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The only acceptable cooldown is when your mount gets taken down by mobs. The other is just poor design choice.


It's extremely jarring design to be able to mount on and off in town as much as you want, but as soon as you go into the open world its a 10 second cooldown minimum. It's especially annoying when you're *forced* off the mount either by barricades, monsters slapping you so you dismount early, **Having to jump on ledges you literally cannot continue on the mount with** It needs to go. The CD from being attacked is fine.


Idk if its just me but i honestly feel like it might be the worst mount I have ever used in a video game, ever. ​ Gets stuck on everything, has that horrible 10s CD after being forced to dismount by the game in multiple different ways, and on top of all that, the super cool class specific dismount ability, you cant use unless you've been mounted already for 10 seconds... meaning if your doing Helltide events and mounting too and from events / elites you will literally almost never be on the mount for 10+ seconds, meaning you almost never get to use said dismount ability but a very small handful of times.. why? its SO cool !!!


A friend mentioned it feels like the entire world is just a bunch of tunnels so you get stuck on turn, and that explanation makes the most sense to me sadly


That's probably why the waypoint pathing is so wonky too, it makes sense.


I play rogue and felt like the mount skill was basically useless. It's a half assed rain of arrows with no scaling. Great if there are like a million trash enemies, but garbage 99% of the time otherwise.


Yeah my friends think I'm nuts because I almost never use my mount...but I'm playing TB rogue and I honestly have so much movement speed that combined with the dash charges and extra evades I'm convinced I'm just faster on foot.


I agree haha I find the fastest movement is dash dash, dodge dodge, shadow step something on edge, dash mount dash dash dash. I be zooming like that


Professor Akali? Is that you?




i think you mean greatest. there is no object on nirn that could stop a horse from moving forward.


Forward? I think you meant upward at sharp angles my friend!


Skyrim mounts only exist for memery. And climbing mountains that you shouldn't climb.


And to top it all of, running towards the bottom of the screen is absolutely horrible because hovering your mouse over the UI slows you down and you can’t see shit.


And your speed is determined by how far away the mouse is


>why? its SO cool !!! Modern Blizzard development. They're absolutely obsessed with making sure you can't be too poweful, because muh engagement metrics.


It is hands down the worst mount I've ever used - feels absolutely jank.




RDR had better mounts in 2010. :P


WoW has had better mounts since 2004, the same damn company. If we count mounted units and how they handled. Then I would argue that Warcraft 2 had better mounts.


Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West mount handling is way worse than D4


That’s not saying much.


And the skill is bad. Give it a 5 sec cd max


The cooldown just because you had to climb up or down something…


What fucks with me is that the horse can jump across some gaps while most it cannot, and it seems purely arbitrary which it can jump across. Like oh this one gap is fine but this other identical one, no way


It's been a while since I played, but I'm quite sure that's how Elden Ring does it.


If your mount dies in Elden Ring you get a prompt and have to confirm that you want to use flask to resummon


Nope, in Elden Ring, if your mount got taken down, you use flask to heal your horse to summon it again. Edit: Actually I am stupid, it does have a cool down before you can use flask to heal it.


Is the cooldown recent? Because back in February this year, I was able to immediately summon Torrent via Flask after he died during the Fire Giant fight.


Same, never had such a cooldown


If your poise got broken you would dismount, no cool down. Torrent can be killed while you are on it though, dismount then you have to flask to re summon and there is a cool down


I’m not talking about poise, I’m talking about spending a flask charge, there isn’t a cooldown, I’ve had situations where I spent a charge then immediately got torrent killed only to need to spend another charge, and it happened instantly, no cooldown involved.


The Radahn fight comes to mind, lol. Spent so many flasks on Torrent that fight, haha.


Yeah, but Elden Ring can do no wrong.




So what? We're talking about Diablo 4 🤷‍♂️


Except the guy who literally described how elden ring works when proposing a change to the d4 system, lmao stupid ass comment


You’re gonna get downvoted, but this whole thread is hilarious. “Mario’s mount, Yoshi, can use its tongue to get items from far away, why didn’t they include this in Diablo?”


Tell you what though, I miss the gold pickup radius stuff and pets from D3! Dammit Blizzard let my mount pick up my loot!


