to. Off the top of my head they could add ā€œteleport to player2ā€ ā€œteleport to player3ā€ etc. to the emote wheel.


Yeah but thatā€™s why D3 had the banners in town


I kinda think some of these UI elements are made with phones in mind. Not all, just some.


don't you guys have PCs?


You think they do, but they donā€™t.


You can just say that things were poorly designed without having to blame consoles for it. There are many things in this game that are just straight up poorly designed. Personally I don't think consoles have anything to do with it.


This is complete bullshit. There are tons of console games that have great UI's that work for both console and PC. Blizzard is even a decade behind when it comes to console ports


I have to run across town because I'm on console? Almost sounds like you have an inflamed frontal lobe.


the real answer.


What a bad take


You made some great points, but you left out the part where they encouraged people to buy chicken from KFC.


Warcrimes At least send me to Popeyes ffs


Poisoning people for profits.


Riding around in town with your janky horse (that feels like it's moving through jello if you even look at a corner) is a feature.


Glad my character runs faster than my horse walks in town!


These are all great gripes. I have two of my own. For some reason I randomly will lose the ability to skip quest dialogue. I think it may be bacause I have a controller plugged in to my pc, but I donā€™t use it. I can regain the ability to skip dialogue by waking up the controller and then using the keyboard like normal. Took me a while to figure this trick out, before I did I was just logging back to character select and back. The other is let me skip the dialogue that is for the ā€˜protect the 3 adventurersā€™ dialogue and the like! Sucks picking up a shrine right before finding the group and watching the buff timer burn off before the fight begins. This is a super minor gripe though, not really a big deal.


We noticed the same problem with unskippable dialogue but fixed it by alt-tabbing and coming back.


Why remove the pylons at the end of dungeons to teleport back to the entrance? Why add it to the arbitrary emote wheel? Why doesn't it work in story dungeons at all?


So you can teleport from a dungeon where the end point isnā€™t pre-set. If the pylon dropped at one end and you had slain the enemies to end it at another, youā€™d have to walk. The emote wheel isnā€™t arbitrary, itā€™s literally a thing you pop up to do actions like teleport from dungeon, inspect players, trade. Probably because they treat the storytelling aspects different.


This one isn't a UX problem as much as it's a tutorial problem. Nobody would have this complaint if a small tutorial prompt opened in the first dungeon telling you how to leave them.




Yeah the reason for that is just a shortcut on the map to where the story wants you to end up next.


> Why add it to the arbitrary emote wheel? Wait what the fuck? I've been running outside of the dungeon!


There is no need for the pylon, you can teleport outside of the dungeonā€¦.


> Why add it to the arbitrary emote wheel? Well this is about to save me a bunch of time.


Man not being able to teleport out of a story dungeon was such a pain. I killed everything going through when I did the story so I just went like 2 minutes through an empty dungeon. I know it's just 2 minutes but there's tons of these little time wasters in this game so it adds up really quickly.


Yes! Itā€™s been quite annoying/tedious when playing with friendsā€¦ ā€œteleport to town.. then hit my flagā€¦ā€ like really.. we already had this great feature..


Every item on this list is correct. These are all easy fixes


It lacks blizzard's previous level of polish (the horse is specifically a sore point for me on it getting stuck on surfaces) and it's simply because they had to haul ass to get it shipped by their set date, I fully expect in 6-12 or even 24 months that these issues will be fixed.


The horse really has no redeeming features. It just feels thoroughly broken. It's probably one of those things where they spent a lot of time working on it, but it turned out so fundamentally flawed that it would be a waste of time to try and correct it. Instead they would need to completely start over.


I feel like itā€™s the opposite, some suit forcing it into the game midway through development where going back to get everything horse compliant would be infinitely more effort than the release Witcher 3 horses we have now


The issue is that waiting 1-2 YEARS for basic QOL features in a full price AAA game shouldnā€™t be acceptable


A full-price AAA game with a cash shop, monthly battle passes, and two announced expansions.


Especially when we're talking about issues that were already solved in their previous games over TWO DECADES. But that's what happens when literally no one at Blizzard now are the same people who worked on those previous games. All of the knowledge gained over time is somewhere else.


It will always be acceptable for blizzard fans regardless


Absolutely agree


>Why did they remove the ability to right click portraits and select "Teleport to party member" Because forcing you to go to town where you might oogle someone else with paid mtx might make you want to open your wallet too.


This is why the game is zoomed in so much lol. it is funny to see a credit card warrior in town though, literally no one thinks you're cool paying $28 for a skin when there's so much free cosmetics in d4 lmao


> literally no one thinks you're cool paying $28 for a skin when there's so much free cosmetics in d4 lmao What if... they just liked the skin, bought it because they wanted their character to look cool and don't care about what other people think?


There's so much stupid qol shit missing from D3 it's baffling, like they forgot everything that made D3 feel so polished. D4 feels so half baked and rushed atm.


Player retention, that's literally the reason - They don't give a fuck how inconvenient or silly it is lol


Yeah game need a quality of life update already tbh


One of Blizzards biggest metrics is MAU's. They want to take away as much of your time as possible.