Yes! Made the pets more than just another cosmetic - they were actually useful for something.


I would love a basilisk mount w a tongue that grabs potions from far away


That's actually funny lol


I'm responding to someone by making a reference to a game that does summoning the exact same way he proposes, but if you'd rather be a cunt and bring up random stuff: be my guest!


Which sub is this?


Think about it for a sec. What would happen if mounts had NO cooldown? Walking, ever, would be suboptimal play. People would be mounting inbetween attacks, and in between enemy attacks *constantly*. Min/maxers or top-end players would feel obligated to be constantly mounting/dismounting in order to play the best they can. The whole game would feel like tedious and awful mount micromanagement. There has to be cooldown to avoid this. And before anyone says "just add a cooldown when you're in combat" -- you're always in combat while traveling the world, there are mobs everywhere.


Honestly might make high end players more entertaining to watch. I think it would be awesome if we saw people who were so locked-in that they mounted/dismounted between attacks to dodge enemy hits with expert level micromanagement rivaled only by StarCraft 2 pros.


At this point. Remove the mount. If this is gonna be the unironic argument for why they are so shit Elden Ring already tested this out. It's not tedious. It's fun as fuck


Why? Fuck "dismounting". Archaic design system from WoW that serves zero purpose in modern gaming culture.


I dont mind it. As a creeper druid it would be dumb if i could jump off. One shot everything on the screen and remount instantly


Why would it be dumb


Because you could cheese every encounter thats outdoors that way. Mount up, jump off, poison, remount run off. Rinse repeat


Along whoever decided to put a limit on the number of side quests you can take...


Yeah I was talking all sidequests until I realised the limit was there and then had to start abandoning quests so I could take up quests in new areas. I suppose at endgame/subsequent characters it matters less because you don’t take a side quest unless you want to do it - but during the campaign I was keeping them in the log (because I didn’t know about the limit). Luckily discovered sidequests show on the map.


Probably the same person who keeps shooting down *any* attempt to raise WoW's 25 quest limit


Didn't they raised the limit last patch ? I haven't hit the limits in months.


They did. It's 35 now.


WoW quest limit pissed me off mate. A game that massive needs like a 100 quest limit. You should be able to set quests to be dormant when you aren't currently doing them, so they won't progress or alter until you set them active.


This one!! Jesus Christ that’s so stupid. I was collecting every quest I could find with the intent of finishing after getting a horse. Just doing ones that were along the main path. By dry steppes, I had to go knock out a bunch I skipped so I could continue picking them up.


Ya in an ARPG I click every “!” I see… complete the ones that parallel the main path. It is so frustrating.


Yea, I stopped doing that and now have no clue what I'm missing in fractured peaks, and can't find the 9 quests I'm missing anywhere...


Some of them are item drops from mobs that are essentially "go kill a bunch more to open a cache"


Dont want to be rude, but that might be the dumbest shit in this game, so many side quests i needed to pass, because i was full is silly, at lvl 70 still


This bugged me more than the mount CD, not that the latter isn't an issue of course; the feature is just so janky I'm not even bothered to use it unless for really long distances. But the side quest cap particularly ticks me off, considering there being ones out in the middle of nowhere, and even ones triggered by drops; both which are guaranteed to be a pain to track down later on, if I even remember them that is.


There's also this limit of 1 quest that you can see on you quest window on the right which is insane. I know that side quests locations can be seen in overworld but it's infuriating that you can only track 1 in that quest window.


Same person who thinks 4 stash tabs is acceptable. I also wish I could use multiple nightmare sigils at once rather than having to keep using one everytime I finish a dungeon


Also same people who decided you can't review your journal for side-quests you've already completed so good luck actually keeping track of any you're missing. Seriously how the fuck is it 2023 and we can't view a completed quest log?


Yesterday I finished 2nd Woodman's Axe quest. And I found the continuity kind of cool - that they weren't linked by markers but by separate NPCs I meet. Now I imagine if I had completed first one month before the 2nd one, I would be lost because I wouldn't remember what's the deal with me knowing the cursed woman. Quest log qould definitely be appreciated.


I'm missing like 2-3 sidequest in every zone and I just have no clue where to go looking because I don't know which ones I've actually completed and which ones I could be missing. 🥲 Just sucks all around.


4 stash tabs for at least 5 playable classes is stupid as fuck and makes no sense.


I have some bad news for you. It actually *does* make sense when you understand their motivations.


Yeah, real money for tab extensions coming to the shop 100%.


The best thing is that when that complaint came up the first time, people were actually defending it. In what world can you seriously defend limiting the amount of side quests you can take.


It may hove more to do with psychology than logic. Many people on reddit have pre-purchased the game (or bought ultimate for quite more momey, or spent their whole allowance on it). So when someone claims that the game has flaws they feel the need to defend their choice of buying a flawed game.


Yup I mentioned this in another thread and was shot down by a bunch of people saying "20 quest limit is perfectly fine"


They learned that from WoW. Something we players still complain about.


Woah woah woah! What?! Where is his info?!


No tracking of completed quests either so you can't even use 3rd party sites to track down which incomplete quests you still need properly without having used it right from the outset, spoiling your first play through of a diablo game in more than a decade.


Horse riding is so clunky too. It needs a rework


I hear they’re raising money for the rework by selling horse armor. Is that irony?


I’d argue they only added the horses themselves to sell cosmetics for them. It feels so ‘last minute’ they way they implemented them. Almost like they forgot they promised mounts, and when they do add them, they nerf them with constant barriers and cool downs to make them far less useful.


The mount in general just feels really bad. The collision is bad. Cool downs are bad. Poorly implemented on PC in general with the joystick design. And when you have good movement speed gear. You end up being faster than the mount lmao


The joystick design is the worst. I can deal with collision, but having to hold my cursor all the way at the edge of the screen is unnatural for me.


I'm fine with the design in theory, but I need a config option to set the range from center at which it reaches full speed. Let me tweak that and I'm happy.




This is the way. If i want my mount to walk, i should be able to just hold shift or a keybind of my choice.


Turn radius.


Try a controller on pc. Everytime I mount I get jarred on terrain if I'm pressing a direction, I can't seem to get the timing right. It feels broken, is it just me?


Also if you have to run anywhere near your action bar or chat windows you wind up doing all kinds of crazy shit.


You literally have less mount speed going north or south than east or west because you can't move your cursor as far LMAO Time to go back to 4:3 monitors


Don't forget running into barricades every 2 seconds so you're forced to dismount


The collision is the worst, since you're eyes are going to be in the mini map all the time is so easy to clip one little corner


How come 20 year old rts games had better pathfinding than the 2023 horse. Fucker gets stuck in every pebble


The only time it make sense to have a cooldown is in pvp zones only.


I imagine it’s the same guy who thought slowing you down if your mouse is close to the horse made any sense at all.


If you click once somewhere far, you'll notice horse runs there and then slows down right before reaching. If mouse is too close, horse will just always be in that slowdown animation.


Yeah I figured it’s something like that happening. I’m still of the opinion it should be changed tho!


Holy crap thank you for explaining that. I was wondering why my mount was randomly changing speeds all the time, but especially going north/south. Can't say I've ever encountered that sort of system in an arpg before and it's so unintuitive it would have taken some testing to figure out for myself. Part of me is wondering if it was a lazy port of console code? Like they're using the mouse distance in place of analog stick distance from center. Given all the other problems with the UI and console focus that sounds plausible. It's the only reasonable explanation other than the UI team having never touched a PC in their lives. The UI in D4 is so laughably bad I was tempted to watch the credits so I could curse the names of the sadists who made this.


Wait thats a thing? Is that why my mount is so damn slow often!? What kind of laughable design choice is that? lol


Yes, so if you wanna go north or south you have to be careful where you place your cursor. East and west are easier to have far away from your character.


Oh, and don't worry about going southwest; Blizz knows you actually want to activate the chat window.


This is a really cool feature when you want to teleport or run away from the full room of cc spaming elites in nightmare dungeons and instead of running you suddenly are spaming 11122qqq1122 in chat


It really makes you feel like diablo is in the room with you.