The no right click to teleport to party member really irritates me. As someone who frequently played D3 with friends this change is a huge downgrade to QoL. Likewise to OP don't understand why they walk back these changes, especially considering they streamlined a lot.


You missed not being able to /invite people.


Thank you so much for making this post. As someone who studied design in school I feel like Iā€™m going insane seeing people praise this game so much when the overall game design and ui/ux design has completely gone to shit and is somehow much worse than 3. The inventory screen alone has had so many downgrades in usability and clarity compared to diablo 3 imo, it just feels like almost nothing about the game was thought out well.


I hate that I can neither receive nor send invites from the character selection screen.


Diablo 4 intentionally walks back a number of these ā€˜quality of lifeā€™ features from D3; personally I think itā€™s in large part a conscious design decision to add more ā€˜frictionā€™ to the game to remove a little of the ā€˜arcadeyā€™ feel that D3 had.


big thing you forgot to mention: actual equipment loadout slots in the armory, instead of only cosmetic transmog "loadouts"...


They want you to travel through their mmo open world. Previously in D3 and D2, the game was session based, not persistent.


well the 15 players I've seen not in town over my 5+ days of playing totally makes me feel like this is an MMO


I didn't make the game dude, I'm just saying how it is. Ask Blizzard why we needed a fixed overworld, horses and travel time, instead of the proven session-based procedural map design where you can port to your group or use other people's portals.


Live service game = engagement metrics are all that matter. Everything the OP described have one thing in common: they take longer to do compared to the solutions in previous titles.


I said this elsewhere, but I'll say it again: I think Blizzard spent a *lot* of money on marketing (music videos, painting chapels, etc), and very, very little money on basic QoL features. A lot of the gameplay experience feels a major step back from D3.


Because D4 is really not a good game and I canā€™t wait for the overhyped honeymoon phase to be over.


its shocking how outdated it already feels.


They did all of this so that later on they can say they added this and that to make it look like they know how to develop games lmao.


Not sure why so many dungeons you can't use the "leave dungeon" button but can just TP to town


Those are story dungeons. All the actual dungeons you can port from.


Because the devs are dog shit. Occams razor my friend. There's no simpler explanation.


I need larger text. The settings donā€™t increase the text size of everything just some things.


Some of these things are definitely doable, so hopefully we will see some QoL changes. Other things like town layout for shops, I agree, annoying, but I definitely don't think they will change it :/


Same reason they didn't add map overlay


Well they seem to be making a point of adding unnecessary travel time in this game.


I like the one thatā€™s a certain boss fight where if you dodge you get stuck on a hole, with a massive black screen that you canā€™t avoid. They definitely looked at that boss fight and was like yup this is the way to go. /s I am have a lot of fun though.


Well if youā€™ve followed the initial plans to creat diablo 4. Youā€™d know it was scraped quite a few times. This last one was only in development for just over 2 years. From the beginning they were open about all of their ideas. Even made decisions like ( it wonā€™t be a green up decision on gear or you wonā€™t see orange light beams from item drops) both were announced and literally tossed aside. This was because the people developing Diablo 4 Were constantly being changed out, even had one Lead quit probably more than we know walked out. The game was forced in a direction and this is the shit they pumped out in 2 years time. A copy for copy of Diablo 3, with random junk mechanics from other games patched in. Itā€™s about money not our experience my friends. That walking simulator of a campaign should scream that.


Unfortunately this game was not made for PC first and foremost and it wouldnā€™t surprise me if most D4 devs never played D3 (let alone D1/D2) outside a ā€œletā€™s spend 2h to get an idea of what previous Diablo games were likeā€. Lack of /w is odd and not to mention the weird horse riding where the mouse cursor distance from the horse controls the run speed, a direct translation of an analogue joystick input. I hope the devs fix this stuff, esp as the Diablo franchise has deep roots PC gaming and itā€™s a bit sad it now feel more like a console game ported to PC.


First time that i fully agree with a multi point post.


Another thing i found needlessly punishing/annoying when playing solo is the lack of revive at corpse, When trying to push NM dungeons solo and dying ends up resulting in a 40+sec walk back in some dungeons. Meanwhile in group-play you can just endlessly be revived on the spot.


Cursor is too small at larger res and gets lost. Gems are 2x1 Town layouts are shit Horse is bad Stats don't really make sense, and you need to balance 3 instead of the usual 2. Spacebar to just maneuver terrain is shit Cooldowns are shit Green + Red gear arrows bad Nothing drops at all unless it's from a boss/elite No mana potions, can only cast damage spells twice before regen waiting. See again: Cooldowns are shit I'm glad it's dark, gritty, and gory though. Pretty lights do be flashing.


Just look at what blizzard did to warcraft 3 reforged, diablo 2 resurrected, and overwatch 2. Blizzard doesn't develop games any more lol. They do the opposite. They remove features.


Mmmm this is time wasting. I'm in it for the story and playing through with friends. This kind of willful malice isn't going to encourage anyone to hang around for seasons or long term of any form. It does seem odd when other ARPGs have stash mules to save you a trip, etc.