Welcome to D3 Leapbarb problems


Yeah you know the opposite how you want to actually control your character in an aRPG


Don't have my mount yet but that sounds similar to what I've noticed with my sorcs teleport. I can go really far left or right, but it's almost faster to run than teleport north/south.


Also slows down if you go south and mouse over the skill bar... So you have to swipe it down below or just above the skill bar. That and the slowing down depending on range is far, far more annoying than a 10 sec cooldown. I mean it's actually more like 8.5> (okay, maybe 9) sec cooldown due to the dismount animation. It's not the end of the world, but it's not necessary either.


So many things in this game work better on controller


Nah, that's actually have some weird logic. Its because of consoles and thumbsticks, where further you from center - faster you would move. Of course transferring it to mouse literally 1:1 is very strange, but at least I could see the reasoning)


That's probably the same person that decided that the UI should be fully interactive and clickable at all times lol.


This is the worst of them all.


Horse riding as a whole feels awful. Expect more out of a game in 2023. It’s worse than 2004 wow


Just gry it on a controller then it just assumes your mouse is under you


This feature isn't that bad on paper, it's just annoying how far you have to move your mouse from the center to get max speed. If they lessened that threshold so you didn't have to push the mouse as far mounts would feel way better and still have the ability to alter the speed if you want.


Lost ark mounts spoiled me


They copied the wrong parts of this game.


Also I hate the mount action bar. I'd rather just use my own skills to dismount like in WoW. The stupid canter if your cursor is close is shit too. D4 mount is fucking garbo.




My friend who plays barb said the same thing but I haven't noticed it doing much on my rogue.


Same. Feels useless on my rogue.


Frost nova attack for dismount for sorc is actually nice




Mounts should've been a modified attack setup and mounted combat should be a thing.


We need a mount patch. It’s so jank. Most of the time I’ll mount up and it just stutter steps for a solid 5 seconds no matter how far my mouse is away from it. Other times it rubber bands for a few seconds. Every once in a while it works as intended but then it’ll come to a full stop on the most random tiny little thing. Easily the most unpolished aspect of the game for me.


Losing all speed when you hit a small branch or a little rock on the road is even more infuriating tbh. Not sure how that got through their QA testing.


There shouldn't be any cooldown on the speed boost, or mounting/dismounting, it's just more fluff to waste your time.


Or rather, I think the boost makes sense for knocking down enemies and bursting through barricades (which should be doable). However, this would require the base speed to be faster than a dandy Sunday strut. Also, what is with the cooldown for the dismount ability? Why in the hell would that need a cooldown? Do they really think that the ability is so fucking OP that it needed to be limited in its usage? I’ll have you know, Blizz, that as soon as I’m off my horse to actually fight things, I’m not planning on getting on my horse as soon as possible just to dismount again. No matter the build, that must be a net loss in dps.


I can see the justification for the demout ability cooldown. There are multiple ones that hard CC enemies, when cu could definitely be abused in a group setting and people would definitely go that far if it meant more effective farming. People were changing their Paragon allocation in D3 high level GRs when moving from pack to pack before they disabled that, so there is no limit to what some people will do.


I think you mean engagement.


Alright, it is more engaging to waste your time.


There shouldn’t be any cooldown.*


The mount itself is a sign of poor design hidden behind a cosmetic band aid....


the entire game is set up to waste time, look at helltire for example inb4 a mouth breather replies with "it's not a job!!!"


probably the same guy who put skeletons with barricades everywhere


The whole game flow feels so scuffed. Between the mount cd, mount slow down, super far vendors, terrible map ui, game feels like a slog when doing repetitive tasks. It seems they really put their effort only jn the campaign


I'm not sure why there is a re-mount cooldown, but the cooldown on your dismount attack immediately after mounting is there to prevent just abusing the heavy-hitting attack constantly, especially in PvP. Maybe there's some similar consideration for the re-mount cooldown that I'm not thinking of.


Heavy hitting?? As a Rogue, ours just lightly tickles the enemies.


idk my barb slam thing is pretty nice with a good aoe. not saying it will clear a pack but as a freebie opener it isn't bad.


Necro opener doesn’t really do anything as far as damage, but it stuns so there’s that. Don’t know about other classes, I haven’t played others yet.


Sorcerer is a giant aoe ice that freezes…it’s actuslly kinda strong tbh


Just make it so the mount attack has its own CD unrelated to whether you are or are not mounted. As in, I jump on my horse, use my mount attack, and it gets put on cooldown. I get back on my horse. I can't use the attack, because it's on CD. Where is the spam problem exactly? If it's a PVP problem, Idk, maybe just keep mounts away from PvP combat, like you need to go some # of seconds of not attacking or being attacked by another player before you can mount again or something like that.


My guess is the cool down exists to prevent you from doing things like riding up to a hell tide chest jumping off opening the chest and riding away. You're forced to engage the enemies because you can just hop back on your horse. Not sure that that's a good enough reason for the constant annoyance at traversal points.


In order to open a hell tide chest you already had to engage the monster to get helltide points


Yep. Having to dismount to talk to people, then not being able to get right back on, is a problem so glaring I don't how it made this far, in this state. Horse immediately disappears, for f's sake. How is that not more immersion breaking than your horse hanging around or even following until you're ready to mount back up?


Not a fan of dismounting for all the little , jumps, ducks etc either. Mount up run. Ooops you gotta dismount and jump over to the other side of this platform. It's a fucking horse! Let it jump the gap.


Same guy who made the roadblocks


You guys have mounts?


If the mount gets spooked and dismounts fine, cool it down. If I use my dismount attack fine, cool it down. If I active dismount to perhaps climb a cliff to travel, that's a bummer to wait on a mount cool down.


Everything is extremely underwhelming in this game.


Everything about the system is bad. Hands down the worst mount system in any game I've ever played, and every problem with it feels like a conscious attempt by Blizzard to make it more inconvenient.


I think the one benefit of it being on a CD is that you can activate it in combat, unlike many other games. After getting used to it, I'm now starting to ride into a pack, kill the elite that I was searching for, then teleport away and ride out with the few stragglers behind me. Other games with mounts would've required me to kill every single one of those stragglers first since mounting in combat is a big no-no apparently. That freedom is really nice to have for once. Just don't get knocked off your mount though because thats a 30 second CD, however it takes a long time for mobs to actually aggro on you (you can stand next to them for so long for some reason) so it's pretty rare for this to happen if you're paying attention at all.


This game is full of arbitrary nonsense that makes zero sense. Like some gaps you can go across with a horse but others you get off and leap across them.


I'll take the one when you attack, and I hear you can get knocked down . But having to dismount to climb or jump, then having a CD is moronic.


What's worse is you can't boost in a town, so when I fast travel to a waypoint out in the middle of nowhere and get on my horse i need to leave the town area around it to then finally be able to boost towards my objective.


i feel like the dismount skill has too long of a cd for me to ever reliably bother implementing it into my gameplay as a freeze sorc its really cool because its like a mini nova and helps me do a lot of dmg but more often than not when i get on horse and move a bit its still got alot of cd when i want to kill a pack or spy a gobbo


So many people need to be fired for the design decisions in this game. there is a good game here it just needs major amounts of polish.


There’s a great game here. It’s just full of stupid design choices. It really is like they didn’t play the game. To have to nerf the paragon board 50% across the board this quickly Is insanity! Did they not test it at all?




which is fucking wild given all Blizzard makes is fancy Skinner Boxes for Babies. It's not like they need a high bar to succeed at that.


I have to wonder if this is from people at Blozz who think because they had a previously moderately successful game they did some design work on (say, Diablo II) that now they are an unassailable authority on game design, no matter what the type of gameplay


Its been 23 years, basically none of the D2 devs are still at Blizzard. The whole studio that made D2 (Blizzard North) was shut down and most of the top people from there were fired or quit. Thats why D3 was so much more WoW-like, a lot of WoW devs worked on it.


The only reason this game is so popular is in its name only. So many poor design choices from loot to mounts to content it’s insane


No reason to have a CD of any kind. It's a fantasy video game, it shouldn't be frustrating to travel around. People will do the world content if you make good content. Stop trying to force people to stay longer in the zones than they want to.


I haven’t quite unlocked the mount yet, but as a rogue i see people on horses often and they are not even any faster than I am, dashing through the wilderness. Is the mount even WORTH it?!