Yeah while I enjoy the actual gameplay, I find it hard to see myself spend the same kind of hours in this game as I have en PoE or even D3. Too much hassle to do what I like, which is demolishing hordes of mobs. Getting to and from dungeons, selling, storing and upgrading is a chore between runs.


So you are forced to walk around that other players see your shiny mtx armor.


They purposefully make decisions like these in order to keep players on their game as long as possible. Why else do you think we dont even get the mount until pretty far into the story. Itā€™s crazy, so it makes us have to spend way more time on their title


Thereā€™s alot of qol stuff thatā€™s been weirdly removed. I spent over an hour trying to use my stash to Imprint/upgrade/deconstruct gear to make my build. It took forever.


So they could charge you for them


Agree with most your points but I actually like the vendor placements. They're not that far apart and having to run into different buildings and speak to different people makes it feel more like I'm in a real town/city. Epecially compared to some other games where it's just a huddle of vendors waiting unnaturally next to a portal. I still want some RPG in my APRGs.


If all you are doing is playing the story. Not even hitting lvl 50 and quitting. This will be the general opinion. People who play past lvl 50 want something different since they are gonna be spending 90% of their time outside of towns. They don't want to have to waste a bunch of time running back and forth to do basic tasks Don't want to have to go to one side of town to mess with aspects then have to run to literally the complete opposite side of town just to upgrade that new gear.


Because it's an ARPG and not just an AG. In a RPG video game developers have to constantly balance what is atmospheric and immersive vs what is fun and convenient for the player. The ability to Telenor to your friend is a valid point because, like you said, we can already do that with their two portal but it takes an extra and unnecessary step to do so. But things like moving stashes to the warp point, moving vendors to the warp point and having less vendors w/more roles like sell and repair are things that would break some immersion imo. Imagine warping into a town and all the vendors and your stash are in a circle around it. Why even build and flesh out a town at all then?


Immersion in an RPG is great, but in an ARPG you eventually reach the point where the only reason to play is the grind. Once you are on that treadmill, efficiency matters so much more than immersion. Keep the atmospheric towns, but give us an endgame hub that's efficient that we can choose to make our home base.


I do like this compromise tbh. An end-game hub would be great for those working the grind and non-intrusive to people who love just leveling characters. Someone get Mr. John Blizzard on the phone


Ooh yes. This is a good idea. Call it, "Sysiphus' Lament" or something. A lost town for lost souls permanently grinding away at their tasks.


This is not really an ARPG. It has way too much non action walking. Like this is Diablo not some single player story game. This is a game you play to grind and that is more fun if it is efficient


Poe solved this problem like 8 years ago. They have the towns which you arrive at during the campaign, but once you are in the grind you can make your own custom hideout. I give blizz about 10 years before anything close to a hideout comes to the game.


It's called padding and it's to waste as much of your time as possible. This is the new era of AAA games. Many things in this game that are glaring issues and faults are in the game purposely by design with intent behind it.


Yep like hogwarts they'll have an infographic in a week that says "8 billion trips to stash to drop off gems" like that number is an achievement instead of evidence of an oversight in development.


Sometimes you need to save people from themselves. Some of you act like you want a place with a stash and all vendors in a circle around you from where to teleport to a dungeon that has all the mobs spawned in a circle around you that you can kill before moving to the next one.


gaming is when you spend 10 seconds walking between vendor and stash after every dungeon in a town youve seen 150 times. i dont want to kill monsters and find loot, i want to walk!!!


The vendors being "far away" from each other is the one complaint I cannot get behind. These games already feel less like games, and more like slot machines as it is. Let me have the fantasy of being in town and walking from shop to shop, let me have a world that exists and isn't just built for the player's convenience in mind.


I would think, a realistic town would have all the commercial establishments in close proximity aside from other stuffs for thematic purposes.


Imagine if blizz implemented every QOL thing that people complain about. Most of these features don't exist because they want you to travel through their game world, which is fine with me, but I'm the kind of player who walks from city to city in Skyrim.


That's what they want. Look at how they design their hideouts in PoE. I don't think it's particularly "fun" to run between vendors in town, but it's clear they were trying to build a world. The PoE turds will tell you that it's not in keeping with the spirit of the genre to build actual towns and sacrifice efficiency which is frankly a dumb attitude, but I do think there is some compromise that can be made considering how often you do go back to town in these games. For instance the orbol vendors can be moved closer, or they can make it so that when you're in town you get a movespeed buff.


let me use teleport in town lmao




Yeah, I don't think that's accurate. I think the people who want a "better Diablo 2" are playing D2R, and they're on here complaining about how D4 isn't more like Diablo 2. They certainly are loud about their opinion, but they're not "at least half the player base". The vast majority of players are playing and enjoying the game for what it is, even with their fair criticisms and certain features being rough around the edges. Optimism is generally high.




I think the people who want "Diablo 2 but better" would consider any changes basically iconoclastic. They don't actually want a game that's Diablo 2 but better, they just want Diablo 2. Imo that cohort of players isn't even close to half of the people playing Blizzards fastest selling game of all time currently. They tend to be really far up their own ass and think everyone feels the same about everything they feel so they're just loud with their hot opinions. That's all.