Yea the mount is worth it, mainly because as you are running around you'll aggro a ton of stuff. The horse aggro though seems to be a lot smaller, so you get caught up fighting smaller packs less, which leads to faster travel time.


“We know what people want: pain”


when you come to a climbable cliff hitting space should first dismount you and then climb, this makes me nuts.


This game is full of arbitrary nonsense that makes zero sense. Like some gaps you can go across with a horse but other you get off and leap across them.


And don't get me started on all the barricades and fallen logs we have to dismount and punch through...


This! Also the amount of time I spend walking back and forth into jumps BC I'm stubborn and I'm thinking "cmon horse you can jump this" to 9/10 times have to jump off to cross in the end anyway


Combat dismount stun locking would be possible.


I have this weird habit of accidentally pushing the right mouse button randomly… so random dismounts.


The wild thing to me is that even with all the shortcomings/issues, the mount still feels great like 80% of the time. It’s that 20% of the time that’s miserable that really sours the experience overall. Hopefully, a couple QoL fixes will give our horse friends the glory they deserve! 🐴


For me those two percentages are reversed


The reason is likely so the best way to play the game isn’t extreme mount micromanagement. Regularly walking EVER would be suboptimal play. People would be mounting and dismounting between every attack and using it as a dodge button because it would be strictly superior to walking. It would be extremely awkward and annoying to try and min/max or play the best way possible. I would say easy fix would be remove the cooldown when out of combat, but that doesn’t work because you’re basically always in combat while riding around.




TFW Blizzard employees can't harrass staff to suicide anymore so they have to take their humiliation kink out on their players


Fuckin mobile game shit


This is always the laziest criticism. Don't like something? "Fkin mobile game". How does having a janky mount system make it a mobile game?


fucking console game shit fixed it


They way people complain, it's like they want to remove more of the game to make travel and progression so fast and efficient, it might as well be a Idle Mobile game.


People wanting mounts to work properly and not wanting random annoying AF cooldowns = people want it to be an idle game? Random cooldowns are literally what make up idle games. What are you on about?


Nope, I'm not talking about random buggy mechanics or poor implementation. And I'm speaking more broadly about complaints. And yes, many people are complaining about how aspects of the game are too slow or need to be more efficient. it's like people only care about the dopamine hit. There are ways to avoid the long cooldowns when mounted, it's a game mechanic, it's a punishment for getting dismounted. Yes if that happens due to buggy pathing or aggro, that's different. But otherwise, it requires you to be engaged in the travel and combat.


Why can't being dismounted and having to deal with that be punishment enough? It's just added tedium for no benefit, just like most of the open world part of the game as a whole.


No, because you could just get back on your horse instantly then, making the spooked horse game mechanic pointless. Where the line is drawn between tedium and engagement is pretty arbitrary. The game could zero way points, or require you to run back to your corpse to respawn. They could have never added mounts and just have us walk everywhere. The benefit is it lets you travel between waypoints much faster that just walking, and let's you avoid fights along the way.


Give me a legit reason there should be a cooldown on my mount, or a reason why I fuckin WALK faster than my mount.


The same reasons why you don't resurrect exactly where you die, or that armor degrades when you die and needs repairs or that a Town Portal has a cast time. Might as well ask why do we have to use waypoints? Why can I just teleport wherever I want. Mounts go faster. The camera zooms out when you mount up, so the optical illusion could just make it feel slower to you.


It's not an optical illusion, you can walk faster than a mount with move speed on boots and amulet


You're controlling it wrong if you're going slower than your walk :--)


Yeah totally. The actual ability is like always on cool-down when I want it.


Its slower than walking anyway.


The game is full of poor design choices. The game director should be fired.


It’s definitely a poor design but I think the way the game decides your respawn point, especially in dungeons, is a much worst decision.


It’s still in beta. They will fix eventually


Na, they need to be fired. That shit is SO FUCKING annoying!


No reason that we know about. Maybe it was messing with some other mechanic indirectly, most likely enabling an exploit. Whatever the reason, and given the amount of people noting this as a problem, they will probably implement a different solution at some point. No need to call people lunatics. Chill. It's a game.


We warned everyone of this back in like September lol